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The Nerd Conquest

Page 10

by C. W. Niess

  To the south of the dormitory was a large parking area, the same area Mark and Emily spent several minutes looking for a spot in. He figured that he could make his way to the parking lot. From there, he could go car-to-car and work his way around the residence hall. This would be risky since it would take him right past the dorm’s main entrance.

  If Mark could get through the parking lot and to the west side of the dorm, he figured he might be able to snake his way north between the dorm and a row of classrooms. This would take him to the opposite side of the dorm’s back entrance. Navigating around the dorm would take some time, but it might be more private.

  Voices approaching behind Mark necessitated a quick decision. He had to make a break toward Tyson Street and the back entrance, or he had to weave his way down Billings to the parking lot. Whatever he was going to do, he had to make his move.

  Mark started jogging down Billings toward the parking area. His plan was to cross the street at the very back of the lot. This would put him as far away from the dorm’s main entrance as possible, but it would also increase the amount of time he had to spend wandering around campus naked.

  Once to his planned crossing point, Mark waited until he couldn’t see any cars on Billings Court then darted across the road through a row of small trees and behind the first car he could get to. The large lot was well lit and had multiple security cameras, something he hadn’t didn’t initially considered.

  Despite the cameras, Mark couldn’t go back. He just had to remember to keep his head down and away from the cameras. Assuming nothing happened in the lot, the video would likely never be seen. At least that’s what he hoped.

  It took some time, but Mark was able to navigate the parking lot without incident. Few people dared to try finding a vacant space in the dormitory lot at this time of night, and those lucky enough to have a spot were unlikely to give it up. Of course, Mark knew he still had a considerable amount of real estate to cover if he was going to make it around the dormitory to the back entrance.

  Mark scanned the long walkway winding north toward his dormitory. Since there were only dark empty classrooms on this side of the dorm, foot traffic would be minimal. Even so, he needed to move quickly.

  Mark drifted back and forth between the sidewalk and the west edge of the parking lot as he made his way north toward the residence hall. He couldn’t believe how far he’d walked, he figured at least a mile from Emily’s car.

  Mark found a large pine tree to hide behind as he scouted out the final leg of his journey. The needles prickled uncomfortably against his naked skin, but the slight discomfort was a small price to pay for a much needed moment of solitude. Mark usually loved the smell of pine. Not tonight; the pungent odor almost burned his dry throat.

  A couple of hundred feet to Mark’s right was the dorm’s main entrance. In front of him was a large grassy area. If he could make it through the open space, he could cut behind a row of trees to the back of the dorm.

  Across the open lawn, there were three small clusters of people. A group of guys was playing Hacky Sack; they were closer to the main entrance and almost out of site. Another group was sitting in a circle socializing about fifty feet from Mark. Finally, a couple was making out in the back corner of the lawn. Mark would almost have to step over the impassioned couple to get to the dormitory’s west side.

  If Mark didn’t want to cross the open space, he could always cut back and circle around some of the empty classrooms. Such a detour, however, would leave him outside much longer than he felt comfortable with, and it wouldn’t guarantee a safer route.

  It didn’t make any sense for Mark to wait around hoping for the three groups to leave; it was just as likely, if not more so, that more people would show up. If he didn’t want to extend his trip around the classrooms, he was going to have to make a break for it.

  Mark figured, or at least hoped, that it would be too dark for anyone to recognize him. The lighting wasn’t nearly as bright as in the parking lot or on the other side of the dormitory. This had to be his best chance to get into the residence hall without making a scene.

  “Just go for it,” Mark said to himself. “Don’t stop until you’re in the clear, no matter what.”

  Mark took a final look around before digging his black buckle shoes into the dirt and loose pine straw. Like a runner at the gun, he shot out from behind the tree, across the sidewalk, and into the grassy area. He clutched his dick in one hand while swinging his other arm back and forth with his stride.

  Mark tried not to look at his potential spectators as he pressed his less-than-athletic body to move as fast as it possibly could. He felt a burning sensation at the base of his spine working its way up his back. He was halfway to the trees.

  The ground in front of Mark illuminated with an ominous light; he could see his own shadow on the grass. He assumed a police spotlight was pointed in his direction, but he kept moving. He wasn’t going to pause and find out if the light was for him or for something else. Whoever was shining the light would have to catch him.

  “Whoa,” the female half of the impassioned couple yelled as Mark approached.

  “Go get it,” her beau added rolling over toward Mark.

  Mark kept running around the couple almost tripping over their bodies; he couldn’t turn back, and he wasn’t about to stop for a conversation.

  “What a freak show,” the guy yelled. “Better keep moving.”

  Mark did just that; he kept running until he made it to the tree line. As soon as he was out of view, he looked back to inspect his wake. He couldn’t find the source of the mysterious light; he could only assume it was a car pulling into the parking lot. The couple who had seen him had already resumed their make-out session. If anyone else saw his streak, they weren’t offering pursuit.

  Mark took a second to catch his breath before making his way across dorm’s west side. To his relief, there was a row of small trees lining the building. He was thankful for cover as he pressed on toward the back entrance. “Keep your head on,” he whispered to himself. “You’re not out yet.” He knew he still had to get into the rear entrance, and, of course, he had no idea what to expect on the other side of the door.

  As Mark scoped out the back of the dormitory, he thought about Emily’s offer. She told him that if he found his way to her room, she would make it worth his while. What did she mean by that? Was it some ploy to encourage his streak across campus, or was she going to follow through on her vow?

  When Janice had first caught him spying on Lucy the week before, Mark thought his life was over. Either Janice was going to use that video to humiliate him, or she would make it public and seriously fuck up his life. Somehow, in a strange way, Janice’s blackmail was forcing him to take risks, something he typically avoided at all costs.

  Even hiding in the bushes, Mark felt strangely alive. He was taking a chance that he would have never considered the week before, and he might even have a beautiful girl waiting for him at the end of his adventure. Was this so bad? What would he be doing this very minute had Janice not caught him in that study room?

  “Pull yourself together,” Mark said, once again talking to himself. “We’ll see how alive you feel in a campus police cruiser.”

  Knowing he needed to make his move toward the back door, Mark waited for a break in foot traffic. There was no way to know if he would open that door and step into a group of his co-residents, but he couldn’t worry about that.

  Grabbing his dick again, Mark stepped under a bright amber light positioned strategically above the back door. Moving toward the entrance, he realized how vulnerable he was. With each step, he put a couple more feet between himself and the trees he was using for cover. If someone stepped out the door right now, he would have nowhere to go.

  Mark looked through the door’s small window. Beyond the glass, he saw an empty staircase. Breathing a sigh of relief, he buzzed into the dorm using his key card and stepped into the stairway. He was almost there.

took off up the first flight of stairs as quickly as he could. His body was already tired, but he had to keep moving. As he passed the first doorway, he heard another group of people entering the stairwell behind him; turning back was not an option.

  Mark’s calves started to cramp as he passed the third floor. His dick felt heavy in his hands. He had to keep going, though; just a few stories stood between him and Emily’s room.

  Almost to the fourth floor, Mark heard a couple of voices from the stairway above; at least two, maybe more, students were descending toward him. With the group of voices above and another group ascending from behind, he was cornered. He could keep pressing up the stairs and try to get past the group between him and the sixth floor, or he could step through the fourth-floor doorway.

  Realizing he might be making matters worse, Mark decided to get out of the stairwell. Since the dorm was split between men and women on every story, women occupied the fourth floor. The girls on the sixth floor were aware of his arrangement with Lucy and Janice; that was not the case with the fourth-floor girls. He couldn’t let himself get caught down here.

  Once through the doorway, Mark saw a couple of girls at the end of the hallway. Thankfully, there was a fire door just a few feet from the stairway entrance. He pressed his back to the wall behind the doorframe realizing that his hands, which were actively containing his dick, protruded beyond the frame’s cover. Better that, he figured, than having his penis sticking out from behind the wall. He would just have to hope the hallway girls didn’t notice.

  Not wanting to spend more time on the fourth floor than he had to, Mark listened intently for the upstairs group making their way beyond his position. As the voices passed the fourth floor, he also heard the girls from the hallway moving toward him. To get back into the stairwell, he would have to step into the hallway girls’ view. If he waited too long, he risked letting the group from behind him in the stairs catch up.

  Mark ducked his head out from behind the doorframe; the hallway girls were looking at something on one of their phones. Taking his chance, he jumped back through stairway door and into the stairwell. If the girls in the hallway saw him, they didn’t say anything.

  Still fighting cramps in his legs, Mark ran up the final two flights of stairs to the sixth floor.

  Mark was thankful to be back in his all-too-familiar hallway even if he was wearing nothing more than white knee socks and black shoes. Better yet, the sixth-floor hallway was empty. His feet felt lighter than ever and his cramped legs loosened beneath him as he jogged down the row of rooms toward Emily’s door. He just hoped Emily’s room was unlocked as she promised it would be.

  Mark’s heart sped up as he grabbed Emily’s doorknob. Slowly, he started to turn it waiting for the lock to stop its motion. As promised, the door was unlocked.

  “Emily,” Mark whispered as he entered the dark room. “Are you in here?”

  “Close the door, Mark,” Emily commanded. “That took you long enough. I was starting to think you got lost.”

  Mark closed the door. “You have no idea,” he said about his trek around the dormitory. “Why is it so dark in here?”

  “Turn on the lights,” Emily commanded.

  Since Emily’s room had the exact layout as his own room, Mark had no trouble finding the light switch. “Oh my god,” he proclaimed.

  Mark couldn’t believe his eyes. Emily was kneeling in the center of her room glaring at him with the most seductive look he had seen all night. The blonde girl was on her knees with her hands folded behind her back; she was completely naked.

  “Come here,” Emily said to him.

  “What are you…?”

  “Shhhh. Don’t talk. Just come here.”

  Mark stepped toward the girl until his erect dick was mere inches from her face. Looking down at Emily, he could see the top of her head; a simple metal hairclip held her curly blonde hair out of her face. He could also see the very tips of her small pointy breasts protruding into his view beneath her shoulders.

  Emily didn’t look up at Mark; the entirety of her focus was directed toward his dick. “Put your hands behind your back,” Emily ordered confidently.

  Mark moved his hands as requested. Blood rushed up from his toes and down from his forehead. His dick swayed back and forth as he struggled to keep his balance in front of Emily.

  Still holding her own hands together behind her back, Emily leaned forward letting Mark’s penis brush against one cheek then the against the other. She gently kissed the side of his rod. Her lips, covered in lip gloss, felt cool against his warm penis.

  Instinctively, Mark reached his hands around his side and caressed the back of Emily's head.

  “Behind your back,” Emily reminded Mark. “Keep your hands behind your back.”

  Obediently, Mark pulled his hands back, clasping them just over his ass.

  Mark watched the top of Emily’s head as she bobbed toward his pointed dick. She rubbed her teeth gently around the very tip of his penis.

  Emily looked up at Mark and smiled. Keeping her eyes locked with his, Emily took her hands and wrapped them around the base of his dick. Emily squeezed firmly as he let out an involuntary moan and almost fell backward.

  Mark’s knees felt like jelly as he tried to maintain his balance. His breath stuttered; he felt faint. He knew that he wouldn’t have much stamina, not after his long night. Emily also seemed to get this as she moved slowly trying to extend his elation as long as possible. Unlike the girls at the theater, however, Emily wasn’t teasing; she fully intended to reward him.

  Emily lifted Mark upward with his dick stem and planted her tongue behind his ball sack. She then ran her tongue through his compressed sack and up the underside of his rod. Once at the top of his peak, Emily whipped her soft tongue around his helmet.

  Mark gripped his hands together tightly behind his back and curled his toes in the black buckle shoes. He was trying to hold on as long as he could.

  Emily looked up at Mark with a smile. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready,” Mark said before taking a deep breath.

  Emily pointed Mark’s penis toward her mouth and slid the tip between her lips. Slowly, she pressed the entirety of his cock into her throat and began sucking as hard as she could. At the same time, she plunged her hands up and down the base of his rod releasing his frustration into her mouth.

  Just like that, all the tension from his long night flowed out through his cock and down Emily’s throat. As Mark’s fluids filled Emily’s mouth, his long night played through his mind. He thought of having to strip and put on the skirt in front of the two strangers. He relived walking through the theater in that embarrassing skirt and having that same skirt taken from him before being strapped into his seat. He thought of the group of girls who spent the movie teasing him with no relief and of his streak across campus.

  For now, it was all worth it. Somehow, looking down at Emily’s mouth dripping with his seed, Mark thought everything he went through, the most challenging night of his life so far, was worth every second.

  Still fighting to process what was happening, Mark stood motionless in front of Emily. He opened his mouth to speak, to thank her, but couldn’t get the words out.

  Emily’s backside dropped to her feet as she struggled to swallow Mark’s load. “Just a minute,” she mouthed upward with a finger extended into the air. “Stay right there.”

  Emily stood up and stumbled to her desk. She quickly chugged a few swallows of water then opened her desk drawer. Emily shuffled through her office supplies and other desk contents for a few seconds before removing a small bag of baby wipes. As she opened the package, she smiled at her shell-shocked guest.

  Emily returned to Mark and again knelt in front of him. She took a couple of wet wipes and slowly cleaned his now soft and drippy penis. Once Mark’s dick was clean, Emily took another wipe and wiped a smear of overflow cum from her cheek and neck.

  Mark looked down at Emily again. He still couldn’t get any words out;
he could barely breathe.

  Emily stood back up and grabbed a robe from her bed; she wrapped the furry white cotton around her naked body. She stepped past Mark and reached for her door motioning for him to leave. “Thanks for everything,” she said casually. “Your clothes are in the study room.”

  Mark wasn’t sure exactly what to expect after fellatio, but it wasn’t this. Emily was actually kicking him out of her room. Who was he to complain, though? He did as Emily requested; he stepped past his host for the evening with a grateful smile. “Uhm, thanks.”

  “No,” Emily said. “Thank you.” She smacked Mark on the ass and closed her door behind him.

  Mark stood in the hallway still catching his bearings.

  “Did you forget something?” a girl just outside the room next to Emily’s asked with a giggle.

  The girl’s voice jolted Mark; he realized that he was once again standing in the hallway completely naked. “Oh, sorry.” He covered his penis with both hands and ran away from the girl toward the study room.

  Mark was thankful to see his neatly folded clothes sitting in the study room waiting for him. He quickly dressed then plopped into his familiar chair. He needed a minute to process his long night.

  Mark had two more evenings of servitude left. After a day off, he would spend the night with Monica, his former high school classmate. He would round out his week on Friday doing whatever Alison, the bitchy girl who spanked him in the hallway, had lined up for him. He figured Monica and Alison wouldn’t be as giving as Emily just was.

  If Lucy were true to her word, most importantly, Mark would be a free man by midnight on Friday. One down, and two to go.


  Other Books by C.W. Niess

  Sister Problems and Table Tennis: The Ultimate ENF Adventure

  The Nerd Conquest Part Two (Available Now)

  The Nerd Ascension Part One (September 2016)

  The Nerd Ascension Part Two (October 2016)


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