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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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by Jessie Wolf

  “Charley no matter what you say, what arguments you put out there, it was still my actions that started all this. If I had not forced Stonewall into the corner to resign when I had then we would have had time to bring in the High Court to solve this in a peaceful manner.”

  There was never that option Lady Nakatoma. The moment your D.D.A.I was reactivated that path was removed from the playing field. (Charley)

  “Charley what are you talking about?”

  While you were dealing with the traitors I was able to completely down load a top secret file for the Emperor to the Military High Command. In it was a plan to send a deactivated Death Dealer to the Death Gates system. Once here a signal was to be sent to the Death Dealer reactivating their AI and them as well. The High Command also planned for the possibility of a secondary reconfiguration coming on line. (Charley)

  “Are you telling me that they have had a plan in place to remove the High Family reps all along? Why didn’t they just send in a High Justice of the Peace to handle this?”

  Because on Hades a High Justice of the Peace would have no jurisdiction. Only the military have that here. The whole system is under Martial Law. So they had to send in a Death Dealer who could over rule the local Lord High Marshal. The fact that everything was setup on an automated system for the signal broad cast was why you and not the designated Death Dealer was what through the monkey wrench in the works. (Charley)

  “You mean to tell me that a deactivated Death Dealer was supposed to come here on purpose. That someone else was supposed to deal with this mess? Who were they sending? I need to know Charley.”

  Yes First Lady Nakatoma of the Death Dealers a different Death Dealer who was younger than you with a newer AI was supposed to be the one who was reactivated. Our untimely arrival set their plan into motion before all assets were in place to offer support. Those assets are just now moving into place. (Charley)

  “What assets are you talking about Charley? Outside of the House troops and our bodyguard units the only other assets that we have access to is the P.D.F. With all of that we are still outnumbered by the other High Family House units by more than four to one. Oh and why did you just call me First Lady Nakatoma of the Death Dealers?”

  For the same reason that all of your Death Dealer codes and command overrides that worked for you as James J. Owens First High Lord of the Death Dealers Divisions for the Delta Sector. You are the current First High Lord for those very same Death Dealer Divisions. At last count there was twelve in total with four on loan to other Sector First Lords. Now since you are now a female your title would be First High Lady of the Death Dealers. (Charley)

  “Dee De is what Charley telling me true? Have I really been restored to full active Statius as a Death Dealer First High Lord?”

  Honey child ever since he told me that we had full access to any and all levels of the command structure I have been trying to find out why. It’s taken me eleven hours twenty three minutes and eighteen seconds to find the answer. I’m putting it up on our heads-up display. (Dee De)

  To: The High Lord of the Military and the Supreme Lord for the Death Dealers

  By the order of His Supreme Imperial Majesty Shad Dan IV.

  Gentlemen it has come to my attention that there is a problem on Hades. I am greatly distressed over the reports that I have received from the minor House Families and one High Family House.

  The corruption on Hades has reached a point were over sixty percent of the incomes for the common people are going to taxes. Those taxes are lining the pockets of the Politicians instead of taking care of the people. I expect the Lord High Marshal and his Vic. are involved.

  You will send a former Death Dealer Commander, preferably a High Lord or a First Lord, to investigate the extent to which it has reached then put an end to this corruption.

  To expedite this you will setup a reactivation signal for their Death Dealer AI. Also you shall place four of the Delta Sector Death Dealer Divisions at their disposal if a Military action is the only solution.

  Gentlemen you will put an end to the corruption in Hades political system one way or the other; do I make myself clear on this matter?

  There you go kid the whole kit-n-caboodle all summed up in a niece neat package. Ever since we hit this system we have been getting yanked around by the High Command and His Imperial Majesty. Oh and by the way I found out who was supposed to be the original Death Dealer a Col. by the name of Sanders from the Kentucky System. He should hit system in about six to seven months. Even then you would still be the ranking Dealer in system. So it is all on us kiddo. (Dee De)

  “Thanks a lot. I only have one question for the two of you. Why does this shit always happen to me?”

  Sorry kiddo that is one question I am unable to answer. (Dee De)

  I have incomplete data to form a proper answer to the question. (Charley)

  “I am just glad I didn’t ask you two smart ass’s for the answer to the meaning of life the universe and everything.”

  I will start to compile the data to formulate the answer commander. (Charley)

  I’ll give you hand with that maybe between the two us we can come up with an answer. (Dee De)

  “Whatever you two I need to get some sleep.”

  With that I turn off the shower and get out. After drying off I headed out to go to bed. When I entered the bedroom area I found mother Dai Etsu curled up in a ball whimpering in her sleep. The horror this woman of peace was forced to witness is all the fault of men and women bent on destroying the one thing she loves the most is unforgiveable. For seventy years I have lived with the realities of war. I tried for a peaceful solution to end the corruption on this planet, but that was never to be. The Emperor had seen to that with his Royal Order. The fact that there are now four divisions of Death Dealers waiting to make planet fall means that if I want to bring about a limited conflict I need to act and act fast. First though I need some sleep. With that thought firmly in mind I slide in next to Dai Etsu and cuddle up to her pulling her to me to help her with the nightmare and go to sleep.

  Several hours later

  I wake to the sound of someone singing in the bathroom. For a few seconds I could have sworn it was Matsu so I am a little disoriented. Then I remember that I stayed the night with mother Dai Etsu in one of the guest room on the other side of the house. It must be her singing that I hear. Looking over at the time I see that it’s almost 0900 local time. I have to meet with my unit commanders in an hour. I need to get my butt moving if I’m going to be on time. Setting up I look around the room for Gin and Kina. Where were they? Oh my God did they even make it they could have been killed last night in the fighting. Just as I starting to work up a real panic attack the both of them and Dai Etsu come walking out of the dressing area. With a sigh of relief “I see that the three of you are having a good time.”

  Looking over at me they all give me a look of surprise. Mother Dai Etsu smiles over at me. “We figured that you would still be asleep daughter. Did we wake you?” I can tell that she is worried about me. “I can handle the meeting with our military commanders this morning if need be. I’m sure they will understand.”

  “No ma’am I’m fine. In fact I feel great but I do need something to wear. Gin by any chance did either you or Kina happen to get me something to wear out of that mess that was left of my rooms?” I asked her hoping that my corsets had bit the dust.

  However it was Kina that answered for them. “Lady Maiha I sorry to say this but over eighty percent of your wardrobe was destroyed by gunfire.”

  “Did you just say over eighty percent was destroyed by gunfire?” I was shocked to say the least. “How can that be it didn’t look that bad last night?”

  All three of them looked at me as if I had lost my mind. However it was Gin who came to my rescue. “My Lady you were far too focused on the battle to really look at the damage. So I will tell you what you possibly failed to notice. The bullets that the assassins used made extremely large holes in the bedroom walls
, floors, and dressing room walls as well. One of the engineers said that they had used something called a shredder rounds. I don’t know what means but I do know what they did. None of your kimonos or corsets survived intact as for your underwear well you have enough for two weeks.” I could tell by the look on her face and the others that they were not happy with this fact. To be truthful neither was I. I needed clothing and I needed it now.

  “Gin please go out to the mobile command unit and grab me something from it please.” I quickly asked.

  “Daughter it was also destroyed in the fighting last night. From what Maj. Fujiyama explained to me one of the first things the invaders did was to launch a missile strike with you as its sole target. So that source for clothing is no longer an option either” now that was just low, the M.C.U. was nothing more than a mobile home for me when away from the Family House Compound.

  “If they destroyed that as well as my dressing room what am I going to wear? I can’t very well walk around in my armor all the time.” I know I was starting to whine but damn it I like, no love being able to dress up nice and pretty. Oh shit that damn behavioral program is kicking in again. When my maids started to giggle at the pout on my face I almost lost it, however I just crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them. “Hey it’s not funny. I have enough problems as it is without this. I mean I truly have nothing to wear.” When I get done bitching to them I start to cry. In the last eighteen hours I have come close to losing everything that has become near and dear to me, had some ass clown’s send an assassination team after me, dealt with an armed revolt by my own House troops and found out that the High Command has known about the situation here on Hades and was sending someone else to deal with it by order of the Emperor himself; and now this. It’s the last straw, the final indignity; I just can’t take it anymore. Before I know what’s happening I have all three of them holding me as cry out all the frustration and anger at what these people have done.

  “Shush child all is not lost. We can find you something to wear for now.” It was mother Dai Etsu who calming me down now. Like I had done for her last night she was the one who offered comfort this morning.

  Taking a deep and calming breath I gathered my wits. “Yes mother you are right. I will not let these pigs defeat me.” With another deep breath I climb out of bed and head for the shower. Along the way I stop and tell both Gin and Kina what I need for them to do. “Gin, Kina will you please go over to the House troop barracks and find Captain Gunma Konami. Please inform the young lady that I am in need of one of her combat uniforms for the day and maybe one for tomorrow. Explain it is only until I can get into town later today or tomorrow and replace my wardrobe.” I think the idea of me walking around in B.D.U.s shocked them so badly that I had to push them toward the door to get them going. My mother Dai Etsu just stood there with that look of peaceful calm as if what I was doing was a natural every day thing. Then again for most women in the military it was. I take a quick shower and wash away the sweat from last night. By the time I am done Gin and Kina have returned. However instead of borrowing a uniform from Cpt. Gunma they had gone to the Quarter Master and drawn me a complete set of dress uniforms for the House troops. “Hum ladies I thought that I asked for you to borrow one or two uniforms from Cpt. Gunma. Where did you find the dress uniforms?”

  When Gin answered me it was time for me to be shocked. “Why Lady Maiha these are your uniforms. They have been on order since your first day here. When we saw that you were to be more than just a Head of House, but also the defender for the Nakatoma Family we placed the order for them with the Quarter Master. We just haven’t had the time to pick them up.”

  “Mother did you know about this?” I asked of her. When all she did was nod her head yes I knew there was more to it. “What else aren’t you telling me? Please no more surprises?”

  “Very well, I have set up for us to go into town later this afternoon and replace your wardrobe.” She said this with all the calm of a Zen master. I mean didn’t she realize there was an open revolt going on? It must have been the look of shock on my face that got her to explain further. “Be calm, child, the High Lord Marshal and Cpt. Walking Water called earlier to inform you of what has transpired this morning.” As I got dressed she told me of how Cpt. Suzume Walking Water and her father had used the Infantry company along with the P.D.F.s M.P.s to make the arrests of the Planetary Governor, the Secretary General for the Planetary Parliament, its First Speaker, half of the ruling party, the First Lord for the Hall of Lords, and the entire Counsel of Lords for the Hall of Lords earlier that morning. From what she told me over half of them were literally caught in their underwear! In one bold stroke I had cut the head off the snake. I just might have the ‘bloodless’ revolution that I was hoping for.

  Then she gave me the bad news. Not all the arrests happened without a fight. Four of the High Family Heads of House had already fled their compounds and were at this very moment staging an armed uprising in the back country areas. The High Lord Marshal had already sent two regiments of A.P.S. troops to confront them. Only to have them overwhelmed and destroyed. The P.D.F. was asking for help from the loyal Families who can to send troops to help put down the revolt. With that little bit of information I know that there is more than just four Houses worth of troops out there, but I knew I needed numbers and stats.

  “Dee De what are we facing out there? Exactly how many House troops are in open revolt?”

  From what I can tell from the net chatter there are at least seven House units out there. Going by the information I have been able to put together they have just short of two regiments worth of light Infantry, one regiment of armored Infantry, and two regiments of A.P.S. units. If I had to guess from that data it is the House units for the Secretary General and its First Speaker along with maybe the units of one Lord from the Council and two of the Parliament Reps. (Dee De)

  “Did they say who it was that got away?” I asked mother Dai Etsu.

  “Yes. It was the Secretary General, the First Speaker, and two members of the Council of Lords. Why is there significance in who got away?” she asked in return.

  “Yes ma’am. If I know who got away I’ll know what kind of units they have and what kind of fire power they have at their disposal. Plus it tells me who is behind the attack here last night.” I had finished getting dressed by then. Looking in the mirror what I saw would definitely make an impression. The only problem I had with the uniform was the skirt. It was too long for my tastes. “Shall we head for breakfast and the morning meeting?”

  While we walk down the hallway to the dining room I look closely at the walls. Here and there I see the occasional bullet holes from automatic gun fire. The fact that there was so little loss of life amazed me. There had to be more casualties.

  “Dee De do you have a full listing of all house hold personnel?”

  I know what you want. There are currently five maids, seven manservants and two night porters in hospital as we speak. Before you ask those are the casualties from last night’s fighting. (Dee De)

  “You forgot the four attendants to Dai Etsu.”

  No I have not forgotten them. They are listed under the dead or missing. Which still has to be completed. Not all of the department heads have reported in yet. (Dee De)

  “Damn it, get me that information. I want to know the full extent of the crimes committed against this House by those people. Do I make myself clear?”

  Yes! Lady Nakatoma. I’ll have it for you before the end of your breakfast. (Dee De)

  When we entered the dining room we were greeted by all the department heads and the three military commanders for the House troops. After letting mother Dai Etsu take her seat first I sat down. I waited for the maids to take our orders and leave to get them filled. Once they were out of the room I got down to business. The first thing I did was to find out exactly how many people were killed among the civilians. “Ladies and gentlemen last night we were attacked by a group of individuals bent on destroying th
is House. They failed. However we also lost people in the fighting, almost all of them among our civilians. Now I know that most of you are not used to telling the military your business but the next time one of my commanders ask you a question about if any of your people are hurt you will by fracking God tell them. I do not care if they are your supervisor or not you will let them know. Do I make myself clear?”

  When everyone had acknowledged my order I continued. “Now that we have that out of the way we will go around the table each of you will tell me how many of your people are either in hospital, missing, or dead. Mr. Ito would you please start?”

  As each department head gave their reports the madder I became. When the military commanders gave their reports it became very clear to me that if Suzume had not been able to contact Maj. Howard over two thirds of the house hold would be dead or in hospital. “Excuse me Maj’s are you telling me that half of last night’s attackers were targeting the civilians inside of the compound?”

  “I’m afraid so, Lady Nakatoma. While the Hell Hounds went after the ones attacking the main house the loyal units of the House troops were tied up with defending the civilian areas. The Wolves had their hands full with just defending the Temple against the ones sent to destroy it.” It was Cpt. Takeda who answered for the military side of the household. “I must beg your forgiveness in not being able to stop the traitorous actions of those in my command, Lady Nakatoma. I should have kept a closer eye on those who were not happy with your banishing of the old ways.”

  “No, Cpt. Takeda you are not to be blamed for the actions of those who would turn their backs on those who have fed, clothed, and housed them.” I could tell my words had eased his mind. “However we do have a problem that I will solve right now. Maj. Fujiyama you are out of uniform. How do expect the troops to respect you Col. if you will not wear the proper insignia? Please correct this before heading over to check on the House troops for me please. As of this moment gentlemen he is the new House Commander in charge of all the House Military and Bodyguard units. Any questions? None, good. Cpt. Takeda you are also promoted. Your new rank is Major. I want all three of you to come up with a battle plan for the defense of the House Compound and have it to me by no later than 1800 hrs.”


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