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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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by Jessie Wolf

  Out of the ashes

  Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Death’s Own Daughter.

  By Jessie Wolf

  Kindle Edition © 2015 Jessie Wolf

  First Edition: date TBD


  To all those who have helped me with this work of fiction. First my editors whose hard work this story would be nothing more than a dream. Donald J. Kaufman SR, and Professor Virginia Whipple. If not for the two of you I know that my writing would be nothing more than the ramblings of a desperate writer. For Paul my loving and very forgiving husband, without whose encouragement I would never have had the courage to even try writing this story or his putting up with stakes and stakes of notes covering his dinner table.

  Author’s Notes

  Censorship Rating (18+).

  About the author

  Jessie Wolf lives in a small seaside town in South Carolina with her husband of 19 years and two very inquisitive cats. In her day to day life Jessie works as a Network Manager and IT guru for the resorts and hotels of her home town. In her spare time she is an avid reader of all forms of the written word, to include science fiction, fiction, fantasy, crime novels, detective stories, and just about anything else she can get her hands on. She is also a former member of her countries military and is a proud US Army veteran.

  Publisher’s Note

  Jessie Wolf is an exciting new author of the Twenty-Teens era. Jesse’s work has an established fan base who regularly comment on her work with great enthusiasm. They eagerly await each chapter as it comes. Jesse’s stories have a descriptive edge that keeps you wanting to read what happens next. The fans are already clamoring for a film of the Death Dealer’s Saga.

  At 97 JJ Owns thought he would take one last trip to pay his respects to fallen comrades. He didn’t see that the fates had other plans.


  For James J. Owens a return trip to the planet of Hades in the Death Gates System was to be his final farewell. At ninety seven, his doctors had told him his chances of surviving the trip were small. This did not deter him in the slightest. It would be his last great adventure and a chance to say goodbye to fallen comrades. What he did not know at the time he left the planet that had been his home for the last thirty years what lay ahead of him.

  Nor did the old Death Dealer know that deep within him lying dormant was an old friend just waiting a signal to reawaken. A wakening that would begin not only a second chance in life, but what would become his greatest, and most rewarding adventure. He will face off against assassins, rogue military units, hostile planetary governments, and an all-out revolt against the Empire he swore to protect. All of these things are nothing compared to his greatest challenge.

  No that pleasure belongs to dealing with first learning how to be a teenage girl, the Head of House for one of the most prominent High Families in the Empire, and having not one but two very different Artificial Intelligence computers in her head. One is the original Death Dealer AI that all Death Dealers have, this was ‘Dee De’ a Mark one Omega/ Assault class Death Dealer AI with a hidden secret. One that will lead to James greatest adventure and second chance in life.

  They say Death Dealers never retreat and never surrender. Their battle cry has been heard on thousands of worlds for over four hundred years. Can one of the most respected and feared of them, the man they called Death walk away? Or will the granddaughter he never had, rise up to claim the name of Death’s own Daughter?

  Chapter 1

  Judge and Jury

  Breathing deeply I calm, then center myself. I will only show that calm of inner peace. I know that I look like a gull, covered in the blood and other bodily fluids of the traitor, but I must not show my distress at what Charley has just revealed to me. Once I am alone with Mother Dai Etsu then, and only then, will I discuss this with her alone. “Ladies and gentlemen please forgive me, but that was not something I would normally do or condone. However at this time we are forced to use extra ordinary measures for extra ordinary times such as these.” Looking at what was left of the jackass that so enraged me by calling my beloved Matsu a whore, I saw that he was still alive. “Maj. Fujiyama can you make sure that this dog gets to the Temple Medical center please?”

  Bowing deep from the waist to me he says. “My Lady Maiha I will see that he is cared for. What do you wish done with him once he has healed?”

  Thinking of all the pain he has caused over the years and what he and his brother had planned for the future. “Remove what is left of his manhood, and give him the robes of a penitent monk. Then he may leave the Temple or stay and repent. Either way he has brought this on himself.” Looking over at his brother I decide to give him a choice. “You have committed the same crimes as your brother. You also sought to profit in the same way as he. Your greed has brought you to this point. How do plead, dog?”

  “You are not the true Head of House nor are you the Nakatoma Shogun; you cannot hand out judgments on samurai. You are nothing more than some Earth Prime inner system white trash whore’s child. I will die like a real warrior cut my hands free and face me with a blade in your hand. If you dare, little girl?”

  I nod my head and look over at the commander of my personal bodyguards. “Maj. Howard would you be so kind as to free his hands and give him back his swords. I accept your challenge, dog, but hear me now before you pick up your swords. I am the true Daughter of Death. The only mercy I will show is in removing your head before I let you beg for death.”

  As I spoke to the former member of the House troop I removed the blood and gore covered rags. When I had finished speaking I was standing before him with my combat blades extended, in only my armor. I truly looked as if I was one of the ancient legendary Yokia come to life. The man showed the first bit of common sense all day; at that point he left his swords on the floor and fell to his knees. “PLEASE! Show mercy, Shinigami himesama! I did not believe the stories being told in the barracks. PLEASE! MERCY!” It was the look I received from mother Dai Etsu that kept me from gutting the pig. I retracted my blades and stepped back to the Seat. Seeing me walk away from the former House troop Maj. Fujiyama picked up his swords.

  “You want me to show you mercy? Well that option has already been lost to you by showing your cowardice in withdrawing your challenge. Your fate shall be”, but before I can pass sentence him mother Dai Etsu interrupts me with a request.

  “Daughter may I make a recommendation?”

  “Please go ahead, mother. I shall always hear your advice on all matters.”

  “Send this one to the Temple with his brother to face the same fate.” At the questioning look on my face she explained. “Word of how those who abuse women are punished will spread quickly among the troops and the people of our district. All will know that to abuse women is to become themselves abused. To be blinded, scarred for life, have their very manhood removed, and finally left to rely on the kindness of others to survive.”

  The look of pure terror that crossed his face sealed his fate. To sentence him to the same fate as that of his brother would be far more befitting than just killing him. Besides I already told the fool the only mercy I will show is removing his head before he begged for death. He will not receive any mercy here, but his fate will be worse than that of his brother. “I have one question Reverend Mother. Why would they have to rely on the kindness of others?”

  When she spoke it was with the finality of the grave. “They cannot serve the Goddess as they have forfeited that chance when they betrayed this House and Family. Once they have healed they must leave the compound
and make their way in the outside world.”

  Sitting back in my chair I think about what she has said about them leaving the compound. “Why would have to leave the compound mother?”

  She looks at me as if I had lost my mind. “Child you do know that the entire Family compound is considered as part of the Temple?”

  Smiling up at her let her know that I did know but that I wanted for her to say why. At seeing my smile she understood what I had just done. By having her tell me what would be the fate of the two traitors every one heard it. That simple fact would make sure that it would run like wild fire in a field of straw in a high wind through the barracks of all the House Military troops. It would also make sure that the traitor would know his own fate. “Maj. Fujiyama you will deliver the criminal to the Temple hospital where they can perform the needed procedures. Have them remove his sight, his manhood, and match the damage to his brother’s skin so the two of them are identical. Do I make myself clear?”

  Before Maj. Fujiyama could reply the man screamed at the top of his lungs. “You said you would show me mercy! That or kill me! How is this mercy? You would unman me just to satisfy the whims of some nun. Where is the mercy you offered earlier? Or are you just another butcher from off-world?”

  As he spoke my anger with this man increased with each word that fell from his mouth. When he had finished I changed his punishment. “They will also remove this coward’s ability to speak. For now gag the dog and get him out of my presence. If the fool resists break his arms. If he tries to run break his legs. Do whatever you have to do, to deliver him the surgeons.” With that I had just sentenced my first criminal in what would become a long line over the years to come. I would not always be this harsh nor would I always be lenient but I would always be fair. As the guards dragged his gagged and bound form from the great hall I sat back in my seat. I was exhausted in the last eight hours. I had survived an attempt on my life, stopped a coup’ by the House military, started a political uprising, and began the process for tearing down the corrupt system of government on this planet. Oh and sentenced two of the biggest abusers of women in the House troops as well as being the instigators for the rebellion among my House military to spend the rest of their lives as mutilated, blind, and homeless beggars. Plus I found all the evidence I needed to charge the Heads of house for the High Families with complicity in the deaths of my daughter and son-in-law. Not to mention their illegal misuse of power in passing laws designed to strip way the rights of ownership to over eighty percent of the factories on Hades. Damn it I was supposed to be enjoying my retirement not heading up a revolution on a world that had for so long been full of pain in my life.

  Hay kiddo, what’s with all the negativity? I mean you have at least sixty years or more before you should be feeling this way. (Dee De)

  “Damn it Dee De I was supposed to be sitting back on the beaches of the southern continent drinking some fruity concoction with an umbrella in it at this time. Not heading up a revolution.”

  You still can you know. All you have to do is get up and walk out. Just leave this mess to Dai Etsu to handle or maybe even Howard or both of them. (Dee De)

  “Oh yeah I can see how will that’ll work. Within a week the High Families will have the P.D.F. and the Lord High Marshall in their pockets and House Nakatoma will be lying in ruins. No I started this mess over sixty years ago when I married Matsu.”

  If I may interject that no matter what you do commander the people of Hades will be better off with a revolution than the status quo? (Charley)

  “How’s that Charley? They will still be dying out there”

  To quote a great leader from the late nineteenth century ‘It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees’. He said this during the Mexican Revolution. (Charley)

  “Thanks guys, I needed that shot in the arm. Well, time to get back to work.”

  Sitting up straight I look out at the officers of my House troop and the Bodyguard units. “Ladies and gentlemen this has been a long and trying day. As it is almost three in the morning I suggest that we retire for the night. Go home get cleaned up grab some rest and meet back here in seven hours. Goodnight.” As I stand up to leave they all bow to me and wish a good night as well. It wasn’t until I had entered the hallway that I realized that I was still in my armor and nothing else. When I started to go back for my robe mother Dai Etsu hands it to me. “Sorry for losing my temper in there, mother. I don’t know what came over me. You should not have seen what I had done in there. No one should have. I carved that man as if he was a fish. You must truly hate me now that you see what an animal I can be.”

  Taking the robe from my hands she warps it around me. “No Child I do not hate you. Everything that you have done here tonight eats at your soul I can see that as plain as the noon day sun. You do not revel in the violence. You tried to show the fools mercy but they all refused. They paid the price for their traitorous acts. You were far more merciful that I thought you would have been.” She guided me down a hallway to a set of rooms on the other side of the main house. “The rage I saw in your eyes earlier at the thought of one of our House troops or bodyguards dying at the hands of those traitorous dogs was truly terrorizing. You truly care for those you send in battle. Now I see what drew Matsu to you, and why both your enemies and friends call you Death personified. Now though you have become Death’s own Daughter.” Turning me to look in her face I do not see the hatred that I believed I would see there. Instead all I saw was love, respect, and pity. This woman truly pitied me for the violence that was sure to stain my soul. “Now come, child it is time for you to be in bed and I myself as well.”

  “Let me get cleaned up first then I’ll get some sleep. Wait my bed was destroyed in the opening rounds of the fighting where am I going to sleep?” I hadn’t realized that we were in the guest wing of the house. I watched as she opened the door to a room on the right hand side of the hall. Following her in I see that it is laid out almost the same as our rooms in the family wing, but there is a big difference. There are two bedrooms in here. “Hum mother Dai Etsu why are there two beds in here?”

  She looks over at me and smiles. “Seeing as how your room as well as mine are in need of a remodeling I thought we would use the guest rooms that are reserved for the traveling members of our family who have need of multiple bedrooms. I hope that you don’t mind sharing accommodations until the needed work has been completed?” A little ‘remodeling’ she says. Except for the bathroom there isn’t a wall that doesn’t have a bullet hole in it or been burned by laser fire. My rooms are in need of a complete renovation not remodel. Oh well she does have a point.

  With a little giggle “Not at all. However I must warn you that I snore.” I reply.

  “Daughter please, you should remember you are a Lady of Breeding now. We never snore. We may quietly mumble in our sleep, but we never walk, talk or snore.” She said with the most arrogant expression on her face that she could. It lasted all of ten seconds before the giggle escaped and ruined it for her. I can’t believe what I am seeing just a few hours ago this woman of peace had her home attacked by both traitors and outsiders in an effort to restore the old ways and to stop me from upsetting their nice cushy life styles. Now here she is giggling like a school girl. She is truly amazing. Then it happens. She starts to cry. Just like the finest steel that must break when it is put under too much stress, mother Dai Etsu finally reached her breaking point. Stripping off the bloody robes I pull her into my arms and just hold her. I let her cry I knew that at the first chance she would grieve for those that died this night. I know that in the morning she will go to the Temple and pray for the souls of our enemies. I wouldn’t even try to stop her. She is the Reverend Mother it is her duty to do this. However she will also offer up prayers for me and the members of the House Military units. Before I know it she has cried herself to sleep in my arms. I gently left her up and carry her to one of the beds.

  After putting her to bed I head for the bathroom and a s
hower. Before disengaging my armor I let the water run over me washing the blood and gore from me and the armor. I only wish that I could wash the memories away as easily. I have enough of them already almost forty years’ worth. That thought brings me up short. For more time than any of the men or women serving in the House military I was an active Death Dealer. I saw combat on more worlds in more systems than over three quarters of the Dealers out there. I watched as first my son James Jr. grew to be a man then joins the very same Military I had while his sister was but a baby. I remember giving him my blessing. Then that hateful day when I received word that he was coming home in a box. I remember how proud I was of him serving, but the medals were a hollow tribute. I added his face to all the others. Friends and brothers who had died on some far off nameless battle field on some forgotten planet.

  Then there is Ohmei’s graduation from the H.M.C. Academy on Earth Prime and her commissioning ceremony. The pride Matsu and I had for her could be seen by everyone. Then three years later of her and Roberts' marriage at last we would have grandchildren. Only to be told they had died on Haven trying to save others by fighting a delaying action as the rest of their unit retreated to safety. Now here I am and what am I doing? I’m starting a revolution to get revenge for the deaths of my family and those of my wife’s family. Sure if everything goes right the people will be better off with the current regime of greedy corrupt bloodsuckers for politicians, but that still doesn’t change the fact I started all of this to get even with Stonewall, Blackstone, and the rest. Still it doesn’t excuse my motives. Revenge should never be used as a reason to start a war.

  Lady Nakatoma you have not started this war. No matter your reasons or what your reasons for taking the actions you have you did not seek out this war. It was those in power by illegal means that pushed you to armed rebellion. (Charley)


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