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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 67

by Alice Cooper

  “I can’t believe that I’m still hard. Even after going off like that and seeing my jizz drizzle out from within you, I still need more.” Jordan had lost his way a long time ago, but maybe she could guide him with her hand back to the land of the living. He thought of himself as dead inside, but there was a glimmer of hope with a girl like Lila in his bed and his heart. “You are amazing. It couldn’t be easy living in captivity and I hope that you never have to go through that again. By god as my witness, I will make sure that no man ever uses you like that. Those days are over.” He wasn’t sure if he could really fulfill that promise. Jamison was a man that liked to get his own way. Jordan had only been assigned to the flesh trade to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

  He had stopped an undercover officer from getting too close. His body would never be found. He didn’t care about the man’s kids or the family that would mourn his loss. They would be left without closure and that would take its toll on the family and split it down the middle. They would never be the same again.

  “I think that we should leave…before we…” She didn’t get a chance to say much more, as a police car had rolled up onto the scene. “I have always avoided the authorities as a matter of necessity. They told me from the very beginning when they took me that I could never reach out to anybody for help. I may not have been able to do that then, but now was another matter. Jordan might be my savior, but could I really get my hopes up. Incarceration was not something that I feared, but I really didn’t want to spend hours going over every detail of what had happened to me.

  “Stay here and let me handle this. Make yourself more presentable and try not to look guilty of anything.” Jordan turned to see the police officer coming closer. He had his hand on his hip touching the gun and unclipping the holster. It looked like things were going to get ugly. There really wasn’t anything that either one of them could do. The police officer looked like he meant business and his partner was now getting out with billy club in hand. Jordan didn’t want to use force, but if he was put into a corner, then he would have no choice. It wouldn’t be the first time that he had killed a cop and it wouldn’t be the last.



  BOOK – 2

  Chapter 1

  Jordan did not believe in guns, except for when they were high powered and could be used from long distances. He had several other implements at hand, but he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to have to use any of them. One of the police officers was known to him. He had found a way to get him under control by blackmailing him with photos of him with the chief of police’s wife.

  “I want you to step out of the vehicle and put your hands on top of the hood. Don’t make any sudden movements or we will have to use extreme force.” Officer Banks had no idea who this man was, but his partner standing near had some knowledge that had him shaking his head in disbelief. “That means the both of you.” Officer Banks was directing his attention to the woman that was sheepishly trying to keep her face hidden from the scrutinizing eye of the law.

  Jordan opened the door and raised his hands to make them think that he was vulnerable. He liked this game of cat and mouse. It made him feel alive. It was almost better than having sex with Lila. “I don’t think there’s any reason to shoot me officer. I was just having a bit of fun at your expense. I like to drive fast and it doesn’t hurt to have a pretty young thing going down on me at the same time. I guess I was showing off a little bit and maybe you can show some leniency.” He would rather talk this out, but he was more than capable of taking matters into his own hands.

  Lila was hesitant to get out, but the gun waving in front of the windshield was a good indication that she should follow through. She opened the door and felt the cool breeze up underneath her dress touching on that very sensitive spot that had just been given a royal screwing. “I’ve heard the stories. I can’t deny that the man that I am falling for is deadly. He could kill with practically anything and these offices really didn’t stand a chance. It’s a good thing that he’s trying to use some kind of diplomacy. I’m just not sure that it’s going to be enough for them to back down and give us a little room to breathe.” Lila put her hands on the hood feeling the warmth and also that sticky sensation running down the inside of her thigh.

  If they were to get any closer, they would see the product of his love in a very profound way. She didn’t want them to touch her and the one that was waving the gun had this look that told her that he would love to have a few moments alone with her. She was willing to do her part, but would he be very happy about sloppy seconds. That might be a deal breaker and she had known a lot of men that were squeamish about another man’s stuff on her.

  “Don’t move. I need to search your person for any concealed weapons or contraband.” Officer Bank’s turned to his partner and nodded to him knowingly. This allowed him to put his gun back in the holster, while his partner covered him during the search. He found two knives and a pair of Brass knuckles. What he didn’t find was the piano wire laced into his belt. “I’ve got this feeling that there are going to be a lot of people wanting to talk to you. My gut instinct tells me that you are dangerous and that I shouldn’t take you lightly. Your rigid posture and the way that you stand straight gives me the idea that you might have had military training. I’m going to handcuff you.” He went to grab for his wrist, unaware of the fact that Jordan was already three steps ahead. In his head, he was already putting this guy down on the ground with a broken arm and his neck snapped with one twist of his hands. He waited for that hand to come in contact, but it never did.

  The other officer saw that talking this out wasn’t going to work and decided to intervene. He cracked his partner upside the head with the butt of his gun. He crumpled to the pavement. The car had shielded what had happened and those inside had no idea what was happening. "I owe you this one, Jordan and believe me I take no delight in any of this. Leave, before I forget who I am and that I serve justice. We both know that we will never be even. I’ll always be at your beck and call. I don’t know how long you plan to keep this hanging over my head, but I guess I really have no choice.” Officer Whittaker was appalled by how he was behaving to a fellow officer in blue. He was his brethren and partner. He treated him with the disrespect of making him into a laughingstock. “I needed you to make it good and then I suggest that you disappear, until that the heat dies down.”

  Jordan smiled cocking an eyebrow and then relieved the officer of his weapon before he even had a chance to realize it was happening. He punched him square in the jaw. It brought him down to the ground on top of his partner. It looked a little silly like they were sleeping on the job. Jordan turned to those in the window of the dealership and gave them a salute. He moved his finger along his throat to tell them that anything that they said could come back and bite them.

  “I can feel my heart beating. He makes me feel like anything is possible. It’s almost magical. I don’t think that he did me any favors by shooting his load inside me. I’ve been very cautious about having the guy wear a glove. If I were to become pregnant, then they would find that I was used merchandise. I would have to be taken care of, but maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse. I don’t even know what I’m worried about. Accidents have happened in the past. I’ve been very careful, but there were a couple of scares that frightened me to my very core.” Lila got back in the car and looked through the windshield at the lights flashing in front of her eyes.

  Jordan didn’t say a thing. He turned the engine and pulled away from the building waving nonchalantly at those inside. They seemed a little shocked to do anything but stare. They had gotten a good look at him and a composite artist could easily render a likeness of him to be passed on to those on patrol. He didn’t really care and his business was not about anonymity. “I see the confusion in your eyes. I understand what you’re feeling, but there’s no reason to worry about it. My face has already been out there too many times to count. They ne
ver have been able to pin anything on me, but that’s because they can never find me. There are probably several warrants out for me, as we speak, but once again there is no evidence.” There was no law that he could not overcome. He was used to making his own rules and he was going to be damned if anybody was going to put shackles on him.

  “I would say that our honeymoon was better than most. Those that get married have a reception right after with these greasy foods that lay heavily in their stomach. They end the night by kissing each other and then maybe finding time in the morning to consummate the marriage. We didn’t have any of that food and we were able to consummate our marriage in a more interesting way than just rose petals on the bed.” “I wonder if he’s at all worried that he did something that would most likely cause Jamison to act irrationally. The only way that I’m going to be able to save face is to keep quiet about how far we really went. He confused me by everything that he said to me. I’m a big believer that what comes around goes around. What goes up must come down. It was the natural law of gravity and karma. I didn’t believe for a second that I deserved a man like him. Something would come around and ruin it. It’s just a matter of time.”

  I have a place nearby that we can take refuge. I actually have several safe houses in several cities around the globe. I like to be prepared and maybe that makes me a good boy scout.” Jordan was heading out of town and away from the prying eyes of any cameras on any ATM on any corner. “This way, we can have a bit of privacy. I have to say that what we did was unexpected, but not something that I wouldn’t want to do again. I think that we have only begun. Whatever I have in mind, you are going to be happy to do it for me. I’m a bit kinky and I’ve never shied away from that. I’ve never had a girl that I could share that with, until now.” Jordan thought that Lila was going to be that something that was going to weigh him down, but he was wrong.

  “You know that I will go anywhere you want me to. You also know that I will do whatever you want, because I want to. I’ve been trained from an early age to please a man and I think you know that. I was a consummate student and I wanted to learn everything that I could to survive. I didn’t want to give them any reason to get rid of me. You probably already know that they want me to spy for them on you.” “I wanted him to know the score. I get this feeling that he already knows and has been reluctant to say anything to me. He’s a complicated man and one that holds his emotions close to the vest. He wants people to think that he’s dead inside, but I don’t think that’s true. The way that he fucked me was not like a man that was just going through the motions.

  “I can’t explain it, but I will not rest until you are free and clear of all of this. I know that I’m asking for trouble. It’s kinda strange knowing that you’re here at their bequest, but I think that it has gone beyond that now. I thought that I was going to have to keep you at arm’s length, but I’m thinking that maybe there is freedom in knowing that I can trust you. There’s definitely going to be a battle ahead and I’m not sure that I’m going to see the end of the road. Jamison is not going to take my betrayal lightly. He will want to make me suffer for betraying him like this. There is no shortage of those that are trying to make their bones in this organization. I’m a bit of a freelance, but I owe him everything and that is the only reason why I came back.” Jordan didn’t like what he was thinking about doing, but it seemed like his mind was already made up.

  “I’ve never had a man think of me, as somebody that could be saved. I don’t know if I should commend you on being that kind of man, or pity you for taking a chance with your life for somebody like me. I’m really not anything special and maybe you should think twice before you do anything that’s going to destroy your standing with Jamison. Bad blood is one thing, but declaring all of war is something that you can’t take back. If you do this for me, then you’ll have to do it for the others. There’s a new shipment of girls coming in tomorrow and I know exactly where they’re going to be picked up. Once he finds out that you are going against him, he’ll want to clean things up and that means those girls are never going to be safe again.” I had been living life on a merry go round with no way off. My days had always been numbered. I would rise up unafraid with a man like him standing by me. I didn’t think that I deserved him, but maybe I was not giving myself enough credit. It feels like it’s getting hard to breathe, but maybe that’s from knowing what’s coming.”

  “Jamison has only himself to blame for this. He thought that he was fooling me, but I told him up front that I knew exactly what he was up to. If he decides to come after you and I have no doubt that he will, then he’s going to be in for the fight of his life. Those girls that you speak of are part of my security job. I am to be there in person to oversee the exchange. He doesn’t know that I’ve decided to keep you and that gives us the element of surprise.” Jordan liked to be that thing in the shadow that came out to wreck a terrible vengeance on anybody that he had his target set on.

  “I’m going to give you the same advice that Melanie gave me. I think that it would be best that you sleep on it and made tomorrow you’ll feel differently.” If he were to take my advice, then those girls would vanish with the highest bidder.”

  “You may not know this about me, Lila, but I really am a man of my word. I’ve been thinking about getting out for a while and maybe this is my time to leave a lasting mark. I think the best way to handle Jamieson is financially. It’ll hurt him more if I were to go after his empire and make it crumble down around his ears. Believe me; I don’t take the man lightly. Once he finds out that I’ve been siphoning his accounts, he’ll begin to wonder. This is a campaign to keep you safe and away from those pimps that claim to be businessmen.” Jordan reached over and stroked her cheek, feeling the softness of a baby and knowing that she had lived a harsh life. “I’m sorry that you were put through any of this. I guess you have finally opened up my eyes. They have been closed for too long and with it my heart was empty, until you came along.”

  Chapter 2

  “I have no choice. I’m going to have to keep you in my sights. That means you’re going to have to come with me to the exchange. I can’t have any surprises and the best way to avoid that is to make sure that they can’t use you against me.” Jordan looked at the woman that had changed everything and wondered if he was making a grave error in judgment. He had never got emotionally connected to any of those bought and paid for girls. It never became a pretty woman kind of scenario, so what made Lila anything special. She said that she was nothing, but he didn’t see it that way.

  “I’m a little afraid to go with you. It’s not because I’m afraid to die, because that has already been burned out of me a long time ago. I’m afraid of seeing you in your element and watching you work. I don’t want to feel differently about you, but it seems that that would become possible with seeing the kind of things that I’ve only heard about.” I don’t want to tell him, but I believe that I might be pregnant with his child. This would definitely be a newsflash. I can’t believe that a man like him could care for me and maybe he’s the one for me. I asked him to stop at a pharmacy and now I’m waiting for the results of the test. I’m almost positive what they’re going to be. I have no idea how a man like that could bring me joy, but I found something and I wasn’t going to let it go easily.”

  “I know that it’s a risk and that it’s possible that you’ll see me differently afterwards. If everything goes according to plan, then you won’t have anything to worry about.” He was loaded to bear with those two knives now placed within the scabbard at his ankles. He had the Brass knuckles and the wire in his belt ready to go at a moment’s notice. “As long as we can do this under the radar, then they shouldn’t be able to act quick enough to be of any consequence.” Jordan was going through the scenarios in his head one after the other. He played every angle making calculations and adjusting on the fly to account for any variable that might stand in his way.

  “I need to use the washroom before we go. Call it a nervou
s bladder.” He shrugged his shoulders and she took that as a sign that he really didn’t care one way or the other. “I won’t be long. I’m sure that you want to get going, as soon as possible.” “I know what it’s going to say, but I really don’t have the guts to put my child’s life in jeopardy. My life means nothing to me and I’ve known for quite some time that my death was going to come long before I turned old and gray. I think things have changed and seeing that positive reaction on the stick is definitely the most terrifying thing that I’ve ever seen in my life. I have to tell him, but maybe I should wait until after he helps those girls find a better life.”

  Jordan knew that Lila was nervous, but he had no idea what was going on behind closed doors. He pulled the case from underneath the bed, lifting it and then opening up that black case to see the pieces that would fit together nicely. He oiled the parts and then put them together and took them apart, almost as if he was doing it with his eyes closed. He knew that all plans have a way of changing, but he was good at predicting all those things that could possibly go wrong. He had made the necessary phone call and the rest was a matter of all the pieces falling into the right place at the right time. “I hope that you are ready. Don’t think, just because you locked the door that I’m not going to break it down and take you with me by force.” He really didn’t like the tone of his voice, but it was something that was living inside of him.

  “I said that I was coming with you and I meant it.” “I had every right to face him and he had the right to know that he was going to be a father. I need him to be at its best and the only way to accomplish that is to keep my mouth shut for the time being. I wish that I didn’t have to do this, but I know how protective and possessive he can be. I love that about him. It is what has made him the man that he is today.”


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