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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

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by Rita Hestand

  Maggie's Dreams

  Maggie's Dreams

  (Book Five of the Red River Brides Series)

  Rita Hestand

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright© 2016 by Rita Hestand

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN #9781311949924

  Cover Design by: Sheri McGathy

  License Note

  This book, Maggie's Dreams is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without express written permission of the author. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy or copies. If you did not purchase this book or it was not purchased for your use, please go to to purchase your personal copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Maggie's Dreams is a work of fiction. Though some of the cities and towns actually exist they are used in a fictitious manner for purposes of this work. All characters are works of fiction and any names or characteristics similar to any person past, present or future are coincidental.


  Sometimes love sweeps us off our feet so fast we don't know what hit us. For all who fall too deep, too fast, and worry of the consequences I salute you as you let love rule your heart. But if a love is true one will ride the wave of tides and survive it. Hang on for the ride of your life!


  Rita Hestand

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  About the Author

  Rita's Other Books


  Vada, Texas

  South of the Red River Valley

  Chapter One

  "This is Dakota; he is your bodyguard." Mr. Montgomery, the stage manager said offhandedly when the magnificent specimen of man was introduced to Maggie Hilton backstage of the Golden Slipper Opera House. Never had she seen such a man before, he took her breath away, the expanse of his chest was bared except for a leather vest he wore, which hid little as Maggie's eyes romanced freely over him. His pants were leather too, and he wore moccasins on his feet. His hair was long and pull back behind his shoulders, but it shone from the stage lights. His dark brown eyes were trained on the floor. He hadn't even looked up during the introduction.

  When he didn't react to her bold assessment, she veiled her lashes.

  The inside of the Opera House was painted a dark burgundy, with many lights on the walls and lamps on the tables. It gave off a romantic hue. The furniture was a dark cherry wood and plush burgundy upholstered furniture. The curtains around the stage matched the décor perfectly. It would seat a hundred people easily. Maggie had to admit she was impressed.

  But Dakota stood out from the crowd, like a giant. Taller than most Indians Maggie had ever seen, she took in his dark good looks with one sweep of her lashes once more. He was a perfect specimen of man, broad shouldered, muscled arms, narrow waist, tight butt, and long legs, Maggie took notes. She didn't know a white man that could compare to that.

  "Will I need a body guard?" She suddenly frowned at the manager, who seemed impatient with the gathering crowd.

  Maggie distracted herself from the handsome creature and glanced about the room.

  She tried her best to pay attention to Mr. Montgomery, but Dakota held her somewhat spellbound. Her glance kept sweeping back to him.

  Deliberately turning her attention to The Opera House she was told it was a new addition to the small town with a big billboard outside that featured its latest entertainers.

  But try as she might, she couldn't keep her eyes from straying back to Dakota. She realized quickly that a mere glance would never be enough for any woman. From his head of long black hair to his moccasins, he was the most gorgeous man she'd had ever seen. His clothes outlined his magnificent body like a second skin. Muscled and long limbed, he was what every man should be, and every woman fantasized about. Maggie's heartbeat quickened, and she hastened to catch her breath. She'd been around men all her life, but not like this one. As primitive as he might be, he exuded male sexuality like none she'd ever met. He was impossible to ignore. Unlike most Indians she had seen, his eyes were wide set, clear and as dark as his eyes were, his lashes were even darker and long, sweeping against his cheek as he glanced at her.

  His intentional lack of attention to her was irritating. He barely glanced at her during the introduction. Their eyes never met. She wished she could look into his eyes, as they seemed to hold secrets. She'd never been this close to a real Indian before and it fascinated her. She wished she knew more about them.

  "How do you do?" She glanced up into the handsome man's face a she deliberately got in his line of vision. He looked devilishly attractive standing there staring down at her.

  He nodded but his expression didn't change.

  "But, excuse me, why would anyone need a bodyguard?" Maggie challenged Mr. Montgomery. "I'm only going to sing."

  "Because this town is not as refined as say San Francisco. The audience is not always well behaved and things can get out of hand so I've hired Dakota to protect anyone on the stage at the time. Sometimes our customers don't like the performance, and they have yet to be civilized about it. If there is the slightest disturbance you will be swept off the stage by Dakota so you are safe. And then he will escort the brutes out of the lobby. He's very good at his job. I trust him completely to keep you safe at all times, and you should too. If you are hired, I expect him to walk you home most nights, seeing to your safety."

  "I see." But she didn't see. She was well used to handling rowdy men, of course Mr. Montgomery didn't know that. "He's like a muscle man for the crowd then?"

  "You might say that, yes. He also escorts some to their seats." Mr. Montgomery nodded. "Now, I've arranged for your audition to be viewed by some of our most prominent citizens. If they approve, then you are hired immediately." Mr. Montgomery wiped his brow with his handkerchief from his front pocket.

  He led her to the backstage area, Dakota followed.

  She noticed the proud way he carried himself and his long strides that spoke of his confidence.

  "When the curtain opens you may begin." Mr. Montgomery instructed, he switched the lights on as he spoke. "Unfortunately there is no music to accompany you just yet, but it will be taken care of if you are hired. You must understand, this establishment has not had any real performers before and aside from the pianist and a traveling actor or two that I've hired off and on. None of much reputation."

  "Perhaps we can change that. Thank you…" She cut Dakota an offhanded glance. "I don't really think I need protecting right now…" Maggie began. "But you are the boss!" She smiled charmingly.

  "It is my job, and I will be here for every performance if you are hired." Dakota spoke for the first time, in eloquent English.

  She hadn't expected that. Weren't Indian's savages? Funny how one assumed things about people, Maggie mused. She really needed to brush up on her knowled
ge of the Indian people.

  His handsome dark looks lured her gaze, and his voice was soft but deep and penetrated her senses. Never had a man's voice gotten her attention so. But as a singer she quickly realized that a voice was one of the first things she noticed about a person.

  "You speak English very well. Where did you go to school, if I might ask?" Maggie's voice rose with excitement.

  "I went to mission school. They taught me to read, write, and other things." His gaze fell from her ruby lips to her shoes in one long swoop, he took her in. By his quick change of expression she realized he had accessed her too.

  He had sized her up in that one glance and she was aware of it. But there was no immediate reaction from him.

  Maggie knew she'd been thoroughly examined in that brief moment. She seen the quick quirk to his lips.

  "Oh…of course." That look threw her off balance.

  Determined not to be bested, she gave him the same all over look.

  "Very well…" she shook her head and smiled. "If this is your job, then I don't mind if you don't."

  He nodded but didn't smile back.

  Maggie wondered what a smile might look like on a face like his. He intrigued her, distracted her, made her heart flutter a bit. That hadn't happened since she was a very young. With his looks alone he was lethal. She'd met her match and she recognized that much.

  She knew she had long since set her cap for the Mayor, but hadn't planned on anything like Dakota in her path. He could easily side track her. There was only one problem. He didn't appear the least bit interested in her, personally.

  The curtain opened and she saw about twenty people gathered about in a row half way down from the front of the stage.

  She cleared her throat, cast Dakota a glance and began.

  Her voice was melodic and strong. Her voice carried well, and the acoustics picked up on her. She sang with as much emotion and leverage as she could manage. She had picked 'Beautiful Dreamer'.

  When she was through the audience not only clapped but stood up and yelled and hurrahed her.

  She was stunned and smiled. Bowing gracefully, she left the stage, accompanied by Dakota, of course.

  She realized instantly that this theater was designed to pick up the acoustics of music and voice. Nothing like singing in the church had done, and she had never sounded better, especially without an accompaniment.

  "If you'll wait in the parlor, Mr. Montgomery will be with you shortly." A waiter informed her.

  Maggie walked to the parlor, finding the lush furniture appealing, as she ran her hand over the rich material of the sofa. She sat in the parlor waiting on Mr. Montgomery to decide whether he would hire her for the stage or not. She'd never tried her hand at professional singing before and although it had been a childhood dream, she knew not to get her hopes up.

  She fumbled with a lace handkerchief as Dakota stood off to the side watching her now. His gaze seemed to penetrate.

  She glanced at him. "Don't you want to sit down?"

  "I'm fine." He didn't move. She silently wished he wasn't so formal, especially if they worked together.

  She stood up and went to the mirror to check her clothes and hat. Adorned in her finest satin and lace dress of deep blue she adjusted her neckline so as not to expose too much. After all, she was no longer selling herself, but her music. Her dress was impeccable; made by Sarah she was quite proud to wear it so well. Maggie's voice had been startlingly on key, but her nerves were rattled as she crumpled the handkerchief time after time.

  Now Dakota eyed her. His dark eyes swept over her once and then he turned away. But that dramatic glance had her heart palpating like a locomotive. The look had been provocative and thorough. He intrigued her more than she cared to admit.

  Naturally, there could never be anything meaningful between them, with him being an Indian, but an affair might be enlightening. The very thought of sleeping with an Indian seemed risqué and such a no-no, but not so out of the question. It could never lead to anything permanent, but she was almost positive it would be an experience she wouldn't forget.

  It seemed when they were alone there was the tiniest thread of sexual tension between them. Maggie recognized that tension immediately.

  She scoffed at herself. What on earth had she been thinking?

  Steadying herself she sat down once more.

  The thin man with the dark mustache and wiry hair came back into the room and smiled. "Well, Miss Hilton, I let some of the most respected members of the town hear you and I must tell you that you were well received. They loved you. And needless to say, you are hired. I do believe you will bring culture to our small town and more interest for sure. Now the pay cannot be much at first, but rest assured if you bring in more business, your salary will reflect it. You have a magnificent voice, my dear, and I should know. We audition singers without accompaniment on purpose. If a singer does well without a pianist, then she if definitely worth a hire."

  Maggie stared for a moment, her mouth open, her eyes glued to the man that held her future. "I'm hired, just like that?"

  "They loved you." Robert smiled at her, twitching his mustache as he spoke. "You'll be presented in two weeks. Until then you may practice and get ready right here. The doors will be open from noon to six every day for rehearsal, you can use all the time or some of the time. We have a pianist for your convenience who can work with you every afternoon. He's ill today, but he should be here promptly on Monday. I will have notices about town, and encourage all to come hear you. You have a natural talent. The mayor was greatly impressed. It isn't unusual when we get a great talent to have people from surrounding towns coming for the performance. And with your voice, I'm sure we will have sellout crowds once the word gets out."

  "Really?" Maggie was giddy with excitement. "What is his given name, sir. I hate addressing someone as Mayor all the time."

  "Oh the Mayor, his name is Richard Taylor ma'am."

  "Thank you. I'll be sure and thank him, then."

  Dakota barely looked at her now. But as she was leaving she stopped beside him. "So I guess we'll be seeing a lot each other, then?"

  "Yes" He said as though not interested in her idle chatter and good manners. Maggie had to admit, she had put on her best front in hopes of procuring the job. Yet somehow that front hadn't impressed the Indian. She wondered why. Most men were impressed with her.

  Indian? Why did she keep thinking of him as such, he was a human being, and it wasn't in her nature to snub anyone because of their race? She had never been a snob and she wouldn't start now.

  She was suddenly acting like some Prima Dona and this Indian knew it instinctively and it made herself conscious that he could out think her.

  She was a nobody in a nobody kind of town. Good grief, she'd been a saloon girl only months ago. Why was she putting on airs now?

  It was almost insulting the way Dakota kept looking away from her. Did she offend him somehow? She expected more reaction than she got. Perhaps she was being foolish, he was just an Indian after all. There she went again, thinking of him as an Indian, and not a man.

  She suddenly didn't like herself. She never judged people unless they attacked her. What was wrong with her.

  But even the handsome Indian couldn't cloud her happiness now. She'd just been hired to sing at the Golden Slipper Opera House. Her dreams were coming true.

  Dakota insisted on walking her home, although he said very little.

  When they reached the boarding house he shot her a fast glance, "You have a lovely voice, and I'm glad you got the job."

  "Thank you!" She humbled herself and smiled. "I'm very excited, without a piano I wasn't sure how I was going to sound. The acoustics in the theater took care of that though. I'm very excited."

  He bowed and left her side.

  As she turned to go in, she paused at the door to look at Dakota again, he was really a gentleman for walking her home too. She went inside bubbling with the news

  "They hired you?" Jo Ell
a shouted her eyes widening as she grabbed Maggie.

  "Can you believe it. With one audition." Maggie cried aloud.

  Jo Ella and Sarah rushed to hug her and wish her well. Ma Jones heard the news and rushed up to ask if it were true.

  "Yes, I can't believe it myself." Maggie admitted. "I'm still a little stunned. Happy, but stunned. Sarah again this dress was just right, I don't know how to thank you."

  "Sure you do, you can pay me for the material with your first check." Sarah laughed.

  Maggie chuckled. "I promise."

  "I was kidding silly, it's my gift to you."

  "How wonderful. I'll be at every performance." Ma said kissing her on the cheek.

  "Can you believe it, the Mayor was there and he loved it." Maggie practically danced around the room in her excitement.

  "Of course I can. And I can't wait to hear you." Sarah rushed up to her and danced with her.

  "Well I can believe it," Jo Ella watched them, then decided to join them too. "You have a beautiful voice."

  "It's all so strange to me. Like a dream come true." Maggie didn't realize a tear escaped down her cheek. How could it happen? How could she audition and be hired in the same day, like she had dreamed so many times before. In the saloon back at Al's she'd done a few songs here and there, but most of the crowd were drunk and paid little attention to her. She had wondered at her talent back then.

  "I'm glad you auditioned for them, Maggie. You may put this town on the map with your voice…" Ma Jones grabbed her hands when she stopped dancing.

  Maggie looked at her suspiciously. "How would you know about my voice…?"

  Ma Jones crimsoned, then raised her hand up then down. "I was among the crowd that listened to you, my dear. I'm sure with the lights down low you couldn't see me, but I sure could see you."

  "Oh my…" Maggie cried. "Then you are responsible for getting me this job?"


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