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Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives

Page 44

by Carolyn Steel

  and supply, 76–8

  Pompey, 78

  Poole, 142

  ‘Poor Man Paies for All, The’, 24

  Pope, Alexander, 229

  Popular Housing Group, 197

  Porkopolis see Cincinnati

  Portugal, 80

  Post, Emily, 218–19

  Poultry, London, 119, 120

  PPG6, 140, 141

  PPS6, 143–4

  Prato, 122

  Primrose Hill, London, 241–2

  Prometheus, 16

  Punch, 129

  Punch (puppet), 129–30

  ‘Punch’s birthday’, 129–30

  Puteoli, 75

  Queenhithe, 84–5, 120

  Queen’s Market, London, 151

  railways, 31–2, 90–1, 132–3, 177, 233, 299

  Ramadan, 209

  Ramesseum, Thebes, 76, 77

  Ramsay, Gordon, 158

  Randall, James, 96

  RDCs (regional distribution centres), 64–6

  ready meals, 158–62, 163–4, 192, 194, 195, 198

  ready-to-cook meals, 198

  Reclus, Élisée, 317

  recycling, 250–51, 257, 278–81

  Reform Club, 232

  regional distribution centres (RDCs), 64–6

  Reid, Donald, 250, 280

  Paris Sewers and Sewerment, 265

  restaurants and restaurant chains, 230–6, 239–42, 243, 244–5

  Retail Logistics, 66

  Richard II, King, 130, 222

  Richards, Ellen, 183, 184

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 128

  Rick Stein’s Food Heroes Christmas Special (TV programme), 3, 4

  Riga, 79

  rites, agrarian, 15–16

  rivers, importance of, 14, 71, 75, 79–81, 84, 88, 120, 255

  Robinson, Ann, 98

  Rochester, 84

  Rogers, Richard: Cities for a Small Planet, 319

  Romans, 14, 15–16, 16–17, 19, 40, 67, 77, 83–4, 167–8, 172, 220–2 see also Rome, ancient Romanticism, 8, 31

  Rome, 22, 121–2, 195, 238

  ancient, 15, 16, 17, 19, 50, 67, 73–5, 77–8, 102, 121–2, 171–2, 222, 254–5, 272–3, 275

  see also Romans

  Romulus and Remus, 16

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 37, 39

  Roosevelt, President Theodore ‘Teddy’, 37

  Rosny, Antoine, 231

  Rossi, Aldo, 123

  Rotherham, 246

  Rotherhithe, 257

  Rotterdam, 64

  Rouse, Jim, 110, 138

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 18, 25, 30–1, 35, 175, 230, 294

  Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men, 30

  Rowntree, Joseph, 300

  Rowntree Foundation, 197

  Royal Exchange, 228

  Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count, 180–1

  Rumford range, 180–1, 232

  Rungis Market, Paris, 148

  Ruskin, John, 178, 183

  Russia, 20, 79, 259, 313

  sacrifice, 209–10

  Sainsbury’s, 59, 61, 63, 91–2, 114, 140, 267

  St Gall Plan, 294

  St Modwen, 151

  St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, London, 128, 129, 130

  St Petersburg, 313, 314

  Saint-Simon, Henri de, 296

  Sala dei Nove, Siena, 21–2

  salination, 43, 271

  salt, 33, 78–9, 164, 217, 237

  Sandwell, 147–8

  San Jose, California, 146

  Santana Row, California, 146

  Sardinia, 73

  Sarson’s Vinegar, 117

  Saunders, Clarence, 136

  Savoy Hotel, London, 155–8, 159, 162

  Saxmundham, 150

  scale, issues of, 6–7, 34, 47–8, 51–2, 58–9, 61–7, 94–6, 101–2, 141–2, 159–61, 241, 269–70, 281, 297–8, 309–11, 322

  Scania coast, 79

  Schama, Simon, 20, 37

  Scharoun, Hans, 188

  Schlosser, Eric: Fast Food Nation, 236

  Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich: Small is Beautiful, 49

  Scotland, 68

  Scott, Sir Walter, 68

  sea transport, 72–5

  Second World War, 40, 100, 105, 192–3, 203, 225

  Section 106

  agreements, 142

  Seder, 207–9

  Seine, River, 67, 266, 275

  Semaine de Gout, La, 195

  Seneca, 17, 30

  Severus, Septimius, 273

  sewage farms, 277–8

  sewage systems, 249–50, 253, 254–9, 265–6

  Shanghai Industrial Investment Corporation (SIIC), 286

  Shaw, Richard Norman, 177

  Sheffield, 141–2, 159

  Shiva, Vandana, 48

  shopping malls, 137–40, 145, 147

  Shrove Tuesday, 126

  Sicily, 71, 73

  Siena, 21–2

  SIIC (Shanghai Industrial Investment Corporation), 286

  Silver, Clinton, 194

  Simmel, Georg: ‘Sociology of the Meal’, 212–13

  Sinclair, Upton: The Jungle, 233, 234

  sitopia, 283–324

  Skye, 68

  slaughter, 4, 32–4, 68, 131–3, 166–7, 176, 208–10, 222, 251

  Slow City movement, 321

  Slow Food Movement, 163, 195, 238, 310, 320–1

  Small Holdings and Allotments Act (1908), 312

  smells, food, 116–17

  Smil, Vaclav, 50

  Smith, Adam, 10, 87–9, 94, 97, 297

  An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 87–8

  Smithfield, 68, 89, 119, 130, 132, 132, 133, 148, 169

  Smollett, Tobias: Humphry Clinker, 70

  Snow, John, 177, 183

  Socrates, 124, 217–18

  Soho, 177

  Soil Association, 39

  soil erosion, 39, 43, 271

  soil fertility, 37–9

  Solomon, King, 222

  Solon, 18, 220

  Somerset, 91, 112

  Southall High Street, London, 150–1

  South Bank, London, 240

  Southdale Shopping Centre, Minnesota, 138, 139, 140

  South Street Seaport, New York, 110

  Soviet Union, 313

  Soyer, Alexis, 232

  Spain, 21, 60–1, 73, 152, 194, 272

  Spang, Rebecca: The Invention of the Restaurant, 230

  Spectator, 229

  Spurlock, Morgan: Supersize Me, 236

  squeamishness, 132–3, 166–7, 175–7, 179, 260, 262–4, 267

  Standing Committee on Trusts, 93

  Stanford University, 102

  Starbucks, 240, 241–2

  Steele, Richard, 229

  Stein, Rick, 3, 4

  Steinbeck, John: Grapes of Wrath, 39

  Steppes, 18

  Stevenson, J.J., 178–9

  Stow, John, 84

  strawberries, 59

  Streatham, London, 142

  street life, 115–16, 145–6

  Strong, Roy: Feast, 223

  Strype, John, 253

  Stuttgart Weissenhofsiedlung, 188

  subsidies, 43, 44–5, 98

  Suetonius, 221, 275

  Suffolk, 39, 119

  sugar, 85–6, 98

  Sumerians, 13, 14, 18, 271

  supermarkets, 62–3, 65, 66–7, 99–100, 111–14, 136–7, 140–5, 147, 149, 152, 163, 165, 269 see also names of supermarkets

  supplying the city, 53–102

  Surrey, 58, 120

  Swift, Jonathan, 229

  Switzerland, 92

  table, at, 201–46

  table manners, 214–16, 217–20

  Tacitus, 17, 78, 83

  Taco Bell, 243

  T & S, 113

  Tanizaki, Jun’ichiro: In Praise of Shadows, 189–90

  Tate & Lyle, 98

  Tate Modern, 109

  Taut, Bruno, 186, 188

  taverns, 226–8
  Taylor, Frederick, 184

  Taylorism, 184

  Terra Madre conference (2006), 195

  terroir, 58, 59, 309, 321–2

  Tesco, 58, 62, 65, 94, 112–13, 113–14, 140, 142, 143, 144, 147, 150

  Teutonic myths, 17

  Texas, 297

  Thailand, 43, 66

  Thames, River, 69, 84, 203, 249, 250, 254, 257, 258

  Thames Embankment, 248, 258, 278

  Thames Gateway, 319

  Thamesmead, 249

  Thatcher, Margaret, 152

  Thebes: Ramesseum, 76, 77

  Thesmophoria, 15

  Thomas, Keith: Man and the Natural World, 24–5

  Thompson, Sir Benjamin, Count Rumford, 180–1

  Thompson, Tommy, 102

  Thoreau, Henry David, 35, 37

  Walden, or Life in the Woods, 35

  Three Gorges Dam, 290

  Thünen, Johann Heinrich von, 91

  The Isolated State, 71–2

  Tiber, River, 75, 255

  Tiberius, Emperor, 78

  Tigris, River, 14

  Titus (son of Emperor Vespasian), 275

  Todd, Rebecca, 155, 156

  Tolworth, 143

  Tom King’s coffee shop, London, 129

  Tottenham, London, 280

  Tours, monastery of, 21

  Townshend, Charles ‘Turnip’, 25

  Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS), 48

  traiteurs, 230–1

  Trajan, Emperor, 75

  Transition Town Totnes (TTT), 323

  Transition Towns programme, 323

  Treswell, Ralph, 227

  Trimalchio, 221

  TRIPS (Trade Related Property Rights Agreement), 48

  True Levellers (Diggers), 294–5

  Tunisia, 73

  Turin: Terra Madre conference (2006), 195

  Tyler, Wat, 130

  UK see Britain/UK/England Union Stockyards, Chicago, 34

  United Dairies, 93, 94

  United Nations (UN), 8, 9, 95

  Food and Agriculture Organisation, 8–9, 98, 101

  United States see America

  Unwin, Raymond, 302

  Upton Park, 151

  Ur, 13, 167, 271

  urban agriculture, 311–16

  urbanisation, 8, 9–10, 290

  Urban Task Force, 319

  Uruk, 13–14, 271

  ‘use by’ dates, 262

  USA see America

  US Environmental Protection Agency, 48

  US Senate, 97

  US Soil Conservation Service, 39

  US Supreme Court, 47

  US Trade Office, 97

  utopianism, 291–307, 318, 320, 321

  Varro, 19, 69

  vegetarianism, 175–6

  Vegetarian Society, 175–6

  Venice, 73, 79, 80

  Versailles, 30, 173, 223

  Vertical Farm Project, 314–15

  Vespasian, Emperor, 275

  Vesta, 194

  Vestal Virgins, 15

  Via Campesina, La, 311

  Victoria, Queen, 92, 232, 250

  Vienna, 279–80

  Viljoen, André, 314

  Villa Stein-de Monzie, 189, 189

  Ville Contemporaine, 302–3, 303

  Ville Radieuse, 303

  Villette, Charles de la, 223

  Visser, Margaret, 215

  Vistula, River, 79

  Vitellius, Emperor, 221

  Vlasic, 96

  Voltaire, 31

  Waitrose, 163, 198, 240

  Walden Pond, 35

  Wal-Mart, 94–5, 96, 97 see also Asda Wal-Mart

  Walworth, Sir William, 130

  Wapping, London, 116–17

  Ward, Ned, 169

  Ware, 84

  Warwick, University of, 147

  waste, 247–81

  Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), 261

  water, 9, 14, 60–61, 177, 253, 258–9, 271, 272, 285

  West End, London, 133

  Western International, 148

  Westminster, 84

  What’s Really in Your Christmas Dinner (TV programme), 3–4, 5

  Whig Party, 26

  White Castle, 234, 235

  Whole Foods Market, 268

  Wigley, Mark, 188

  Wilde, Oscar, 214

  wilderness, 35–7

  Will (chemist), 256, 259

  William the Conqueror, 20

  Will’s coffee house, London, 228–9

  Windsor Forest, 203

  Winstanley, Gerrard, 294–5

  Wood, Grant: American Gothic, 190–1

  woods see forest Woolley, Sir Leonard, 167

  World Health Organisation, 41

  World Trade Organisation: Agreement on Agriculture, 97

  Wotan, 17

  WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), 261

  Wren, Sir Christopher, 252, 258

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 303–5, 318, 319

  The Disappearing City, 304

  The Living City, 304–5

  Wright, Henry 192–3

  Wycherley, R.E., 124

  Yo! Sushi, 240

  Yorke, F.R.S.: The Modern House, 188

  Yosemite Valley, 36, 36–7

  Young, Arthur, 28, 50

  Annals of Agriculture, 28

  Zagreb trade fair (1957), 193

  Zeus, 16, 213–14

  Zhenhua Xie, 290

  Zola, Émile, 35, 131

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  Epub ISBN 9781446496091

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  Copyright © Carolyn Steel 2008

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