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Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Welcome,” she giggled as she smiled at me.

  As we drove out of town heading for the beach, I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. I needed this…we needed this. Camping out on the beach, snuggling together around a campfire, and swimming all day sounded like heaven. Spending every waking moment together, including falling asleep in each other’s arms…it seemed like a dream come true.



  I wasn’t sure how long I’d been sleeping, but before I knew it, Nick was gently shaking me and whispering. I hadn’t realized that I was tired, until I leaned against the window on the ride to Wilmington. I hadn’t been out this way since Avery brought me to visit her uncle almost two years ago. My parents were always so busy that vacations didn’t come very often. That was part of my argument when I asked my dad about going on this trip. I don’t think he really wanted to let me come, but I pulled a huge guilt trip on him explaining that I never got away because he didn’t have the time. He gave in, and here I am.

  I yawned as I turned my head to look at Nick, “I was tired.”

  “That’s ok,” he chuckled. “Now you’ll have energy for later.”

  “What are we doing later?” I glanced around and noticed that we were parked near Avery’s uncle’s house.

  “Night swimming,” he wagged his brow.

  “You’re just looking for a chance to get me naked,” I giggled.

  “Hey,” he shrugged. “Whatever works.”

  “You are terrible,” I swatted at him as he slid out of the truck.

  “We can set up anywhere along there,” Avery pointed out towards the sand. “My uncle own the property from here down to where that access is.”

  “Nice,” Logan nodded as he came over to Nick’s truck and grabbed a bag.

  We spent most of the morning setting up out tents, making a fire pit, and filling up jugs with water. Avery’s Uncle Chris had an outdoor shower and bathroom underneath his house, which happened to be about twenty feet behind us. It would serve as our place to gather water, and use the restroom. He promised us if the weather got bad, we could come in to sleep, too. We didn’t want to impose, but he was more than willing to help us out if we needed it. I think all our parents were happier that an adult would be close by.

  “So, I’m going for a swim. Anybody want to join me?” Cam rose from his chair, and ripped his shirt over his head. He was already dressed in board shorts. He tossed his shirt into his tent and stood there waiting for someone to answer him.

  “I’m in,” Nick stood and began striping. “What?” He looked over at me when I just sat there staring. “I’ll go in the tent to change my pants,” he reconsidered with a lifted shoulder.

  “I think I’m just going to stretch out in the sun and work on my tan,” I murmured.

  “Ok,” he shrugged before disappearing into our tent. Within a few moments, he was back and racing after his brother down toward the water.

  I don’t really know what I was thinking that day. Nick and I hadn’t really talked about the night that we almost had sex. He had brushed the topic aside, but I could still feel it hanging over my head. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it now; I was worried, I guess. I was worried that he’d grow tired of waiting. Worried that he’d find someone else. Worried that I wasn’t going to keep his interest. But most of all, I worried that once we did do it, I’d be a letdown.

  I sighed as I sank down on my towel. Avery spread her towel out right beside me, but Sarah had said something about taking a walk. Logan spent a little time stacking wood for our fire that night, but when Cam pulled out the Nerf football, he took off with the guys.

  “Why’d she have to come,” Avery grumbled as she watched Sarah walk away.

  I squinted against the sun, “You brought Logan. How is that any different?”

  “Logan wants me,” she sighed. “Cam doesn’t.”

  “So he brought Sarah. You can’t expect him not to have a girlfriend. You’re with Logan. If you want to be with Cam, you need to tell him,” I rolled my eyes before slipping my sunglasses on.

  “I tried,” she groaned. “What’s even worse,” she pointed at Sarah’s back as she walked down the beach. “She doesn’t even want him. She told me as much when she showed up at your house this morning. She thinks he’s hot. She thinks he’d be good in bed. She wants him like that, and nothing more. She’s using him!” Avery whined. “I’m not using Logan. Logan knows where we stand. He knows we’re just messing around and that I don’t want any more than that from him. Sarah’s gonna hurt Cam, and I’m going to have to be the one to put him back together now that you’re so absorbed with Nick.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I flipped my hand in the air.

  “It means that when he gets hurt, you’re going to be hanging out with Nick. I’m going to be the one to tell him that she’s a bitch, and hug him. I’m gonna be the one to tell him that there’s someone else out there that is right for him. I’m gonna be the one to assure him that he’s better off with someone else.” She pinched her lips together as she stared out at the shallow surf where the guys were laughing. “It’s just not fair.”

  “Tell him you like him!” I begged. “Please. Tell him that you see him as more than a friend. All you’re doing by hiding it is hurting both you and him.” I turned to face her and placed both hands on her shoulders, “I know he feels something for you. I’ve seen it. He doesn’t look at you the way he does the other girls. He has to see something more.”

  “Well, I don’t know what you’ve been watching, but the fact that he pushed me away the other weekend tells me he’s not interested,” she shook her head and shifted on her towel. “I tired. After you left the party…I found him sitting by himself. He looked sad. We talked. I thought that by the way he was looking at me that he wanted me. I leaned in to kiss him and he froze. When I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried again, he pushed me away. He was drunk,” she looked over at me and wiped at her eyes, “and he still didn’t want me. He doesn’t like me, Leah, and the sooner I face that and move on the better.”

  “I think you need to stop playing games with him and have a real conversation,” I blew out a deep breath. That’s what I think.”

  “Well, I didn’t ask you what you thought,” she growled and then pinched her eyes shut as if she was trying to calm herself. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Let’s go cool off; I’m hot.” She pointed at the water where the guys were now tossing the football back and forth and diving for catches.

  “All right,” I pushed myself up. “Race ya!” I shouted as I took off toward the water. As my feet pounded against the sand, all I could think about was launching myself into Nick’s arms. I was tired of all the drama, and as much as I wanted to escape it all, I wouldn’t change this weekend for the world. There weren’t going to be many more like this. We’d be going back to school in six weeks, and I wanted to enjoy every minute of the summer that I could.

  Chapter 10


  “So what are the plans for tonight?” Logan called out as he launched the football at my brother.

  “I don’t think we have any,” I chuckled as Cam dived for the ball and disappeared under the shallow water. It was only knee deep where we were, but it seemed like every time we tossed it to him, he missed. It was quite comical, actually.

  “Hey, douche bag!” Cam yelled. “You think you can actually throw it to me?”

  Logan narrowed his eyes on my brother and popped his neck. I knew my best friend had a short temper and wasn’t messing around. I knew I might have to step in. “You wanna come closer and call me that?” Logan taunted.

  “Can you two get along for one weekend, please?” I sighed and shook my head. Logan fought more with my brother than I did.

  “But he…” Logan growled and then shook his head. “I’m not doing this. I’m gonna go find Avery,” he smirked as he passed the ball to me and began walking back to where we’d left the girls.
  When I turned to face the beach, the first thing I saw were Leah and Avery racing at top speed toward the both of us. Logan laughed and caught her. He leaned into her ear and said something, and the two of them walked off holding hands. I guessed they were looking to be alone somewhere. I kinda wanted the same thing, but after the last time Leah and I were alone, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea anymore.

  “Hey,” I laughed as Leah launched herself at me. “Are you trying to knock me down?” I cupped her rear in my hands as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

  “No,” she giggled as she panted, trying to catch her breath. “Avery wanted to race me,” she grinned. “I won.”

  “I see that,” I chuckled as I turned us toward the water. I glanced over at my brother and nodded toward the waves. He got the message and dropped his head as he shook it. He knew our playtime was up. What I didn’t understand was why he didn’t want to spend time with Sarah. He’d spent the morning boasting about how he was going to get laid this trip, and he was the only one not with a girl at the moment. “Wanna swim?” I nuzzled Leah’s neck. “The water’s nice.”

  “The water’s cold,” Leah tightened her grip around my neck.

  I slowly waded into the deeper water and turned so my body cut the waves. They splashed up around my hips and Leah squealed each time, drawing her body closer to mine. “Relax,” I soothed when we got out past the breakers.

  “It’s cold, Nick,” she whined.

  I couldn’t help but grin as I bit down on my lip contemplating my next move. “You love me right?” I smirked.

  “Oh no, you don’t!” she yelled. “Nick Sutter, don’t you dare!” she lifted one hand and poked me in the chest. “I swear, if you do what I think you’re going to do, I will…”

  I cut her off as I bent my knees dropping us down into the water all the way to our necks. She squealed and began fighting against my hold trying to break away.

  “I don’t think so,” I grinned as I tightened my arms and leaned in to kiss her neck. “I like you right here.”

  “Nick!” she swatted at my chest, but began to let go of her anger as I trailed kisses up her neck and paused beside her ear. “I’ll keep you warm,” I murmured as I sucked the lobe into my mouth and bit down lightly. I felt her shiver against me and lean closer.

  “That feels…” she gasped as she rocked her hips forward, grinding them against me, “so good.”

  “You’re so beautiful, and seeing you lying up there in this thing you call a was killing me, baby.” I let one hand stay under her rear as I brought the other up to play with the ties around her neck. “This thing should be against the law,” I murmured as I pulled on one of the ties.

  Leah leaned closer. “Nick,” she hissed, “There are people out here. They’re going see us.”

  I glanced around at the empty beach. “No one’s going to see us. Nobody’s there, and we’re far enough out in the water that we’ll see someone if they come closer. Now,” I resumed my task, “Relax.” When she sagged against me, I knew she was giving in. I tugged the string and moved my head back just in time to see the tiny top she was wearing loosen and fall between us. I moved one hand up to cup her breasts and felt her legs tighten around me. “You have the most amazing tits,” I mumbled as I pinched a nipple. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “Nick?” she groaned as her head dropped back and she looked up at the sky.

  “What?” I chuckled as I watched her face pinch tight.

  “Touch me,” she begged. “Please?”

  She leaned forward, dropping her head to my shoulder, and running her fingers up into my hair as I made quick work of removing the rest of her top. I stuffed it in the pocket of my swim trunks just as I felt her rock her hips against me again. “Please,” she gasped.

  I could feel the tension building in her by the way her body tightened in my embrace and her kisses became frantic. It was as if the pent up desire between us had finally reached the breaking point.

  “Like this?” I whispered as I hiked her leg further up on my hip and reached into her bikini bottoms. “Right here?” I brushed my fingers lightly across the sensitive flesh.

  She moaned as she moved her hips again. “Yes! Right there! Oh god!”

  As I pressed my fingers deeper, I could feel her beginning to quiver in my arms. Her body was strung so tight, I thought something might break. “Nick!” she gasped as she leaned forward and clamped her mouth down onto my shoulder. I felt her tighten and pulse around my fingers and I couldn’t help but feel a little pride. I made her like this. I made her want me. She’d confessed one night when we were cuddled in the dark that I’d been the only one she’d let touch her like this, and now, whenever I did, it brought out my caveman side.

  “Feel better?” I leaned down and pecked her lips.

  “Mmmm,” she sighed as she gave me a lazy kiss back. “Do you?”

  “Do I what?” I wrinkled my forehead.

  “Wanna feel better?” she reached down between us and skimmed her knuckles over my rock hard dick. It throbbed beneath my swim trunks and jumped slightly when she touched it.

  “I’m ok,” I slowly lowered her feet, but kept her pressed next to me, She still wasn’t wearing a top, and even though we were far enough away that no one was going to see anything, I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

  “No, you’re not,” she murmured as she leaned into me and pressed an open mouth kiss to my chest. “Don’t lie to me,” she slowly trailed her hand down my abs until she reached the tie on my shorts. Her hand tugged lightly until she had loosened them and then slowly dipped inside.

  “You don’t have to…ahhh,” I gasped when I felt her fingers wrap around me.

  “Yes, I do,” she slowly dragged her fingers up and down my length, teasing me. Her thumb circled the tip before she tightened her grip and moved to the base.

  “Don’t tease me,” I panted as she stroked again.

  “Stop holding back.” She pressed her chest against mine and when her lips made contact with my mouth, it was as if we needed each other to breathe. We were frantic. Her tongue dove in and it was everything I could do to keep up with her. Her fingers danced over me vigorously until I couldn’t hold on anymore.

  When I could feel my release right under the surface, I tried to push her away but she wasn’t having it. Her grip tightened and she sped up. “We’re in the water,” she mumbled as I broke the kiss and released a deep groan. My climax shot out of me at rocket speed as every muscle in my body tightened and then shook. This was the most intense encounter I’d had that didn’t involve actual sex. Leah had come so far in the past year. She never would have done this when we first met. Hell, it took me six months to get her to let me touch her. Now, it seemed that if I could get her alone, and let things be spontaneous, she’d let me push the boundaries. That seemed to be the key…not planning these encounters, but just letting them happen. I now knew what I needed to do to get us to the next level. I needed to get Leah to stop thinking and just let go. That wasn’t going to happen on this trip. With just a thin tent separating us from the group, I knew she’d be self-conscious. She’d never let me takes things to the next level.

  “I love you,” I leaned in to kiss her as I pulled her top out of my pocket.

  “I love you, too,” she grinned up at me as I beckoned her closer into my embrace.

  “Come here,” I reached around her neck, and tied the strings back in place. After securing her top, I reached for her hand. “Let’s go dry off, and see what everyone’s up too. We can decide if we want to cook out tonight, or go somewhere.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she giggled as she laced our fingers together and let me lead her back to our campsite.



  What had just happened? Did I really do that? Out here where anyone could see me? My brain was spinning as we ambled back up the beach toward our tents. Nick seemed relaxed, more relaxed than I was. I wondered if Avery
or Sarah would know what we’d been doing. Would they be able to tell by looking at me?

  “Hey,” Avery waved from a few feet away, “wanna go into town and get seafood tonight? The boats should be coming in to dock.”

  I shrugged and then looked over at Nick, “Sounds good to me if that’s what everyone else wants.”

  “We need to get changed then. If we wait too long, it will be gone,” she yelled back. “Put on something dry.”

  I blushed as I turned toward the tent. As if he could read my thoughts, Nick leaned down next to my ear. “Nobody saw us. Stop worrying.”

  “I’m not,” I hissed as I unzipped the door to our tent. Nick started to follow me in, and I turned to face him, “You can wait out there.”

  “Leah,” he groaned. “We can change in here together.”

  “No, we can’t,” I slowly shook my head.

  “Why?” he tossed his hands up.

  “Because I need privacy,” I placed my hands on my hips and waited for him to catch on.

  “I just had my hands down your pants. I’ve seen you naked. You don’t have anything that I haven’t seen or touched,” he rolled his eyes. “Now let me in.”

  “Fine,” I sighed as I stepped to the side, letting him enter. “Hurry up, I’m hungry.”

  “So am I,” he chuckled as he reached out, and yanked one of my ties loose.

  I squealed, and spun around to face him, just as my top fell to the ground between us. His eyes darted from my lips to my chest, and then a broad grin spread across his face. He stalked closer and then leaned down near my ear, “You need to put some clothes on now, or we’re not going anywhere.”

  I swallowed, “But we just…” I pointed in the general direction of the ocean.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he whispered as he grabbed my wrist and pressed my hand against the bulge in his shorts. He was hard again and the lust that filled his eyes told me he meant business.

  “Would you two stop screwing around in there and come on?” Avery shouted from right outside the tent.


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