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Playing the Game

Page 8

by JL Paul

  His slow, crooked smile brought a small light back into his eyes as he eased my face forward to kiss me again. He took control, not allowing me to deepen it. He steered me backwards, down the hall and through an open door. He kicked it closed then swooped down to lift me, dropping me carefully on his bed.

  My heart thundered as he crept over me, sexy smirk adorning his face.

  “You asked for it, sweetheart,” he mumbled as he bent to kiss my chin, my neck, my throat. My mind surrendered to my body as each inch of my skin burned pleasantly under his touch. He had my clothes off so fast, all I could do is stutter incoherently with wide eyes. He drank in my nude form as he placed a chaste kiss on my stomach.

  “Much more beautiful than I imagined,” he murmured against my skin. His lips trailed from my stomach up between my breasts and to the hollow at the base of my throat. I closed my eyes and absorbed every touch; every caress. I was well aware of the rustling of his jeans as he kicked them off and his fumbling around for what I hoped was protection.

  “You sure about this?” he whispered in my ear. An errant shiver tickled my spine and I opened my eyes to smile at him.


  His lips twisted into a wicked grin before he kissed me. I expected his mouth to ravage mine but instead, he pressed tiny, soft kisses on my lips. I felt a twinge of pressure and pain in my nether regions and sucked in a breath. He whispered softly in my ear, kissing the skin below it. I relaxed.

  To say Jess was an amazing lover would be weak. He was, true, but he was also totally aware of my every emotion. He anticipated my needs perfectly like a well-tuned horse and rider and though I’d had limited experience in the past, I could tell he knew exactly what he was doing.

  When it was over and I trembled in his arms, he kissed my temple. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, too weak to talk. I nestled my cheek against his bare chest, a smile too large to hide breaking out across my face. His hands rubbed my back in small circles as his breathing slowly returned to normal.

  “Stay the night with me tonight. I’ll even let you go to the doctor with me tomorrow,” he said. I wanted to so badly it hurt.

  “What am I going to tell my mother?”

  Snorting, he sat up against the headboard taking me with him. “Tell her you’re staying with me. You’re old enough.”

  Groaning, I banged my head lightly against his solid stomach. “Jess, don’t do this to me.”

  “Do what?” he asked, voice incredulous. “Ask you to stay with me? I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, visions of what I’d just done with him flashing behind my lids. My heartbeat picked up and suddenly I wanted him again. Now. He lifted my chin and I opened my eyes only to stare into his gray ones. “I will. I’ll stay.”

  His slow grin only increased my need for him. I kissed him leisurely at first until I could hold back no longer. He sensed my intentions and flipped me on my back. This time passion overrode gentleness and my body arched into his, wanting him to fill every inch of me. I was no passive near-virgin this time as I expressed myself vividly. My hands and lips were as busy as his and toward the end, the pleasure was so intense I bit down on his neck, near his shoulder. He didn’t even flinch. He fell back to the bed, panting.

  My heart not only pounded from excitement but also from the overwhelming love washing over me. Once I was somewhat under control, I fished around the floor until I found my jeans. I yanked my cell out of my pocket and called my house. My parents weren’t home so I left a message, saying I was staying with a friend and I would be home in the morning. Jess’s soft, unusually sweet smile was a just reward. I snuggled against him, content to stay in his arms for the rest of my life.

  But eventually, his stomach awoke and he declared it time to grab some food. My cheeks burned as his hungry eyes watched me dress. It was ridiculous to be embarrassed to dress in front him – especially after he’d just explored every inch of my body. But still, I was. He pulled on his jeans, not bothering with the shirt I’d dropped in the living room, and yanked me to his chest. His eyes were soft as he kissed the corner of my mouth.

  “Go fix your hair and I’ll take you out to eat.” I nodded and scurried off to his bathroom.

  The pony tail I’d had my hair in was one big glob. I released it and worked it back into some order then bounded down the hall to find him. He was standing in the living room, shirt back in place, waiting for me. Taking my hand, he led me to his huge truck. I climbed in and watched him out of the corner of my eye as he started the engine and carefully backed out of the drive.

  Nervous, but equally happy, butterflies danced in celebration inside my stomach. My heart was overflowing with joy. I tried to hide the smile that refused to leave my face. After what we’d just done and now he was taking me out, well, it had to be a good sign.

  Don’t push it, sweetheart, a voice mimicked inside my head. Remember what Gwen said about casual sex. What makes you think you’re any different?

  I pushed the voice away and concentrated on the present. I was half expecting him to take me to Champs so we could watch the game while we ate but instead he took me to a small diner a few miles from his subdivision. He found a booth near the back and we ordered quickly. Once the waitress disappeared, he scrutinized me carefully. He asked me polite questions about the upcoming show and what I intended to sing. I described the country theme we were supposed to do and how, even though I loved most music, I wasn’t a huge country music fan. But the song I wanted to do was one my mother used to sing around the house and it was one I would be able to play on my guitar. I had high hopes that the guitar might impress Richard and Marissa but I was more than sure they’d find something about my guitar skills to berate me about.

  “What song?” he asked. He seemed curious enough but his eyes were a little glazed.

  After I told him, he nodded, leaning back as the waitress reappeared with our food. She smiled at me and bit her lip.

  “I don’t usually do this but I am such a big fan of American Star and I watch you every week. Do you think you could sign something for me?”

  I ignored Jess’s amused smirk as I accepted the order pad and pen from the waitress. I hurriedly scrawled my name and shoved it back at her with a forced smile on my face.

  “Thank you so much! I hope you win! I hate how Marissa and Richard always put you down. You are the best one on the show!”

  “Thanks,” I muttered. My cheeks were starting to ache from my smile and I hoped she’d finish gushing so I could eat. “I appreciate it.”

  I really, truly did but I was uncomfortable with the attention. Just as I was about to point out to her that Jess was a famous baseball player, he interrupted.

  “Thanks for your support,” he said in a smooth voice. She looked at him, blushing at his intense gaze. “Make sure you log onto the website and post your comments. Aubrey checks it all the time. Perhaps she’ll send you a comment back.”

  I seethed, simple as that. I only checked the stupid website when my mother forced me to and even then, I rarely returned comments.

  The waitress whipped her head back to me, eyes wide and sparkling. She held a hand to her chest. “That would be cool. My friends would never believe it. Thank you so much!” She ran off, no doubt to call her friends.

  I glared at him, appetite suddenly gone. “How could you?”

  His eyes crinkled in the corner, his smirk was so huge. “Easy. The support from your fans can’t hurt you a bit. Maybe Dicky boy will cut you a break.” I groaned and allowed my head to fall back against the booth as he pushed my plate toward me. “Eat. You need your energy if you’re staying with me tonight.”

  I lifted my head to glare, prepared to give him a major tongue lashing but the desire in his eyes halted the words in my throat. My groin burned and my heart skipped a beat. Sighing, I dug in – he was right, again.

  Chapter Nine

  Keeping his word, Jess allowed me to accompany him to his doctor v
isit the next morning. On the way there, I checked the voice messages my mother had left me, her tight voice concerned because I hadn’t told her with what friend I'd be staying. She assumed I was with this ‘mysterious’ Kendra and hoped I’d introduce them soon. I deleted the messages and concentrated on Jess. I’d deal with my mother later.

  Jess introduced me to Dr. Hoyt simply as Aubrey and focused on his diagnosis. The doctor was optimistic, explaining that there were no immediate problems he could see. He went over the test results and glanced anxiously at me when he asked Jess to remove his shirt. Smirking, Jess pulled his shirt over his head. I blanched as all the blood drained from my face. He had a perfectly formed bite mark on his collar bone, right at the base of his neck. The doctor didn’t comment, thankfully, as his skilled hands ran over Jess’s shoulder. I turned my head, too afraid to look either in the eye.

  When Dr. Hoyt finished, Jess yanked on his shirt, knowing grin playing around the corners of his mouth. The doctor recommended Jess go on the fifteen day disabled list and follow a strict physical therapy regiment that would help loosen the tightening muscles. He gave his okay for a couple side throwing sessions with the pitching coach and warned him that if the tightness returned, to come back immediately.

  “This has nothing to do with the surgery he had a couple years ago, does it?” I asked, recovering nicely from my embarrassment. It didn’t appear Jess would question it so I decided to speak up. Jess glared at me but the doctor merely gave me a kind smile.

  “No, at this point it doesn’t appear so. Sometimes the arm breaks down when it is used at this velocity. You have to understand that Jess, along with all pitchers, uses his arm a lot more than you and I. He also works it much harder.” He sat on the corner of his desk and folded his arms across his chest. “Although he is in perfect shape, as an athlete, his arm is still somewhat fragile. You or I could throw a ball and it wouldn’t go as hard or as fast as when Jess throws. He uses a lot of muscle and that puts a strain on his shoulder, his elbow, even his bones. That’s part of the reason most teams have a five man rotation. The starting pitchers are only allowed to pitch once every five games. Gives their arms a chance to rest.”

  He took a deep breath, obviously thinking I didn’t understand. I did. Sort of.

  “Imagine playing a game of catch. If you played for too long, your arm would get tired. A pitcher throws much, much harder than a normal person and usually much longer. Granted, they do get a break between innings, but it still wears on them.”

  I nodded, trying to digest his explanation. It made perfect sense to me. “So you think it’s just his muscles are tired?”

  I ignored Jess’s frustrated sigh as the doctor chuckled. “Something like that. At first I was concerned it might be his rotator cuff but the x-rays showed otherwise. The weather has been a little cool lately and that sometimes plays a factor. Sometimes the temperature has a way of making the body react.”

  He waited for me to ask more questions but I was dry. Standing, he patted Jess on his right shoulder, avoiding his sore left one, and escorted us to the door.

  Jess was silent most of the way home until we turned onto his street. That was when his jaw tensed.

  “What was with the grilling of my doctor?”

  I blinked in confusion. “I wanted to know.”

  “What’s it to you?” he snapped.

  A lump formed in my chest that nearly sank my heart. “I don’t want you hurt, Jess. I wanted to know what was going on.”

  “It’s not your business, Aubrey,” he said angrily. He whipped the truck into his drive and slammed it in park. He turned his blazing eyes on me. “All that wasn’t necessary.”

  “Yes it was,” I said, just as angry. “You are my business.”

  He barked out a hollow, sarcastic laugh. “I am, am I? And why is that?”

  I ducked my head, gnawing furiously on my lip. “Because I love you, Jess.”

  Groaning, he jumped out of the truck, slamming the door. I followed helplessly.

  He shoved his key into the door knob. “I should have known. I never should have let last night happen.”

  My heart crashed at my feet. And I should have never opened my mouth. “Why?”

  He whirled around to face me, his eyes unreadable. “Now you have all these delusions about love. I didn’t want that to happen.”

  He could have punched me in the face and kicked me in my ribs and it still wouldn’t hurt as much as his words. The burning sensation returned to my eyes but I fought valiantly against the latest onslaught of tears.

  “I guess you’re right. I am pretty delusional.” I stormed across his lawn and hopped into my own car without a look back.


  I raced to Gwen’s house and pushed through the door, not bothering to knock. She looked up from her spot on the couch and jumped to her feet. “What’s the matter?”

  I poured the entire pathetic story out to her while she stroked my hair. “And I told him I loved him. How stupid!”

  “Oh, honey,” she cooed. “What did he say?”

  “He said I was delusional.”

  “He is a bastard,” she said. Sighing, she pushed me to her sofa. “What are you going to do now?”

  “Forget I even know him,” I murmured. “I should have never called him in the first place. I wish I would have flushed that stupid baseball he gave me down the toilet.”

  “That would have made a big mess for Dad to clean up,” she said with a tentative smile.

  “Don’t try to cheer me up,” I crooned.

  “Fine. Mom’s called here numerous times asking me about this Kendra girl you’re supposedly hanging around with,” she said in a feeble attempt to distract me from my dour mood.

  I groaned again. That hurt. Kendra. I really liked her but it would be far too painful to hang out with her now. Especially because Jess always happened to show up at her house. “She’s engaged to one of the players. I guess I won’t be seeing her anymore.”

  “Now don’t push her away. It’s great that you have a friend outside of the music crap.” Her hand flew to her temple while the other rubbed her abdomen.

  “Are you all right?” I asked. She did look a little green.

  “Fine. Haven’t been feeling well lately.”

  My heart twinged. She had been a little distant and preoccupied. What if she had some serious fatal disease? Panic gripped my body. “What’s the matter? Are you okay? Do you need a kidney?”

  Chuckling, she patted my leg. “Keep your kidneys.”

  “What is it? You’ve been preoccupied lately and not totally with it. What is wrong?” I demanded.

  Her eyes turned from warm to furious in a millisecond. “Just because I’m not always up to listening to your complaints doesn’t mean something is wrong with me. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Aubrey Rose.”

  I winced as though she’d smacked my face.

  “I know,” I whispered. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Do you want me to comfort you again? Tell you everything is all right? We don’t want the sweetheart to worry.”

  I stood, my mind swirling with anxiety. It was like a demon had suddenly possessed her body. I tensed, waiting for her head to begin spinning and green vomit to spew from her mouth.

  “I’m sorry,” was all I could mutter.

  Sighing, she got to her feet. “No, I am. It’s the hormones.”

  My eyes must have mirrored my confusion for she sighed again and pushed her hair out of her face.

  “I’m pregnant, okay?”

  Relief washed over me followed by a second wave of joy. “Really? This is wonderful!”

  “No, it’s not,” she snapped. “Don’t say a word to anyone, Aubrey, I mean it. I haven’t even told Dane yet.”

  “But why?” I asked as confusion swept my other emotions under the rug. “What’s the problem?”

  “I don’t want to talk about this right now, okay? Just go home and let Mom see you’re safe so she’ll stop call
ing and bugging me.”

  I nodded, unsure if I should stay and somehow try to comfort my sister or do as she wished. The steel in her eyes made the decision for me and I escaped to my car, my mind whirling once again.

  As I drove home I wondered what could be so terrible about Gwen having a baby. She was in a loving, committed relationship. Dane adored my sister and would never leave her – especially now. And Gwen would be a terrific mother. She was loving and smart and not overbearing. In many ways, she was like a mother to me.

  She was also my friend – my best friend. As I fretted over her predicament I also made a solemn vow that I would be the one there for her this time. I would give her a little space to cool off then I’d go over and sit her down so we could talk. She needed me – maybe not as much as she needed Dane- and I damn sure wouldn’t let her down.


  I got through Monday and Tuesday without calling Jess. And I convinced my mother Kendra was a nice girl who didn’t throw wild parties or jump into bed with random men. I promised her I would invite Kendra over soon so they could meet.

  Wednesday morning as I drove to the studio for rehearsal, I brainstormed on how to approach Gwen. I'd called her the night before and she'd been polite, thanking me for checking on her. I would go see her Friday. I didn’t tell her that because I knew she’d put me off and do whatever she could to avoid me.

  When I got out of my car, I just opened the back door to retrieve my guitar when a familiar voice greeted me. I looked up into the smiling eyes of Troy Neal.

  “Hi, Troy. What are you doing here?”

  Before he could answer, Jess appeared next to him with Derrick McKinney.

  “What do you want, Jess?” I groaned.

  His eyes scanned the parking garage. “In a minute, sweetheart. I’ll get to you in a sec.”

  Derrick pointed over my shoulder. “That’s the one, man. Kendra looked him up online last night.”

  Troy wrapped an arm around my waist and I twisted as Jess and Derrick approached a figure getting out of a car. I wiggled to wrench my way out of Troy’s firm grasp but he just held tighter.


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