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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 58

by Alice Cooper

  Wrapping his hand around his cock, he slowly began to stroke up and down. He could picture her perfectly. But now he had a current image of her in his mind. Not the one from 20 years ago. But the one that he’d seen today. No the one he had helped to save earlier in the day. That image was the one he saw as he rubbed himself.

  Trent wanted to cum badly. But he also wanted to hold back, just in case she did show up on his door step. Then as he thought about it more, he knew that even if he did orgasm right now he would be ready for her! “I want her so bad.” He said aloud as he began to stroke himself a bit quicker now.

  His breathing got hard and then he was cumming. The sperm spraying all over his body he moaned and he felt better. Trent didn’t even cleanup he fell asleep quickly after his orgasm. His dreams were filled with Kimberly and him making love in the past.

  Groggy he came awake later on. Something had bothered him in his sleep. Trying to focus and come awake, he noticed it was now dark outside.

  “Shit, what time is it?” He said aloud.

  Checking his clock he saw he had slept for over 6 hours. Picking up his clock he checked to see if he had missed any calls. There were 2 new messages. He clicked on them.

  “Trent, hey this is Kimberly. Um, I’m not sure what to say. I missed you all these years. I just couldn’t believe it was you I saw today. That you had come to save me and it made me think. If all those years ago you had listened to me, you wouldn’t have been there today. It would have been someone else. Another person who wouldn’t care for me the same ways as you do. What if they had failed? Then it would have been you who had found out while sitting at home that I was dead.” She took a deep breath in. “It wasn’t fair of me to ask you to leave the Seals. I now know that and I’m sorry too. Oh why didn’t you pick up? I would rather say this to you in person. I miss your touch so much.”

  The message ended. Trent just stared at the phone. He looked at the time she had called it was 4 hours ago. He clicked on the second message and listened.

  “Trent it’s me again. I guess you changed your mind?” She hung up. That call was from 1 hour ago.

  He dialed her number back. She didn’t pick up right away. Finally he heard her voice. “Hello.”

  “Kimberly, I was sleeping. I haven’t changed my mind. Come over please.” Trent said.

  “Trent I had thought the chance was gone.” He heard her choke up. He could imagine the tears on her cheeks.

  “I’ll come to you, where are you?” Trent asked.

  She told him and he was out the door in a minute. Driving as quickly as he could without going over the speed limit he was there in about 10 minutes.

  Kimberly answered the door immediately when he knocked. “Come in.” She said, standing to the side.

  He stopped by her and swept her into his arms. Kissing her deeply, he kicked the door shut with his foot.

  “You taste so good.” He said coming up from the kiss.

  She looked at him with the eyes he had seen so many times in the past. Those eyes that were inviting him to take her, and he planned to do just that.

  He pulled her over to the bed. Taking off her clothes slowly, he devoured her body with his eyes for a few seconds. Taking it all in, she was in great shape still. He lowered his mouth to one of her breasts. Loving the way she leaned into him as he bit on her nipple.

  Trent heard the sharp intake of her breathing that meant she was very excited. He lowered her onto the bed softly. Looking down at her naked loveliness, he licked his lips in anticipation.

  Her eyes were bright with passion when he looked at her. He lowered his mouth onto her sex. Flicking her clitoris with his tongue he knew it drove her crazy! She jumped up.

  “Please Trent don’t tease me.” She moaned loudly.

  He snickered. “Oh it would tease me just as much. Trust me I’ve missed the taste of your pussy.” He covered her mound again and bit lightly on her nub. She screamed in pleasure.

  Lapping up her slit he pushed his tongue in. Holding it straight like it was a cock pushing into her vagina, she thrust her hips up onto his tongue.

  She grabbed his head as her climax hit her hard. He licked up her juices and stuck his finger into her. He knew he could make her cum again.

  Kimberly screamed out as her orgasm thrashed over her body. Trent pushed his cock deep inside of her. The moistness of her pussy wrapping its lovely arms around his prick, he moaned loudly.

  “I don’t think I can last long.” He warned.

  “That’s fine we have the rest of our lives together.” She said.

  He stopped and looked down at her a question in his eyes.

  “Yes I will marry you, if the offer is still open.” She commented.

  “You know it is.” He said.

  “Then Mr. Jonas you have the rest of our lives together to make love to me. I don’t care how long you last this time. Just love me.”

  Trent didn’t need another word from her. He thrust into her pussy hard and fast. Letting the wet walls of her snatch hold his cock tightly. He moaned out as his orgasm took him over the edge. Trent smiled as he felt her pussy walls quake and her moan as she climaxed.

  “I love you.” Trent said as he rolled over beside her on the bed.

  “I love you too.” Kimberly said to him.

  He wrapped her in his arms. As he pulled her close he knew the world was perfect now. He didn’t care what happened tomorrow. His decision of saving her and not informing anyone about their connection was his choice.

  Falling asleep he woke up a few hours later. Kissing her forehead he got up. “I have to set an alarm to get up early enough to get home and be ready.”

  “Be ready for what?” She asked.

  “The Captain called me in for a meeting at 0900.”

  “Trent why did you do it, your career is on the line now?”

  “Honey I would do it again every time I was asked. I wouldn’t trust your life in anyone’s hands but mine. If I get kicked out so be it.” Trent answered honestly.

  She kissed him as he lay down beside her. “You have really changed.”

  “No I just realized finally what was important to me. It took some growing up to do, but I’ve had plenty of time to learn.”

  He pulled her close again and they were soon fast asleep once more. The alarm woke him in the morning.

  “I’m sorry love. I have to go get ready.” Trent said kissing her.

  Her eyes were still full of sleep. “Good luck.”

  “I don’t need luck anymore. I just wanted it for yesterday to make sure I kept you safe.”

  He walked out the door to go to his house and prepare for his meeting. Really there wasn’t much he had to do. Trent would take a shower and make sure his dress uniform was pressed nicely. But as far as thinking of what to say, there was nothing he needed to do.

  Trent could only wish for the best. He walked into the office.

  “Hey Melissa I have an appointment with the Captain.” Trent went up to the receptionist.

  “He’ll be right with you.”

  So it was serious enough that she wouldn’t even say my name, he thought to himself. His mind raced thinking of what he could do once he was out of the military. The time is coming quickly, he told himself.

  Well it wasn’t like he was old. He’d gone in when he was 18 years old. Just last month he had turned 46 years old. He could use the money of the GI Bill to go to college. Or he could even get a private job with a security agency or maybe the CIA. Plenty of past Seals had moved on to a position in the government. They still got the fun of adventure once in a while too.

  Trent shook his head. “No dangerous jobs. I can’t do that to Kimberly ever again.” He said to himself.

  He saw Melissa look up. “Excuse me did you say something?” She asked him.

  “No sorry, I was just thinking out loud.” Trent stated.

  The phone on her desk buzzed. He watched her answer it and shake her head yes. She looked up at him and said. “He’s
ready for you now.”

  Trent got up and went in the door. Saluting the Captain he said. “Sir, Senior Petty Officer Jonas reporting.”

  The Captain saluted him back and told him to sit down. Looking down at his desk and the paperwork in front of him, he sighed. “I think you know why we are here, right?”

  “Yes sir I know why.” Trent answered.

  “Well what do you have to say?” The Captain asked.

  “Honestly sir I would do it again. If it was her that was captured and she was in danger, I would go in an instant. I can’t count on another person to save her. I love her and I would die to protect her. I think this is the best attitude to have for any mission. If you know that you would die to protect the person you’re trying to save, how can you go wrong? You’re going to make sure everything is done just right. You’ll watch to make sure no mistakes are made. Sir you would go above and beyond your duty to get the mission completed successfully.” Trent said.

  The Captain studied him and shook his head up and down as he processed what was said. “Son I know your right. I honestly do. It wasn’t me who put this policy in place though. If it was strictly up to me I would get rid of this and say go about your duty. But it isn’t me and more than just this office has been involved here. What I’m saying is we have two choices here. One you can retire now and earn your pension for 25 years of service. I’m sorry but they don’t add anything to the amount you would receive between 25 and 28 years. So you will be losing a bit of money in the long run. But our other choice is to court marital you, and I would rather not do that. If you retire you’ll get an honorable discharge that’s the other good thing about doing it that way.”

  He took a deep breath. “I knew it would probably be something like this. But Sir I can’t lie and say that I wouldn’t do it again. Because anytime that it might come up again I would be right there with the rest of the platoon. I would make sure my wife came back safely.” Trent stated.

  “What do you mean your wife?” The Captain asked honestly shocked.

  “Well she’s not my wife yet. But she will be she accepted my proposal last night.”

  “So it wasn’t just a passing fancy? Well let me see if I can do something. I might have an idea.” The Captain stated he looked deep in thought.

  “Yes sir, what would you like me to do?” Trent asked.

  “Could you wait outside for a bit?”

  “I don’t have any other plans sir.” Trent walked out to sit down and wait. He wondered what the Captain was thinking of trying.

  He wanted to call Kimberly to hear her voice. But he was too nervous and didn’t know what to say to her. Then he knew the perfect thing to do. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

  On the second ring he heard her voice. He smiled she sounded lovely. “Hello sweetheart, I just wanted to call to tell you I love you.” Trent said to her.

  He could hear her smile. “Trent, oh I love you too. So what happened?” She asked sounding anxious to know what was happening with him.”

  “I don’t know the Captain sent me out of his office. He said he had an idea and was going to try something.” Trent told her.

  “Well maybe this is a good sign? I’ll keep my fingers crossed.” She said.

  “I thought you said this was too dangerous, you didn’t want me doing it anymore?” Trent asked her.

  “I was serious when I told you last night. Well I guess I didn’t finish the thought, I hung before that.” She sighed. “It was never fair for me to ask that of you Trent. Yesterday I saw what you were like on a mission. I knew at that moment that you cared if you came home. You just didn’t know how to tell me. I should have figured that out a long time ago.” She said.

  “How could you know if I never told you?” He asked, wanting to admit his part in the past wrong doings.

  “You did tell me. When you were talking about your mother and how she was to you. If I had really listened I would have known why you held back with me. I mean you told me you loved me, but why you never wanted to do more. She made you scared to commit when you love someone. It hit me yesterday. I think I was more shocked at that realization then that you saying you loved me. Why I hadn’t seen that before is because I never saw you on a mission. I never listened to you when you told me you were safe. Seeing you out there and watching you. I could tell that you believed that with every inch of your heart. I always thought you were just placating me, but you weren’t. I don’t want you to quite something you love.” Trent could hear her crying as she was talking.

  A weight felt like it had been lifted off his chest. Trent hadn’t even realized that was what he had been doing in the past. “You know I never knew I was doing it for that reason. But your right I was doing that.” He took a deep breath. “But if they don’t kick me out or let me retire early, I don’t know if I’ll be able to transfer to your station.” He stated.

  “Baby, I’ll move here to you. I can easily do this, remember my dad is still good friends with the right people.” She stated.

  Trent smiled. “You are really the greatest girl who a guy could ever find. How the hell did I miss out on these last 20 years? Sometimes I am such an idiot!” He laughed.

  Kimberly laughed on the other side of the phone. He had to wonder if the Captain was an acquaintance of Kimberly’s dad. For the first time since yesterday he felt like his chances of staying in the military was good.

  “You are an idiot at times dear. I love you though idiot part and all!”

  Trent looked up as he heard Melissa’s phone buzz. “Hey I think I have to go. I love you and I’ll call you soon!”

  “Okay love you too Trent!” He heard her say as he took the phone away from his ear.

  “He would like to see you again.” Melissa said to Trent.

  He got up and entered the Captain’s office. “Sit down Senior Petty.” The Captain said.

  Trent took a seat. His stomach clinched up on itself. He hadn’t been this nervous since he had first asked Kimberly out.

  “You know this meeting could have been a lot shorter if you had told me about you and Ms. Sanks engagement.” The Captain looked at Trent seriously.

  “I’m sorry sir; I didn’t realize it might have benefits at that point.” Trent admitted.

  The Captain smiled and said. “He said Kimberly had told him that when she talked to him last night.” He laughed. “Jake and I have been buddies since our days at the Academy together. Your fine no problems and the rules are being rewritten as of now. “

  What are you kidding me? She knew when I talked to her it would be okay.” Trent shook his head.

  “No she didn’t Jake told me that he wouldn’t interfere in this unless you told me something. He wasn’t taking any steps to help. He said Kimberly wouldn’t have it any other way. He also told me that she said to tell you that you would understand that statement now.”

  He shook his head. “Yes sir I do understand it. I know I have the greatest wife in the world. It won’t be a long wait either. I love that woman.”

  Trent walked out of the office and headed straight to Kimberly. She was waiting outside for him and as he approached she ran to him and jumped in his arms.

  “Hey watch the PDA lieutenant.” He stated.

  “Hell with those rules, we’ll get them changed one day if we can! Plus I’m not in uniform. I just look like the wife who is very happy to see her husband home. Now come in because I’m going to welcome you home in another way.” Kimberly pulled him in through the door and shut it behind them!



  Chapter 1

  “Nina, I’ve never seen you look more ravishing or desirable. It’s a good thing that you came out with me to shake things up a little bit. I’ve been worried about you. You seem to have lost something and you seem to be just going through the motions.” Nina looked at her best friend Susan with her long blond hair and voluptuous good looks and she wonders if she ever did attract a man like that. “T
hat dress is going to knock any man out of their boots. I guess it’s true that a little black dress is a girl’s best friend. We all have one and now you can say you have one too.”

  “Susan, you know that this is not me. I’m not this risqué or erotic. If I were to step out of the doors wearing this, I would probably be arrested for indecent exposure.” Nina was looking in the mirror and she noticed that her dirty blond locks were the perfect contrast to the dark dress that she was currently wearing. It had a plunging neckline with ruffles to indicate more than what there was. It was short on the bottom and rose up to almost a scandalous amount. One wrong move in any direction and she would be putting herself out there for everybody to see.

  “That’s precisely the reason why you should get it, Nina. We know that eventually you’ll have use for it. It’s better to have it now, than to never have it at all. I don’t think I’ve seen you out on a date in at least a year. You can’t tell me it’s because of Benjamin. He’s 10 years old now and he has his own friends and before long, he’ll be old enough to stay home on his own. You’ll blink and you’ll find that life passes you by. I don’t want to see that happen to you.”

  “I know that she means well, but she has no idea what I’ve been putting myself through. That trip five years ago is still haunting me. Every morning, I wake up with his face in my mind and the regret of leaving him behind. I never told her the story. Maybe I’m embarrassed by what happened, or maybe I just want to keep it to myself. I know that there’s no chance that I’m going to see him again, especially after I left things cold.” Looking at this dress, Nina begins to see that maybe it’s time to finally shed that memory and get on with the rest of her life.

  It had been over five years, but that navy seal with that killer instinct in his eyes and body to kill for was the only thing that mattered. She found herself measuring the men that she went out with by a certain standard that they couldn’t possibly live up to. It didn’t matter if they were nice, well educated or even had a bad boy quality. She wanted the whole thing, the total package and the only person that had ever given that to her was John Evans. That man knew how to make a girl feel like a natural woman and also show them that they were respected enough that foreplay was mandatory.


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