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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 66

by Alice Cooper

  Lila walked over to him and whispered into his ear “I think that you and I might be on the same wavelength. I’ve shown you what I can do and I think it’s time that you return the favor. Find us someplace private and I’ll be glad to give you a taste of the good stuff. I do have to warn you that I’m a bit of a screamer. I think that’s the reason why I was a sought after commodity by those in the trade.” “I actually want to feel his tongue in action and see if his marksmanship is translated between my legs. I’m sure that he knows his way around down there and if the rumors are true, I’m in for a very good time indeed.”

  Jordan listened to the words coming out of his bride’s mouth and knew that they were simpatico in more ways than one. “I think that it might be time that we christen the gift that was given to us by Jamison. Let’s take it for a ride and you can sit on my stick, while I shift gears and watch for any problems. I like to push the envelope when it comes to sex. It makes me feel alive and there are days that I need that more than anything. I hope that you’re not squeamish or embarrassed easily. We may get pulled over by the police, but I think that I can play it off or at the very least pay him off.” Jordan took her hand and they mingled for about 5 minutes and then they separated from those that they were talking to and snuck down into the driveway.

  Standing there in front of her groom, Lila reached underneath the dress and pulled her panties off and flung them into the air nonchalantly. They landed a few feet from some young up and coming talent in the organization. They all looked at each other and then dove for the prize. It became a brawl with fists flying and broken bones being the result of trying to get their hands on Lila’s undergarments.

  “I think that you and I have to come to an understanding. I know what I said about putting you in your place, but right now the only place that you need to worry about is sitting on my face.” Jordan drove down and out through the gate, giving a knowing glance to the guard on duty. He peeled away from the curb, leaving behind streaks of black in his wake. He loved the sound of the hard muscled engine coming to life underneath his foot. He turned to see that Lila was holding onto the dashboard with a smile that lit up her face like the 4th of July.

  “I’ve always been a big fan of muscle cars and those that could drive them. It takes a real man to handle a machine like this.” She was not above flattery and then she started to tease him by lifting the dress, until it was up far enough that she could spread her legs and show him the split down the middle. “I do have to admit that pushing the envelope with this man takes on a whole different level. He’s the kind that gets complacent and he takes care of that by doing things that would be a little hard to explain to a judge in front of a courtroom. I look at him and I see that he’s staring at me out of the corner of his eye. I have no idea how he is able to do that, but I think that I should give him a show.”

  They drove past a long line of semis and she lifted her feet onto the dashboard to give them something to remember. They blew their air horns in appreciation for the young woman that was putting her wares on display. Some even took matters into their own hands and gave themselves a nice jerk off session with her face and her body playing heavily into their fantasies.

  “I don’t have any problem with you showing off, but maybe you should keep in your pants, at least until we get to our final destination. I have something interesting in mind and like I said I do hope that you’re not gun shy or looking for vanilla kind of sex. I’m a bit of a try sexual and I will do anything once to say that I did it and twice if I like it. All during that ceremony, I couldn’t get the feeling of your lips giving me that kind of pleasure under the table. Do you think that you can duplicate that by going down on me while I’m driving 100 miles an hour down this highway?” He got his answer by her leaning across with her ass up in the air and exposed to anybody that was driving by.

  Lila was doing that on purpose, so that he would get the extra thrill of knowing that people would be pining for her and he was the one that was getting her. She unzipped his fly and reached into his pants to pull out the one thing that looked like it had a mind of its own. “I think that what you need right now is for me to excite you enough that you are going to come after me like a man possessed. I do have to warn you that you really do need to be careful. Pregnancy is frowned within the organization, but even more so marks on my body will not be tolerated. I may be married to you, but I’m still bound by Jamison’s rule.” “I want him to know the score from the very beginning so there is no chance of misinterpreting what I’m trying to say. I don’t mind playing, but anything more serious is taking things a little too far. I don’t know where he comes from or what his childhood was like, but I can only assume that it wasn’t good. I came from Rich’s beyond imagine, but also parents that weren’t exactly friendly when it came to punishment. I should’ve known that they were only sparing the rod.”

  “I have no delusions about getting you pregnant. I don’t want children and I’ve never had any desire to be held down by some rug rat and his mother. Get that mouth to work, or I will have to pull your hair and make you do it. I think that is a great idea.” Before he could ask for permission, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her into his lap. She opened your mouth quick enough to feel the knob slide freely within her mouth. She turned slightly, so that he could see the indentation of that same knob pressed against her cheek from the outside.

  Lila was not even in control. She felt his firm hold on her hair and the pain of pulling at her follicles was exactly what she was looking for in a man. She’d never liked getting rough before, but she had learned that it brought a little bit more excitement into the bedroom or anyplace that she decided to get busy. “I thought that I loved going down on him before, but this is even better than it was the first time around. His sticky discharge is delicious and I think that he is not the only one that will want to do this many times over.” Lila was feeling like she was being used and that was exactly the case.

  Chapter 4

  “You want to put on a show, so let’s see what you can do when somebody else has control of the reins.” Jordan held onto her head and made her work along his shaft with a suction that felt like a vacuum going off in between his legs. “I guess you are a bit of an exhibitionist. I think that you and I are going to have a lot of fun and I plan to make the best use of you, while I still have you in my possession.” The way that she sealed her lips around his member had him literally pressing down on the accelerator to feel that speed rushing through his veins.

  He saw the sirens behind him, but he didn’t pay it any mind. The excitement of a car chase mixed with Lila going down on him was more than he could ever imagine. The feel of running from the law and opening up his window and flashing him the finger was only exasperating the situation. They most likely would try to cordon off the area, but he knew how to avoid detection. His expertise was not just with a gun. He was proficient in several areas of training including seduction and evasive car maneuvers. He was well versed in how to survive at any cost.

  “I wanted to be the one to give you some pleasure, but I guess that ship has sailed for the time being. You keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll do what I can to make sure that the police don’t catch you with my cock in your mouth. If for whatever reason I do have to come to a standstill, I don’t want you to deviate from what you are doing. You are to finish me off and to swallow everything that goes into that sweet little mouth of yours.” He pressed on the brake quickly, going right past the police car that was on their tail. The look on the man’s face was priceless, as he saw that the man in the driver’s seat was getting a special thrill with a girl that knew no boundaries.

  As the police car was going by in slow motion, Jordan waited for the precise moment and then turned the wheel and gave the police something of their own medicine. He slammed into the back in what is called the pit maneuver. The police car fishtailed and crashed into a nearby telephone pole. The hood crumpled and steam rose into the air, as the radiator wa
s destroyed beyond repair.

  It was such an exciting moment that he pressed down on top of Lila’s head and bucked his hips while screaming obscenities out the window at the police officer in many different languages. His cock went off like a fountain. He felt like he was going to close his eyes to the pleasures.

  Lila felt that first shot and it was almost like a bullet going off in her mouth. It hit the back of her mouth with such a speed and velocity that it actually buried itself in her throat before she had a chance to taste it. The whole thing was wasted and the only thing that she was able to get a brief taste of was the last bit that streamed across her tongue. “This guy is full of surprises and just when I think I have his number, he switches the script. I think I like that about him and the one thing that I abhor is someone that is predictable. I like a guy that can turn things around and does his own thing. This is the second time in less than a few hours that I have given him my mouth freely and willingly. I’m not exactly sure that’s true. This time was more for his benefit than my own. He used me, but I would never deny him doing it again. That might seem like I am giving away my dignity, but it’s not even close. I know the way to a man’s heart is not through his stomach. It’s through his cock and the kind of pleasure that I can give him with many parts of my body.”

  “I apologize for going a little above board. I think I see the perfect place to make sure that they don’t find us.” He turned into a mustang car dealership. Rolling to the back of the building and parking in a spot that looked like the car was on sale. There were those still in the building at this time of day, but they had not seen anything. They were busy with other clients and that was Jordan’s time to finally give her the proper welcome into his family. “I think that you should get in back and lift your legs, until your feet are touching the ceiling.”

  Lila didn’t hesitate, climbing over the seat, until she heard the hard smack and felt it coming from the kind of spanking that she deserved. “If you keep that up, I’m just going to cum right now.” She tried to move into the back where they might be able to do this without anybody knowing what was going on. Unfortunately, Jordan had grabbed onto her ass cheeks and spread them to see both of her holes waiting for the insertion of his tongue and hard fingers.

  “I just can’t wait and I hope that you don’t think any differently about me.” Jordan applied his expertise on giving a girl pleasure from behind. He plastered his face against those globes, spreading them and then giving into his need to satisfy his desire to taste her in a more direct way. He buried his tongue inside her pussy, making her gasp with approval, before taking that away and then doing the same thing to her hot and dainty little asshole. She squealed like a girl that had never had a rim job before, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  Lila loved that he was able to do this and the excitement of the possibility of getting caught was not lost on her. She had had guys give her that kind of treatment before, but this was like Christmas and her birthday all rolled into one. This wasn’t just about his pleasure and she could tell that he was concerned that she wasn’t going to get the same kind of feeling that he got.

  “I think that you may be the man that will save me from all of this… I don’t… know how I’ve even survived up to this point. God damn…your tongue is something that I am going to have to get used to. Fuck… I don’t know how you can be this good, especially when we haven’t even done anything together before. You seem…Oh my god…to know exactly where to touch me and what to do to get that desired reaction.” “He was the only thing that I wanted to touch and I had no idea how much. He was that fear and I didn’t care, as I had never been this high in my life. He was bringing a world to life that I had never even witnessed before. I was fading in and out of paradise. I began to realize that he was the only one that could set my heart on fire. I was letting him set the pace, until I wasn’t thinking straight. I couldn’t see clear. I had no idea what he was waiting for.” She screamed, but his hand was right there to make sure that those that were inside the dealership wouldn’t overhear their exclamation of pleasure.

  Jordan had never been with a woman quite like Lila before. She was something else and he wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to feel about that. He was used to having women come and go. It was mostly by a financial arrangement that ended and began the same way. He never got caught up into the trappings of a relationship. He never wanted to have a wife, but maybe he was short changing himself. He had brought death and destruction wherever he had gone. Jamison had put him in control of the flesh trade and the security of those that were working behind the scenes.

  He loved the way that she squirmed and pushed her ass up against his face, until she was moaning into his hand. It was then that he took a moment to put everything behind him. All he wanted to do was find a little bit of happiness and right now Lila was right there for the taking. “I want you to hold on to something. I’ll meet you on the other side. If you can even hear me through your orgasm, I’m going to give you something to think about.” He wiped his cock up and down the wetness and pressed forward, until the lips of her sex began to draw him in. He wasn’t sure who was doing the work, but it appeared that they were doing it together.

  “I want…that cock. I will always want that cock and I’m yours whenever you want me in whatever position.” It was one of the things that she had become accustomed to. The words were rehearsed, but for the first time she actually meant every single word. She was not just putting on airs and she felt totally powerless and willing to succumb to his baser desires. “Fuck me… You weren’t kidding about being a mouthful and you really do make others look like dismal disappointments. I can’t tell you how much I want this. I can feel you deep inside and I know that you haven’t even bottomed out. Give me all of that fucking meat and make me take it.” “I’ve been looking for someone like him and I thought that he was never going to come into my life, I thought that I was destined to be with men that were callous and didn’t care about my feelings.” She could feel the cool air and glanced behind and to see that he needed more room.

  He had opened the sunroof and stuck his head out, so that he could stand and give her his undivided attention. “I fucking love the way that you squeeze down on me like a tube of toothpaste. Life might be a mystery and everybody must stand alone, but some are fortunate to find someone to be with that makes them smile. I may be that fortunate one.” Jordan had never been much for prayer, but finding religion in this woman’s body was like the second coming. He could feel the warmth of her embrace caressing every inch of him. It made him into a wild beast that was untamed.

  “I close my eyes and I think that I’m falling. Heaven help me, but I think that I’m going to… YESSSSS.” This time, her scream was unencumbered by his hand over her mouth. Her words echoed and those inside turned at precisely the right time to see his bare ass cheeks through the driver’s side window. Some were curious enough to move closer to the window to get a closer look, until they had an audience of those that didn’t want to interrupt their fun.

  Jordan had no idea that they had garnered such an audience and probably wouldn’t have cared if he had. “I can feel the power inside you little girl. I don’t know where you came from, but I think that I’m grateful that this job has brought me into your gravity. My cock is full and I can feel my balls churning with the need for some kind of release. They’re boiling from the inside out and I need to explode.” Jordan pushed with all of his might, slamming into her and making her grunt with little bits of drool now falling from her mouth and onto the leather clad seat in back.

  Lila was preoccupied and her mind was completely overwhelmed with a certain pleasure that had never visited her before. This was what some girls called the little death. She had always thought that she was immune to such nonsense, but the way that her body was reacting told a different tale. Her eyes were bulging. Her mouth was open and there was nothing that she could do, as her arms gave out and she fell with her ass still perched
in the air. “Jordan is a name that is going to be etched on my lips for the rest of my life. I can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling, except that I don’t even know how it’s possible that he can bring this out of me.”

  He was the only one that she could think of. It scared her to think that a man like this actually existed. She was used to being used and then thrown away like yesterday’s garbage. She had learned to lose a part of herself during those times. It was almost like a transcendent moment of her looking down upon her body and not even caring anymore. He was different, but what she didn’t realize was that he was going to be very difficult to live with. His mood swings and the way that he acted aloof and stoic was going to become hard for her to handle.

  “I need you…I fucking need you, Lila…YESSSSSSS.” Through clenched teeth, he pile drove his body against her. His ass cheeks flexed and then he heard those people gasping behind him. He was balls deep and shuddering through one of the most intense orgasms of his life. It made him swallow and realize that he was parched and in need of something to quench the thirst. He smiled knowingly at those that had their hands pressed up against the glass inside the dealership.

  “I can’t even say the words… I think I’m going to allow my body to tell you everything that you need to know.” Her voice was hoarse and she lay there in a compromising position. She didn’t even care that she was making a bit of a spectacle of herself. It looked like she had been overcome with desire. “He’s restoring my faith in what a man is supposed to be like. Piece by piece, he’s putting me back together again. I have always wondered my worth. He’s going to take care of me and keep me like nobody has been able to do. A man can be kind. Love doesn’t have to come from a place of disgust.”


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