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Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Coming,” my voice trembled and I flushed with embarrassment.

  After changing in record time, Nick and I both emerged from the tent to our entire group waiting with their arms crossed, and tapping their feet. “We did not take that long,” Nick groaned as he shook his head.

  “So what WERE you doing in there?” Avery giggled as we began walking toward the vehicles.

  “Not telling,” I shook my head.

  “Oh, I’ll find out,” she grinned. “I’ve got big plans for us tonight.”

  “You do?” I swallowed nervously.

  “Relax,” she laughed as she slung an arm around my shoulder and squeezed. “We’re going to play truth or dare tonight once it gets dark,” she whispered into my ear. “I wanna see how much he really likes her,” she nodded her head in Cam and Sarah’s direction.

  “Avery…” I warned. “I think you’re playing with fire. You better watch out or you’re going to get burned.”

  “I like playing with matches. You know that,” she gave me a pointed stare. “And if I start a fire…” she giggled, “I’ll let Logan put it out.”

  “Avery!” I gasped. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “New theory on guys,” she shrugged. “If they can be players, so can I.”

  “Girls aren’t players,” I blew out a breath.

  “This one is,” she pointed to her chest before heading over to her car. “You can follow me. I know a short cut,” she called to Nick as she climbed in her car, leaving me standing there baffled by the change in her attitude. She needed to talk to Cam; that was the only way this was going to get fixed. She was so hurt, and jealous, that she was willing to throw away her reputation. I couldn’t let her do that. I needed to talk to Nick, and get him to knock some sense into his brother.

  Chapter 11


  After making the short drive down to the docks, we pulled into a small parking lot beside a little shack. There were cars everywhere and a line of people out the door. The building was so small that it only housed a kitchen and a counter for ordering. Picnic tables lined the grassy patch off to the side, with umbrellas set up for shade.

  “What is this place?” Logan scratched his head as he looked around.

  “Mel’s,” Avery beamed. “My uncle used to bring me here all the time when I would visit. The local college kids keep the place in business during the off-season, but this is the summer crowd. They have the best seafood around and all you can eat oysters.”

  “Ewww!” I made a gagging motion and both Nick and Cam laughed. “What? I don’t like oysters.”

  “I can see that,” Nick chuckled. “Have you ever tried them?”

  “No, and I’m not going to,” I shook my head vigorously.

  “You’re missing out,” Cam smirked. “They’re delicious little slimy things.”

  “Yuck,” I stuck my tongue out at him as I began making my way over to the line.

  The line was long and I felt sorry for the girl in the window. She was racing around like crazy and several patrons were giving her a hard time about having to wait. Could they not see that the place was mobbed? The six of us stood there trying to decide what we wanted so when it was our turn, we’d be ready.

  “What do you want?” Nick leaned down next to my ear and whispered seductively. His left arm snaked around my waist and he placed his hand in the pocket of my denim shorts.

  “I don’t know yet, maybe a burger?” I wrinkled my nose as I read over the menu.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” he shook his head. “We’re at a place like this and you want a burger?”

  I shrugged, “Maybe.”

  “Leah doesn’t eat much fish,” Avery grumbled. “I keep telling her to try new things,” she giggled as she eyed Nick, and when I looked up, I noticed his eyes had darkened.

  “Maybe she’ll try for me,” he winked and tugged me closer. “Tell you what,” he leaned down next to my ear, “you try one oyster and I’ll let you pick the next movie we see.” He stood back up and stared straight ahead. It was his poker face and I could tell he was fighting hard to keep his expression neutral.

  I blew out a breath, “Only one?”

  “Only one,” he nodded as he stepped up to the window and then directed a hopeful glance at me.

  “Fine,” I sighed. “I’m still getting a burger, though,” I pointed at him before smiling at the girl in the window.

  “You are impossible,” Avery swatted my shoulder. “I am proud of you, though,” she giggled.

  After we’d all ordered our food, we made our way over to one of the picnic tables. The sun was setting over the bay and it made for a beautiful scene. Gulls were calling from the water, and every few minutes one would get brave enough to come closer and beg for a morsel of food. The sky was a light shade of orange and purple and the wind was blowing just enough to keep the temperature bearable.

  “This place is awesome,” Logan mumbled as he lifted another oyster to his lips and sucked it down.

  “It is nice,” Sarah mused. She really hadn’t said much since we left the beach, and had been doing a great job keeping to herself. I wasn’t sure if she was just shy, or if she didn’t like us.

  “Gross. I don’t know how you guys can eat those,” I cringed as I watched both Nick and Cam slurp one down.

  “They’re an aphrodisiac,” Cam grinned.

  “Huh?” I wrinkled my nose.

  Cam darted his eyes between Avery and Sarah before leaning over the table toward me like he was sharing a secret, “They make sex better,” he laughed as I blushed.

  My eyes went to the huge pile of shells sitting beside Nick, and then to the other plates before I swallowed and murmured, “What exactly do you think is going to happen tonight?”

  “Oh I know what’s gonna happen in my tent,” Logan mused as he leaned in and kissed Avery’s neck. “There’s no thinking about it.”

  “Over-share,” I covered my ears and sighed.

  “Here,” Nick nudged me as he placed an oyster on my empty plate. I stared at it before looking up at him. “You promised,” he shrugged.

  “What did I agree to?” I mumbled as I lifted the thing up and sniffed it. “Gross!” I screwed my face up and turned away.

  “Come on, Leah,” Avery giggled. “Show us what you’re made of.”

  “Yeah, come on,” Cam taunted.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, pinched my nose, and placed the shell to my lips. It was disgusting and slimy when I sucked it down. I coughed and sputtered as I forced it to stay in my belly. “Gross!” I reached for my soda. “I will never do that again,” I cringed as everyone at the table laughed.

  “She must really love you,” Avery pointed at Nick. “She doesn’t do stuff like that for just anyone.”

  Nick smirked as he tugged me into his side. “I know she loves me. I’m proud of you, babe,” he pressed a kiss to my temple and everyone sighed and shook their heads at us.

  “Maybe if you can get her to eat more, you’ll get some tonight,” Logan muttered just loud enough for Nick and me to hear him.

  “Excuse me?” Nick released his grip on my shoulders as he stared Logan down.

  “I said…” Logan narrowed his eyes on Nick.

  “I heard you,” Nick growled, “I just can’t believe you said it.”

  “What?” Logan tossed his hands in the air. “You act like she’s breakable or something. Before her,” he pointed at me “you would have been the one making that joke. It was a joke! You know…funny ha-ha?” He shook his head. “What’s happened to you?”

  “I’m warning you,” he pointed at Logan.

  “Or what?” Logan stood now and rounded the table to stand beside Nick.

  Nick stood and leaned down right in Logan’s face, “I have no problem beating the shit outta you. Don’t talk about her like that…EVER!”

  “Holy crap, dude,” Logan sighed. “Call me when you get your man card back,” he grabbed his trash and began walking toward Avery’s ca

  I looked between Nick and Logan, waiting to see what was going to happen next. I’d never seen them like this. I’d never seen Nick like this about me. I swallowed as I reached for my soda again and darted my eyes toward Cam’s.

  “Just stay out of it,” he warned. “They’ll be fine in a few hours.”

  I nodded quickly and then leaned over to press a light kiss to Nick’s cheek, “Thank you.” I stood and tossed my trash hoping that the mood would lighten soon. This was supposed to be a fun weekend. I was used to people saying things like Logan had. I don’t think Nick realized that I’d been hearing that crap since junior high. He’d never lived in my world. This was new for him.



  “Calm down, calm down, calm down,” I muttered as I took a few deep breaths and reached into the cooler for a beer. We were back at our campsite now and Avery had dragged Logan down the beach for a walk, and to keep us separated. I don’t know what had come over me. He was right, before Leah I would have been the one making the joke. In fact, I’m sure over the years I’ve probably said something like that to her at one point. I needed to chill. The entire ride back, Leah had sat silently staring out the passenger window. I think she wanted to let me cool off and had decided that keeping quiet was the best way to do that. Now that we were back, all I really wanted to do was climb in our tent and engage in some of the activities that had taken place out in the water earlier.

  “You ok, now?” Leah’s voice was tentative as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” I sighed, lowering myself into a chair. My brother had started a fire in the pit we’d built that afternoon and it was relaxing just to sit and stare. “Come here,” I reached for her hand and tugged her down onto my lap. “I like this better,” I murmured as she leaned back against my chest and relaxed. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, maybe half an hour, before the others intruded on our solitude.

  “I’m bored,” Avery grumbled as she kicked her bare feet against the soft sand. “Let’s play a game.”

  “What kinda game?” Cam tilted his head back as he finished off the beer he was holding. Sarah immediately jumped up to take his empty and grab him a fresh one out of the cooler. I chuckled to myself as I watched her. He already had her waiting on him; I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

  “How about spin the bottle?” Sarah blushed as she handed my brother his cold beer, and settled back in the seat beside him.

  “Um? Are we in like fifth grade?” Logan rolled his eyes.

  “Truth or Dare?” Avery nibbled her lip as she looked up at him.

  “Fine!” he huffed as he threw his hands in the air.

  “I’m not drinking anything,” Leah’s voice was stern as she narrowed her eyes at Avery.

  “We know that,” Avery groaned. “You never do.”

  “I’m training!” Leah shook her head. “It’s bad for me.”

  “We get it, babe,” I wrapped my hand a little tighter around her waist. “I’ve got some better dares in mind for you, anyway.”

  “You do?” she swallowed.

  “Relax,” I whispered just as Avery stood and announced, “I need a drink, and then I’m going first.”

  “Shit!” Logan hissed.

  “What?” Avery giggled “Are you afraid of little old me?”

  “No, not at all,” he sighed.

  After grabbing herself a beer, Avery sat down in Logan’s lap, all the while watching my brother’s reaction. She thought she was sly, but we all saw what was going on here. She was trying to make him jealous only it didn’t seem to be working.

  “Cam,” she pointed at him with her bottle “Truth or dare?”

  Cam chuckled and acted as if he was thinking before he narrowed his eyes on her, “Dare.”

  “You suck!” she squealed and threw her head back.

  “What? You have something you wanna ask me?” he cocked his head to the side.

  “No,” she looked away. After thinking for a minute, she turned a dubious grin on him. It was dark out now, and, other than the moon, the light from our fire was all that illuminated the beach. “Go for a swim,” she giggled as she watched him stare at her.

  “Ok,” it slipped out slowly as he stood and began walking toward the water.

  “Naked!” she called after him.

  He stopped in his tracks a few feet away from us, and let his head drop as his shoulders shook with laughter. “If you wanted to get me naked, all you had to do was ask,” he called over his shoulder. “Although, I think your date might have a problem with it.”

  Logan chuckled and yelled, “Nope! She’s free to be with whomever she wants. We’re not exclusive.”

  I watched as my brother’s mouth dropped open before he yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it in the sand. Then, he released the button on his shorts and shoved them, along with his boxers, down over his hips.

  “Dude! We don’t want to see your white ass!” I cupped my hands around my mouth so my voice would carry. Maybe some of the houses nearby would hear us and turn their lights on. Nothing like embarrassing your baby brother, right?

  “Stop staring at it, then,” Cam called out as he slowly began walking toward the water. Leah giggled and then turned to bury her face in my chest while Avery sat there staring at him as if she was mesmerized. My brother needed to wake up and take notice. From the look on her face, she would do anything to have him.



  I could see what was going on here. I think everybody could, except Cam. Sarah sure could. I watched her become more and more possessive as the night passed. She’d started out sitting beside Cam. Now, she was in his lap, with her hand strategically placed between them. I didn’t want to know what they were doing, but by the look on Cam’s face, I didn’t think it would be long before they would leave the game and go into their tent.

  “Your turn,” Avery pointed at Logan.

  “Hmmm,” he tapped his chin as he surveyed he group. I had a bad feeling about this, but kept my mouth shut. When he zeroed in on Nick, I knew I’d somehow be involved in this. “Nick…truth or dare?”

  I stiffened as I turned to look at him. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to take the dare or tell the truth. What if Logan asked him something about us? What if he made him do something to me in front of the group? Could I do that?

  “Dare,” Nick narrowed his eyes on Logan. He was challenging him that much was obvious.

  Logan snickered, “You guys are so lame. We gotta raise the bar here.” His eyes gleamed as he watched us all. “I dare you,” he pointed to Nick, “to kiss her,” his hand gestured to Sarah, “for tens seconds on the mouth.”

  I could feel all the color draining from my face as Nick shifted behind me. “It’s just a dare,” he whispered as he glared at Logan. “What’s your problem?” he growled.

  “I want to see if the old you is really in there,” he shrugged as he watched the two of us.

  I looked over to see Sarah frozen in Cam’s arms. She was darting her eyes around to everyone except me. I guess if I’d been her, I’d be doing the same thing.

  “Come on, pussy. Prove to me that you’re still you. Prove to me that you’re not whipped like I know you are!” he jammed his finger in the air at Nick.

  “Are you ok with this?” Nick mumbled as he shifted me off his lap so he could stand.

  I nodded numbly as I watched it all unfold. He moved over to stand in front of Sarah and Cam and reached for her hand. She gave it willingly and let him pull her to her feet. “Sorry, brother,” he sighed as he slanted his head and connected with her mouth. I don’t know who gasped louder, Cam or me. It felt like a knife going into my chest as I watched her hands fist his shirt and her body press into his. Logan hooted as he began counting to ten loudly. Avery just sat there stunned.

  When the ten seconds was up, Nick broke the kiss, and stormed over to where I was sitting. Without saying anything to me, he grabbed my ha
nd, and began pulling me toward our tent. “I’m done,” he growled at Logan. “Play your stupid game. I’m not doing that or anything like that,” he pointed at Sarah, “again. You got me?” His body shook with tension as the muscles in his jaw ticked.

  “It was a joke,” Logan’s eyes flashed.

  “Not to me it wasn’t, and certainly not to her,” he pointed his thumb at me. “You try anything like that again…and we’re through.”

  “Damn,” Cam muttered.

  With that, Nick unzipped our tent and hauled me inside. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me. “It didn’t mean anything and will never happen again. I swear.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  “Hang on,” Nick pulled away from me and grabbed the bottle of water I’d left in our tent earlier that day. He took a big gulp and swished it around before tossing is back on the ground. “Come here,” he wrapped his arms back around me. “I don’t care what they say. I’d happily be whipped by you.”

  Before I could respond, his lips found mine, and he forced his tongue into my mouth. He groaned as the kiss deepened and then he pulled away. “Nothing will ever be as good as that,” he mumbled, “nothing. Are we ok?”

  I nodded as I ran my hands up under his shirt and across his abs. The warm skin quivered and flexed under my touch. “Just hold me for a little while?”

  “All night,” he grinned before guiding us over to our sleeping bags.

  Once we laid down, Nick curled himself around me, and kissed the back of my neck. I shifted slightly and sighed. This was where I wanted to be, and Logan and Sarah were not going to ruin that.

  Chapter 12


  I don’t know if he was mad at me for staying behind, or what, but Logan and I had spent more time mad at each other than anything else. When we’d come back from our camping trip, he’d pretty much stopped talking to me. I don’t know what he was trying to prove. I figured I’d find out whenever he came back to visit in the fall.

  Leah and I had been spending more and more time together over the last several weeks, and as the beginning of school loomed in the distance, we became inseparable. She’d train in the mornings while I was at work, and then we’d hang out in the evenings. Sometimes we went to my house, other nights we’d hang out at her’s, but tonight I was hoping to take her to ‘our spot’. I say ‘our spot’ because it doesn’t really have a name. We’ve been going there awhile now, and it’s begun to mean something to us, at least to me. We said I love you for the first time there, and it’s there that she first let me touch her. Tonight, I’m hoping to add another first to the list.


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