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Love Ever After: Eleven All-New Romances!

Page 59

by Nina Lane

  Because of her experience with Chris, Annie had become accustomed to being on edge while on a date. She had been conditioned and programmed by Chris, taught through non-verbal and verbal cues, to not look at other men, to always touch him in public, and to worry when another man, especially one who was friends with her, crossed their path. The counselor had explained all of this to her, how he’d quickly manipulated and controlled her. That she hadn’t been a victim of any abuse in the past was unique, the counselor explained. Typically, batterers look for victims who already had been conditioned by abuse. Annie has simply been naïve and trusting. She’d need to work on blaming the abuser, and not herself, the counselor had told her. And Annie had worked hard to keep her anxiety in check.

  Still, Annie couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. But she also knew, she couldn’t share that feeling with any of her friends: not Donny, not Robin, and certainly not Madge. They’d all force her to go to the police. And she’d never be able to reveal what she’d allowed to happen to her that night in the motel. No matter what he’d done, she’d gone there willingly. It was, she’d decided, all her fault despite what her counselor had told her. Annie just wanted the episode of Chris behind her, as she’d taken to thinking of it. It was just one episode in the story of her life and she was moving on. Hopefully, Chris was, too.

  Hank jumped out of the truck with a smile, kissed her on the cheek. “You look gorgeous today,” he said as he pulled open the door for her and helped her into the truck. She loved how strong he was, how safe she felt in his presence. And, how happy she was.

  “Just got off the phone with my mom and she knows your mom, they both go to some woman’s club together. Can you believe it?” he said as he climbed into the driver’s seat. He was so excited. Annie thought it was adorable.

  “Not surprising as it is a pretty small town, you know,” Annie said, teasing him. “But that’s great. Now, does she like my mom?”

  “Of course. My mom loves everybody. She’s great. Can’t wait for you to meet her,” Hank said, pulling the truck away from the curb and driving off. Annie loved that he talked about his family back in Laguna Beach and, she realized, she loved that their moms were friends. That was history. That was roots. That was normal, she thought.

  “Where are we headed?” Annie asked, her heart happy and light in a way it hadn’t been since school started. Or rather, since she’d met Chris.

  “I thought, if it’s alright with you, we’d go to Disneyland. Ride some rides, grab dinner. It’s the happiest place on earth,” Hank said, grinning. “Unless you’re not a fan.”

  “I’m a big fan,” Annie said, smiling at the irony and pushing the negative out of her mind. “Can we ride the Tower of Terror? I’ve never had the nerve to do it.” Every time Annie had visited the amusement park as a kid, she’d chickened out when it came to the elevator that dropped several stories to the ground, on purpose. It just had seemed, well, reckless, she reasoned. But she imagined Hank by her side, his strong arms wrapped around her, and she smiled.

  “Of course. One of my favorites,” he said.

  “So chocolate or vanilla?” Annie said.

  “Chocolate,” he said. “You?”

  “Same,” she said. “Dogs or cats?”

  “Dogs, definitely dogs,” Hank said, and he leaned over and tickled her under her left arm and she giggled. “That answers that question. Ticklish.”

  Annie tried to tickle him back but he just looked at her. “Not ticklish. Not fair,” she said. “Sunrise or sunset?”

  “Always sunset,” Hank said as Annie nodded in agreement. “Do you like to stand up paddle?” he asked, as she stared at his profile. His strong cleft chin, the angle of his jaw, his soft green eyes.

  “Um, yes, I’m not good at it but I love paddle boarding. My mom has a couple of boards, so we try to go out whenever I’m home,” Annie said. “You?”

  “I try. You know, I’m not very dainty so I need a big board and flat water,” Hank said as they pulled into the parking lot for Disneyland.

  They sat in companionable silence for the rest of the drive. Annie was lost in thought, her heart happy just sitting next to him. Even so, every few minutes Annie would glance at the side mirror, checking to see if they were being followed. At one point she thought she’d spotted a green Honda, but told herself she was being ridiculous. There were tons of them on the road. She folded her hands in her lap and tried to focus on their arrival at the happiest place on earth.

  “We’re here,” Hank said, sounding as excited as a child as they pulled into the parking lot. “I loved coming here as a kid.”

  “Oh I can tell,” Annie said basking in the happiness Hank exuded. “Let me guess Dumbo ride?”

  “Ha. Yes, I love to fly with elephants,” Hank said, maneuvering the truck into a spot and turning off the engine. “Let me guess you were a Cinderella fan?”

  Annie’s cheeks flushed. “Actually, Snow White You know, she’s brunette and well, I’m not sure why else. I just thought she was beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful, Annie,” Hank said. “Let’s go have some fun.” He climbed out of the truck and walked to her side, opening the door and helping her out. Unexpectedly, a chill shot through her body and she shivered.

  “You cold?” Hank asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

  “No, I’m fine,” Annie said.

  “I can feel you shaking. What is it? Are you afraid?” Hank said. “Just know, Annie, I can take care of you. He can’t bother you anymore.”

  Annie looked up into his kind eyes, and she wondered what all Donny had told him, what Donny had implied. “Thank you. I’m fine. Just being silly. I thought I saw Chris drive past us.”

  “Was it him?” Hank stopped, his arm around her shoulder squeezing her close to him. “Donny told me a little more about the creep.”

  Annie nestled into his side, feeling protected and safe. And even though she was almost positive it had been Chris in the Honda that had driven past them as they walked through the parking lot – she couldn’t be certain. It was more of a feeling than seeing his actual face.

  “No, I don’t think it was him. Just a car like his. A coincidence,” Annie said.

  “You’re going to tell me if you see him, or if he ever bothers you again, promise?” Hank said, still holding her tight.

  “Yes, I will,” Annie said, telling herself it wouldn’t be necessary. Chris was receding into her past, that it might take a little more time, but eventually he’d be gone. That was what she told herself, what she tried to make herself believe.





  Annie pulled back the curtain and peered outside, checking the street for Honda Civics – or maybe just a specific Honda Civic. She knew that Chris most likely drove a different car than he had ten years ago, but she didn’t know what else to do but watch for his certain arrival.

  Her attempt at a nap had been a waste of time, but as long as Hank thought she was asleep, she could avoid the inevitable for a bit longer. Her phone rang, buzzing loudly on the bedside table. Finally, Madison had called her back.

  “I can’t believe I was mad at you all this time and they cut your segment,” Madison said before Annie had a chance to speak. “I’m sorry for being so stupid over the whole TV show taping.” Madison had been tricked into appearing in a new reality TV show produced by her nemesis from high school, Laura. Annie had taped a small segment while the crew was in town filming. She’d been paid well, even though her segment never aired.

  “You shouldn’t be mad at anyone. The stupid show brought you and Josh together again. I didn’t even know you were mad at me,” Annie said with a smile. “I just figured you and Josh were busy playing house. Your due date is in what, four months?”

  “I can’t even believe you’ve done this three times,” Madison said. “I feel like an enormous marshmallow. All of me. Not just my stomach like you.
You barely look pregnant. That’s probably why you keep doing it. You look cute.”

  Annie had to admit pregnancy seemed to suit her. She hadn’t shown much at all until the sixth month, and even then, she stayed pretty small all the way through. She hoped it would be the same with baby number three. So far, just through her first trimester, she was barely showing she realized patting her belly.

  “I excel at being pregnant, it’s my one skill,” Annie said. The irony wasn’t lost on Annie. Motherhood and a quiet happy life was all she’d ever wanted. And everything would be exactly as she’d planned, except for the fact of Chris in her life. And now, he was back. Beautiful Madison had been the one with the big exotic life, a life filled with on-screen love and heartbreak followed by living life abroad. Madison should be the one with a stalker, Annie thought, not that she’d wish this on anyone.

  “You are a great mom, Annie,” sighed Madison. “I hope I will be, too. Anyway, why’d you call three times?” Annie had confided in Madison about her stalker after she’d moved back to Laguna, sharing almost all of the details of the story. Of course, not everything.

  “Chris is in town,” Annie said, causing her heart to thud in her chest.

  “Oh gosh,” Madison said. “Did you call the police? You have a restraining order against him, remember?”

  She did in fact have a restraining order against him, not that he seemed to care. Annie knew that calling the police, asserting herself, would stir him up and make him angry. She never wanted to see that type of anger again. And she had no idea how desperate he’d become in all these years, how much more angry he’d become.

  “No, I haven’t called yet. I don’t want to escalate anything. He might just be passing through,” Annie said, knowing that would never be the case. He’d told her he was going to be living in her neighborhood. Annie realized she’d have to move, to protect her children. To protect them all. She looked around the bedroom she’d shared with Hank, at the faces of her boys smiling back at her from photos hanging on the walls. She thought about all of the memories they shared in this home. Chris was trying to take it all away.

  “What can I do?” Madison said.

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know. I don’t know what anyone can do to help,” Annie said, as the tears fell softly down her cheeks.




  It had been a month since they’d met at the mixer, and they’d been together every day since. Their’s wasn’t a suffocating relationship like she’d had with Chris. There was room for friends, and for family, for studying and school. With Hank’s help, she was beginning to realize what a normal relationship was, what it could be. That she’d had the two formative boyfriend relationships of her life back-to-back was weird, she realized, but it was the way her life had unfolded. Without Chris, she may not have fully appreciated what a wonderful man Hank was. And as for the timing, it was just the way they came to be.

  Annie and Hank sat at the coffee shop, basking in the beautiful November sunshine and seasonal seventy-five degree weather. Annie was drinking water. The taste of coffee made her want to throw up. While she missed enjoying her cup of coffee she’d switched to tea and water and still loved the café.

  “So, what would you think about spending the weekend with me in Laguna?” Hank said, his green eyes locked on hers. “I know we’re taking it slow. But my parents are forcing my brothers to go on college visits back east, and well, the house will be empty. We can paddleboard, hike. You know.”

  Annie reached for his hand across the table and gave it a squeeze. “I’d love to,” she said and watched the smile take over his face. “It sounds like a blast! And you can meet my parents.”

  “I was afraid of that,” Hank said, but Annie knew he was teasing. “Let’s leave after class today. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great,” Annie said as they both stood up. Hank had taken over the “walking-Annie-to-class” duty from Donny, even though Annie told them both they were being over-protective. She hadn’t spotted Chris since the Disney evening. She’d convinced herself he’d moved on to another obsession. There were plenty of actual celebrities he could stalk, she decided.

  * * *

  Hank’s family house in Laguna Beach was nothing short of spectacular. Located in the beautiful Woods Cove area just south of the village, the home was across the street from the ocean and had incredible views from almost every room.

  To Annie, the best thing was the sound of the waves crashing, a sound she could hear even with the doors and windows closed. They had walked to the village for dinner, sharing a juicy steak and a huge baked potato at Hank’s favorite steakhouse. As they walked back along Coast Highway, Annie looked up to the hills above town and smiled, thinking about her parents.

  “Let’s go meet my parents tomorrow, after paddle boarding,” Annie said. “They’ll love you.”

  “That sounds great,” Hank said, his hand around her waist, pulling her closer. “I can’t wait.”

  “You’re so wonderful,” Annie said as they walked up the steps to his house and Hank slid the key in the door. “I’d love to meet your parents, too. And your brothers, of course.”

  “I’d love for you to meet them, too.” Hank said as he opened the door and escorted her into the foyer. “Here’s a family portrait from last summer,” Hank said, pointing out an eight by ten photo in a silver frame. Annie smiled. Both of Hank’s parents were redheads, and all three boys were varying shades of red, with Hank’s being the closest to blond and his twin brothers’ a bit more fiery.

  “Handsome family,” Annie said. “And you’re the most handsome of the bunch.” She smiled as she said it, and turned from the picture to gaze upon the real thing standing right in front of her.

  Hank turned toward Annie, lifting her chin up with his finger and kissed her gently. Annie’s heart raced at the touch as she leaned into him, deepening the kiss. Hank ran his hands down her back, holding on at her waist. Annie ached for his touch, but still worried about her reaction given what had happened with Chris. She broke the kiss, but wrapped her arms around Hank in a hug.

  Stop it, she told herself. This is now. This is Hank, the man she’d already spent as much time with as she had with the crazy one.

  “You can trust me Annie. I won’t hurt you,” Hank said, the words soft and reassuring in her ear.

  She tilted her chin up, meeting his eyes. “I do trust you. I know you’d never hurt me.”

  “You are so beautiful,” Hank said, swooping Annie up into his arms in one quick move. “And portable.”

  Annie started laughing as Hank carried her up the stairs, and then down the hall to his bedroom. Football posters were tacked to the walls and trophies of all shapes and sizes were crowded onto tops of bookcases and covered the top of his desk. Hank settled Annie on the floor and said, “Welcome to my childhood.”

  “Do you think you have enough trophies?” Annie said.

  “I loved football,” Hank said, touching the top of the closest trophy, a gold football, and then picking it up in his big hands. Because of an injury his sophomore year in college, and numerous concussions, Hank’s career was over, Annie knew. But nothing could end his passion for the sport, and sports in general. It was the reason he was a volunteer coach of the high school football team near campus, always carrying equipment around in his truck. It also was the reason he’d decided to become a chiropractor, he’d told her, so he could help others get over pain.

  “I love you,” Annie said, the words tumbling out before she could stop herself. She’d slapped her hand over her mouth, but not in time. She felt herself blush from her head to her toes.

  Hank had turned and was staring at her. He put the trophy back on the desk.

  “What did you just say?” he said almost in a whisper, closing the distance between them. He took her wrists in his hands and gently pulled her to him, so close she could feel his breath on her face as she looked into his bright green eye

  “I said I love you,” Annie said, whispering the words. “I know it’s too soon, I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.”

  Hank’s gaze dropped to her mouth and she held her breath. What had she done, she scolded herself. Her whole body was electrified. Kiss me, she willed him. But instead, his eyes met hers again, and he said, “I love you too, Annie.”

  Hank lowered his lips to Annie’s, deepening the kiss. His arms tightened around her body as he lifted her off the floor. He carried her to his bed, placing her gently on top and then lying down beside her. His hand was behind her neck, supporting her as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, dancing with her tongue. She moaned in the back of her throat as the hot, deep kiss stirred her everywhere. She reached for the back of his head to pull him closer.

  Annie felt his hand move from her arm to her shoulder, tracing the lines of the V-neck with his fingers, brushing lightly across her already erect nipples. Her body was exploding with sensation as she pressed her breast into his hand and he tugged on her nipple, sending a shock wave through her.

  Breaking the kiss, Hank nibbled her neck and she heard herself moan.

  “You’re beautiful Annie, inside and out, and I feel so lucky we found each other,” Hank whispered into her ear, sending chills down her spine.

  “Please,” Annie said, tugging at the bottom of her T-shirt, begging him to take it off. Her body was alive with desire, her nipples taut, her center hot and throbbing. She needed to feel his touch. Now. Finally, she felt him as he straddled her. He tugged her shirt over her head and quickly unhooked her bra, pulling if off of her arms.

  “Annie, look at you,” he said and then his hands cupped her breasts as his tongue swirled around her nipple, one and then the other, before sucking each one hard as she moaned.


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