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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 12

by Jessie Wolf

  “Charley, did you get the info I asked for?”

  Yes Commander. I have already up loaded it to the AH-90’s attack computers. (Charley)

  “Do I really want to know what’s out there?”

  NO! (Charley)

  ‘That was kind of rude there pal.”

  Commander if you ever say that ‘it’s going to get stupid around here’ again I’m asking for a transfer. (Charley)

  Honey child I’ve been with this crazy bitch for over seventy years, only the last twenty or so deactivated. This was nothing. Wait tell she says we’re just going out for a walk in the middle of a fire fight. That’s when it gets real interesting. (Dee De)

  “Hay! I only did that once. Over fifty years ago. Besides you were the one who marked out the route. It’s not my fault it took us though a mine field.”

  Oh sure. Blame the AI, that’s what we’re here for! It was not my fault! How many times do I have to tell you?! That mine field wasn’t on the base map damn it! (Dee De)

  Hum… Excuse me, but can we settle this later? When we are not in the middle of a fire fight. (Charley)

  “What do you think Dee De? I figure the fighters are just about to make their first run?”

  Commander were you and Dee De just wasting time? (Charley)

  By Jove I think he’s got it. (Dee De)

  “Yup. We sure were. I figure that the fighters have been circling overhead planning out their attack runs to get the most bang-for-the-buck when they do.”

  “Wave Dancer this is Cat Nap. How old is this Intel? Over”

  “Cat Nap that intel is less than thirty seconds stale. Why? Over.”

  “Ma’am all I can say is if you grabbed this on your own you’re crazier than Hell. Over”

  “Why thank you cat Nap. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on the battlefield. Over” I tell him in my sweetest voice.

  I hear a deep chuckle comes over the airwaves. “I hate to tell you this Wave Dancer, but my wingman is already married. However I’m free if you ever want to hook-up? Over” comes from Snake Eater.

  “Sorry Snake, but even if I was interested you have to go through mama first. Over”

  “Damn of all the bad luck. Ok heads-up here Dancer. We’ll be coming in from the three o’clock down on the deck. When we make our first run we’ll split up and come back in from the one and ten rotating every two on the following passes. Bug out after our first run. Got it? Over”

  “Got ya five-by-five Snake. Bug out after first run. Wave Dancer out.”

  I set back and wait for the shit storm to start. I have Dee De pull up the standard layout for the AH-90. Now there are few things that will get a Death Dealers undivided attention. Those things are one of them. Each one carries a pair of eighty millimeter pulse lasers and a one hundred millimeter PPC in the nose. Each wing has four fifty millimeter rapid fire plasma lasers, and two seven point two rocket pops. In other words the damn things were a flying tank killer. Looking at their nickname it couldn’t be more fitting, War hawk. The next thing I hear is the scream of their twin turbine engine as they start their attack runs. Looking out from my hidey hole it looks as if the very ground itself blew up.

  My Goddess! If this is what they do to soften up a target, what the hell is it like when they decide to destroy one? I think it’s time for me to get out of there. With that in mind I haul ass back towards town. This place is about to become very unhealthy for yours truly. Once I’m up and moving I don’t slow down till I get more than half way back to town. Just as I’m cresting the top of the hill that overlooks Light Hope Harbor I stop. When I turn back to look the way I came I see the War Hawks are still pounding the APS units out there. Keying up my radio to get an update.

  “Snake Eater how is the hunting going over?”

  “Dancer we have a true target rich environment. So far six heavies down, three fire support out of it for good, and one assault just joined the last roundup. Over”

  “How soon till the rest of the house shows up to help out there Snake? Over”

  “Dancer, I don’t know what you been doing, but they hit our playmates from the rear two minutes after we started our runs. Over”

  “Damn for the sounds of it I got out of there just in time Snake. As grandpa used to say ‘It’s all fun and games until the assault classes step out to play.’ How bad is it getting over there? Over”

  “Dancer let’s just say I like it up here just fine. Those boys and girls don’t play nice. If you can find an alternate route home. The roadway is toast. Over.”

  “Copy that Snake. Will talk with Night Wolf one and Blue one then relay new route back to House H.Q. Out”

  Turning up the magnification on my eye sight; what I see makes me glad I took off when I did. The amount of fire power that is wielded by the heavy and assault class power suits is awe inspiring. Those monsters truly are the Gods of the battlefield. I know that I can take one those monsters and win yah, but at the cost of losing total control. In my book that is a price I’m not willing to pay.

  Looking back at the fight one more time I shake my head at the useless waste of it. Men and women out there dying for the soul purpose of either keeping a greedy illegal power structure in place or trying to replace it. I didn’t want this. Why couldn’t they just wait for their day in court damn it?

  Commander I know that you didn’t want this, but it could not be avoided. The former planetary Government was filled with corrupt individuals who didn’t care for their people. Only in making themselves richer, they were much more like the early twenty first century government of the former United States. (Charley)

  “Thanks Charley. I just didn’t realize how bad it was. If they are anywhere near as bad as those ass holes then I really am glad we’re taking them down.”

  You’re quite welcome, First Lady Nakatoma. It is an honor to be in your service. (Charley)

  I head down the roadway toward town with a heavy heart, knowing that there are members of my House, people who I am responsible for, out there getting hurt or dying; and there’s not one fracking thing I can do about it. Sure, back in the day I sent men to their deaths on countless battlefields. This is different though, before it was on someone else’s orders or for someone else’s cause. Before I could always lay the final blame on someone else’s head for the dead and crippled. Now I am the one that is responsible for all of them. I may not have started this war but in the end I’ll be the one blamed for it. I know that I tried to do this in a peaceful and legal manner, but they took that away from me when they tried to kill first me, then my mama and family. Now they’ve tried to pull in the civilian populace against me. No, this is not my fault, but I’ll still be blamed for it in the end.

  I am pulled out of my self-recriminations by the sounds of heavy gun fire, and the crack of high-velocity cannon fire. They’re not coming from behind me, but up ahead in Light Hope. I pore on the speed my family is down there. If what I’m hearing is true then the opposition has a force in town and mama’s bodyguards got their hands full. I will not let them get involved if it’s last thing I do. I cross the hundred marks on my speed pushing for more until I hit my limit. I know I can’t keep up this speed for long, but I don’t need to, just long enough to get me in the fight.

  Keying up my radio to Night Wolf one’s frequency I try to raise him. “Night Wolf one this is Wave Dancer. What is your situation? Over”

  I wait thirty seconds before trying again. When I don’t get any answer I began trying all the other members of the protection team. I finally get a hold of someone I know they are in deep shit.

  “Wave Dancer this is Blue two and if you’re in bound I suggest you haul ass the other way. We have only one APS and three out of four of our IFVs still in the fight. Over”

  This is not good; mama and my sisters were in Blue one. “Two what is Blue one’s condition? Over”

  “They’re still in the fight, but took two rockets in the engine. So they’re dead in the water. I know they have l
ost coms, but have no idea if anyone was hurt. Over”

  Shit, this ain’t good. If their engine is dead that means they’re running on batteries. In a fire fight that only gives them ten minutes of combat time. Whoever set this up did so with a lot of forethought. “Two, I am coming in from nine o’clock. What are you facing? Over”

  “Dancer I told you to bug out. We have this under control. Over”

  Ok time to be a hard ass. “Two I will not ask again. What are you facing? Because with or without that info I’m hitting these ass hats in T minus three with everything I got under the hood. Over” yeah I wasn’t giving him a choice here, but I didn’t care; my family needed me.

  “Copy that Dancer. We’re up against three heavy APS’s. They’re all Riflemen. They started out with four, but our scouts took down one in the first exchange. Two more are hurt but still in the fight. The last one looks to be in charge and is hanging back only targeting our APS members. Over”

  That little bit of info gives me my first target. I have to take out the untouched Rifleman first. Just before I hit the square I scan for and lock down the entire enemy APS’s. With that done I prioritize them by combat threat ability. When the one that has been hanging back comes up on the near side of the square I almost smile. The ass hat has his back to me. Time to even up the odds. When I come into view I get a hard lock for both of my primary weapons. I cut loose with everything I have. The poor bastard didn’t know what him. The PLR and PPC latterly blasted a hole clean through the suit’s armor straight into the power supply. He went up like a roman candle.

  Once again, Charley steps in and takes over from there. I don’t know if it was their leader getting blown to Hell or the fact that I hit them from the rear, but the other two pilots quickly targeted my little ass. I’m weaving in and out of obstacles and trees all around the park in the middle of the square. I have to slow down to target them. It makes me an easier target for them, but I have to do it so I can place my shots better. I sacrifice speed for accuracy.

  Even then I still drop one more. The last one made the mistake of turning its back on the IFV’s and the last scout APS. All of whom poured everything into his back at one time. It was like using a shotgun to kill a rat. Overkill to the extreme. Then again they have lost friends and team mates. Brothers and sisters in arms. There is an old saying from Earth Prime that says ‘You don’t fight and die for God or Country. You fight and die for the man serving next to you, your brother in arms.’ They call it the Brotherhood of War for a reason. Believe me there is almost no bond or fellowship that is stronger except for those of family. Looking around at the destruction I realize that this war just got personal for the troops of House Nakatoma.

  The rebel House units just pushed them past the point of professionalism. They went too far this time. The rebels had fired indiscriminately in the hopes of causing the most damage as possible in the least amount of time. What I saw sickened me. Heading over to where Blue one sat I could tell that they would have to be towed back to the estate. The engine compartment had taken two direct hits from what looked like short range rocks. They don’t have a lot of range or punch, but they can be deadly in a mass attack. From the looks of it at least another seven had been targeted for my mama’s IFV. If all nine had hit there would be nothing left.

  As soon I reach the rear of the IFV I began to worry. What if they were hurt or worse yet killed? I began to pray that my family is alright. Pulling open the rear combat hatch I look inside. The sight that greets me fills my heart with the first true feelings of happiness since the fighting began. There was my family safe and sound. Mama and Nanase were tending to the wounded crewmen while Fuyuko and Nanami were manning the gun turret. Smiling I ask “Ok who said you two could play around in the turret? If I remember correctly I said to let the crew do their jobs and to stay out of the way.”

  Mama looked over at me smiling. The look of worry disappearing in a flash of true joy. “Daughter, do not ever do that to me again. I thought for sure they had killed you. When we turned around I heard the Sergeant here say that there was a trap up ahead on the road to home. That you actually set it off. Are you out of your mind, child?”

  “Well it seemed like the thing to do, mama.” I replied with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. Looking up at Fuyuko in the gunners’ seat. “By the way nice shooting there little sister. Who taught you to shoot like that?” I was desperately trying to change the subject of me taking on a full company of heavy and assault class APS’s.

  “Maiha Mana you will answer my question and now, child.” Yup mama was pissed. If I don’t come up with good answer really quick here I just might not be sitting down any time soon. She might not have said it but I wouldn’t put it past her to tan my hide.

  “Very well, I wasn’t thinking. I was reacting to a very dangerous situation. If I had let you go much farther down that roadway you and everybody else would have been within range of those fire support AP suits. If that had happened there would’ve been no way for you all to escape unharmed.” I told her flatly without any emotion. I know she was worried about me, but I have to make her understand this is what I do; I will never have the soft life of your typical High Families’ Lady. I am first, foremost, and always one of the most highly trained warriors that mankind has ever produced. I was a Death Dealer. In all of history no other group of soldiers has ever had the type of training we did. Everything from small arms to Armor Power Suits we learned how to use it all. When we left training there was no piece of military equipment we could not use.

  Seeing that she was not going to win this argument mama changed the subject. I can tell she ain’t happy about it, but at least she won’t fight me over this. “So how bad is it out side? Your sisters won’t tell me.”

  “I won’t lie to you, mama. It’s bad, real bad.” Looking down at the ground I tried to think of a way to soften what I was about to say. “The four Power Suits that attacked you and the convoy; well they shot up the town square along with over half of the stores and buildings here.” I almost start to cry with the next piece of news I tell her. I know that it will tear at her heart. “I don’t know how many of the civilians have been hurt or killed. I am sorry, mama. I tried to keep this war just between the military personal of the Households. I never wanted the civilians to get involved in this. This should be between the soldiers of our houses. The professionals, not untrained civilians; we know the cost of warfare and are willing to pay it.” Looking around the square one more time I realize that this was no longer a war for the control of this planet. It had become a war to free an oppressed people. “Mama, up until now I hoped that I could pull back and find a peaceful solution to this. I no longer believe this. Now, are you four ok?”

  “Yes child we are fine, but I am afraid that the crew of this vehicle will need more medical attention than we can provide.” She had a very sad look on her face. “How do we lower this rear ramp so we can get them outside and to help?”

  I climb inside with them pulling the hatch door closed behind me. Once it’s secured I release the ramp lock then moved forward to the driver’s compartment. I reach over the dead body of the driver and pull on the hand release for the ramp. Once it’s down I help mama and my sisters to get everyone out of the IFV. When Nanase starts to head back inside to get the driver I stop her. When she looks at me, I know that I have to tell her he is dead. “Baby sister all you can do for him now is to send up a prayer for his soul. Now go help your sisters and mama with the wounded.” I turn her around, give her a little push, and send her over to help the living.

  I learned a long time ago that the first rule of war was young men die. I also learned the second rule was commanders can’t stop rule one and rule number three was you can only do your best to keep rule one from happening. Looking around I took a quick inventory of what all I had to work with. Of the four scout class APS’s two were total right offs the third needed a new face plate and pilot. Only the fourth was unscratched. Out of the IFVs only Blue one was ino
perable needing a whole new engine and frontal armor. The other three were in pretty good shape. Sure they would need some time the House’s repair yard, but they could still fight if needs be.

  I decide to take a closer look at the one scout APS that can be repaired. As I climb up the side of it I see that its pilot had already been removed. Once I’m even with the cockpit I get a good look at the damage. The pilot must have taken a glancing shot to the face plate. Because all of the controls were in almost pristine condition, I slide inside behind them and into the seat. Strapping in I began the startup sequence. Within seconds I find that my first assessment was off. This machine was in better shape than I thought. Except for the view port glass needing to be replaced it was still in fighting trim. Just to be sure I run a full diagnostics check of all its systems. The only red flag to pop up was on one of the small chest mounted lasers. I’ll need to take a look at that before anything else happens today.

  So shutting the APS down I pop open the cockpit hatch and proceed to climb down. When I get to where the one small laser that malfunctioning I see why. Sticking half way out of the barrel is a large piece of what appears to be a tree branch. It must have been blasted off one of the trees during the fire fight. Grabbing hold I pull as hard as I can. The damn thing doesn’t move an inch. It is well and truly jammed in there. Seeing as how I’ll need a full set of power tools to get it out I leave it in place and finish climbing down. Once on the ground I head over to check on the pilot and crews for the IFVs.

  When get there I find that all three of my sisters and mama were giving first aid. I notice that one of the injured is that ass hat of a lieutenant. Normally I would be upset at seeing this, however this time I feel rather proud of this young man. Stepping over to him I ask how he was injured. He looked a little ashamed when he told me what had happened. “Ma’am, it was my own stupid fault. When they hit us here in the square I told Sergeant Strowes to dismount the infantry while the scouts kept them busy. With that done I let him fight the IFV’s while I led the infantry. We did what we could to harass the Riflemen. LAW strikes, heavy machine gun fire at the face plates, whatever it took to distract them. Anyway I wasn’t watching where I was going when one of the Riflemen cut loose with its heavy guns. I got hit by the shrapnel from one that impacted near me. Should have kept my eyes on the big bastard, but I was heading over to one of my men who was hit earlier who needed medical help.”


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