Jonathan Swift: His Life and His World
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Hoey’s Court (Dublin), 9, 10, 11, 29, 58, 102; Godwin Swift’s house, 10
Hogarth, William, The Second Stage of Cruelty, 118–19, 118
Holland, 36, 39, 57, 62, 63, 167, 247, 486n15
Holy Communion: Laracor table, 96, 97; St. Patrick’s weekly celebration of, 268–69; Test Act requirement of, 150, 162–63, 194, 208; transubstantiation and, 139–40, 150
Holyhead (Wales), 33, 34, 37, 401, 403; route map to, 402
Holyhead Journal (Swift), 401, 403
Homer, 89, 134; Iliad and Odyssey, 80
Hooke, Robert, Micographia, 366, 367
Horace, 87, 140, 444; Epistle to Augustus Caesar, 195; Swift modern circumstances adaptation of, 260–61
horses: Swift’s riding/ownership of, 297–99, 298; symbolism of, 377–78. See also Houyhnhnms
House of Commons, 204, 264; power of, 66, 128, 156; report against Marlborough of, 248; seat appointments to, 37–38, 66; small electorate of, 157; Walpole as opposition leader in, 291–92
House of Lords, 129, 204, 293; Atterbury trial by, 294, 295; bishops’ seats in, 12, 157, 254; Oxford’s imprisonment and, 290; power of, 128, 156–57, 291; Sacheverell trial by, 192; Tory majority in, 251–52
Houyhnhnms (Gulliver’s Fourth Voyage), 14, 298–99, 358, 372–78; British wine imports and, 273; as controversial, 378; illustrations of, 372–73, 373; republican government of, 293; symbolism of horses and, 377–78; utopia and, 373; war revulsion and, 247
Howard, Henrietta (later Countess of Suffolk), 394–95, 396, 397–98, 399
Hubbub: Filth, Noise and Stench in London, 1600–1779 (book), 118
Huguenot refugees, 18, 268–69
human body, vulnerability of, 449
human nature, Swift’s negative view of, 141, 373–76, 377, 378, 455
Humble Petition of Frances Harris, The (Swift), 105, 436–37
Hume, David, 82, 147
humor, 4, 104–7, 185, 374; practical jokes and, 187–90, 305; wit vs., 283
hygiene standards, 69
Iliad (Homer), 80
Illington, T., 294
imperialism, 4, 12, 32, 128, 170, 171, 192, 252, 340–45; slave trade and, 252
Importance of the Guardian Considered, The (Swift), 261–62
infanticide, 419
infant mortality, 40
Inns of Court, 58–59, 88
In Praise of Folly (Erasmus), 134, 140, 141
insanity, 140–44, 376; Swift bequest for hospital for, 416; Swift’s dementia interpreted as, 376; treatment of, 143–44
In Search of Swift (Johnston), 57–60
In Sickness (Swift), 321–22
Intelligencer (periodical), 416–17
IRA bombings, 442
Ireland: Anglican minority in, 17; Anglo-Irish Ascendancy in, 17, 162, 354; Anglo-Irish Pale in, 18, 73; Catholic majority/repression in, 17, 18, 31, 97, 126, 128, 345–46, 354; economic depression in, 341–42, 348; established Church of (see Church of Ireland); famine in, 341, 417–18; James II landing in, 31, 40, 47; language of, 281–82; oppression of people of, 414, 418 (see also Irish rights); poverty in, 345, 346, 348, 415–16, 421–23; Protestant English and Scots settlement in, 11–12, 74; rain frequency in, 272; sheep farming and, 341; status with England of, 94, 161, 341–45, 415–16, 422; Stella’s property bequest in, 56; Swift and countryside of, 297–306; Swift’s feelings about, 2, 10–11, 279, 282; Swift’s identification with, 356; Swift’s returns to, 71–78, 94–113, 266; Swift’s tour of, 334, 345, 346–47, 418; Test Act in, 155; Tory purge in, 287; Vanessa’s move to, 240, 320–37; wealth transference to England from, 341. See also Dublin; other specific place-names
Ireland, Republic of, 343
Irish language. See Gaelic language
Irish Parliament, 17, 101, 287, 351, 353, 456; sole function of, 343; Swift verse attack on, 458–59
Irish Privy Council, 352
Irish Public Records Office, 61
Irish rights, 7, 342–56, 442; birth of national consciousness of, 4; boycott of English goods and, 342–43; Catholic repression and, 17, 18, 31, 345–46; English abusive policies and, 418; English crushing rents and, 343; Gulliver’s Travels allegory and, 371–72; squashed rebellion of 1648 and, 126; Swift acclaimed as hero of, 2, 4, 353–56, 411, 413, 414, 422–23; Swift’s economic relief pleas and, 393–94; Swift’s forms of championship of, 461; Swift’s view of Irish people and, 282, 414, 415–16, 419, 422
Irish Sea: dangerous crossings of, 33; map of, 73
irony, 46–47, 105–6, 152–53, 159, 276, 359, 397; as expression of suffering, 420; Johnson definition of, 199; Modest Proposal and, 419–20; Swift’s ironic approach to, 243
Isaiah (biblical), 149
Islip parish, 173
Italian opera, 185
Italy, 128, 208
Jackson, Dan, 279, 301, 302
Jacobite Rising (1715), 289
Jacobites, 126, 201–2, 289–91; Tory sympathizers with, 128, 192, 286, 347. See also Pretender
Jaffe, Nora Crow, 439, 530n24
James, Henry, 358
James I, king of England, 125
James II, king of England, 63, 65, 165; Churchills and, 164, 165; death of, 126; landing in Ireland of, 31, 40, 47, 74; revolution against/exile of, 4, 30–31, 32, 126
James III. See Pretender
Jennings, Sarah. See Marlborough, Duchess of
Jezebel (biblical), 299
John Bull (British symbol), 243
Johnson, Anne, 54, 222
Johnson, Bridget, 42, 50, 51–52, 53, 55, 180; Geree description of, 52; pregnancy of, 53–54; Swift’s relationship with, 222
Johnson, Edward (Bridget’s husband), 53–54, 55
Johnson, Edward, the younger, 54
Johnson, Hester/Esther. See Stella
Johnson, Samuel, 4, 19, 37, 63, 64, 69–70, 129, 192, 274, 384; on disease origins, 67; disparagement of Gulliver’s Travels by, 360; on Dryden’s dedications, 159; laughter of, 186–87; Life of Cowley, 82; on London street life, 117, 118; obsessive-compulsive rituals of, 69; on Orrery (John Boyle), 426; on Pope’s hidden agendas, 391; on servants, 277; slovenly appearance of, 70; on Stella’s reputed wit, 310; on Swift-Pope air of superiority, 388; on Swift’s and Marlborough’s strokes, 467; on Swift’s Conduct of the Allies, 250–51; on Swift’s lack of humor, 186; on Swift’s scatological poems, 443; on Swift’s Tale of a Tub, 133; Swift-Stella marriage rumor and, 317; on Swift-Vanessa relationship, 235; on Temple’s prose style, 82; on Trinity, 149–50
Johnson Dictionary definitions; “alms,” 421; “awful,” 326; “belief,” 147; “condescend,” 38; “friend,” 91; “glebe,” 97; “Grub Street,” 134; “irony,” 199; “lawn,” 139; “magnanimity,” 202; “nice, “179; “plumper,” 448; “sink,” 124; “slut,” 433; “stockjobber,” 340; “swobbers,” 159; “type,” 19; “vertigo,” 69; “whore,” 433
Johnston, Denis, 53–54, 55, 78, 223; In Search of Swift, 57–60
Jonathan (biblical), 353–54
Jonathan Swift (Glendinning), 7, 52, 69
Jonathan Swift (high-speed ferry), 33
Jonathan Swift, A Hypocrite Reversed (Nokes), 7, 72, 331
Jones, Betty, 35–36
Jones, Mary, 446
Joshua (biblical), 347
Journal, The (Swift), 301–2
Journal to Stella (1710–13), 4, 215–30, 241, 244, 308, 375, 444; affectionate intimacy of, 230; alterations by Deane Swift to, 216, 217, 225–30; cramped script of, 216, 226, 227; on deaths of friends, 225; description of shingles, 219; dream descriptions, 220–21, 229; on friends and acquaintances, 221–25, 231–33, 234; on imagined physical presence of Stella, 228–29; Lyon and Whiteway batches of, 215–16; “ourrichar gangridge” (special language) of, 225–30; on politics, 193, 194, 195, 197, 199, 200, 202, 203, 206, 207, 211, 246–47, 249, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258; shorthand nicknames in, 216–17; Stella’s letters and, 228, 229; Vanessa relationship and, 230, 231–33, 234, 235
Joyce, James, 25, 226, 433; Finnegans Wake, 45; U
lysses, 376
Junto (Whigs), 128, 157–59, 169, 210
Juvenal, 470
Kafka, Franz, 26
Karian, Stephen, 457–58
Kells (Ireland), 306
Kelly, Frances, 428–30
Kendal, Duchess of, 515n21
Kendall (Dublin bookbinder), 329
Kennett, White, 204–5
Kent, Duchess of, 348
Kerry, Lady, 232
Kilkenny (Ireland), 17–18, 61, 116
Kilkenny Castle, 20
Kilkenny College, 17–20, 46, 60–61, 84, 181, 284; curriculum of, 18; Swift anecdotes and, 19–20
Kilroot (northern Ireland), Swift as vicar of, 73–78, 79, 90, 91, 98, 99, 131
King, Edward, 33
King, William, archbishop of Dublin, 64, 185, 191, 202, 316, 317–18, 325, 335, 341, 349; death of, 415; First Fruits issue and, 154–55, 159, 163, 195–96; Irish Catholics and, 354; Irish economic relief and, 393; on Irish famine, 418; Swift’s endangerment and, 287, 288–89; Swift’s pamphlets and, 348–49, 353, 354; Swift’s relationship with, 171, 217, 259–60
King’s Inns, 58–59, 60
King’s Library (London), 87–88
Kit-Kat Club, 233
Königsmark, Count of, 255, 265, 266
Lady Acheson Weary of the Dean (Swift), 437
Lady’s Dressing Room, The (Swift), 449–50, 451, 453
Lagado flying island (Gulliver’s Third Voyage), 357–58, 371–72
Landa, Louis, 80, 103
landowners: Catholic confiscations/restrictions and, 31, 346, 382; Church of Ireland tithes and, 97, 458–59; Country Whigs and, 173–74; English rents in Ireland and, 343; Irish sheep farming and, 341; as Tory political base, 208, 251; voting restricted to, 157; Whig war taxation of, 170, 253
language: Anglo-Irish patois, 17, 281; clarity of usage, 209–10, 212–13, 270; Journal to Stella special style of, 225–30; punning and, 27, 159–60, 171, 223, 285; spelling and, 229–30; wordplay and, 282, 284–85, 424–25
Laracor (Ireland): Sheridan poem on vicarage furnishing of, 304; Stella’s cottage near, 308–9, 309, 310; Swift as vicar of, 94–100, 102, 154, 159, 191, 218, 258, 271, 272, 334
Laracor Church, 96, 97, 100, 267; Communion table, 96, 97
Latin, 18, 19, 23, 24, 43, 80, 140, 345; Swift’s epitaph in, 469–71
Latin Vulgate, 136
latitudinarians, 208
Lawrence, D. H., 445, 450
lawyers, 14, 58–60, 70
Leach (printer), 217
Lear, King (legendary), 34
Le Brocquy, Sybil, 53–54, 404
Lecky, William, 149, 345
Legion Club, The (Swift), 258–60
Leicester (England), 10, 31, 32–36, 37, 59, 60, 61, 71, 107, 191; map of, 35
Leicester, Earl of (Robert Sidney), 488n72
Letcombe Bassett (England), Swift’s retreat to, 263–65, 288, 289, 320
Letter concerning the Sacramental Test, A (Swift), 194
Letter to a Young Lady, on Her Marriage, A (Swift), 111–12, 427
Leviathan (Hobbes), 132–33
Lewis, C. S., 147, 241, 445
Lewis, Erasmus, 261, 287, 290
Libel on Dr. Delany, A (Swift), 392
liberty of conscience, 151
Liberty of St. Patrick’s (Dublin), 271
Licensing Act (1695), 127
Life of Cowley (Johnson), 82
Liffey river, 322, 326
Lilliputians (Gulliver’s First Voyage), 370, 395, 502n7; believable details about, 360, 362, 363; child rearing practices of, 15; Gulliver’s watch and, 360; Gulliver tied down by, 3, 44, 360–61, 361; Gulliver treason conviction by, 295–96; inspirations for political system of, 487n41; map, 363; religion and, 151; satiric details and, 254, 293, 370; size and scale and, 363, 365, 366
Limerick, Treaty of (1691), 31
Lintot (Swift friend), 178, 179
Lloyd, Edward, 178
Lloyd’s of London, 178
Locke, John, 67, 453
Locket’s (London eating house), 136
London, 107–12, 113–24, 125, 177–90; coffeehouses and, 178, 187–88, 328; countryside and, 115; landmarks of, 114, 117; maps of, 114, 115, 116, 117; rebuilding after Great Fire of, 113–14; street life of, 117–20, 121–24, 122, 218; street names of, 117; Swift’s friends in, 178–84, 231–34; Swift’s Journal to Stella sent from, 215–30; Swift’s lifestyle in, 177–78, 221–25, 232–34; Swift’s love for, 113; Swift’s meetings with Vanessa in, 234–35; Swift’s mock pastoral about, 121–23; Swift’s writings in, 184–85; three regions of, 114–15; war profiteers in, 170
London Bridge, 115–16
London Post-Boy (periodical), 188
London Spy, The (Ward), 123
Long, Anne, 233–34, 235
Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 360
Lord’s Prayer, 147
Loughgall (Ireland), 347
Louis XIV, king of France, 30, 32, 39, 64; height of, 27; Spanish succession and, 128, 167, 168
louse, 36, 36
love. See romantic love
Love Lane (London), 117
Lucian, 134
Lulbegrud Creek (Kentucky), 370
Luther, Martin, 135, 136, 142, 145
Lycidas (Milton), 33
Lyon, John, 27, 58, 90, 133, 147, 269, 404, 407, 409, 425, 443–44; as Swift’s executor, 216; on Swift’s hatred of lewd talk, 443–44; on Swift’s sensitivity to smells, 276; Swift-Stella marriage rumors and, 317
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 30, 32, 63, 88, 98, 115, 159, 166, 181, 502n13
madness. See insanity
Mallard, M., 168
Malplaquet, battle of (1709), 169, 171, 191, 246
manufacturing, 341
Marble Hill (Howard villa), 394
Market Hill (northern Ireland), 435–42, 454; Swift poems from, 436–39, 444, 445
Marlborough, Duchess of (Sarah Churchill), 155, 157, 164–67, 166, 168, 191–92, 247, 248, 339
Marlborough, first Duke of (John Churchill), 30, 157, 165, 181–82; charisma and political cleverness of, 164–66; decreased influence of, 191–92; dismissal of, 248; extreme wealth of, 247–48; Oxford’s imprisonment and, 290; Tory campaign against, 246, 247–49; as war hero, 164, 165, 167, 168–69, 171, 247
Marley Abbey (later Selbridge Abbey), 321, 322
Marsh, Narcissus, archbishop of Dublin, 23–24, 72, 100, 378
Marshall, Ashley, 510n10
Marshall, Robert, 334, 335, 336
Martain, Robert, 408
Martial, 449
Mary II, queen of England, 30, 31, 39, 64, 65, 65
Masham, Abigail, 155, 192, 196–97, 198, 254, 255, 256, 395
Maximes (Rochefoucauld), 183
McFadden, Elizabeth. See Sheridan, Elizabeth
McGee, Alexander (“Saunders”), 279; memorial plaque, 278, 279
McLaverty, James, 524n33
Meath (Ireland), 94, 95, 299
Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, The (Swift), 137, 149
medical knowledge, 67, 68, 274
Meditation on a Broomstick (Swift), 305
Medusa (mythological), 452
Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus (collaborative satire), 245–46
Ménière, Prosper, 68
Ménière’s syndrome, 68–69, 218–20, 313–14, 469; medical treatment for, 274; unpleasantness of, 219, 274
mental hospitals, 143–44; Swift bequest for, 416. See also insanity
mercantilism, 341–45, 422
Merlinus Liberatus (almanac), 188–90
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 160, 184
Micographia (Hooke), 366, 367
microscopes, 366
Middleton, Lord Chancellor, 353
Milton, John: Lycidas, 33; Paradise Lost, 62, 241
misanthropy, 81, 377–78
Miscellanie in Prose and Verse (Swift), 211–12
Miscellanies (Pope-Swift), 381, 384, 392
Mistress Ma
sham’s Repose (White), 502n7
M’Loghlin, Bryan, 408
mock epics, 86, 88–89, 387
mock opera, 385–86
modernism: ancients vs., 87–89; Swift’s attacks on, 334–36
Modest Proposal, A (Swift), 416, 417–20, 417
Mohun, Lord, 224
Molyneux, William, 344; The Case of Ireland’s Being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England Stated, 344, 351–52
monarchy: Berkeley as representative in Ireland of, 101; Catholic exclusion from, 30, 125; Church appointments by, 63, 71, 80, 254, 256, 257, 259, 394; divine-right doctrine and, 192; High Church Anglicans and, 294; 126, 264, 286–89; mistresses and, 29–30, 65–66; Parliament’s supremacy over, 32, 66, 126, 128; Restoration (1660) of, 11, 17–18, 29, 126; Revolution of 1688 and, 29–31, 64; royal succession and, 30–31, 125–26, 203, 262, 288; Stuart claim to, 125, 126, 202, 264, 286; Tory support for, 126. See also specific monarchs
Monck-Berkeley, George, 318–19
Monk, James Henry, 492n26
Monk, Samuel H., 522n46
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 178–79, 427, 450–51, 453
Montaigne, Michel de, Les Essais, 81
Moor Park (Temple country house), 37, 39, 40–42, 41, 42, 44–53, 55, 62, 65, 69, 70–73, 82–83, 131, 180; burial of Temple’s heart in garden of, 90; end of Swift’s years at, 90; Geree ménage letter and, 318; nature of Stella’s status at, 51–52; Swift’s letters to Stella from, 51, 80; Swift’s return to, 77, 79–93
More, Sir Thomas, 151, 373; Utopia, 373, 487n41
Moreton, William, bishop of Kildare, 72
Mose, Ralph, 44, 53, 56, 90
Motte, Benjamin, 381, 461
Mrs. Dawson’s Boarding School (Dublin), 284
Mullagh Lake, Quilca, 303
Mysterious Stranger, The (Twain), 455
Naboth’s Vineyard (Swift leased field), 299; map of, 300
national debt, 169–71, 251, 252, 339
National Library (Dublin), 343
Netherlands. See Holland; Spanish Netherlands
New Song of New Similes (Gay), 384
Newton, Sir Isaac, 350
Nichols, John, 465
Nicolson, William, 341–42
Night Piece on Death, A (Parnell), 207
Nijmegen, Treaty of (1678–79), 486n15
Nimrod (biblical), 301
Nokes, David, 310, 422; Jonathan Swift, A Hypocrite Reversed, 7, 71, 191, 260, 331, 423
Northumberland, Duke of, 30
Northumberland, Earl of, 255
Nottingham (England), 34