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Battling Rapture

Page 11

by Stormie Kent

  Her hands on him weren’t a laughing matter. He remained still while she stroked him. She ran her hands around his side to his back and tucked herself in close. He felt her hardened nipples rub his torso and groaned. She shimmied slightly and rubbed her body against his.

  “That’s nice,” she whispered. Then, more loudly, she said. “I’ll have to get to your arms later. I’ve been waiting to do this for a while.”

  She unfastened his pants and directed him to step out of them. Right after she tossed them to the side, she caressed his ass before sliding her hands around his hips to gently take hold of his cock. The first contact was electric. He jerked against her and she gripped him tighter.

  He wasn’t the only one affected. He opened his senses wide and studied her reactions. Her skin was flushed. Her chest heaved. She breathed more quickly than normal and he watched her tongue peek out and moisten her bottom lip as she gazed down. Her hands made a slow, but firm slide up and down his shaft. He could smell her arousal, spicy, piquant yet sweetly redolent.

  He reached for her updo and quickly untied the cloth she used to keep it in place, then finger-combed her soft curly hair. It pooled around her face and she looked up at him through several flyaway strands. Her eyes were heavy with desire.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he said.

  “See, I knew you were smart.”

  She slid slowly down his body, not releasing his shaft for even a moment. He gathered the mass of her hair and pulled it away from her face with one hand. She looked up at him before opening her mouth and slowly taking him in. Her mouth was sublime. Warm and wet. She sucked and simultaneously pulled him in deeper. His eyes tried to close as he groaned, but he fought the impulse. He didn’t want to miss a moment. Watching her take him slowly into her mouth was rapturous.

  He felt the back of her throat before she ran out of shaft. She took a deep breath. He felt it all the way to his toes. She watched his face as she sucked, pulling back until she sucked only the tip of his cock before taking him in again. She gained speed and he tightened his hold on her hair. She gasped around his cock. Her tongue swirled as she maintained a tight seal around his shaft and increased her speed.

  He felt one of her hands begin to mold and caress his balls. It was simply too much for him. The sight of her on her knees before him, the glassy desire-filled look in her eyes, the tight sweet suction of her mouth and her warm hand stroking him sent him over the edge.

  “I’m coming,” he gasped.

  She didn’t pull away. His release was massive. All the blood rushed from his extremities to his cock. He never looked away as she struggled to swallow every drop.

  He recovered slowly. He felt her gently pull her mouth away and stand. He leaned forward, pulled her to him with the hand still tangled in her hair and kissed her.

  Their tongues tangled and she reached up and clasped her hands behind his neck. He released her hair and unfastened her dress in the back. He interrupted the kiss to pull the dress up and off. He tossed it on top of his clothes and looked down at her.

  Her body was a delicate combination of voluptuous and powerful. He picked her up and carried her to the bed in the next chamber. Spread out over the coverings, her body invited him to join her. He spread her legs and gazed at her core. He wasted little time on preliminaries. He wanted to taste her and tucked himself between her thighs.

  He inhaled deeply before placing both her feet on his shoulders and pressing her thighs toward the bed. He felt them quiver beneath his hands and ran his hands up her thighs slowly to steady her. She was open to him. Her folds were drenched. Seeing the abundant evidence of her arousal was as heady to his senses as her scent.

  “Come on, man. I wasn’t this mean to you.” She grabbed handfuls of his hair and urged him forward.

  He chuckled. She shivered as his breath teased her delicate skin. He covered her core with his mouth and kissed her deeply.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Every time he tasted her was better than the last. It had to be the anticipation. In the back of his mind, every moment of the day, was the thought of feasting on her and drinking her nectar. He devoured her, sucking and caressing her folds with his tongue. She urged him closer, lifting her hips. He helped by grabbing the plush globes of her ass and lifting her closer to his mouth.

  “My damn, you are eating me just right,” she whispered. “I am so close.”

  She whimpered and he redoubled his efforts. He loved when she climaxed against his mouth. Lapping up the extra succulent liquid her pussy created was quickly becoming his second favorite thing to do behind fucking her with abandon. He’d get to that next.

  He concentrated on her clit and she exploded. He caught all her juices in his waiting mouth. He swallowed all he could before kissing her pussy lips gently. He lowered her ass to the bed and slowly climbed up her body. She heaved and twitched under him, but didn’t hesitate at all to kiss his mouth passionately at his urging. She separated their mouths and licked his chin.

  She smiled at him. “You had a little something.” She tapped his chin.

  “I’ll bet.”

  He slid into her heat, slowly maintaining eye contact the entire time. Her eyes were heavy lidded, yet alert. As closely as he watched her, she watched him. It forced his eyes to remain open even as he desperately fought the desire to close them for a moment and experience the intense pleasure of being embraced in her tight pussy. He wouldn’t take her with pounding force. He was going to savor every slide. He would relish every thrust.

  He didn’t care how out of control he wanted to be. This was the first time he hadn’t needed to coerce her into fucking him. The knowledge was heady.

  He pulled almost completely out of her before thrusting in slowly, but with sureness of purpose. He wanted her to feel all of him just as he felt all of her. Her legs came up and wrapped around his waist tightly. She ran her hands along the straining muscles of his arms as he braced above her.

  He watched as her breasts jiggled and her breath caught on his every plunge into her depths. He kept that pace. Slow, sure and devastating to his cock. Her mouth remained parted in deference to each gasp and he leaned forward to lay his mouth against hers. He absorbed the noise and her breath. Finally he allowed his eyes to close as he wallowed in the feeling of being cradled in her depths as he shared her every breath.

  This was possibly the closest he was ever going to be to taming her. As soon as she was satisfied, she would be challenging him again until the next time he could feed this side of her. He could live with that.

  She kissed him, breaking the illusion that they were feeding each other life sustaining breath, and he mourned the loss for a moment. Then he burned. She deepened the open mouthed contact until his focus narrowed completely to her and how his body felt everywhere he touched her. Even his hair’s slow slide across her slick, sweaty skin was delicious. For a moment, they were one person in his mind.

  Her hands cupped his face gently before she nipped his lower lip. The feeling traveled straight to his cock and he ground into her more forcefully than he meant to. His slow steady rhythm was interrupted as she delivered little biting kisses to lips, jaw and neck. His pace quickened considerably as her love bites continued.

  He drove into her now and her hips rose to meet him each time. She asked for no mercy and he offered none. She was his and he was hers. They would find pleasure in each other for there would be no others. He would use his body to tell her so until she was ready to hear the words.

  She stiffened against him as her climax struck. He pressed firmly inside her as her grasping pussy pulled his own powerful climax from his body. He gathered her close and rolled them so that she lay across his torso. He was fast losing strength in his arms and feared crushing her as he collapsed into the feeling of sharing his physical essence with her.

  He held her tight, pressing his face into the tumble of her hair. The mass gave him the illusion of being wrapped in her. He held onto the feeling for as long as he cou
ld. She kissed his collarbone and relaxed completely against him. They lay there for some time, not speaking, simply relaxing together.

  She forced her body to remain relaxed, even as stupid vulnerability sneaked up on her. The desire to pull away from him and keep their relationship just sex was powerful. Excruciating, even.

  Lord, the man had just fucked her as though he was seeking out new frontiers and staking a claim. While her pussy was all for being claimed, her mind was not. She was a one-woman show. Other people were for amusement and to check her groceries at the store so she wouldn’t starve. She didn’t need anyone else. She wasn’t looking for a relationship. She didn’t cohabitate. Ever.

  But really, could that be it? He barely knew her. She didn’t do what he asked without having to be coerced. She wasn’t nice to him. It had to be her imagination. He wasn’t planning on keeping her. That would be a disastrous plan. No, he was just holding onto her so she would be close when little Rhine was rested again.

  Though she might need a nap first.

  Rhine moved. She held onto him as he stood. He was incredibly strong to lift her straight from a reclining position and her pussy squeezed him slightly in reflex. He threw the covers back, then lay back down, still holding her one handed.

  “I will take care of your sexual needs later. I must sleep before my shift in a few hours,” he said.

  He was a little blunt at times. He wasn’t giving her pussy a tune-up, for goodness sake. She shifted and accidentally elbowed him in the stomach. He didn’t even grunt. He did rub her back soothingly.

  She was just about to tell him to cut it out when he kissed the top of her head and apparently turned her into a blushing, tingling sixteen-year-old girl. Maybe it would be fine this one time. She wasn’t going to develop a habit in seven days. Didn’t it take twenty-eight days for habits to form? She’d be extra careful when they reached his planet. Planets were big places. They couldn’t be together all the time.

  She could go to sleep since her worries were taken care of. She allowed the hand caressing her back to lull her to sleep.


  She awoke clutching a pillow to her stomach. Alone. She guessed he’d already gone to relieve Tor and Olaf on the bridge. She looked around for a moment and then gave in. She brought the pillow to her nose and sniffed. Her eyes closed automatically and her empty pussy clenched. She’d know the man’s smell anywhere.

  He was redolent with a musky spice, but with a fresh scent interwoven with it similar to…mint. His scent was masculine like cedar wood or sandalwood. She took one last sniff and reluctantly released the pillow. She wasn’t going to sit around mooning over the man. Her stiff muscles needed a shower.

  Standing, she winced. She wished the bathing room held a tub. Every thrust of his cock caused pleasure, but he was rather large. He was larger than any man she’d seen outside a porno and definitely larger than anything she’d ever let pound her sensitive flesh. She’d never been so aware of her pussy in her life.

  She took a shower. She was sitting naked and cross-legged on the bed when Rhine entered. He was dressed differently. He still wore a sleeveless tunic, but it was cream cotton. His fitted pants were suede-like and buff colored. The boots were still kick ass, but buff, not black and they weren’t adorned with metal like the others. She realized she’d stopped applying cream to her arm and was simply staring at him standing in the bedroom doorway.

  She resumed applying lotion and tried to ignore the smirk on his face.

  “I’m right on time,” he said.

  She couldn’t hide her tight nipples or wet pussy sitting as she was and didn’t try. “On time for what?”

  “To help. Applying that cream looks as if it’s a really hard job.”

  His tone was so serious she smiled despite herself. “I don’t know about that. I do this every day all by myself.”

  “What? Never fear, I’m here now to help you.” He walked to the bed and sat down next to her.

  She expected him to reach for the cream, but he surprised her by gently grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her forward for a kiss that really did curl her toes. He pulled away and looked at her with his head slanted to the side.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hi.” She blushed again. She knew she did. Her face was hot and his eyes scanned her from hairline to chin. The blushing was getting embarrassing.

  “Do you know when you do that your breasts blush too,” he said.


  She shook her head and watched as he scooped some of the cream from the little black-and-white container and smoothed it between his hands. He reached out and, starting with her shoulders and collarbone, rubbed the lotion into her skin. His hands massaged as he rubbed and her body automatically leaned into his hands.

  She wondered how she could be so relaxed and yet aware of every cell in her body. Everything in her urged her to surrender now. She liked the torment. She rested her arms against her thighs as he took control of her breasts. He measured their weight for a while before beginning a circular path with his hands from the base of each one to the tips of each nipple.

  “I really love your breasts.”

  She could see that.

  “They’re perfect in every way. Perfect weight, perfect slope for my hands and they shimmy just right while I’m fucking you.” He smiled wickedly. “And they feel spectacular in my mouth.”

  If she were wearing panties, she would have dropped them by now. He moved on to her belly and she thought she would have gotten a moment to calm herself, but the way he ran his thumbs around her bellybutton caused her belly to quiver.

  “You seem a little too good at this,” she whispered. Her eyes focused on his slightly fuller lower lip. She made plans to suck on it later.

  “I’ve never done this particular activity with a woman before.”

  Uh huh. The way he worked her body out each time, she was sure there weren’t too many things he hadn’t done.

  He worked on her arms and legs and she didn’t admit she’d already done them. She wasn’t stupid.

  “Turn over,” he said. His voice was even huskier than normal.

  She tried to hurry, but her body had fallen into a luscious languor which made her want to give a feline stretch. When she rested on her belly with her cheek pressed against the tops of her folded hands, she listened to the sound of clothes rustling. She caught movement from the corner of her eye, but preferred to be tantalized by the sound of his clothes being removed.

  She shivered as she felt him slide his warm naked leg over both her hers so that her closed legs were cradled between his bent ones. He rested lightly behind her and she felt the unmistakable slide of his smooth cock against the crevice of her ass. She wiggled until she cradled his shaft between the globes.

  He hissed and she smiled. She knew she was blessed in the derrière department. This was one of those moments when she didn’t wish she had a little less padding in the back.

  “Did I mention I love your ass too?” He caressed the two cheeks briefly before she felt him lean toward the container of cream.

  She heard the sound of him rubbing his hands together before he leaned forward and began working his magic hands down her back. The position pressed his dick a little harder into her ass and she undulated slightly. A large hand gripped her waist.

  “Be still,” he said. She could tell his teeth were clenched.

  She held her lips together briefly to keep from laughing. “But I like the way it feels,” she said.

  “Hellion,” he muttered.

  He returned to massaging the small of her back. When he moved his soothing hands to her ass, she found out how much he truly loved it. He rolled the two halves under his hands. He caressed her for a long while before holding the globes open and keeping them that way. She could imagine the view with his ruddy cock still pressed snugly in the space.

  Where she’d been languorous before, her heart rate accelerated the longer he gazed down at her. She pushed up on her f
orearms and he released one of her cheeks to press a hand to the center of her shoulder blades and pushed gently. She submitted to the hand slowly, noticing as she did how her nipples felt scraping against the sheets.

  He moved back slightly and the head of his cock slid across her anus and the crease of her pussy lips. Rhine lifted her hips until she was on her knees. She rested her forehead against her hands. The wait created an ache deep inside her. For once, she held her tongue and allowed the feeling to build until she had to bite her lower lip as her pussy began to contract around nothing.

  He entered her swiftly, bottoming out almost immediately. She cried out as her flesh quivered around his cock. For a moment, pain mixed with pleasure. She climaxed, and ground her nipples against the bed beneath her and her pussy back against his groin.

  “Damn,” he whispered.

  She tried to catch her breath. She felt his hand press against her back and was comforted by its weight. Then he pulled back and slammed back into her and her body started to shiver. He didn’t offer her tenderness, and as her pussy spasmed again and again around his cock, she didn’t ask for any. But she did start moaning and screaming. It was the only way she could take the fucking he was giving her without begging for a break.

  She just kept coming. She gripped the sheets now and thought she heard a rip. She was feeling a little dizzy. She gritted her teeth and prayed she wouldn’t pass out.

  She’d never felt anything to compare to it. She wanted to believe it was some type of alien magic which forced her to suddenly be multi-orgasmic. Even as she screamed and gasped through the next orgasmic crest, she knew better. The only thing that would make it better was a wall mirror so she could see the powerful way he took her.

  And he was taking her. She wouldn’t deny it to herself. She was getting fucked within an inch of her life. He didn’t caress any part of her but her pussy. There was no hair stroking or open mouth soul consuming kisses.

  Even as her body was forced through another shattering release, she realized she still felt close to him. He would take care of her. If she truly couldn’t take it, she knew he would let her tap out. Only the man pounding into her from behind could force such pleasure from her. She knew it and she suspected he knew it too.


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