Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)
Page 17
Vlad’s thinking cleared. What was he thinking? Of course he couldn’t live without Irina! “Zach, get me back to the hospital – I need my mate.”
Zach smiled. He knew if Vlad got over the shock of all this, he would make the right decision. He got up and walked over, took Vlad’s arm and moved them back to the clinic.
They reappeared next to Irina’s bed. She was still sobbing, looking as if her world had fallen apart. Vlad felt guilty, he had left her while she was in pain. His mate, his love … how could he have done that?
“Irina, my little Wolf, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I love you, Irina, I couldn’t continue living if you weren’t in my life. Please forgive me?” he implored.
She looked at him, what was he asking her forgiveness for, this was all her fault. “Why, what for?”
“God, Irina – I didn’t say anything when you said about being pregnant. I should have told you right then without a second’s hesitation. I love you, we’ll find a way. At this moment I don’t know how, but we will. I promise, my little Wolf. I’m going to look after you and I’m going to take care of your – our – child.” His voice was full of love and Irina couldn’t believe what he was saying.
Her words were full of fear as she spoke. “I couldn’t let you do that, Vlad – your home is here, your friends, job … we’ll probably have to leave.”
Zach interrupted, “Alex has an idea. I’ve no clue what it is but no decisions have to be made now about staying or going. Wait and see what she’s come up with.”
At that precise moment Alex came barrelling through the doors with David in tow.
“I’ve got it – I’ve got the solution!” she shouted and was so excited it was catching. “Okay so I asked David to call Doctor Stevens, who we saw in Tucson. Zach, he works with Wolves. So I asked if it was possible – theoretically, that is – if a Wolf could have IVF treatment. Not only is it possible, he has done it. He has used IVF on two She-Wolves who couldn’t get pregnant. They had babies, Zach. The Wolves had babies through IVF!”
David was nodding his head but the other three in the room still didn’t get what she was trying to say. Vlad was the one to speak. “Okaaaay, so the Doc is a miracle worker, I still don’t see what that does for us?”
Alex all but shouted her reply. “Oh my God don’t you see? Irina loves kids – shit, she works in the nursery because she loves kids. So it’s not such a big leap that when I was seeing Doctor Stevens, he let slip about IVF and Wolves. I tell you two and you decide to do it. That way Irina can have the baby, Vlad doesn’t lose face, and nobody talks about sex outside a bond. You got it now, folks!” She was so excited her face shone.
Vlad’s face lit up and Zach was smiling. Irina looked … if not happy (after all she had been through, that was expected) but as if her world was not falling apart on her.
Vlad hugged her. “What do you think, little Wolf?” he asked his mate. She cried into Vlad’s chest and tried to talk but only hiccupped, so she nodded her head.
David had been silent up till now but he took over from Alex. “So, you need to go away again for a couple of days, as if you were going to the city to visit Doctor Stevens. After what Irina has gone through, I think a few days away on your own is just what the doctor ordered!”
Vlad was nodding his head when Zach spoke up. “I’m going over to tell Thadius and Tatiana. I’ll let them know you’re going to be away for a few days, Vlad. I think you should stay somewhere nice and for as long as Irina wants. Don’t rush back – you both need time. With everything that’s going on here I think I should go and try and sweet talk him.”
Alex walked closer to the bed. Vlad whirled round and picked her up – he kissed her squarely on the lips. “I love you, Alex! I wouldn’t have thought of anything as good as that.”
She smiled as she answered, “You’re welcome, though I think maybe you should see about Irina talking to someone – professional, like. She’s been through an awful ordeal and she will have to talk it through.” Her tone became serious at this point.
Vlad nodded his head. “Okay Dr Phil,” Vlad answered and placed her feet back on the floor.
Alex continued, telling them more of her plan. “While you’re away, I’m going to be doing some gossiping. I know I don’t go in for that sort of stuff but I’m going to play the excited friend and let slip about why you two are away. It will mean by the time you get back, everyone will know.”
“Christ, you’ve thought of everything. I don’t know what to say.” Vlad spoke humbly.
Irina had finally stopped crying. She looked at Alex with awe and finally managed to get words out. “You’re a really good friend, Alex. If it wasn’t for you … well I don’t know what would’ve happened. I do know that none of it would have been good. I thought I was going to lose you, Vlad!”
Leaning down he grasped her in a tight hug. “Never, my little Wolf, never,” he spoke into her hair.
Alex made a quiet exit, pulling David with her. “They need time, David, they still have a long way to go.” He nodded in agreement.
Alex walked outside with a small smile on her face. Her friend had gone through a terrible ordeal, one that she couldn’t comprehend. The outcome of this could have been so much worse. If Tatiana hadn’t helped Zach clean up the scene in the woods. If Jayne had remembered what happened – and wasn’t willing to keep it quiet. If Vlad hadn’t come to his senses and realised he couldn’t survive without his ‘little Wolf’, or in fact if he couldn’t accept the baby that had started growing in Irina.
She didn’t want to think about what could have happened. She wanted to now think of what was going to happen.
She hoped Vlad got someone good for Irina to talk to ... she was going to need it. She also hoped that Vlad spoke to someone. The big, strong, noble Vampire had been affected too. To see his mate violated in such a way and physically hurt … he needed to talk. She would mention it to Zach. He could probably either help Vlad or get Vlad to someone that could.
She looked up at the sky and the sun was shining. It was a good end to a very bad few days.
“Hey.” Zach’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she turned, saw him walking towards her. As soon as he reached her, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply with longing.
“Meine Kleine – you are an amazing woman. I don’t tell you often enough just how special you are. Your heart is pure and good. I should never have doubted you would sort this. I’m sure in the weeks to come, you and Irina are going to be even closer. Now that the two of you are going to become a mom.” His voice was low and full of amazement.
She laughed up into his face. “Zach don’t be silly, I love Vlad and Irina – I would do anything I could to help, no matter the circumstances. I’m just so happy it seems to have turned out all right, though I’ve got a bit of gossiping to do while they’re away.”
Zach told her about his meeting with Thadius. “He wasn’t very happy about him going away – he thinks Vlad is needed here. Soooooo … I’ve agreed to help till he’s back. Is that okay?”
She hugged him tight. “Of course it is – just don’t tire yourself out, Mr Vampire,” she all but purred. She had that very cheeky smile on her face – the one that got an instant reaction from him.
Zach growled. “Wench, you do that on purpose don’t you, in public places. Always when there’s no cold shower about too!”
Alex chuckled, “I don’t know what you mean, Mr Vampire!”
He pulled her along towards the car. “Oh you don’t? Well I think I might just show you! Come – hurry – I want to be home.”
She laughed as he nearly dragged her the last couple of feet to the car. She was still laughing on the journey home as Zach kept fidgeting, trying to relieve the uncomfortable feeling of his arousal in his jeans.
As soon as they entered their home, Zach pulled her in for a kiss, one that took her breath away. He always kissed her as if they had been apa
rt for a month.
His hands roamed down her back and cupped her backside, pulling her even more closely to him. She could feel him through his trousers – it was sticking her in the belly. She was under no illusions of what he had in mind. “Twice, methinks,” Zach moaned into her mouth.
“What?” she asked as he pulled her in again and devoured her mouth once more. Jeez would it never fail to arouse her? His touch, his mouth, feck it – even his look would do it. “Twice what?” she asked into his mouth.
Zach’s tone was full of sex and longing as he answered. “First – hard and fast – kitchen counter, I think. The thought of it the other day … well it’s not left my mind and so I better just get it over and done with. Second – soft and slow – in the bed. That’s what, little one.”
He picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. “Zach, the curtains are open!” she squealed.
“What’s your point? Do you think I care that they are open? If you do think that then you are sorely mistaken, wench,” he told her. At which he started to undress her and when she was down to absolutely nothing he picked her up and sat her on the counter.
He undressed slowly in front of her and her eyes raked over his very tight, muscled stomach, down his abs to the top of his jeans … he removed them slowly. She noted he was once more commando – she was sure he did it just to turn her on.
Her breathing increased as she looked at her Vampire. He was hers, all hers, and she still marvelled at her good luck. Zach was reading her thoughts and his mouth twitched up at one side. The moment Alex saw it, she was ready for him. The way he did that, God, the feelings it erupted in her were downright sinful. “I certainly hope so, little one,” he said as he moved closer.
He spread her legs wide, and stared down at her. She was so perfect, every inch of her incredible body was perfect. Alex had a slight blush – not nearly as bad as she used to be, but her shyness still reared its head occasionally.
She moved to pull his head to hers to kiss him as his scrutiny of her mound was disconcerting, he had other plans though. He lowered his head and darted his tongue out. She placed her hands on the counter, slightly behind her, threw her head back and moaned loudly. Shit shit shit – how does he do that?
As soon as he touched her, she thought she would explode. He was obviously listening in as he chuckled right into her and the breaths that escaped his lips made her whimper.
“Oh yes, sorry, kitchen counter was the hard and fast wasn’t it?” He looked up at her and she could only nod her head.
He stood up, pulled her bottom a bit further towards the end of the counter and hooked his arms under each of her legs and under her upper thighs. He positioned himself and thrust into her – hard and fast. She thought she was in heaven. He didn’t kiss her, instead staring into her eyes, showing her the desire that was there. They had gone from a slight shine to a high glow in ten seconds flat.
As always when she saw his eyes like that and the meaning behind them, she just about climaxed there and then. He rocked his hips so that they came into contact with her nub when he thrust in and after a few, too few, of those she went over. She was panting like a dog and he laughed, throwing his head back.
His laugh soon turned to grunts of pleasure and he pounded again, again and again – once more and he joined her, all but roaring. A thought popped into her head, ‘Christ the neighbours will hear us – feck, the next street will hear!’ Which only emitted another roar from Zach.
He picked her up and carried her through to their bed, and she moaned in his arms. This was the soft and slow part. They didn’t make it out of the room for hours. He took the meaning of his words to a whole new level and Alex hadn’t thought she would make it out alive. She thought her heart was going to burst on several occasions and each time Zach took her higher, softer, slower, longer.
Alex was now lying in his arms and didn’t want to move, however, her stomach had other ideas. It started to growl with hunger and immediately Zach was up and on his way to the kitchen to cook her something to eat.
He made some baked potatoes and chicken – she ate enough to feed four. Afterwards she sat in her rocking chair in the piano room and listened to him play. She asked for some lively music at first and he obliged.
He sensed her tiring and morphed into playing something more soothing. Within minutes, she was asleep. He left her for another few minutes and then stopped playing and carried her to bed.
As he laid her down, he bolted upright. He got that sense again … as if something or someone was there in the room with them but he couldn’t see anything. He used every power he had but couldn’t come to bear on what or where the presence was.
It worried him and he laid with her. He wouldn’t leave her alone when he thought there might be any kind of threat. After a while the feeling left him and he went back to the kitchen to clear things away.
He tried to figure out what or who he was feeling. It was very strange. As he thought about that, it came to him he hadn’t discussed with Alex about hearing the heartbeats of the babies. He heard them all the time now but he had managed to move it to the edge of his mind – so that it wasn’t foremost. He made the decision he would tell her tomorrow.
Michael realised that the Vampire had sensed him again. He didn’t know how, but the way the Vampire tensed and looked around confirmed that he could sense something.
Michael had once more been drawn back to Alex. He had no idea why or what was happening. He could feel the babies growing in her belly and he was drawn to them. One of them in particular.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts and left – still trying to work out what was going on.
Chapter 17
Alex once more slept for a long time – thirteen hours. It worried Zach but he didn’t think there was anything anyone could do about it. She was obviously needing the rest so he would let her sleep and just watch over her and make sure she was safe.
His senses picked up that she was coming out of the deep slumber, so he rose to start breakfast. He knew she would be hungry when she woke. He was right, she padded into the kitchen with his robe on, it drowned her but God she looked so damn cute in it. “I’m starving,” she said in a sleepy voice.
He just smiled and put a huge breakfast in front of her. “Any particular reason you’re wearing my robe? It’s rather big on you,” he asked.
Alex smiled and answered, “Well, Mr Vampire, if you hadn’t left me alone in that big bed then I wouldn’t have woken up craving your smell – this was a substitute.” She shovelled her bacon and eggs in, barely taking the time to chew.
Zach just smiled at her answer. He loved seeing her in his robe, she looked tiny all wrapped up in it and sexy as hell.
He was going to talk to her about the babies but wasn’t sure of how to tell her. She might freak.
“It’s okay Zach – I know.” He looked at her and she raised her eyes from her food.
“You do?”
“Yup – you didn’t shield it as well as you thought, Mr Mind Control Vampire. I was a little taken aback at first … I wasn’t sure what it was that I was seeing in your mind. Then I realised it was the babies. You can hear them, can’t you?” she asked.
“I surely can. I’m going to have to work on my blocking techniques, I see.”
“You can try.” She was smiling and he was relieved. He had thought this conversation was going to be a tad uncomfortable.
Alex surprised him with her next words. “I think I can too. Yesterday I had the strangest feeling … it was as if I could sense them in some way. I can’t explain it, I don’t think I’m going crazy either. I really think I can sense them.”
She looked a little worried now and Zach walked over and placed his hands on either side of her face.
“My little wench, it’s not crazy, I think these babies are very special and I think if they want their mom and dad to know they are there … well, I think they w
ill. Don’t worry, please.”
She relaxed into his body. She was glad Zach understood, she shouldn’t have been surprised – he always did.
“Right, I think we should go and say goodbye to Vlad and Irina, they’re heading off in a bit,” he advised.
Alex jumped down from her stool. “I won’t be a minute, I’ll just shove some clothes on and be right back.”
Zach cleaned up in the kitchen and she was back in less time than he thought she would take. They took the car and were at the clinic in no time.
As they walked in, Irina was in Vlad’s arms. He was kissing her gently.
Alex was relieved to see it, she was so happy, Irina was looking much better. Apart from the haunted look in her eyes.
Alex realised that it would take her quite some time to get over what happened. With Vlad helping her, though, Alex didn’t have a doubt that she would, he loved her deeply and would do anything to help her heal. They said their goodbyes and Vlad thanked Zach for helping out while he was away.
Alex had forgotten and realised that Zach would be going to ‘work’. “Yes little one, I have to go into the Security Offices and make sure things are running smoothly. With the training schedule for all the extra people, well it’s got be done properly so things don’t get chaotic. Dmitri will be there, he’s a great help to Vlad and very work conscious. He has a very methodical mind and can usually deal with almost anything. Vlad and I agree we should let him run most of it – after all, it was his call to arms that got all these folk here. I shouldn’t be too long, just a few hours. I’ll take you home first though.” He spoke softly and she realised that she loved just hearing him talk.
Alex had other ideas. “No, could you drop me at the shops? I’m going to start the gossip about where Vlad and Irina have gone. Hopefully by the time they return, everyone will know they are trying IVF.”