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The Nerd Conquest

Page 9

by C. W. Niess

  Again, Mark clenched his hands against the armrests and wrapped his legs under the seat. He knew better than to push the girl into anything; his penis still burned from his last thumping, after all. He wanted to cum; he needed to cum, but he couldn’t.

  Mark inadvertently let out a guttural moan as the shadowy figure brushed the feather up and down his desperate dick. He did his best to choke back any noise for fear of alerting the other movie patrons, but he had to get relief. “Please,” he whispered toward the girl.

  The mystery female leaned into Mark’s ear. “Please, what?”

  “Please do it. Please let me cum.”

  “Sorry, Mark,” The girl whispered pushing away from him.

  Hearing the girl use his name startled Mark. She knew who he was. It was likely that Emily told the girls his name before presumably sending them up to tease and torture him. He also knew it was possible that the girls actually knew him somehow, that they weren’t strangers at all.

  After teasing Mark’s dick for a few more minutes, the girl in front of him stood up and stumbled out of his aisle. Mark couldn’t tell if the girl left or if she just sat back down behind him. What could possibly happen next?

  Over the next several minutes, Mark saw shadows moving away from his row toward the exit. The girls were leaving the theater one at a time. Just as it appeared the row in front of him was empty, the girl to his right stepped over him and out of the row. There was still a single girl sitting to his left in Emily’s former seat.

  Mark figured the movie had to be close to over. Even with his blindfold on, he could tell that the main characters were getting back together. In a matter of minutes, the leading lady would live happily ever after, and he would still be tied to his seat with his teased and neglected dick pointing to the exits.

  When the girl to his left started moving around, Mark assumed that she was about to leave him too. He thought about asking her to give him his skirt or to at least take the blindfold off. The girl wasn’t moving, though. She had something else in mind.

  Mark felt the girl leaning into his shoulder. Her boobs were much bigger than Emily’s; they wrapped firmly around his bicep. His heart stuttered as he felt the girl reach her left hand across her own body and grasp firmly onto his dick.

  The girl gave Mark a couple of quick pumps and pulled her hand away. It was almost enough to grant him his long-awaited release, just not quite what he needed. The girl then reached back into his lap and grabbed his ball sack firmly squeezing as hard as she could. It took everything he could muster to avoid screaming.

  The girl held firm to Mark’s sack; his eyes watered, and he couldn’t breathe at all. He tried to squirm out of the girl’s grasp, but her grip only tightened. Just when he thought he was going to pass out, the girl let go. His head fell back to his seat rest; he sucked in as much air as his lungs could contain.

  Mark was in so much pain that he didn’t even notice the girl rip the mask from his head and dart out of his row. By the time he had his wits about him, the girl was gone; he was once again alone in his row with his arms tied to the chair. His wrists stung from the plastic ties, and his dick hurt from all the squeezing, thumping, and teasing.

  Mark knew he was very close to running out of time. The movie couldn’t have more than a few minutes left. As soon as everyone started getting up, he would be spotted. Where the fuck was Emily?

  Mark fought unsuccessfully against the plastic cable ties for the few final minutes while the movie tied up its loose ends.

  The first groups of people were already heading toward the exits when Mark saw Emily skipping up the stairs toward him. She just made it to her seat as the movie credits started rolling and the theater lights kicked on. Not having time to do anything else, the blonde grabbed his skirt and draped it over his naked lap. She then took a small pair of scissors and quickly cut the plastic straps from his wrists.

  “Where were you?” Mark asked pointedly.

  “Calm down,” Emily responded. “What? You didn’t like my friends?”

  “Whatever,” Mark said waiting for his area of the theater to leave before trying to slip back into the skirt. He dropped his head to the seat in front of his. “Where did you go?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Emily said. “It sounds like you had quite a party. Besides, you didn’t get in trouble or anything, just like I promised.”

  Mark didn’t respond. He just slid down his chair to the sticky cement floor and struggled to put his skirt back on. He hardly even noticed Emily hovering over him drinking in his awkward attempt to get dressed without anyone taking notice.

  As Mark pulled himself back up to his feet, he spied Janna waiting for Emily by the exit.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Emily said grabbing Mark by the hand.

  “Okay,” Mark responded. “I just need to use the restroom first.” He did need to go to the bathroom, but, more so, he was hoping to deal with his blue ball situation. His dick felt like it weighed fifteen pounds.

  “Sorry,” Emily said pulling him down the aisle. “No time.”

  “But I have to…”

  “Sorry, Mark. We have to get back to the dorm.”

  “The dorm?” Mark panicked. “What’s going on at the dorm?”

  “You’ll see,” Emily responded coldly. “Now let’s get going.”

  Rather than walking Emily and Mark back to their car, Janna informed Emily that she had other plans for the night. Janna gave him a final kiss on his cheek as she reached under his skirt and groped his ass one last time.

  Mark followed behind Emily through the movie lobby like a dejected pet that didn’t care to walk any further. At this point, the people staring and laughing at his outfit were nothing more than fading white noise. He was more concerned about what Emily had in store for him back at the dormitory. Beyond his exciting, humiliating, and painfully unfulfilling movie experience, he didn’t expect to be surprised by anything.

  After their trek through the lobby and the theater parking lot, Mark was relieved once again find himself alone in the car with Emily. He was still stuck in his plaid skirt and cropped blouse, but Emily’s was the only set of eyes on him. That was as much privacy as he had all night even if it was just for the short drive back to campus.

  “Oh,” Emily said as she turned the car on. “I forgot. You had to go to the bathroom. Didn’t you?”

  “I did,” Mark replied. “That’s OK. I can wait until we get back to the dorm.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Emily said. She rolled her window down and emptied a large water bottle that had been sitting on the floor behind Mark’s seat. “Go ahead and fill this up. Then we can get right on with our plans.”

  Mark looked at the pink see-through plastic container and its flexible straw. “Right here? Really, Emily. I’m OK. I don’t even think I have to go anymore.”

  “But you said you had to go.” Emily thrust the container in front of Mark’s face shaking it back and forth.

  Mark took the bottle from Emily and inspected it carefully. The only reason he even asked to use the restroom was so he could rub out his frustrations. He wasn’t even sure he could go at this point let alone do so in front of Emily.

  Emily turned her body expectantly toward Mark, she leaned her back against her car door. “You said you had to go, Mark. We’re not leaving here until you fill that bottle up.”

  Mark unscrewed the bottle’s lid and dropped it into the cup holder between his and Emily’s seats. He stared momentarily into the vessel’s opening. Like many college-aged males, Mark had filled up his share of bottles, cups, and even soda cans. Except for the audience, this was hardly a new experience.

  Mark held the hem of his skirt in place with one hand as he slid the bottle between his legs and under the skirt.

  Shaking her head in frustration, Emily glared at Mark. At this point, she figured he wouldn’t be so concerned about modesty. When he didn’t respond to her evil stare, Emily reached down purposefully and pulled his skirt up to hi
s waist. To ensure the garment didn’t fall back into place, she tucked the loose material into his waistband. The blonde was not about to afford him even an iota of privacy; he should have known better than to expect it.

  After pausing only momentarily for Emily’s skirt adjustment, Mark slid his soft dick into the bottle and moved his ass to his seat’s edge. He wanted to get this over with as quickly and as privately as possible. There were, after all, any number of theater patrons moving around the parking lot. Unfortunately, his bladder wasn’t cooperating with his planned efficiency. It could have been stage fright from having to pee in front of Emily, or it could have been the semen stored up in his system; either way, he couldn’t go.

  Mark sat uncomfortably with his semi-erect penis inside the pink bottle. He shook his rod hopefully to no avail. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can go right now.”

  “Take your time,” Emily said. “I know what might get you going.” The blonde reached above her head and turned the car’s dome light on.

  “What the fuck?” Mark begged. “Someone’ll see.”

  “Then you better hurry,” Emily said with a grin. “I’ll turn it off when you’re done.”

  Mark repositioned himself and clenched his bladder hoping to create any flow of urine. He was well aware that someone could walk by at any moment. Even after his experience during the movie, he didn’t want to explain why he was sitting in Emily’s car with his ass hovering over his seat and his dick in a water bottle. He closed his eyes and tried to shut everything out; he couldn’t think about Emily, or his outfit, or the trip back to the dorm. Right now, the only thing he had to worry about was pissing in a bottle.

  “That a boy,” Emily said upon hearing a trickle of liquid into her plastic container.

  Mark was never so thankful to pee in his life. He didn’t get much liquid into the bottle, but it was enough to placate Emily who quickly demanded that he empty the contents outside her vehicle. Happy to oblige, he opened the door and dumped his own urine onto the pavement.

  “Let’s get back to the dorm,” Emily declared. “Shall we?”

  Chapter Seven

  Mark sat quietly as Emily made a couple laps around the dormitory in search of a parking spot. Finding a place to park after nine o’clock was usually a chore, but Emily wasn’t about to give in and drive to the commuter lot. For this, he was grateful. The last thing he wanted to do was take a shuttle back across campus in his skirt and crop top.

  After about fifteen minutes of driving around, Emily’s perseverance paid off; she found a spot just a short walk from their residence hall. Anxious to get back to the dorm and wrap up his evening with Emily, Mark quickly adjusted his skirt one last time before attempting to exit the vehicle.

  “Hold on,” Emily insisted as Mark opened his door. “We need to talk for a minute.”

  Mark closed his door and turned to Emily; he didn’t think he would like what she was about to tell him.

  “You did well tonight,” Emily said to Mark resting her hand on his knee. “You’re almost done too.”

  “Almost?” Mark begged.

  “Yeah,” Emily responded. “You just have one more thing to do.”

  “What’s that?” Mark asked.

  Emily looked down at Mark’s red plaid skirt; the growing anticipation made her pause feel longer than it really was. “You just need to make it back to the dorm,” Emily said. “You find your way back to my room, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Mark was confused; he knew there had to be a catch. “Worth my while?”

  “Don’t worry about that now,” Emily insisted. “I just want you to know that you did well tonight. You do this one last thing, and you’ll be rewarded.”

  Mark knew Emily was about to lay something else on him. “This one last thing?”

  “Wait here for ten minutes,” Emily said. “In ten minutes, you can head over to my dorm room. Make sure to lock up my car.”

  “Okay,” Mark replied. “Is there something else?”

  “Yeah, Mark,” Emily answered consolingly. It was almost as if she didn’t want to continue. “There is something else.”

  Mark shuffled in his seat anxiously. Her empathy reminded him of a parent telling a kid that a spanking would hurt the parent more than the child. Whatever Emily was about to tell him was going to turn out so much worse for him than for her. “What is it?” Mark demanded.

  “Well,” Emily said slowly. She refused to make eye contact with Mark. “I just need to take your clothes with me.”

  Mark shook his head violently. "Take my clothes? Hell, no. How am I supposed to get back to the dorm without my clothes?”

  “It’s not that far,” Emily argued. “I’ll leave you your key card so you can get in the back door.”

  “Even if I do get in the back door, I would have to get to the sixth floor. If I get caught, they’ll call campus police.”

  “Come on,” Emily shrugged. “Nobody’s gonna call the cops. They’ll just think you’re some drunk college student on a stupid dare or something. Besides, if you keep moving, no one will have time to report you. I’ll be in my room waiting; I’ll even leave the door unlocked.”

  “I don’t know,” Mark insisted. “This sounds like a terrible idea.”

  Emily leaned on Mark’s shoulder and slid her hand up the inside of his leg. “I promise,” Emily continued. “If you get back to my room, I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Fine,” Mark relented realizing he was hardly the first guy to do something stupid based on such a promise. After his unsatisfying movie experience and everything else that happened that night, he had one thing on his mind; he wanted to get off. Besides, Emily was very attractive. Going back to his previous life, his existence before being caught spying on Lucy in the shower, he would have jumped at the chance for someone like Emily to make something ‘worth his while.’

  “That a boy,” Emily responded. “Go ahead and get undressed. We don’t have much time.”

  For the third time that night, Mark found himself stripping in front of someone. This time, however, he was less worried about exposing himself to Emily and more concerned about streaking almost two blocks back to the dormitory. At this point, most of the girls on the sixth floor wouldn’t flinch at seeing him trek down their hallway sans clothing. Getting into the dorm and up to the sixth floor, though, could be a challenge.

  Emily collected Mark’s skirt and top. She let him keep his white knee socks and buckle shoes. As strange as the footwear would look, he knew they would make his run back to the dorm easier. He was so consumed by his surroundings and his planned route to the dorm, he didn’t notice Emily exiting the car. He was finally alone, but genuine privacy eluded him.

  Mark watched Emily walk away until her shadow disappeared in the darkness. Sitting alone and naked in the car was a surreal experience for him. The air felt crisp, almost cutting against his bare skin. The quiet was peaceful yet intimidating. He could hear faint voices from several different directions even though he didn’t see anyone. He was thrilled. He was terrified.

  Mark had no sense of time. It could have been ten or even thirty minutes since Emily left him alone in the car. Either way, he knew what he had to do; he had to make his way to the dormitory without being seen. This, of course, was much easier said than done.

  Emily’s car was parked almost two blocks from the residence hall. Fortunately for Mark, the car wasn’t on the main street. Emily parked on an access road by the dining hall. Tyson Street, the main drag across campus, was just to the north of him on the other side of the cafeteria. Billings Court was to his west and stood between him and the dormitory. he would have to somehow cross Billings then make his way to the dorm’s back entrance which was, unfortunately, just west of the corner at Tyson and Billings.

  Mark figured he could make it down the access road to Billings without much trouble. From there, he would assess the situation and plot his next move.

  Mark opened the car’s passenger door slo
wly; when the dome light illuminated above his head, he panicked and pulled the door closed again. “You have to be smarter than that,” Mark said to himself before switching off the overhead light and making a second attempt with the door. This time, he was able to open the door without any lights or signal flares going off. He was far from home, but it was a start.

  As Mark stepped out of the car, he pressed the door lock button and heard the “click.” Hardly reassuring, this reminded him that once the car door closed behind him, he would be outside naked until he either made it to the dormitory or was arrested. He took a final look around then pushed the door closed. Like it or not, he had to make his way to the dorm.

  Mark’s senses were on full alert. He thought about how people suffering from vision loss somehow improve their other sensory skills. The sound of cars felt more intimidating; the wind was more penetrating against his skin. The cafeteria smell was pungent even though the dining facility had been closed for hours. Even though he couldn’t see much, he was wholly cognizant of his surroundings.

  Well aware that his chances of being caught increased with every second, Mark started running toward Billings Court. After a couple of strides, he grabbed his penis with one hand, as much to steady the flailing appendage as to offer some level of modesty.

  A few feet before the Billings Court sidewalk, Mark crouched behind a car. It was from here he would plot the riskiest portion of his journey, crossing Billings and making his way toward the dormitory’s back entrance. The area was well lit, much more so than he remembered. Worse, there was no foliage to offer cover. There were a couple of benches along the way, but they would not provide any extended privacy.

  Mark watched the area for a few minutes as students filed into and out of the domicile. The area immediately surrounding the back entrance was obstructed from Tyson Street. Unfortunately, getting to the back door without being seen looked almost impossible.

  Mark didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t go back to Emily’s car; the doors were locked. There was no way he could make it up that sidewalk without being caught, no way in hell. He was going to have to figure something else out.


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