Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)
Page 16
Irina lowered her eyes and refused to look at Vlad. She cried into her pillow and Vlad didn’t know what to do. She was shaking and the pure adulterated dread that was coursing through her body was palpable in the room.
“Irina, my mate, what’s wrong? Please look at me – please!” Vlad looked at Alex with such pain that tears came to her eyes.
Alex moved to the other side of the bed and took one of Irina’s hands. She bent down so her face was next to her friend’s. “Irina, it’s Alex, can you look at me honey?” Irina’s eyes stared into Alex’s and they were eyes of a tortured soul.
“Irina, you do know that this wasn’t your fault. Don’t you?” Alex said down to the troubled face of her friend.
Irina spoke very softly. “It is, Alex, I should have known, I should have taken more care.”
Alex tried to reason with her. “Irina – I understand that’s what you think, and what’s happened is awful beyond words, but it was an honest mistake. You didn’t mean for this to happen, did you?”
Irina’s head was shaking ‘no’ over and over.
“Okay, so we can agree it was a mistake that you didn’t mean? Irina?” Alex carried on.
“Yes,” Irina mumbled.
“I know he hurt you, sweetie, I know he violated you in a way that none of us can understand. But honey, your mate is here for you. Vlad loves you – he doesn’t think you did anything wrong, do you Vlad?” Alex asked.
Vlad spoke immediately, “Of course not, Irina, you didn’t mean for this, I know you’re hurt and scared. Please look at me.”
Alex nodded to Irina. “Go on Irina, look at the love that’s in Vlad’s eyes, he is hurting because you are hurting. You need each other, Irina.”
Irina slowly turned her head and stared at Vlad. “Vlad I’m sorry, honest, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
He moved lower and placed a very, very gentle kiss on her forehead. “I know you didn’t, my mate, I know. I’m going to help you – we’ll get through this together.”
At this Irina howled as if in great pain, it was a sound that haunted those that heard it.
Vlad and Alex looked at each other, they didn’t know what was happening. “Vlad, I know what’s happened is awful, and I’m sure it’s going to take time for Irina to get over it. However, you can call it women’s intuition or whatever the hell you want, but there’s something she’s not telling us.”
Vlad nodded, he thought so too but he couldn’t imagine what.
“Irina, look at me.” Alex used a no-nonsense tone. Irina turned and they looked into each other’s eyes. Alex was certain there was something. “Irina you need to tell us, you need to – we can’t help if you won’t let us know what needs fixing.”
Irina shook her head.
Alex’s tone was firmer as she continued on, “Sorry Irina, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. That wasn’t a question, I’m not giving you an option – you will tell us, the sooner the better. Then Vlad and I can sort it. Whatever it is, I promise you I will sort it.” Irina shook her head again and then looked into Vlad’s eyes – he nodded at her.
“Please don’t ask me how I know,” Irina spoke barely above a whisper.
Vlad asked, scared of the answer, “What, my little Wolf, what do you know?”
Irina’s voice was full of anguish, “Vlad … I know you won’t want me now. I understand, it’s okay. I’ll leave Unity – I’ll go somewhere far away. I won’t bring shame on you!”
Both Alex and Vlad were very confused, what on earth was she talking about? “Irina, I could never let you go no matter what, don’t talk like that.” Vlad was trying very hard to assure her of his love.
“Oh but you will, when you know what I know you will want me to leave.” Irina broke down in tears again and Alex was in pain just watching her.
“Irina, Vlad would never, ever, not in a million years want you to leave him. I’m pretty sure it would kill him if you left. Please tell us what it is that you say you know.” Alex just wanted it out in the open – whatever it was, they would deal with it.
Irina started talking again and her voice was full of pain and shock, “As soon as I became conscious I knew. Vlad I’m sorry, really really sorry, I know it’s my fault. That male – the one that … that … I can’t say it!”
Vlad stroked her hair. “It’s okay, you don’t need to say that, we know what happened, baby.”
“I knew as soon as I woke, I don’t know how, I just know. Vlad I think, no I know ... he made me pregnant!”
She started to cry again and couldn’t look at either of them. Alex gasped – oh fucking shit.
Vlad looked as if a feather would knock him over. “What? What did you say?” he whispered the words.
“The male … oh I don’t even know who it was, but the second my consciousness came back, I knew.” Irina spoke still not meeting her mate’s eyes, knowing what she would see there.
It was obvious to Alex that Vlad didn’t know what to say – she didn’t think he even knew what he felt. She could see the anger that was coursing through him though. Alex’s mind was in chaos. Dear lord, how could she fix this?
As Vlad seemed to have lost his voice she spoke first. “Irina, I’m not going to say that you don’t know what’s going on in your body, though I would have thought it impossible to know that. Regardless, if you are then we will deal with it.”
“Oh Alex, I know you mean well but this can’t be fixed. Vlad is a Vampire and I’m a Wolf – we can’t have kids! We’re not a special couple like you and Zach. Everyone would assume I had had an affair and ridicule both me and Vlad. He couldn’t have the respect of his men, he wouldn’t be able to do his job properly, I would be a loose woman whose Wolf instincts took over and had sex outside of our bond. Don’t you see that! Don’t you see, I have to leave, I can’t have that happen to Vlad!” Irina’s voice got louder and louder – she was on the edge of hysteria.
Alex looked to Vlad, he still looked shocked. “Irina, please calm down, it’s not helping. Okay so you say you know this, but we can’t be certain so you need to let it go for the time being. IF it’s true then I will sort this. I don’t know how but I will.”
She knew that Irina would never, not ever, even contemplate an abortion. If she was pregnant, would Vlad take on another male’s child? Vampires were rather proud, haughty individuals and Vlad was at the top of that ladder. She didn’t know. This day just couldn’t get any worse.
Chapter 16
Alex wished Zach was with her. Several seconds later, he appeared in the room.
“I felt your need of me. What’s going on?” He was staring at Vlad … the shock on his face, the way he was barely breathing and the anger rolling off him like a tsunami. What the fuck was wrong?
“Zach, I need to talk to you outside.” Alex took his hand, led him out and closed the door. She told him what Irina had said about being pregnant, and he shook his head.
“This can’t be, Alexina, how could she know two days afterwards? I don’t think she’s thinking straight. It might just be her fear in case she is pregnant.”
“Yes Zach, I know that but she seems absolutely adamant. I’m worried about Vlad – he hasn’t said a word since she told us. Not one. He didn’t tell her it would be okay. Zach, she needs to hear him say that.”
Zach looked down at his mate, he could feel her fear for their friends. His voice was low as he replied sadly, “Maybe he can’t just now. Everything she said was right – she would be talked about. Sex outside of a bond is strictly frowned upon. It very, very rarely happens, a truly bonded couple would never do that. So if she is pregnant, what she said would happen is precisely what would happen. Vlad knows this, Alexina – if she is pregnant and he wishes to stay with her, they will have to leave here. She couldn’t take what would be said about her and Vlad would definitely not be able to do his job. His men would not respect him. A Vampire not able to service his mate? It’s unthinkable, darling
Alex was shocked – affairs happened every day in the human world.
Zach answered her thought. “Little one, we are not in the human world. For us, you can have all the sex you want if you are single. Once mated, once bonded … no, it’s not allowed.”
“FUCK!” Alex shouted.
“Indeed, little one, indeed.” Zach enveloped her in his arms trying to give her some comfort.
“Zach, I’m going to think of something – I will – but you’ve got to do something for me. You need to take Vlad somewhere and talk to him. We need to know where he stands on this, and soon.”
They walked back into the room. Vlad was in the same position. Irina was crying into her pillow softly. Alex could tell that the pain she felt inside was as if someone was trying to remove her heart with a blunt spoon.
Zach approached Vlad and softly touched his shoulder. “Vlad, I want you to come with me – we need to talk.”
Vlad didn’t say anything and didn’t move, Zach looked over and made sure Vlad wasn’t in contact with Irina, then held his arm and moved with him.
Alex didn’t know where he had taken him, he just wished Zach could get through to him. Her job now was to sort some sort of story to cover if Irina was indeed pregnant. First, she need to talk to Irina.
She moved a chair close to the bed and took her hand. Irina looked at her with utter despair. “Irina we need to talk, okay hon?” Irina stared blankly but nodded her head and Alex went on. “Jayne can’t remember what happened. There’s a cover story in place – you were running near the ravine and fell.”
Irina opened her eyes wide. “Oh … so nobody will know what happened?” The young Wolf spoke with a fraction of hope.
“No sweetie, David knows, Zach, myself, Thadius and Tatiana and of course Vlad – but none of us will say anything. Tatiana helped Zach, the area was cleaned up and the male’s body was moved to the bottom of the ravine. I’m not sure how she did it but Tatiana removed all smells, blood and so on, so if or when he is found it will look like an accident.”
Irina gasped. “The male is dead?”
“Yes he is. Thadius said he wouldn’t have been able to control his Wolf. It doesn’t excuse what happened but Thadius was quite adamant that the male would not have been in control. I know that doesn’t take away what he did to you – but you should know that.”
Irina nodded once. “Do you know how Vlad and I met?”
“Yes hon, Zach told me.”
“Well he was an awful, awful man but even he didn’t … you know.... when in Wolf form. He tried but it didn’t happen, that’s not something Wolves do … well not normally, I don’t think.”
Alex felt sick to her stomach at the fear and hurt in her friend’s voice.
“I know, Irina. What you went through, what the male Wolf did to you, well there’s no words to describe it. You are going to take your time, but you will survive this, hon. I know you’re strong enough, Irina.” Alex spoke quietly hoping that her words were in fact truth.
They sat in silence for a few minutes and then Alex broached the subject of the pregnancy. “So you seem certain that you’re pregnant? I’m going to go get David – I have an idea.” Alex left and came back with David right behind her.
“David, Irina says that as soon as she was conscious she knew she was pregnant. Firstly, is that possible? Secondly, can we find out for sure?” Alex asked.
David’s look was shocked but he quickly covered it up with his professional doctor persona. “Well, I know Wolves tend to feel it sooner than humans, but two days … I think that’s too soon. We can do a check on her hormones. Wolves’ hormones sky-rocket at the conception so that might give us a clue.”
Alex nodded, “Good – can you do that now, please? We need to know what we are dealing with.”
David looked at Irina and Alex, he looked as if he wanted to say something but was wondering if he should. “David, what’s on your mind?” Alex asked pointedly.
“Well … uhm ... in the circumstances, and this is highly unethical really, but in these circumstances I would be willing to perform a D and C on you, Irina. That would completely make sure you weren’t pregnant. It’s not something I would usually say at a time like this, but we’re not in the human world … I know what this will mean if she is.”
He looked very uncomfortable and Alex knew he was only trying to do what was best for Irina. Alex, however, didn’t think Irina could do it.
Irina looked between David and Alex – the fear in her eyes was just awful to see. She finally shook her head ‘no’.
Alex spoke quietly and calmly. “It may be for the best, Irina.”
“I couldn’t Alex – I just couldn’t,” Irina whined.
“Okay David, we have our answer on that. Can you do the check on the hormones now please?” Alex asked. David nodded his head and said he would be back in a minute.
When he came back he took some blood and also needed a urine sample from Irina. She was still a bit weak so Alex helped her to the loo. David took both samples. “Give me a couple of hours,” he threw over his shoulder as he left.
Zach moved Vlad to the bungalow. He didn’t want to use Vlad and Irina’s house in case there were pictures or mementos about, he wanted Vlad to try and focus and talk to him. First though, he needed to calm him.
He got them both a very large whisky and handed Vlad the glass. As he took it and sipped, Zach sat down on a chair and didn’t say a word. He wanted to give Vlad time to process everything. Zach couldn’t even comprehend how he would feel if it had been Alex.
They sat for over an hour. Alex texted saying David was doing some tests on Irina. They sat for another hour – Vlad didn’t move apart from occasionally taking a sip from his glass. Zach left him in peace. Soon ... he would talk to him soon.
David walked back into the room. He didn’t need to say anything, his face told the story. “I was right, wasn’t I?” Irina whispered.
David nodded his head. “I can’t be a hundred per cent certain this early, Irina, but the signs are that yes, you are pregnant.”
Irina started crying softly. “How can I live without my mate?” she asked.
Neither Alex nor David could answer.
Alex moved nearer and ran her hand over her friend’s hair, making shushing noises as she did so. Irina was totally and utterly bereft and she felt sick watching her in such pain.
Alex texted Zach and told him the news. She hoped he was getting through to Vlad. Irina would need him. If not … well, she was scared for Irina.
When Zach read the second text, he sighed heavily. Vlad moved for the first time and looked over at him. “What? What is it? Is Irina okay?”
He sounded scared – Zach never thought he would ever hear that in Vlad’s voice. Fear was not something that most Vampires dealt with, certainly not one as strong as Vlad.
“She’s okay, Vlad. We need to talk though. David did a preliminary test and he seems to think Irina was right about being pregnant.” He watched Vlad’s reaction – it wasn’t pretty to see.
“What am I going to do, Zach? I can’t live without her, but another male’s seed growing inside her … how do I live with that!” Vlad cried out, despair in his voice.
Zach didn’t know what to say, he just opened his mouth and spoke, hoping to help. “Vladimir, we have been friends for a long time, you are like a brother to me. To see you hurting like this – fuck – I just wish I could make it better. The answer is, I don’t know. What you need to decide firstly is, do you blame Irina?”
Vlad sat up straighter, looking outraged. “Zach, why would you ask that! Of course I don’t blame Irina!”
Zach felt a bit better, that was a good start. “Well, if Irina isn’t responsible, what do you propose? To let her think she is? Send her away?” Zach spoke softly.
Vlad shot to his feet. “NO!” he roared.
Zach felt another bit better and continued, “Sit down, my friend – we have much to discuss. So Irina is not responsible and you will not let her think that she is? Correct?”
Vlad nodded his head.
Zach’s phone vibrated with another text from Alex, saying she had an idea, keep talking to Vlad and she would get back to him.
“So we agree that you’re not blaming Irina. You love her?” Zach asked this knowing the answer.
“Zach, I love her so much it fucking hurts. Seeing her lying like that in the forest, I thought I would lose my mind.” Vlad’s voice had dropped to barely a whisper.
“I know – so we have a dilemma don’t we?”
Vlad nodded again and then spoke what had been running through his mind. “Yes Zach, we do. Because as much as I hate what Irina said … she was right. You know bonded couples do not have sex outside that bond. I am a Vampire, the baby growing inside her could not be mine, people would know that.”
Zach tried to word his next sentence carefully. “Yes Vlad, but is it not Irina’s baby?”
A frown crossed Vlad’s features before he responded, “Well of course it is – but I couldn’t have fathered it Zach, you know this. Why do you question me so?”
Once more Zach spoke quietly. “I’m only looking for a solution to a very large problem, my friend. Let me ask you … if Alex can come up with some sort of story for Irina’s pregnancy, could you accept the child? Please think long and hard before you answer, once the decision is made you cannot go back on it.”
Zach’s tone was severe. Vlad looked at him, sipped his whisky and thought hard. He spoke with feeling in his voice. “Zach, I’m not sure, fuck, man, do you know what you’re asking me?”
Zach was honest in his reply, his friend deserved nothing less. “Vladimir, indeed I do. I have tried to put myself into your situation and wondered what my decision would be.”
Vlad stared at his friend. “And what was your decision in your mind – what would you do?”
Zach took a deep breath and answered, once again truthfully. “Vlad, you need to make your own decision but for me it was relatively easy. I know you think that it’s a hard decision you are facing. Really it is not. Do you love Irina enough to be a father to her child? I know I could not live without Alex, no matter what circumstances arose. I couldn’t breathe without her, my heart would not beat without her. Vlad, do you feel like that about Irina?”