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The Nerd Conquest

Page 8

by C. W. Niess

  As the production company credits rolled, Mark’s heart sunk.

  “That’s the movie,” Emily whispered.

  “Please, Emily,” Mark begged again. He knew his pleas were likely for naught, but he had to try. “I promise that I’ll do anything you want afterward. Please.”

  “Sorry, Mark. It’s time to lose the skirt.”

  Fighting for every breath, Mark reached around his back and unzipped the plaid skirt. He struggled momentarily with the zipper.

  Janna giggled at his effort. “Having trouble with that?”

  “He should try a bra,” Emily added. “We know how guys hate taking those off.”

  Mark grabbed the bottom edges of his skirt while remaining firmly seated. He gave the ends a soft pull and felt the coarse fabric scrape between his ass and the smooth theater seat. Mark jerked the skirt down to his knees. The tip of his dick held ground under the waistband like a catapult preparing to fire.

  Mark pushed the skirt to the floor as his dick sprung free; it was exciting, humiliating, and even painful at the same time. Mark cupped his hands over his exposed genitals. His fingers could feel his dick throbbing violently. “Please don’t cum right now,” Mark thought to himself. “Not here. Not like this.”

  As soon as the skirt fell to the floor, Emily reached down and grabbed the garment; she set the dress in the open seat to her left. “You’ll get it back when the movie’s over,” she whispered to him.

  Mark didn’t reply opting instead to sit quietly holding both hands over his bare dick. He had no idea what else to expect; he looked anxiously around the auditorium making sure no one was watching him or calling security.

  Emily and Janna turned their attention to the movie. They acted as though it was a regular showing of some lame movie they wouldn’t remember seeing a year from now.

  As time passed, he accepted the idea that no one had seen him take off the skirt. Even the group of girls just a few rows in front of him didn't know he was naked from the waist down. All he had to do now was ride out the rest of the show. He would be so grateful to get that humiliating skirt back after the movie; he would be more than happy to walk back to the car in his school-girl outfit.

  About fifteen minutes into the feature, Emily looked across him at Janna. As Janna made eye contact, Emily nodded. He knew they had something else planned.

  Emily turned her head back to the movie screen as did Janna. The anticipation of what the girls had in store scared the shit out of him even more than it thrilled him. Eventually, with her eyes still fixed on the movie screen, Emily reached her hand down and grabbed Mark’s left wrist. She gently moved his arm free of his penis and rested it on the armrest between them. Janna followed suit with his right arm leaving his rock-hard dick completely exposed in the air-conditioned theater air.

  Mark tried to lean forward over his penis; he could feel his dick head rubbing against the bottom of his white blouse, but the positioning offered little privacy. Could he really be expected to sit through the movie with his cock waving around like this?

  Emily let go of his wrist and starting digging through her purse. Mark knew better than to move his limb from the armrest. Emily reached over him to hand Janna something. Perhaps more focused on Emily’s right breast rubbing against his forearm, Mark couldn’t make out what was being passed between the girls.

  Emily’s and Janna’s next movements had as much precision and unison as a well-choreographed dance routine. The girls casually but quickly wrapped thin plastic zip ties around his wrists and his seat. Before realizing what was happening, the plastic bonds locked his arms firmly against the padded armrests; he couldn’t move his forearms at all.

  Mark wanted to protest; this was simply too much. If someone walked by, there would be nothing he could do to cover himself. How could he ever possibly explain this? Being tied to his chair pushed him to his limit. Even so, Mark was out of options. Was he going to yell out, call for security?

  Mark turned to Emily and stared at her like a helpless puppy. He wanted to ask her intentions or even beg for mercy, but he couldn’t get the words out his mouth. Besides, Emily was again fixated on the movie. He looked over to his right where Janna was also paying him no mind. Again, the girls were acting like nothing happened, like they hadn’t tied his hands to the goddamned armrests.

  After a few minutes, Janna leaned toward Emily. Her forearm brushed against Mark’s dick as she reached over his body and rested her hand on his left arm. When Emily saw her friend leaning in, the curly-haired blond draped her body over him from the opposite direction.

  “I’m getting a refill,” Janna said to Emily as he squirmed between them. “Want anything?”

  “I'm all right,” Emily whispered back looking down Janna’s elbow dangling over Mark’s groin. She glanced at him with a smile and raised a brow.

  Apparently trying to make as much noise as possible, Janna stepped over Mark toward the isle. “Excuse, me,” she said boldly. Heads around the theater looked back in judgment identifying Janna as the source of the commotion.

  Mark kept his head down as Janna stumbled out of their row and down the stairs away from their seats. Thankfully, the unwanted attention moved down the walkway with her.

  After another smile and a wink, Emily refocused her attention to the large screen and the movie’s predictable and overused plotline. Sure enough, the guy was going to leave the girl only to realize that the girl was the very person he wanted all along. Mark would have been annoyed even if he wasn’t strapped to a movie seat with his dick flapping in the wind.

  As time passed, Mark almost managed to forget his exposed and vulnerable state. Having Janna gone somehow made his penalty a little easier to bear. Mark was hardly hot for Emily. She just acted like she had seen a dick before, like it was no big deal. For Emily, Mark’s punishment was a game; for Janna, it was more like a joke.

  After about ten minutes, Mark started to wonder where Janna was, not that he was in any hurry to have her return. He feared that her absence would become part of some larger scheme. Mark told himself that he had to stop worrying about what might be next. As cliché as it was, he had to take the rest of the night one step at a time.

  Emily also appeared to be fretting Janna’s time away. She kept scanning the theater looking for her roommate. Mark was sure something was up, and he knew it wouldn’t be good.

  Emily locked eyes at Mark for a second as though she wanted to tell him something. Mark crooked his neck hoping Emily would, in fact, offer insight, any information at all. Emily didn’t respond to his hopeful glare; she just stood up quietly and headed down the stairs. Mark watched as Emily’s shadow made its way around the corner and out of the theater. He had been left alone strapped to his chair without any pants on. What the fuck was going on? Were the girls even coming back?

  His heart racing, Mark tried unsuccessfully to break his hands free from the plastic ties. The more he struggled to escape, the more the bonds cut into his wrists. Two seats down, he could see his skirt exactly where Emily left it. Mark slouched down in his chair as far as he could and stretched his leg toward the skirt. It was no use. He couldn’t get the correct angle to even make contact with the garment.

  Forcing himself to breathe, Mark looked around the theater. It didn’t appear that anyone else knew of his vulnerable state. Mark thought about trying to summon the girls a few rows forward. Even if he did get their attention without alerting the rest of the theater, however, Mark had little faith they would help him without making a scene.

  Mark had one option, to sit quietly and wait, or rather hope, for Emily’s return.

  Mark’s penis felt like it was about to explode off his body. Warm fluids pressed from the inside out as if they were going to blow free at any moment. He could feel particular veins pumping blood up and down his dick. Even in the crowded theater, all Mark could think about was finishing himself off; he desperately wanted to ejaculate.

  Mark took deep breaths and tried focusing on the movie. He
figured the low-budget motion picture had to be at least half over. “Breathe,” Mark whispered to himself. “Come on, Mark. Just breathe.” It took a few minutes, but he was able to salve his nerves. Slowly, his unit fell from attention and disconnected from his brain. Unfortunately for Mark, his calm was short-lived.

  A group of girls walked into the dark auditorium. Since he had been keeping track of everyone entering and leaving the theater, Mark knew the group was new to the audience. While it would be commonplace for people to wonder in a few minutes late, this group had to be almost an hour into the show.

  Mark watched as the group stepped quietly but intently toward his seat. With each step, Mark grew more certain the girls were headed in his direction. What was he going to do?

  Mark tried to lean over his growing penis as the girls stepped into the row immediately in front of his. He again tried to position the base of his white blouse over his lap for as much cover as possible. Mark realized the already high-cut top wasn’t going to provide him any modesty at all, and the plastic ties didn’t afford him enough space to cross his legs. If one of the girls even turned back toward him, she would see Mark exposed in all his glory.

  Mark tried to remain calm as the girls shuttled into their seats. Several of the girls looked directly at him, even making eye contact. None of them reacted to his exposed state, however. They just took their seats and attended to the movie. Even though he could only see their shadows, he knew they saw him. The video light, after all, was reflecting right off of his white shirt and pale legs. There was no way they failed to notice his situation. The only reason they wouldn’t say anything was that they were expecting to find him there. The girls were part of Emily’s plan.

  After a few more minutes, Mark saw three new girls walking up the aisle toward him. Since the seats in front of him were now full, he worried they might join his row.

  The second group of girls sat in the seats directly behind Mark. Once again, the girls made no mention of the half-naked guy tied to his seat with his dick waving in the air.

  Mark tried to ignore the girls surrounding him and to instead focus on the movie screen. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest. It was like the old slapping game where you hold your palms on top of your opponent’s hands and wait for the other person to strike. Unlike that game, however, Mark’s hands were tied to his seat.

  After a couple tortuous minutes, Mark felt one of the girls behind him lean forward as if she was going to whisper something. He tried to turn back and acknowledge her, but the girl grabbed his head with both hands and pointed it at the glowing screen. There was no question that the girls had plans for him; he just had to sit quietly and take whatever they were going to dish out.

  Just as the girl from behind him let go of his head, Mark felt cool smooth material, probably a scarf, wrap around his face. His eyes were covered; he could see the blurred light from the movie screen and shadowy figures through the material, but nothing was clear. Mark jerked his hands momentarily as if he was going to remove the blinder; his failed attempt reminded him of the plastic ties around his wrists.

  Once the scarf was in place and tied securely behind his head, Mark saw a couple shadows breaking up the movie light. Two of the girls in front of him were moving back to his row. One of the shadowy figures stepped over Mark and sat to his right, where Janna had been sitting. The other girl sat to his left, in Emily’s chair. Mark didn’t say a word.

  Without any explanation, the girl to his right started unbuttoning his shirt. Mark tried to turn out of the girl’s reach, but there was no way to resist. She didn’t remove his blouse entirely; she just left it unbuttoned and open as she started rubbing on his stomach and chest. Strangely enough for a guy with his dick already unveiled, he felt even more exposed.

  The girl continued rubbing Mark’s chest and occasionally moving down his stomach. Each time her hand started down his abdomen, he hoped it would continue to his throbbing manhood. Not sure if intentional or not, he began thrusting his exposed dick upward toward the girl’s soft digits. As evidenced by his thrusting maneuver, he desperately wanted the girl to stop rubbing his chest and start stroking his cock.

  The girl to Mark’s left started rubbing up and down his left leg with one hand and running fingers through his hair with the other. She leaned slowly toward his neck; he could feel her warm breath against his skin as she moved closer to him pressing her large chest into his bicep. The girl slowly lifted her head up his neck to the side of his face. She barely touched her lips against his cheek then pulled away leaving only a faint smudge of tacky lip gloss.

  As the girls rubbed on Mark, he continued contorting his body pressing his dick toward their hands. The girls deftly avoided contact with his cock despite his best efforts to the contrary. Not to be thwarted, he twisted and turned desperately hoping for any attention, any relief, he could get.

  Instead of offering affection to his pulsing dick, the girl on his right slapped Mark’s cock. Her blow was gentle yet direct. The slap surprised him enough to elicit a brief yelp. Since he was blindfolded, he had no way of knowing whether his reaction drew any notice from the unsuspecting audience members. Also to his dismay, both girls ceased any attention they were giving him. It was as if his unrelenting advances halted their affection.

  Mark thought about asking the girls to continue but still wasn’t sure what to expect. He didn’t even know who the girls were. He hoped they were strangers to him, but there was no way to be sure. It was entirely possible that they were from one of his classes or even from his hometown. This both excited and terrified him.

  Mark sat quietly waiting to see what was next and hoping that the girls would continue their exploits. For the longest time, however, the girls sat still seemingly paying more attention to the movie than the naked guy tied to the chair between them.

  Just as he assumed the group was tired of fucking with him, Mark heard another girl from behind him get up and round his row of seats; he felt her step over the girl to his left. Instead of continuing past him, however, the third girl knelt on the floor by his feet and rested her hands on his lap. Could she be about to do what he was hoping she would do?

  Mark could only see the girl’s shadow as she leaned down into his lap; he braced himself for what he hoped was about to happen. The girl’s hands pressed into his thighs as her face descended downward. He felt her breathing against the tip of his cock. He thought about thrusting forward into the girl’s face but didn’t want to get slapped again.

  The girl’s head hovered over Mark’s penis for several seconds without making contact; just the thought of the stranger so close to his manhood almost made him cum without any assistance. What was she doing? Why was she waiting?

  Not able to take it any longer, Mark finally thrust his hips toward the girl’s face. To his disappointment, the girl pulled back before making the slightest contact with him. He couldn’t understand what she was doing.

  Mark let his ass rest back against his seat as he awaited the girl’s response. Even though she pulled away from him, she was still kneeling at his feet. There was still hope.


  Mark’s dick felt a burning pain, like the girl flicked it with her finger.

  “Thwap,” went the girl’s finger against his penis a second time. Mark heard one of the other girls chuckle as his body jerked back in his seat.

  Mark leaned his torso forward trying to protect himself, but the assailant pushed him back against his chair. The girl then moved her face back down into his lap. Was she trying again? At least, this time, he knew not to thrust forward.

  Mark heard a blowing sound and felt a crisp breeze against his erect penis. The cool air, while exhilarating, only enhanced his desire for conclusion. The girl continued to blow on him as he fought every urge to smash his cock into her face.

  After a few seconds of blowing on Mark’s dick, the girl brushed her fingertips ever-so-gently against his rod. He could barely feel the girl’s touch; he clenc
hed his hands against the armrests and wrapped his feet and calves under his chair. He couldn’t take this much longer.

  Again, Mark felt the girl dropping her head down into his lap. Instead of blowing this time, though, he felt the tip of the girl’s tongue graze the head of his penis. He was sure the girl got a taste of pre-cum. Again and again, the girl brushed her tongue against his dick. He clamped his teeth together waving his head back and forth. Sweat poured from his brow; his teeth hurt from clenching so hard.

  After a brief pause, the girl gently wrapped her mouth around Mark’s cock. He felt her warm moist lips slide over his dickhead and down his rod as her tongue fluttered around his tip. She sucked his unit deep into her throat as he moaned quietly. Just as he prepared to fill her mouth with cum, however, she pulled back letting his cock fling freely into the air in front of her face. After giving him a few seconds to recover, the girl once again took his dick into her throat. Just as she did before, the girl pulled back before he found his desperately needed release. The mystery girl teased him relentlessly; he was beyond the point of breaking.

  The only thing Mark could think about was getting his dick further into the girl’s mouth. Realizing it would cost him, he waited for the girl’s lips to once again circle his head. At just the right moment, he jammed his unit forward into her throat.

  Immediately the girl snapped back. “Thwap….Thwap…Thwap,” the girl thumped his penis much harder than before.

  After a moment of silent pause, Mark heard the girl rummaging through her purse for something. He desperately wanted to know what she had in store for him next. He was in pain. He was excited. He was scared. He was frustrated.

  The girl moved her hand slowly back toward his center; Mark felt what he assumed was a feather running down his chest to his stomach and around his throbbing dick. After teasing between his legs for a few seconds, the stranger started brushing the feather up and down his rod.


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