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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

Page 2

by Rita Hestand

"No…your voice was…" Ma corrected looking deep into her eyes and smiling.

  "Was the Mayor truly impressed?" Maggie asked with a giggle.

  "More than you'd believe…" Ma Jones assured her. "But judging from his looks, I don't think it was all just your voice that intrigued the Mayor."

  Maggie fanned herself. "Oh my… Mr. Montgomery said his name was Richard."

  "Yes, it is, but I think I better warn you right now, that if you've set your cap for him, he's a stiff shirt. He cares what the town thinks of him. He'd only be seen with the nicest of ladies, so be on your best behavior and don't call him Richard until he tells you that you can." Ma advised. "It's not that he's royalty, but that he thinks he is."

  Maggie laughed.

  "Is he really…a stuffed shirt?"

  "Very much so." Ma rolled her eyes.

  "Then I will be on my best behavior around him, I promise." Maggie smiled at her.

  When Ma went downstairs Maggie turned to Jo Ella and Sarah, her face changing with interest. "You won't believe this…but there was this Indian…"

  Jo Ella's head turned to watch Maggie…"What about him?"

  "Well, he's like a muscle man at Al's, there to keep the peace, sort of. He'll be backstage with me at all times, for my protection. Can you imagine? I wouldn't think I needed protecting." Maggie laughed and glanced about the room. "But he even walked me home. I don't understand the need for protection."

  Jo Ella nodded. "That's probably a good thing. This isn't a sophisticated town, drunks could wander in and cause disturbances during performances. Until the town realizes how sophisticated having a performer like you is, it could be dangerous. Don't shrug him off. After all, remember I was kidnapped by bank robbers, nothing is impossible."

  Maggie considered her words. "Maybe you are right. I hadn't thought about that. I didn't mean to sound condescending, the Indian is very handsome, Jo Ella." Maggie cried out despite herself. "I've seen him a time a two, and I did take a second look."

  "Oh really…now that's interesting. Especially that you noticed an Indian."

  "But he's certainly not interested in me…" Maggie hastened to explain. "I've never been around an Indian before. He's not real friendly."

  "Why do you say that he's not interested in you? If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have a job." Sarah came up to her.

  "He barely even looked at me." Maggie replied shrugging her shoulders. "He was almost insulting in the fact that he acted as though I wasn't even there. I made absolutely no impression on him at all."

  "Well, Maggie, he's an Indian, the proprietor might have fired him if he had ogled you." Jo Ella defended the man.

  "I hadn't thought of that." Maggie fretted, her brows almost meeting in a frown. "You're absolutely right. Gosh, it never dawned on me. I see him as a man, others see him as an Indian. I can't wait for you to meet him. "

  "Are you sure he was Indian? I mean it is unusual for a town to hire an Indian to work…"

  "Yes, Mr. Montgomery told me he was half Arapaho and half Cheyenne. He hasn't lived with the tribes in some time though. I can't help it, he's so masculine." Maggie sighed heavily. "I've never seen anyone quite so beautiful in all my life. To be wrapped in arms like that must be heaven."

  "Sounds promising." Jo Ella teased. "If he weren't Indian."

  "Wouldn't that be a scandal to run away with an Indian?" Maggie chuckled. "After setting my sights for the Mayor."

  "Sounds primitive and exciting…" Jo Ella encouraged. "But I know you, you aren't the type to suffer hardships well, Maggie."

  "Maybe, but I've never had an incentive to make me want to suffer through hardships Jo Ella. How do I know if I could endure? If I could put up with that horrible stagecoach ride, I can endure much more." Maggie smiled, but in the back of her mind, she had to admit that he impressed her. One because he spoke perfect English, and two, he was respectful of her, much more so than a lot of white men she knew.

  But what impressed her most was that her heart beat accelerated every time she looked at him. Not many men had that effect on Maggie, not after working in a saloon for years.

  Chapter Two

  "Maggie dear, could you come down please, there is someone here who wants to meet you." Ma called up the stairs.

  "I'll be right down?" Maggie yelled, peeking to see the Mayor standing in the kitchen. The Mayor, he was here, to see her? She looked again in her wardrobe for something nice to wear. It had to be perfect, everything did. She wanted to make just the right impression.

  She was just dressing for the day, she put on a yellow striped dress, that flattered her figure and she'd already curled her hair. She gathered her white lace fingerless gloves and slipped them over her hands with a white lace parasol, it would be perfect. It added just the touch of elegance she wanted. Spraying herself with a perfume that Jo Ella had given her, she looked at herself in the mirror. Perfect! She blew herself a kiss.

  She sashayed downstairs and was flabbergasted to see the Mayor eyeing her with keen precision. With obvious approval, his smile widened as their eyes met across the room.

  Well dressed, and perfectly groomed, the Mayor was very handsome in his pin striped suit, with his gray hat. He had dark sandy hair that was graying at the temples and wore an impeccable suit, the best men's cologne and a smile that beamed straight at her. His intelligent green eyes took her in with silent appreciation.

  Her heart thudded just a bit. This was her chance to improve herself, to be somebody. The Mayor was paying attention.

  It wasn't that he was such a handsome man, but so well-groomed and presented the kind of picture of a man that most women would stop and take a second look at. In short he was a prominent man, well thought of and quite prosperous. What woman wouldn't want him.

  His green eyes landed on her with a purpose.

  "Mayor," she batted her lashes effectively at him as she poised herself on the stairs for a moment, steadying herself with a matching parasol. She knew she looked stunning and was glad she'd picked this particular dress to go out with him. Her cleavage more than hinted her sexuality. But somehow managed to be proper. The slight bustle in the back of her dress called attention to her fine figure. The tight fit of her bodice and flaring skirt, emphasized all her attributes at once.

  He'd left his card for her at the Opera House saying he'd call on her soon. So she was mildly prepared. He came toward her, taking her hand and kissing it. Naturally he was a perfect gentleman.

  "Your performance yesterday thrilled me." He said. "You have an enchanting voice."

  "Oh well, thank you," she smiled temptingly. "You certainly know how to turn a girl's head with compliments."

  Ma watched them with mild amusement.

  "I was wondering if I might take you for a buggy ride this morning and point out some interesting spots of the town for you? I know the history of this town backwards and forwards, there's a lot of interesting stories I could tell you."

  Maggie felt swept off her feet by his consuming attention. "I'd love to… and I can't wait to hear them."

  He took her arm, bowed to Ma, "I'll have her back this afternoon."

  "That'll be just fine," Ma nodded her approval.

  He helped her into the lavish buggy he rented and sat very close to her. She could smell the leather of the exquisite seats. He rented the best. Her lace gloved hand ran over the leather with appreciation. "This buggy must have cost a fortune to rent."

  "Oh it's my own personal carriage." He declared quite proudly. "I bought it just after I was elected."

  Maggie noted the fact that he thought quite a lot of himself and his own accomplishments.

  "Oh!" She smiled shyly. He hadn't rented it just for her. It belonged to him. For some reason disappointment lingered.

  They talked for a few minutes then she glanced at him, "May I be so bold as to ask your name, I hate calling you Mayor all the time. It's so formal."

  "Richard Taylor III at your service," He smiled and kissed her hand. As his head came up, his
eyes feasted on her face, and then lower to her lips. She pinked beautifully.

  "That's a nice sounding name." She smiled back as she stared at her hand. He was bold, she liked that. "But do I call you Mayor Taylor then?" She stared at his actions waiting for his approval to lessen the formalities.

  "I'd rather you call me Richard," he responded, taking her hand now in his lap. He didn't seem shy about touching her, and she liked that too. He was quite confident, arrogant even to some degree, and self-assured as any man she had been courted by.

  She didn't mind his boldness, in fact, she appreciated it. He was definitely interested in her and was letting her know it right off the bat. "I like Richard, even better." She batted her lashes at him. He pointed out several buildings and gave her a rundown of their history, then they rode out of town into the countryside and she settled back and relaxed. The fresh air invigorated her senses.

  "Listen at that," She stopped everything to listen.

  "What's that?" He obviously wasn't paying attention.

  "Why, it's a mockingbird. They sing their little hearts out to attract other birds and entertain us. The least we can do is listen."

  He gazed at her with pure admiration.

  "You are a wonder Miss Hilton. A woman like you listening to mockingbirds."

  "Not so strange considering we both sing." She chuckled good-naturedly.

  He was quite pleasant to be with and she wanted to become as familiar with him as possible so he didn't forget her. So he'd call upon her again. "Please, call me Maggie."

  Several people waved as they rode by. Maggie smiled. She could be the perfect show-stopping wife, if he was inclined. Marriage was the key here, she needed a husband and the Mayor certainly fit the bill.

  After a while, they stopped near a large oak tree. He helped her down, pausing her in mid-air obviously to get her full attention. She smiled and their eyes met. He brought her close, his eyes going over her thoroughly. When his eyes feasted on her ample cleavage, she smiled, "You can put me down now."

  "Oh, I’m sorry. I was thinking I might not," He said lowly, his eyes falling on her red lips.

  "My, you aren't a bit shy, are you?" She chuckled. But somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if the Mayor wasn't a bit of a rascal.

  "Not with a beautiful woman that could be snatched up so easily." He set her down and she moved away for some reason. Perhaps he was a bit too forward, or too presuming.

  She wasn't a saloon girl any longer, she couldn't over play her hand, not yet at least.

  He spread a blanket so they could sit and look at the countryside together, while he produced a basket of food. The countryside was beautiful, with a huge field of oak, pecan and elm trees dotting the meadows. Wild flowers bloomed here and there. A few cows grazed lazily.

  She sighed, it was nice to get away from the town, the air was so clean and fresh out here.

  "I didn't realize we were picnicking." She glanced at the food, then him, sizing him up with one bold glance.

  "I thought you might enjoy it. It's just grapes, cheese and wine…"

  "It's delightful." She sighed. "the perfect touch for the day."

  "I wanted to come forward yesterday and introduce myself to you, but the manager said it would be best not to bother you just yet. There was a slight ruckus outside by some drunkard, your bodyguard sent them away in a hurry. So that's why I decided a personal call would be even better. I'm thrilled that you'll be performing at the theater and I plan to be at every performance." His eyes captured hers once more, his glance penetrating.

  He was a rascal, she decided.

  "I had no idea of the ruckus. I guess Dakota solved that for me. I'll have to thank him. You really enjoyed my performance?" She asked with amusement, all the while her mind was taking notes that her bodyguard was doing his job and she rather liked that.

  "Dakota, the Indian? Why my dear, you never have to thank an Indian."

  "That's unkind of you" She hadn't meant to react to that remark but he was purposely putting the Indian down. "He was protecting me. Of course I will thank him."

  Protection, that was important to Maggie in more ways than one.

  "Have it your way. But I wouldn't think you'd bother. You would put any socialite of New York to shame" He handed her a glass of wine.

  "Oh have you been to New York?" She asked curiously.

  "Yes, several times, but I've not seen anyone who could sing or look as good as you." He toasted her.

  "You flatter me." She smiled temptingly.

  It tickled her nose, and she sniffed it, then swallowed. It was delicious and she began to relax.

  "Well, I have much to learn about Vada, and of course I've never had the pleasure of going to New York, but I so hope you might enlighten me as time goes by about the city." She said taking a grape and offering it to him. He took it and stared into her eyes.

  "I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but a woman such as yourself, could easily be claimed before a man could turn around. I would so like to call upon you again, if I may."

  "I'd like that," she cooed, seeing his genuine interest. "You don't waste much time, and I like that too!"

  "I dare say you'll be very famous someday, Maggie. May I call you Maggie?" He asked bending toward her now.

  "Of course," she smiled and sipped the fine wine.

  "I hope you won't think of me just as a mayor, but as a man too. I'd like to think we might become very good…friends." He moved in closer, studying her lips.

  She moistened them, and watched his reaction. He was paying attention, she smiled to herself. Her seduction of the Mayor was working perfectly, so why wasn't she intrigued with the idea? Why did she hesitate. It made no sense. Perhaps the fact that she was playing him, and he was taking her up on it. It was simply too easy, no challenge. She liked a challenge.

  She leaned toward him, inviting a kiss between them. She was naturally curious if he could kiss like a gentleman or if there was another side to the man that he didn’t show to everyone.

  He tentatively touched her lips with his own and she sighed into his mouth, tasting the rich wine they shared. But disappointment lingered even as he continued to try to seduce her.

  His lips touched hers softly, and she pulled away before he became too amorous. "You compliment me sir, with your attention." She managed to blush beautifully.

  "I aim to compliment you often, my dear, if you'll let me. I'd like to court you, if I may. I see no reason to beat around the bush about it, I'm very interested in you. I'll have to admit; I've noticed you several times in town since your arrival. You are not only a great talent, but a beautiful woman." He suggested, his eyes still on her moist lips. "Surely you know that."

  "You're quite the rascal aren't you?" She smiled her ample breasts panting just a tad. Every move she made was calculated to get his attention, and it worked. It excited her when his eyes fell there. He was interested. She'd made an impression just like she planned. He kept staring at her lips and she wondered if he'd be bold enough to try again. After all the first kiss was tentative and she so wanted to know if he could offer her more. She had to admit that first kiss told her nothing about the man.

  "You are the brightest thing to hit this town in ages. You are beautiful, but you know that." He whispered, just before his lips tasted hers again. It was just a taste, but she enjoyed his flirty ways. She'd never met a man that matched her own wit at flirting. "I have a lot of ambitions. Being Mayor is only a stepping stone. I'd like to be governor of this great state someday."

  "My," She gasped, her mind reeling with the possibilities of what her life might be like with him. "You are ambitious aren't you?" She cooed. She liked the taste of the wine on his lips. She wasn't thrilled with the way he kissed, delicate, hinting at a real passion. Everything about this morning was perfect in her mind, except his kiss. He was a gentleman, but he let her know just what his intentions were. She appreciated his honesty. He was flirty and forward, but only to let her know his in

  "Yes, I am, and I need a woman that's strong, knows what she wants and goes after it. A woman…much like yourself." He told her. "A confident, self-assured woman, and so very beautiful."

  "Well, I hardly know you Richard." She moved away. She couldn't act too eager, but her heart was pounding at the prospect of being courted by the Mayor of the town and possibly someday the Governor. It was an exciting prospect. This was what she wanted all along, wasn't it? What might it be like if he were governor? The excitement it created had her more amorous than she'd planned, had her almost panting. But she suddenly realized it wasn't the man that had her panting, but his ambitions. A strange kind of shock ran through her. "However, I'm certainly interested, and very flattered."

  "Then I may call upon you again?"

  "Of course. I'd be delighted. It compliments me that you are so…shall we say interested."

  "Wonderful." He sighed. "And I'm very interested."

  They talked about politics and his ambitions and how great she was on stage. And he kissed her several times, letting her know there would more to come. But it was just that, would there be more to come, would his kisses have the passion she so craved from a man? She couldn't be sure on a first encounter but she had to admit, he'd kissed her several times, intimating his interest in more. And yet, she was somehow disappointed in the kisses. They were more calculated than she expected. He lacked a certain passion. She had to face it, he lacked any passion. Like her he was calculating his moves.

  That was it, he lacked passion.

  As they gathered the blanket up and the basket she glanced at him again. "I really shouldn't allow the kisses so soon in our relationship, but…I can't seem to refuse such a temptation either."

  "You flatter me. It is I who is tempted."

  She closed her eyes for a moment. Could this be more perfect?

  Yes, it could! He could kiss me better, couldn’t he?

  When he took her home, she walked back into the house, twirling about. Ma saw her and chuckled. "You must have had some day, dear."

  "Oh Ma, it was something. He's so exciting to be with. He's terribly ambitious and…. he wants to call upon me again!" She twirled around the room once more, dancing. "Why did you know he's thinking of running for Governor?"


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