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Battling Rapture

Page 10

by Stormie Kent

  He grabbed his bag. She followed him to the larger room. Everyone was assembled.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Bronwyn said.


  Their getaway was smooth. Niki allowed A’Di to sit in her chair while Niki hovered around Rhine’s captain’s chair. She was urging him to pilot the ship faster in her mind. She wanted to be as far away from Bute Chaeen and Tuetvon as she could be before bedtime.

  The Fuzar fighter ships accompanied them to the hyper-jump portal. As she stared out into space, she realized the hyper-jump portal was a wormhole. She held her breath as they made the jump. There’d been a disturbance in her belly, similar to taking the giant drop on a roller coaster. Her heart didn’t quiet until they were safely on the other side.

  “You said a week’s worth of travel, correct?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Rhine said.

  She was a week away from Camryn. The only way she was going to keep her safe was to stay with her. Especially now that she knew Cam’s husband was super warlord of the year. Anyone who could send a room full of beast shifters into a panic with one short message shouldn’t have anything to do with Cam.

  “What is it?” Rhine asked. He stared up at her over his shoulder.

  “May I talk with her now?” she asked.

  He turned to look at Olaf.

  “I can get a signal through,” Olaf said.

  She waited, but not patiently.

  “On screen,” Olaf said.

  Lord Huntu and Camryn were sitting side by side. Camryn’s face lit from within as soon as she spotted Niki.

  “Are you safe?” Camryn asked.

  “I’m safe,” Niki replied. She signed, “Are you safe?”

  Camryn frowned. “Niki—”

  Niki signed, “Sign it.”

  Camryn signed, “I couldn’t be safer. Truly.”

  Niki believed she believed it. “Rhine says we are a week out.” She turned to him. “Is a week seven days to you?”

  “Yes.” He was staring at her oddly.

  She didn’t care. Camryn was her only family. She was also the only family member who had ever given a damn about whether she was happy or sad, lived or died. She breathed through the pain in her chest and stomach.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Camryn asked frantically. She leaned forward and her husband touched her arm.

  She’d forgotten Cam could read her if she wasn’t careful. “I just can’t believe I’ve found you. Or you found me.”

  “I always have and I always will, Niki.” Camryn smiled sweetly. “Venn needs to talk with Bronwyn and the guys. Get them to let you call me again.”

  Niki nodded.

  Venn looked around. “Everyone is unharmed? Bronwyn is unharmed?”

  “I am unhurt, Brother,” Bronwyn said. “Hello, Camryn.”

  “Hi, Hon.” Camryn waved at the young woman.

  “Who is behind you?” Venn asked.

  “New slave. A’Di,” Rhine said.

  “New slave. When did you pick up any old slaves?” Camryn asked.

  “We have to go.” Rhine signaled Olaf.

  “Wait, Rhine—” The feed was cut on Camryn’s next words.

  “That was rude,” Niki said.

  “We don’t want to worry her unnecessarily.” His voice was pitched low and tender.

  She remembered Rhine had a thing for Cam. Dizziness overwhelmed her. She’d put his feelings for her sister out of her mind and had sex with him in order to survive. Somewhere along the way, her rule against getting involved with men attracted to her sister stopped mattering. All that seemed to matter was what he made her feel.

  “Take the bridge,” Rhine said.

  His hand snagged her arm and she allowed him to lead her from the bridge before pulling away. If he’d insisted, she knew she could never have freed herself. She followed him down the hallway and to the room he’d given her.

  “Niki, why are you in so much pain?”

  “I’m not.” She made sure to stare him in the eyes.


  “I thought I was your number-one slave,” she said, her tone harsher than she wanted.

  “We were under duress. I had to think up something to cover your actions. He was expecting me to discipline you and allow A’Di to suck my cock. Would you rather I let that happen?”

  “No, but these stories come to you so quickly and easily. What do you do for your cousin?” she asked.

  “I serve on the Tribal Council. I am Venn’s second-in-command and I am his ambassador. For the most part, it is my job to give him advice and keep the peace.” He shrugged.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I was trained from an early age for the role. Venn and I were raised together by my uncle. When it was clear Venn would be the Huntu to win the right to rule, I was trained to help him. Venn is a good man who has shown himself to be a good leader. I am honored Uncle Ivan thought I would make an excellent second.”

  Pride dripped from his voice and she made note of the way he spoke of Venn. It was clear their years together had bred fierce loyalty.

  He’d answered all her questions and she wouldn’t push him anymore about Venn.

  “Where is A’Di going to sleep?” she asked. “Do you have a room for her?”

  He took her hand and pulled her closer until he could wrap her in his arms. She stood stiffly at first with her arms by her sides and her cheek pressed against him. He rocked her slowly and rubbed her back.

  “I thought I told you I don’t like to be handled.”

  “I thought I told you that you lied,” he said.

  She tried to pull away and the hand rubbing her back began to massage. Her body relaxed involuntarily.

  “Give her this space and come stay with me.”

  He kissed her hairline and her insides melted. “Okay.”

  Did it matter if she kept sleeping with him at this point? It wasn’t as if everyone here couldn’t tell she wanted to. It would only be for seven more days. She could enjoy him that long.

  She still had one more thing on her mind. “Rhine, was the shifter dead?”

  “Which shifter?”

  “The one who hit A’Di.”

  “No, I sensed it would make you uncomfortable. Which I still don’t understand.” He pulled her closer.

  “I thought you said the Contu were related to the Nestvur. Aren’t they strong? He looked as big as you. His fangs and claws were super sharp.” She shivered.

  “There are differences between and within natural hyper-species. We are all essentially hunters, but there are levels. I am warrior class on Ordan. There are only a few species who would be naturally stronger than me in hand-to-hand combat. The Contu aren’t among them.”

  “The Nestvur?”

  “Yes, against a Nestvur warrior with no blasters involved, it would be considered an equal match. Even that is deceptive. Within each group, there are some who are stronger. We tend to make those men or women leaders,” he said.

  “So is that why your cousin leads your tribe?”

  “Yes and no. He has special strength, but he was groomed because he is also smart and fair. Strength without higher-order brain function leads to animalistic behavior.”

  “So the fight you had wasn’t fair?” she asked.

  He shrugged and it shook her entire body.

  “He had more of a chance than A’Di had against him.”

  What could she really say? It was true.

  “I’ve come up against Trogo before and hurt them. It took a group of them to subdue me. Granted, I had weapons. You’re saying there are some species I won’t have a chance against without a firearm and a head start.” The fight had opened her eyes to her own vulnerability.

  He pushed her out to arm’s length. He looked confused and alarmed.

  “Why would you be fighting Trogo?”

  “My job was to protect and defend,” she said. “I couldn’t change who I was just because the enemy was bigger and stronger.”

  “You will no longer need to defend and protect. Your sister has a guard and you will also,” he said.

  “Why does she need a guard?” Her heart galloped.

  “You both need a guard because people will want to steal you away and we cannot be with you every moment.”

  “You all live in the same place?”

  “We stay much of the year in Huntu Keep.”

  “So you’re saying someone would be foolish enough to walk into a house full of big-ass men who can deliver a beat down equal to the one I saw you give that Contu just to get to me?” Paranoid much.

  “They already have. An Ordanian attempted to take your sister. He had her out of the keep before we could get her back.’

  “Your cousin let Cam get kidnapped?” What was the use of her husband being big and bad if it didn’t protect Cam?

  “Which is why she now has her own guard and so will you. Your best choice if caught unaware is to run and hide until one of us can get to you. Attack the soft spots if you are captured and get away. They won’t play with you as I do. Your advantage is a kidnapper won’t expect you to have been trained.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. Was he kidding? She was a fighter. She noted his rigid shoulders and set mouth. Then she remembered the systematic hammering he’d given the beast shifter. No, Rhine hadn’t been playing with the man. Not at all.

  “I’ll keep your suggestions in mind.” She had so much to think about. Everything was different now and she wasn’t sure she could adapt appropriately.

  “I will do anything to keep you safe, Niki,” he whispered. He enfolded her in his arms again.

  Chapter Six

  She’d distracted him on purpose. Rhine was beginning to realize she evaded when he asked her about her feelings. Something about her silent conversation with her sister caused her anxiety, distress, fear and pain. Some didn’t realize empaths didn’t just sense emotions. Yes, he could interpret the body’s physiological responses and read them as emotion. He could also sense more complicated feelings.

  Niki had issues in her relationship with Camryn. He needed to work extra hard to help her through whatever her problem was. Venn wasn’t likely to allow anyone or anything to interfere with Camryn’s happiness. If Rhine wanted to keep Niki with him at the keep, he was going to have to help her.

  She’d walked around the bridge for hours, quietly asking each crew member what they did and how. Sometimes they showed her simple things and allowed her to take over a task for a while. Now he had two women working on his ship. Bronwyn was still in training.

  As time passed, all he could think about was how easily she’d agreed to sleep with him. In Tuetvon, it had taken the threat of molestation by Bute Chaeen to convince her. He thought he understood what influenced her decision. She didn’t want A’Di anywhere near him and Niki enjoyed the pleasure his body gave her. He was going to use the knowledge shamelessly.

  It shouldn’t take more than getting naked in her presence. He’d never thought about the way he was made before, other than to thank the Deity he was fit and able to contribute to his tribal duties. Every time Niki ran her eyes leisurely over his form, it made him proud that she could take so much pleasure in looking at him.

  He couldn’t allow her to explore his body this morning, but now would be an excellent time. They were taking two-man shifts on the bridge tonight and Rhine and Gunter were on rest cycle first. He sent Bronwyn to bed. As he gathered Niki and she gathered A’Di to leave the bridge, the Rarian halted their progress.

  “Mistress Niki, when will I be allowed access to the Master?”

  Niki blinked at her and he sensed anger begin to well up inside the Earth woman.

  “A’Di, you do not have to serve in that way anymore. Surely you would prefer to have a good night’s rest,” Niki’s voice held a noticeably hard edge.

  He touched her arm and guided her a few steps away.

  “You better not be getting ready to say you’ll take her up on her offer.” She stared him hard in the eyes as she said the words and it struck him as funny. Less than two days ago, she professed to want nothing to do with him.

  “She is Rarian, Niki,” he said.

  “Speak plainly, man. What does that have to do with me?”

  “Her species must have frequent and daily sexual relations to maintain good health.” He forgot sometimes she did not understand the rules of the cultures around her.

  “I call bullshit,” she said.

  “I take that to mean you don’t believe me. It is true.” They stared at each other. Rhine attempted to look trustworthy, even though he’d never had his honor questioned before.

  Finally, Niki made a small noise in her throat and turned back to A’Di.

  “You still can’t have,” she paused and looked back at him with a smirk, “the master. There are three other men on this spaceship. Captain Rhine won’t mind if you convince one of them to help you.”

  A’Di’s eyebrows drew down over her black eyes. “The Master is not available,” she said slowly.

  “No, but just look around, A’Di. I’m sure you can convince one of these guys to keep you healthy. One, two, three, I don’t care. As long as they’re willing. But not this one.” She pointed back at him and he watched in fascination as she laid out the rules for the other woman. “Oh, and when we get to Ordan, stay away from my sis—stay away from Lady Huntu’s husband. You and I are friendly now, but I don’t want to be ugly with you.”

  “Ugly, but you are beautiful,” A’Di said, looking Niki up and down, confused.

  “I mean behave ugly. On my world, I was trained as a female warrior.”

  A’Di nodded. “No Captain Rhine and no Lord Huntu.”

  He couldn’t help it, he grabbed Niki and pulled her against his front. He looked around at the other men, but he didn’t have to see their faces to know they were amused.

  Gunter cleared his throat. “Since I have time, I volunteer to be the first to help you with your health.”

  A’Di looked up at him and smiled. “You are all very wonderful to look at. I’m sure you will have beautiful cocks for me to suck and fuck.” She frowned, then smiled. “Mistress Niki must be a master of the sexual arts if the master will only allow her to see to his needs.”

  Niki started coughing. He heard a snicker from Olaf. Gunter led A’Di from the bridge.

  “Space is going to drive me crazy,” Niki muttered. “Come on, oh great and powerful master.”

  As they left the room, he wondered if there was something wrong with him that he found her sarcasm sexy. Probably. She amused him. He knew she didn’t see him as her master in any way. She didn’t acknowledge he held a deed to her person.

  He had time. He was sure if he kept his little master of the sexual arts busy for the next seven days, she would find it harder to deny him on Ordan. She was already possessive and he gave her every opportunity to claim him even if she thought the situation would be temporary. It wouldn’t be. She was his.

  He would let her discover the fact on her own.

  He opened his chamber door and allowed her to precede him inside. He’d brought her things over earlier. She looked around and he tried to picture the space through her eyes. All the rooms were remarkably similar. They consisted of a large lounging space with a sleeping space and bathing room beyond.

  He had star charts tacked to the walls and holograms of his family. He watched her walk around. She looked at each item and he leaned against the side wall to observe her reactions. She touched things. He watched her trace the diaphanous outlines of a Zunchar Nebula holographic photograph.

  She studied each of his personal holograms. “Who is this? I saw him in the hologram in my room also.“

  “Venn and Bronwyn’s younger brother, Hans.”

  “This is different than how I thought your space would look,” she said. She turned to face him.


  “I was thinking skulls and crossbones, leather and whips.” She smiled.

bsp; “No, you weren’t.”

  “You’ve worn leather each day I’ve seen you.” She shrugged.

  He took off his jacket and her eyes dilated and her heartbeat leapt. He tossed it on the couch and stood there by the door, waiting.

  “Your turn,” he said. She raised her eyebrow. “Take something off.”

  She kicked off her shoes, then smirked.

  He pulled his tunic over his head and tossed it the way of his jacket.

  “I wish I had some dollar bills,” she muttered.


  “Nothing. My turn, right?” She reached under her skirt and pulled off her leggings.

  He supposed it was the taboo nature of bare legs in society, but every time he saw her without her leggings, he felt as if something extra illicit was happening. The slit in the sides of the dress’s bisected skirt climbed all the way to her waist.

  Suddenly, she flipped the side so her right leg was completely bare. She turned her leg at an angle and the defined muscles of her leg and thigh snared his attention. Long expanses of colbruna-colored skin sent waves of desire throughout his body. He adjusted his cock. His pants were distinctly uncomfortable.

  She covered her leg. “Maybe a preview will motivate you to speed up.”

  His boots were next. He cheated a little and tugged off his socks at the same time. She pulled her panties down and discarded them quickly. The pulse throbbed at her neck and her breathing was labored. He reached for his waistband.

  “Wait, can I do it?” she asked. Her eyes traveled from his clearly defined shaft up to his eyes.

  He pulled his hands away as she walked toward him. Brown skin peeked through the slits in the sides of her dress as she moved. The slope of her thigh tantalized him. He wanted to grab her and end the game he’d begun. He didn’t. He wanted her to come to him. He needed her to reach for him, whether she thought it was a good idea or not.

  When she finally stood before him, she slid her hands from his shoulders down his torso and back up. She repeated the process again, pulling her hands a little closer together. Every place she touched tingled. His cock twitched each time her hands slid closer to it.

  “You are a beautiful man. This is the first time I get to explore you.” She smiled. “Somebody forgot to tie me up.”


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