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Love Ever After: Eleven All-New Romances!

Page 60

by Nina Lane

  “Oh, Hank,” she said, wanting him, all of him, her head dizzy with desire. He moved to her other breast as she closed her eyes, arching with pleasure.

  “Can I take off your jeans?” Hank asked, looking up at her, his face between her breasts. “Your skin is so soft, so beautiful Annie.”

  “Yes,” she said, but as he started to unbutton the jeans, she flashed back to the motel with Chris, seeing herself helpless and paralyzed under him, as he pushed inside her against her will. She squeezed her legs together as her body tensed.

  “What is it? Tell me,” he said, his hand now flat on her stomach. Hank moved so that he was propped up on his elbow, lying on his side, his eyes filled with concern. She forced the memories away, replacing them with the here and now. She looked into his face and took a deep breath. She reached down and unbuttoned the top of her jeans.

  “It’s nothing,” she said, pulling his head towards her, parting her lips as they sealed their mouths together in a hot, deep kiss.

  She felt Hank’s hand slip inside her jeans, fingers tracing circles over her mound. He broke the kiss, moving his way down her body, nibbling her neck, sucking one then the other breast until his tongue was swirling around her belly button.

  “Annie,” he said, as he pushed her jeans down and then pulled them off, leaving her dressed only in her panties. Her heart raced as another image of Chris tried to invade her consciousness, but she pushed it down. She reached for his head, running her fingers through his hair as Hank cupped her bottom and then slid her underwear down her legs.

  As Annie closed her eyes, she felt Hank’s tongue licking at her entrance, his broad, strong hands holding her butt. His tongue plunged inside her, tasting and sucking, she moaned, raising her hips to him, her hands grasping the bedspread. Suddenly, she felt his finger inside and her inner muscles gripped him. She whimpered.

  “So hot. You’re so hot, Annie. Come for me,” he said, sliding another finger inside as she felt herself about to explode. Her back arched as Hank’s mouth found her nipple again. An intense orgasm ripped through her as she screamed in pleasure, convulsions wracking her body. Hank cradled her in his arms as she rode out her orgasm and she finally relaxed.

  “Wow, that was intense,” Annie said, as Hank smiled. She could feel his erection, hard and thick through his jeans, pressing against her. “Thank you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, and her heart was swelling with love for this man. A man who could protect her, and make her feel, well, that.

  “Time for you to get naked, too,” she said, standing up and pulling him up to stand next to her. She grabbed his T-shirt and pulled it over his head with his help. Together they tore off his belt and yanked off his jeans. When he stood in front of her naked and fully erect, he leaned forward and grabbed a nipple in between each of his fingers and thumbs, rubbing and pinching as her knees buckled and she felt herself get wet again. He pushed her backwards onto the bed and then he followed, straddling her.

  “Are you sure you are ready?” he asked, a last check, she knew, before he could find the release he deserved.

  “Yes. I want you inside me,” Annie said and Hank smiled, his eyes hooded with desire. She watched as he reached for the condom he must have dropped on the bed, ripped it open and slid it on. He positioned himself at her opening, where she was hot and wet and pulsing. He pushed inside her as Annie gasped at his power and size.

  “Are you ok,” he said, worried he’d hurt her.

  “Good, all good,” she said, raising her hips to meet his thrusts, clinging to his back as he filled her and finally she felt his release, as her back arched and another orgasm tore through her.

  As the final shudders of their orgasms rippled through their bodies, Hank shifted beside Annie, disposed of the condom, and quickly returned and tucked Annie under his arm, enveloping her in his warmth and protection. Later, when they could both finally talk again, Annie lay with her head on his chest, listening to Hank’s heartbeat as he stroked her hair.

  “This was the best night of my life,” Hank said, kissing her forehead.

  “Me, too,” Annie said as she drifted to sleep in his arms, safe and secure and deeply in love.

  * * *

  Annie had always been a little afraid of the ocean.

  Sure she’d grown up in Laguna Beach, and her dad was a surfer, but Annie was a land lover. She loved the warm sand on the beach, and loved looking at the ocean, but she didn’t really want to be in the water. She’d leave that to the sharks lurking just below the surface. Paddle boarding was somewhere in between being in the water and watching the ocean from the shore. As long as she didn’t fall off the board and she didn’t plan on that. The hardest part of paddle boarding, for her, was getting out past the wave break and getting back in again without getting tumbled.

  So here she was, standing next to Hank at the edge of the water, about to go stand up paddling. She knew she’d be safe with Hank. He’d grown up in the water, as comfortable in it as she was uncomfortable.

  “Now,” Hank said as she pushed the board forward into the water, kneeled on top of it and started paddling as Hank pushed her from behind, up and over the wave until she was past the break line. She was shaky, but she was out. Alone. Annie sat on her board and turned to watch Hank paddle out to join her.

  After he waited for the next set of big waves to crash on shore, he paddled out and was by her side. As she stood up and began to paddle Hank did likewise but in a second he’d fallen backwards off his board splashing into the cold ocean water.

  “Oh my gosh,” Annie said, dropping to her knees as Hank popped up next to her board laughing at himself.

  “I told you. No ability to balance,” he said, leaning his elbows on Annie’s board and treading water.

  “Get back on your board,” she said. “I don’t want you flipping me over.”

  “What are you so afraid of?” Hank said, as he placed his cold wet hand on her thigh. “It’s refreshing.”

  “Hank, no, don’t,” Annie said as Hank began to rock her board back and forth. She held onto both sides, glaring at him until finally he stopped, releasing her board and swimming to his own. He climbed onto his board and sat down, paddling over to where Annie sat cross-legged on her board, still glaring at him.

  “Hey, lighten up. I won’t tip you over, promise,” he said, his hair wet, beads of water glistening on his broad chest. “You look kind of sexy when you’re on a paddle board in the middle of the water. How about a kiss?”

  “You promise you won’t tip me over?” she asked. With their paddleboards touching and the sun making the water sparkle all around them, Hank leaned over and gently kissed her cheek.

  “Promise,” he said. “Now I’m going to try to stand up again, wish me luck.”

  Annie watched as Hank knelt and then slowly, one foot at a time, stood up on his board. When he turned to smile at Annie, he lost his balance and was back in the ocean again.

  After an hour of failed attempts at standing and paddling by Hank, and with the marine layer moving in from Catalina Island, they paddled back to shore. Annie made it to the sand without being tumbled in the waves, thanks to Hank’s help. Hank, already wet and cold, pulled their boards to the sand where they’d started the adventure.

  “Where are our towels?” Annie said. She scanned the beach for the bright yellow towels they’d brought from Hank’s house, and for her cover up and sandals, and Hank’s shirt and shoes.

  “That’s weird. We left them right here. I know we did. This is where I always set up on the beach, right by the stairs,” Hank said, pushing his hair off his forehead.

  Annie looked up the shore, scanning the smattering of people at the beach, but didn’t see any bright yellow towels. But she did see Chris. He was leaning against the side of the cliff, and he was staring back at her.

  Reflexively, Annie walked backward in the sand several steps, before turning and running into Hank’s strong arms.

  “What’s wrong?” Hank said
, pulling her close, his bathing suit still wet but his chest warm and now dried by the sun.

  “He’s here. Right over there. He probably took our things,” Annie said, turning and pointing in the direction of the cliff. But Chris wasn’t there. Like a ghost, he’d disappeared. I am so stupid. Why did I ever let him into my life, she thought, as frustration mixed with fear.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Hank said, wrapping a protective arm around Annie’s waist, his other hand clenched in a fist, ready for a fight. “Where is he?”

  “He’s gone. He was there, a minute ago,” she said. She realized she was shaking.

  “Annie. The guy is crazy, and he isn’t going away.” Hank pauses to hug Annie more tightly and then tips her chin up so that he’s looking her straight in the eyes. “I really think you need to get the police involved,” Hank said, his eyes clouded with concern. “He’s dangerous. You’re shaking all over.” He tightens his grip on her again. “Who knows what he’ll try next.” Annie looked up at his kind, concerned face and felt terrible she’d involved him in her mess. Chris and Hank’s paths never would have crossed if it hadn’t been for her. Maybe she should let Hank go, she thought.

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be here with you. I don’t want him to hurt you,” Annie said, her voice still shaky.

  Hank cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head to look up at his. He said, “You’re meant to be with me. He won’t hurt either of us, I’ll make sure of that. But we need to deal with him, report him.” Hank kissed her tenderly and pulled her close for another hug. He was strong, and calm and loving. He was everything Chris was not. And he was right.

  Annie realized she had been fooling herself that Chris had moved on. He was still stalking her, and now she couldn’t deny it. “You’re right,” she reluctantly responded. “When we get back to campus on Monday, I’ll file a report. I don’t want to let him ruin the rest of our weekend together.”

  “That’s my girl,” Hank said and he leaned forward, kissing her softly. After lingering a moment over her lips before finally breaking the kiss, Hank picked up their two boards under one arm, and grabbed Annie’s hand in his. “Let’s go,” he said. Annie could tell he was scanning the beach in both directions, looking for Chris.

  Annie’s heart swelled at Hank’s touch, the safety she felt simply holding his hand. She’d stopped shaking but she couldn’t clear her mind of her fear of Chris, what he was capable of doing. Only she knew how evil he could be, she’d discovered that during their one night together. That evening seemed so long ago now but it had changed her life forever.

  * * *

  Back at Hank’s house, Hank was pacing the floor of the family room as Annie stood watching him.

  “Those were my favorite shoes, the dick,” he said, his jaw clenched.

  “I know. I’ll replace them. This is all my fault,” Annie said, just as frustrated by the theft of her things.

  “How is this your fault? It isn’t and it never was your fault. We should call the Laguna police. He took our stuff here, in Laguna,” Hank ranted as he continued his pacing back and forth across the floor. We’d then have a stalking report on file here, and in Irvine.” Hank said, and before she could stop him, Hank was dialing the non-emergency number for the police listed beside the kitchen telephone.

  Annie took the phone from him and pushed the disconnect button. “Stop. Please,” she implored while taking his hand in hers, “What are they going to do? Drive over to his apartment and ask if he has our shoes and towels? He’ll laugh in their face. That is, if the cops even agree to do it in the first place. I’ve researched this online,” Annie said, running her hand up his arm. “The only time the police are effective in dealing with a stalker is when they can arrest him. Otherwise, it just makes him feel more powerful.” She released his hand and started pacing the floor herself. Hank walked up to her and engulfed her in a soothing hug.

  “You know what Annie, I researched it too. And the only way you’ll ever stop him is to file a report every time he pulls something. So we need to report it, get a case number and then do the same on campus. We’ll build our case and then we’ll file charges,” Hank said.

  “Ok,” she said and he kissed the top of her head and reconnected the call.





  Hank opened the door to their bedroom, and looked over at the empty bed.

  “Hey honey,” Annie said from the corner of the dark room, where she stood peering out at the street.

  “What’s going on, Annie?” Hank said, crossing the room and pulling her into a gentle embrace. “Why are you standing in the corner? You’re supposed to be sleeping, honey. Is it the baby?”

  “No, the baby is fine,” Annie said. She dropped her head, nuzzling into his chest.

  “What is it then? Annie, talk to me,” Hank said. He used his finger under her chin to tilt her head up to face him, his eyes searched hers for answers. She couldn’t keep this a secret from the man she loved.

  “It’s him,” she said, as the tears began to flow. Annie fell against his chest. “It’s Chris. He’s back. He banged on my car window at Ralph’s, and scared me to death,” she said, shaking. “Then he told me he’d be in Laguna for awhile.”

  “Well, he can be in Laguna, but there is still a restraining order against him. He can’t come near you, or the kids. I’ll call the police,” Hank said, kissing the top of her head. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone.

  “I know we need to call. But I need to tell you something first,” Annie said, dreading the conversation she’d put off for a decade. She could only hope Hank’s love for her was strong enough to forgive her. “I think I know why he’s here. But I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Hank sat down on the side of their bed and pulled Annie down to join him.

  “Whatever it is, tell me,” Hank said, as he placed a hand on her thigh.

  “Before I met you, there was one night with Chris,” Annie began, reliving the terror of the scummy motel room. “I told you that he was the first person I’d had sex with, and that was true. But then – ” she stopped, unable to continue, ten years of secret shame silenced her voice. She had been such a fool.

  Hank was silent and still next to her. The only sound in the room was his breathing and her heart breaking, she thought. How could she tell him now, after all the positive moments they’d shared? Chris’ face flashed into her mind, then he was handing her a glass of the special wine. Next, his cruel eyes, and his smiling lips as his hands pressed her against the bed. It was a film she’d played back in her nightmares, less frequently as the years had gone by. But now, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe.

  “Annie, please, I’m here. I’ll always be here. He can’t hurt you again,” Hank said, reaching for both of her hands, holding them in his own. She knew he could feel the trembling. “What did he do?”

  Annie took a deep breath, but she couldn’t meet Hank’s eyes. Finally, she found her voice. She said, “He drugged me.”

  “What?” Hank said. She felt his body shift toward her on the bed and forced herself to finish.

  “And then he raped me.”

  “My god, Annie, why didn’t you tell me that?” Hank said, standing up and punching his fist into his hand. “All these years you said you two had sex. Your first time. Now you’re telling me the bastard attacked you!” Hank paced the room like a caged animal, unable to escape the reality of what she was telling him. “That was a little detail we could have reported. Should have reported, don’t you think?”

  Annie dropped her face into her hands. “No, I couldn’t, not once I found out,” Annie said, sobbing.

  “Found out what, honey?” Hank said slowly, sitting down next to her on the bed, tilting her chin up to look into his eyes.

  Annie forced herself to look up into his face, and said, “That I was pregnant.”



  It was time to tell Robin the truth. They sat in their bedroom, assuming their usual deep-talking position, looking at each other from the safety of their beds.

  “You know I had to file the police report in Laguna after Chris grabbed our things off the beach,” Annie said, shuddering at the thought of the cold, bright police interrogation room they’d led her and Hank into. The bored officer had taken good notes, she’d noticed, and his precision had helped her relax. The officer had encouraged her to file the incident reports back in Irvine, too. Effectively, Chris had ruined the rest of their weekend, so they locked up Hank’s home, and drove back to campus. Repeating the same process with the police in Irvine.

  “I know, you told me about that. I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” Robin said. And she did look sad about it. She was such a good friend, Annie thought, hoping she’d be as understanding when she told her the rest of the story. Annie supposed she had convinced herself that it was all of the stress of the stalking, of the police, of trying to maintain her grades, of the sorority duties – all of those things kept her in denial about the fact that she hadn’t had her period.

  “Thanks. It’s been a crazy senior year, and you’ve been the greatest friend ever. You know that Hank is the love of my life,” Annie said, meeting Robin’s eyes.

  “Seems like it,” Robin said, crossing her arms on her chest. “What happened?”

  “Oh, nothing, Hank didn’t do anything. It’s just that by the time I finally took a pregnancy test, and it was positive, well, I was ten weeks along.” Annie said.

  Robin’s mouth had dropped open and she stared at Annie, shaking her head back and forth. They sat, each on their own bed, facing each other across the small expanse of hardwood floor that separated their beds.

  Finally, Robin broke the silence. “How the hell could you not know you are growing a person inside you?” she asked, worry and anger contorting her face.

  Annie dropped her eyes, folding and unfolding her hands on her lap. “Did you know there is an entire television series called I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant? It’s true. There is. Some people go into the delivery room not knowing. I just made it through the first trimester.”


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