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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 11

by Jessie Wolf

  “They shall be safe as a baby in their mother’s arms, Ma’am.”

  “Good, now get them loaded up. Then move out.” Activating my c5 I get on the horn to the commanding office for the scout lance A.P.s “Night Wolf one this is Wave Dancer I need you to form up for convoy guard on the IFVs. You are not I repeat not to deviate from this. Do you understand?”

  “Roger Wave Dancer. But who’s going to scout the route back ma’am?”

  “Don’t worry about that, you just make sure that my family makes it home safely.” I told the man. With that I signed off. Looking over at Dai Etsu I wave for her to follow me back inside. “Mama, I’ll be running point for our trip home. You and my sisters will be riding in this IFV. I know that the hover-limo is armor plated, that won’t stop a rocket. I want you to be safe. I know you’ll be in that beast. Please don’t argue with me on this.” I give her a hug then head inside with Fuyuko in tow. Heading for the restroom I began to tell her what is going on. “Fuyuko, when we get in there I’m going to hand you my clothes. Once I’m naked I’ll engage my armor. The reason why I picked you is because I want you to know what it cost me to have this power.” Once we’re in the restroom I began to strip. As I do I tell her about being a cyborg like me. I explain that my arms and legs may look natural, but in reality are cybernetic replacements. About the fact that I have a micro cold fusion reactor in my chest, and how I have to have an AI computer in my head just to control everything. I give her the whole unvarnished ugly truth. I leave nothing out, hoping it will change her mind about wanting to be like me. When I’m done I activated my armor. “So little sister now that you know what I gave up, do you still want to be like me or would you prefer to be the pilot for an Armor Power Suit?”

  “Sissy, I love that you want to protect me and to keep me from becoming something that many would see as horrible. However I still want to be just like you. A second configuration Death Dealer. One such as you saved us back on Crossroads. Yes sissy, I know what you are, just not how.” The look of honest love and intense respect on her face floored me. I knew then and there I would do all in my power to give her what she wanted. The only problem was I didn’t know how to go about it. “Sissy, you promised to talk with me and mama when we get home. Let’s wait until we get home to finish this ok?”

  “Sure kiddo, now please take my clothes and yourself out to the IFV, and get on board missy; and no bugging the crew. Don’t let your sisters do it either. Knowing them they’ll bug the crap out of them for the chance to drive or work the gun turret. Sheesh those two could sweet talk a snake out of his scales.” When Fuyuko heard this, she just giggled at this last comment. As we head back toward the door to leave I get stopped by the paramedic from earlier. “Can I help you, sir?”

  “No ma’am I just want to thank you for what you did earlier. I didn’t release until now that you’re the one who stopped the rogue LEOs. If it hadn’t been for you a whole lot more people would have been hurt or killed. I saw what you did. You are the hero here. Not the bodyguards. I think you stealing their thunder might have pissed off a few of them. Personally ma’am I don’t care, you saved lives and in my book that’s all that counts.” With that he just walks away.

  Well I’ll be damned. Just when you think that you have a handle on life the bitch throws you a curve ball. Oh well, time for me to get a move on. I have over eighty miles of open territories to scout and secure. I figure there has to be at least one look out keeping watch over what went on in town. If for no other reason than to report success or failure. With how my luck been there are probably more than one. If I were to go by past experience there are five out there.

  Walking up to mama I give her a hug and a kiss. “I’ll see you in a few hours mama. I have a job to do. Don’t worry if there is one thing I know it’s how to find and destroy the enemy. Now please, listen to what the crew of this IFV tells you to do. They know what they’re doing, and you don’t.” turning to the twins I flat out tell them. “You two if they tell you no, they mean no. if they tell you to move, you move. If they tell you to sit still, you don’t move a muscle till they say otherwise. Oh, one more thing, don’t go pestering them to showing you how everything works. You understand me?” it was the first time any of my new family had been exposed to the hard ass side of me. Even mama, who had seen that side of me before as James, had never been exposed to me in full command mode. She must have understood just how worried I was.

  Before I can say anything though, she beat me to it. “I will make sure that they fallow your instructions to the letter, Maiha. If there is one thing I know, it is when to let the experts do their job, and to stay out of the way.” She steps forward then placing her hands on my shoulders. “Mother of us all, send down your blessings of protection and guidance upon this your cherished daughter. She who you sent to me on the very wings of Destiny to protect first your Temple, then your people of this planet, and finely our family.” Once she was done speaking she leans forward and kiss’ me on my forehead. It must have been the look of shock on my face that prompted her explanation for blessing me the way she did. “Child, I may have to leave the Temple because of what has happened this day, but until then I am still very much the Reverend Mother. For me to watch you of all people go off to war without asking for the Goddess’ blessing, would be very much against what I have always done for you and your family.” Smiling at me with pride in her eyes. “I may have never agreed with your grandfather’s ways, but I will tell you this. He never went in to battle without a blessing being called out for his safe return. I did this for your grandmother now I do this for me.” pulling me into a hug she whispers in my ear. “Come home to us Death’s Daughter. Make these dogs of war pay for their crimes.” Leaning back she kiss’ one more time then enters the IFV with her head held high like the High Families Lady she is.

  Each of my sisters comes up and does the same. Only Fuyuko says anything before entering the IFV. “Sissy, please be careful.” It’s all she says before getting in.

  Once they were all secured on board the IFV I turned to the sergeant who was in charge and the IFVs tactical commander or TC as they were called. “Sergeant, make sure they get home. If there’s a fire fight screw everything else and get them out of there. Got it? That is a direct order. No matter what they are your number one priority.”

  “Yes ma’am. I understand. Get them home safe and sound. I’ll make sure Night Wolf three and four know as well. Our job is to get them home. Once that’s done then we can have fun with the leftovers.” He gave me a sharp salute then boarded his IFV. I could tell he was a real professional. I stood there thinking if I had forgotten anything. Looking around I watch as the bodyguards line up with one APS in the lead fallowed by a IFV, then a APS, then two IFVs with the hover-limo between them, then a APS, then the last IFV, and APS. Looking at the hover-limo I realized I didn’t even know the names of the men who would play decoy in this whole setup. Seeing this glaring omission I decided to fix it. Walking up to the Driver and Shotgun I get their attention. “Gentlemen, I know that we have not been properly introduced. However I will not let you do this without knowing your names. You put your lives on the line on a daily bases for us I know, but this is different. Before you would only face small arms, today though there is a chance of heavy weapons. You stand a high chance of not coming…” I don’t get to finish my sentence.

  “My Lady, I have been Lady Dai Etsu’s Driver for the last fifteen years, I know what it means to be bait in a trap. You do not need to worry about me. As for Shorty he’ll have to speak for himself but I won’t let anyone else do my job.” The Driver told me.

  When I looked over at the Shotgun he just shrugged and said. “Lady Nakatoma, I have been Slick's Shotgun for twelve years now. We have been through more than one fire fight. So you ain’t yanking me out of my seat.”

  “Shorty, and Slick, I know that those aren’t your real names, now please what are they?”

  Slick looked over at Shorty and nodded his head. “Ma’
am, Slick’s real name is Sylvester Sickleton and mine is David Shore.”

  “David, Sylvester, do me a favor make it home safe and sound. Because I have to know where you two got those nicknames.”

  “Sure little lady. Uh I mean ma’ Lady.” was Slick’s Reply.

  I can tell these men are pro’s if they go down it will be swinging, taking as many with them as possible. There is something about the comment that Slick made me think about where they were from. “Say, um … Slick, just where are you from?”

  Chuckling the man answered me with a sly smile on face that said more than words. “Now that would be telling on me self -there little lady.”

  That did it I know exactly where he was from. “Let me see, if I had to guess, I’d say you were from Earth Prime southwestern old United States. Am I right?”

  “Yes ma’am, you sure are. Why you so interested in where I’m from Lady Maiha?”

  This time it’s my turn to laugh. “I once knew a man from the same area. If there is one thing I know, it’s to never, I repeat never count people from there out. Not until they’re cold and in the ground.” From the look on his face he was the same way as that long dead Texan. “I’ll see you two back at the compound.” With that I walked away knowing that unless they took a direct hit they would be sitting back having a beer waiting for us.

  Once I’m away from everyone in the convoy I key up my c5. “Night Wolf one this is Wave Dancer. Over”

  “Wave Dancer this is Night Wolf one what are your orders ma’am? Over” was the quick reply.

  “Night Wolf one you and your team are to wait fifteen minutes, then move out at a road march speed of fifty-five miles per-hour. You are not, I repeat not to engage any hostiles unless forced to do so. Then only as a last resort. Your number one priority is the safety of the Grand Lady and her family on board Blue one. How copy? Over.” I wanted to make sure that they understood my orders loud and clear.

  “Dancer do I understand that we are to leave you high and dry if there’s a fire fight ma’am? Over.”

  “Wolf that is exactly what I mean. If there are unwanted guests you are to bug out and not look back. Am I clear Wolf?” I know this goes against all military practice, but I didn’t care. If there was a hostile force out there I wanted my family safe. To hell with doctrine, I know that you don’t leave a scout without back up. To do so is the same thing as letting them die in place. Something that all scouts hate hearing, and what I was ordering them to do.

  “Understood ma’am, we’re to let you handle it on your own. I don’t like it, but I’ll follow your orders Wave Dancer.” I can tell that just by the sound of his voice.

  “Don’t worry Night Wolf one I don’t plan on following in Custer’s footsteps. Over.” I let him know.

  “Very well, Dancer. Just don’t get yourself in too deep you can’t pull out. Over.”

  “Copy that Wolf. Moving out now to start my sweep now. Out.”

  “Good hunting, Wave Dancer.”

  With everything set up here for the convoy I took off heading out of town. As I push my speed up to sixty I turn on my radar cranking the range to maximum. If there is someone out there I want to know it before I run into them. It’s been a long time since I did this kind of work. As I move I sweep the sides of the roadway looking for the signs of possible ambush sites. I may have been out of practice, but like all skills honed on the battlefield it was quick to return.

  I was maybe twenty to twenty-five minutes outside of town when I got the first bleep on my radar. Moving off the roadway to get a better count of what was out there I had this deep sinking feeling that I might be in for more than I can handle.

  When the first scans came back I knew I was right. “Dee De, Charley, am I reading this right?”

  You’re not mistaken honey. (Dee De)

  Lady Nakatoma if you are thinking that there are four lances worth of APS units up ahead you are correct. (Charley)

  “Any idea of what kind you two?”

  Yes ma’am. You are facing eight heavy classes, four fire supports and four assault classes. (Charley)

  You ever have one of those days where you feel like everyone is out to get you? Yah that’s how I feel right now.

  Chapter 6

  A walk in the countryside

  Charley, are you sure about that?”

  Very Commander. May I suggest the better part of valor here? (Charley)

  He does have a point, honey. Even we can’t take on that kind of fire power. (Dee De)

  “No shit, but if I don’t do something to slow them down all of that will land on that convoy. So I am open to suggestions here.”

  Call in the House troops and have them hit them from the rear. (Dee De)

  “What are you……you know something. I forgot I have that little piece of backup.”

  Well you did ask for suggestions, Commander. Here is another one. RUN! In coming high-explosive artillery rounds. (Charley)

  Oh shit! They must have tagged me when I was on the road. Hitting the brakes I turn around, and head back towards town in high gear. I had no sooner reacted to Charley’s warning than the woods around me came apart with the impact of said rounds. Man oh man, these jokers weren’t playing around.

  “Charley get me a connection with Hound One and Mountain Wolf one. We’re going to need everything plus the kitchen sink here.”

  Working on it now. Hound one on tac1 and Mountain Wolf on tac2 I have patched them though so you can give them both all the Intel we gathered. (Charley)

  “Thanks, Charley. Now plot me an exit route, and then display it on the heads up.”

  “Wave Dancer this is Hound one. I take it you have a problem? Over.”

  “Hound, you could say that. I need you and Mountain one to bring down the Hammer of God on these ass holes. I have at least one company of heavy and assault class APS units out here with at least one fire support lance. Over.”

  “Dancer this is Mountain one I am deploying both House and bodyguard heavies and assault class now. What is your location? Over.”

  “Mountain, I am fifty clicks outside of town on Mike Romeo Sixty. Over.”

  “What is your current situation? Over.”

  Diving under a rock over hang to find some cover before replying. “Well let’s just say I definitely have their undivided attention. Over.” They must have two heavy fire support APS targeting me. The next thing I know, more than eighty rounds impact on the surrounding area.

  Commander I hate to tell you this, but I just got a firm count on those fire support units, plus what type they are. We are dealing with seven, AR-17 Thor’s all of which are D models. (Charley)

  There is good news, bad news, and shitty news. This is a universal fact. What Charley just told me went way, and I do mean way, past shitty.

  “Mountain one, I would suggest that you move out with an attitude. Now. From what just landed in my AO, I would say they have seven AR-seventeens out here that are Delta models.”

  “Any more good news there, Dancer?” Asked Hound one.

  “Did I tell you that they have four assault class Suits that I know of, Hound?”

  “It would have been nice of you to pass on that little bit of info, Dancer. Over.”

  “Sorry about that, I got a little distracted by the incoming fire. Over.”

  “Dancer what’s the Status of the Grand Lady? Over.” Mountain one wanted to know.

  “At last contact they were just leaving town in a convoy. Over.”

  “Stop them if you can and turn them around. I have a feeling that we have more than just what you have facing you now out there. Over.”

  “Will do soon as I can get out of here. Over.”

  “Wait five, I sent you some help. They should be overhead in three. Call sign is Snake Eater and Cat Nape. Over.”

  Commander I have two AH-90’s on a fast approach from the direction of the compound. (Charley)

  “That would be our help that the Majors have promised.”

  Well th
en they need to concentrate their strike on the outer edges of the formation. The enemy has placed all, but one of the AR-17s there for the best coverage of the kill box. (Charley)

  “Thanks, Charley. I’ll pass it on to them.”

  Keying up the frequency for the AH-90’s I hope for the best that I can contact them before they start their runs. “Snake Eater this is Wave Dancer over.”

  “Go for Snake Eater. Over.”

  “Snake I got seven big boys dropping a ton of bad attitude on me here. Concentrate your strikes on the outer edges. Over.”

  “Copy Wave Dancer. Any idea on what kind of anti-air they have if any? Over”

  “Hold one while I see what I can find out. Over”

  “Charley plot me a sweep route across their lines. When I make my move give me a full sweep of their lines painting all of their locations then up load them to the fighters.”

  Roger Commander. Do you want target ids as well?” (Charley)

  “If you can get it do it, but your priority is targeting their locations.”

  Maiha what do you want to do about your family? (Dee De)

  “Shit! I forgot about them. Where are they at right now?”

  They’ve stopped about ten miles back on the roadway. (Dee De)

  “Good; tell Night Wolf one and Blue one to haul ass back to town. Once there they are to take up defensive positions.”

  Sending it now. (Dee De)

  “Okay kiddies hold on to your hats because it’s about to get stupid around here real fast.”

  Taking a deep breath I wait for a break in the barrage. When it comes, I don’t hesitate. With the speed born out of necessity I move out. I start off slow, but soon I’m pushing myself to the full extent of my abilities. I hit the top end of my maximum speed. As I weave in and out around the trees I find myself coming more and more under fire. I can stop, but if I do I become a sitting target. If I do that I’m dead. After what seem like the longest five hundred meters of my life I hit the far end of their formation. Making a quick break to the right I head away from them. Now I’ve dealt with, and train with some of the best, but these jokers are still damned good. More than once they came close enough to singe the hair on my neck. If I was half a second latter a few of those times I won’t be here.


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