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Mission Almost Impossible

Page 4

by Loc Glin

  “I believe that duty will fall to me. Martin won’t be a very happy bloke. Hopefully, I’ll have some news for him and Abbey by then.”

  Chapter Nine

  “A coma!” Abigail shrieked.

  “Now, now, Abbey, she will be all right.” Martin Sherwood patted his wife’s shoulder. “Won’t she, Daniel? You’re the doctor. Tell her Kaley will be all right.”

  “We haven’t been able to find any physical cause for her condition. The neurosurgeon will talk with you later. We’ve set her up and are monitoring her vital signs. She’s young and in good health. She appears to be in good physical condition. I don’t see any reason to panic at this point in time.”

  “How long does this sort of thing last?”

  “Martin, there is no way of telling. She could snap out of it tomorrow or a year from now. The worst case scenario would be that she never does.”

  “You mean to say that she could die like this?” Abigail screeched. “I can’t believe that.”

  Jerin collapsed onto the chair next to Kaley’s bed. With his head between his palms, he rocked trying to contain the howl of pain that threatened to escape his throat. He understood how Abigail felt.

  “Now, look what you’ve done Abbey. Kaley’s new beau looks like he’s going to be sick.”

  Jerin groaned. He felt like he was going to sick up. He took a deep breath and stood. “That can’t happen. I won’t allow it. I just found her. I can’t lose her, blast it all! There is too much riding on us.”

  “You don’t have too much to say about it, young man. I believe it is all up to her,” the doctor said.

  “Are you saying she is in this coma because she wants to be?” Jerin asked. “Somehow I just can’t believe that.”

  The doctor pinned Jerin with a stern look.

  “I’m saying that she will come out of it when she’s ready and not before. We need to remind her that she’s wanted, needed and loved. That may help her decide to come back to us.”

  “Can she hear us?” Abigail asked.

  “Some say yes, some say no. I believe that talking to her can’t hurt.”

  “Then I’ll talk to her until her ears fall off,” Jerin said.

  “So will I,” Abigail offered. “Jerin, you can stay with us as long as you’d like. Isn’t that right, Martin?”

  Martin looked at his wife’s panicked expression. “If it will make you feel better, Abbey, the boy can stay.”

  Chapter Ten

  “I can hear you!” What in bloody hell is going on? Kaley’s spirit hovered above her body. How can I be looking down at myself? “I can hear you! I can see you!” she shouted.

  Panic washed over her. This can’t be happening! Everything is just starting to work out for me. I’m in a bloody coma? I’m here because I want to be? Bugger that!

  Jerin looked so upset. She moved close to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She felt his muscles tighten. He looked around, and then took her hand and squeezed it.

  “I know you can hear me, Kaley. I love you. You have to come back to us, to me.”

  He closed his eyes and kissed her knuckles and the back of her hand.

  Martin patted Jerin’s shoulder. “It’s time for us to go, Jerin. You look like you could use some kip.”

  “You can return tomorrow,” the doctor said.

  “I’m not tired,” Jerin protested. Although he was weary to the bone with worry.

  “We have to keep up our strength. This may turn into a long ordeal,” Martin whispered in his ear. “I’m more concerned about Abbey.”

  Jerin nodded. “I understand.”

  Blast it all, they were leaving! “Don’t go! I want to know what happened.”

  She watched her aunt, uncle and Jerin leave the room. Doctor Lynch took her wrist into his hand to take her pulse.

  “Doctor, what happened?” she pleaded.

  “Kaley, if you can hear me … fight this thing. I don’t know what’s happened to you. We will run tests, but I think it’s more up to you than us.”

  He put her arm down and patted her hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He smiled a smile that radiated his inability to fix the situation. A doctor’s smile meant to console.

  Now what?

  She watched him leave her. He flipped the light switch as he passed through the door and darkness found a home in the room.

  Her body was at rest, but her mind was racing and thinking. Jerin was an alien! Not your run of the mill ordinary alien, but one from another galaxy! She still had trouble wrapping her mind around that fact. She’d known he was special from the first kiss. And her daydream had been so real. She could almost believe it had shown her future. What if that was the life she was meant to experience? She relived the past two months. The time she’d spent with Jerin had been wonderful. Kisses and hot passion had filled the nights while camaraderie and love had blossomed during the days. She’d come to consider him a friend and a lover. She’d agreed to marry him. She couldn’t see a future without him. But, was she strong enough to accept the fact that her man, her husband to be, was from another galaxy? The shock of it had sent her into a tizzy. Maybe that is what had put her in this predicament. Her inability to process all this impossible information had somehow short-circuited her brain. Well, if that were the case, she just had to pull herself together, find a solution and get out of this ridiculous situation. She wanted to be with Jerin. She just at to figure out how to make that happen.

  Jerin sat by her bedside. The lights were muted, only a lamp by her bedside lit the room. It felt gloomy and sad. Jerin seemed distraught. Every day he begged her to come back to him. When they were alone, he told her what their life on Setera would be like. He told her that he couldn’t promise that they would be allowed to return to Earth, the way she had envisioned in her daydream, but he would put in the request and fight for it, if that is what she truly wanted.

  She wanted to see Setera before she made up her mind about never coming home to Earth. Could he make that happen?

  “It’s been six months, Kaley. You would have been out of this coma within a few hours on Setera.” He sighed and shook his head. “Earth is still quite backward in many areas. Medicine is one of them. Why haven’t we been transported yet? I’m certain that you’re the one I’m supposed to find, it should have happened. Please, Kaley, please want to come with me. Maybe if you want to come, we’ll be transported. I don’t know how it works. Nobody does.”

  Jerin was rambling. He’d started doing that a lot lately. She thought it was a testament to his frustration. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and comfort him. Every time she did that tears ran down his cheeks, and he put his hand over his heart. It was as if he knew what she was doing. She loved him for it.

  “Jerin, I want to go with you! Do you hear? I want to go!” she shouted. She was frustrated too. She just didn’t know how to get out of this coma. Doctor Lynch seemed to think it was up to her, but she didn’t agree.

  The lights suddenly blinked on.

  “They told me I’d find you here,” the woman said as she sashayed across the room. The sound of her stilettos kissing the floor accented the swing of her hips.

  Jerin stood.

  “What are you doing here, Becky?” Surprise and pleasure lit his expression.

  “Well, that’s a fine hello, after all I’ve done for you. Finding work for you around here hasn’t been the easiest task to accomplish.”

  “I know, and thank you.” Jerin smiled and then gave the woman a quick hug and kissed the proffered cheek.

  “Is this your lady love?”

  “Yes, this is Kaley.”

  “She is quite pretty.”

  “She is beautiful.” He took Kaley’s hand in his own.

  The woman stood there in silence a few moments. She seemed to be at a bit ill at ease.

  “Jerin, I need to talk to you,” she said.

  He turned to the woman and without releasing Kaley’s hand he asked, “What is it?”
r />   “I want, no—I need you to come back and work in London proper. The agency is short-staffed at the moment, and I need your help.”

  “Find someone else.”

  “Jerin, if you want to continue working for me, you must take assignments in London. I can’t waste your expertise out here.”

  “I have responsibilities here. I can’t just leave.”

  “Do you really believe she will come out of this?” The woman motioned to Kaley’s still form on the bed. Her tone made the notion sound absurd.

  “I have to believe that.”

  “Maybe you should visit her once a week instead of every day?” The woman placed her palm on Jerin’s forearm and squeezed.

  Kaley’s heart began to pound an erratic beat, thundering loudly in her head. Did this woman want Jerin for something more than work? The woman was touching Jerin and to Kaley it appeared a much too friendly gesture.

  “Unacceptable,” Jerin said.

  “Damned straight it’s unacceptable!”

  “What do you mean, unacceptable?” The woman sounded surprised that she’d been contradicted.

  The heart monitor began to beep erratically. Nurses poured into the room and ushered the occupants out.

  “No! Jerin, don’t leave with her.” Kaley hovered above her body.

  Jerin turned in the doorway as if he’d heard her. He looked worried and heartbroken.

  The monitor flat-lined.

  New equipment was wheeled past him and into the room. Panic washed over his face as he pressed himself against the wall and stood watching helplessly. A tear slid down his cheek.

  “Bloody hell!”

  Someone said, “Clear.”

  Her body hummed as electrical impulses raced through her veins and into her heart. She convulsed and air was sucked into her starving lungs. Kaley’s eyes exploded open. One breath later she screamed.


  Chapter Eleven

  “I can’t believe I’m finally going home.” Jerin was walking beside her holding her hand as the nurse pushed the wheelchair. “This is unnecessary, I can walk. Heaven knows they made sure of that with all the physical therapy.”

  “It’s hospital procedure,” he said as he smiled down at her. “Enjoy the pampering while you can. We’re going to stay at my flat.” He squeezed her shoulder. “The nurse will stay with you while I go and get my car.”

  Kaley watched him sprint away thinking it was good that her aunt and uncle had said goodbye earlier. She didn’t want any tears right now.

  “You are one lucky woman,” the nurse said.

  “I suppose I am.”

  “There is no doubt about it. You’ve come out of a coma. The most handsome man I’ve ever seen stood by you through it all.” She sighed. “He is so in love with you. We’re envious, all of the nurses that is, but it gives us hope that we can find that kind of love too.”

  She moved closer to Kaley’s ear.

  “If I were you, I’d be dreaming about what he was going to do to me when he gets me to his flat. I’m not you and I’m dreaming about it.” She chuckled.

  The car pulled up to the loading zone. Jerin got out and opened the passenger door.

  Kaley was wheeled to the open door where she stood. The nurse began to move away, but Kaley stopped her.

  “Thank you for your help. Just to let you know… I am dreaming of it. I’d have to be dead not to.”

  The nurse laughed.

  “What was that all about?” Jerin asked.

  Kaley slid into the passenger seat. “Just girl talk.”

  “This is it, home, sweet home.”

  Jerin pushed the door to the flat open.

  Kaley swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and tried to get her frenzied thoughts together.

  Jerin swooped her up into his arms and carried her across the threshold. Once inside, he kicked the door closed.

  “That wasn’t necessary.” She laughed. “We’re not married yet.”

  “We will be, and the sooner, the better. I want to make love, Kaley.”

  “So do I, but I haven’t taken any birth control for over six months.”


  “So, I might get pregnant.”

  “Good. We can get to work on those four children you want.”

  “That was just a daydream.”

  “Not a dream. It will be our future if you want it to be.”

  “I want it.”

  “Then, let it happen.”

  His lips covered hers in a desperately hungry kiss. He let her body slide down the front of him. She could feel his erection and had an answering pulsation between her legs. The man felt like he was made of steel, and that wasn’t just his cock. The muscles beneath her fingertips gently rolled as he began to undo the buttons of her dress.

  Kaley in turn made short work of his shirt buttons and unbuckled his belt. The shoulders of her dress forced her hands to stop as Jerin pushed the garment down her body. With a speed she didn’t think any man could possess, he stripped her of her bra, panties, stockings and shoes. Leaving her garments strewn on the floor, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He placed her on it with gentle care.

  “A little impatient, aren’t we?” she teased.

  “More than a little,” he said as he stripped. “I’ve never wanted anyone like this before. I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t have you.”

  “I know what you mean. It almost hurts.”

  “But, it hurts so good. Look at what you do to me.” He flexed the muscles in his penis and it did a lively dance.

  She knelt on the mattress and shuffled close to where he was standing at the side of the bed. “No.” She took his hand and slid it between her legs guiding his finger into the heat and moisture of her cunt. “Feel what you do to me.”

  He groaned and dropped to his knees before her. “Kaley,” he whispered into the apex of her sex and then dipped his tongue in to taste her. His hands held her firmly in place as he laved attention onto her clit. She exploded instantly.

  “I can taste your cum. I want more.”

  “Then”—she struggled to gain control of her breathing—“I suggest you fuck me.” She cupped her hands around his face and indicated she wanted him to stand. Once he’d gained his full height, she curled her fingers around the girth of his shaft. “This will do nicely.”

  He growled as he lay her on her back and slid into the bed next to her. “You are my everything, Kaley.” His eyes were filled with adoration, love and lust. He touched her face and caressed his way down to her breasts. Each nipple came to attention as he pinched and fondled it. The palm of his hand felt like velvet as it moved down her torso and across her hip, reversed, and then repeated the movements.

  A mewling sound escaped her throat. “I can’t take much more, Jarin. I need you now.”

  With a speed born of need, he moved and covered her with his total manliness. Hot skin and hard muscle enveloped her in the most erotic sense of belonging that she’d ever experienced. Her thighs spread open begging for him to possess her.

  He poised above her, the tip of his cock sweetly toying with her clit. His lips parted in a smile.

  “I want to see that look in your eyes for the rest of my life.”

  The next moment filled her with a joy that was twofold. Her body was being supplied with the thing it craved most, and her mind and heart accepted that Jerin was all she ever wanted or needed. Her surrender made them complete.

  Each stroke took her to an ever higher plane, until ecstasy didn’t begin to describe it fully. His love pushed her beyond anything she’d ever dreamed possible. As she finally reached the pinnacle of her pleasure and tumbled over the edge, her body was racked with delicious spasms of wonder and joy, she felt Jerin join her. Together, they floated in bliss.

  Jerin pulled out of the intimate embrace and turned her to her side spooning against her back. He kissed her neck.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I lo
ve you too.” She drew in a worried breath. “What if I’m pregnant?”

  “I hope you are. Now, get some sleep. We may have exceeded the activity limit for your first day at home. You need your rest.”

  He snuggled closer to her.

  “I think you’re the one that needs the rest.” She smiled out loud and covered the back of his hands with her own.

  “You may be right. Either way we need a nap.”

  Within moments, both of them were asleep.

  Kaley opened her eyes and bolted into an upright position. The strangeness of the room startled her.

  “Jerin?” She tried to keep the panic out of her voice. “Jerin!” She put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a little shake.

  Jerin stretched and lazily opened his eyes.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “Where… Where are we?” she squeaked.

  Jerin sat up and looked around. The most beautiful smile she’d ever seen spread across his face.

  “I guess that means you know where we are?” Relief flooded over her.

  “We are in my bedroom on Setera.”

  “How did we get here?” She was trying to keep her confusion at bay.

  “I don’t know, but it’s what I’ve been hoping for.”

  “But … but…”

  He took her into his arms.

  “You’re trembling.”

  Just having him touch her calmed her.

  “I’ll be all right. Just hold me, as long as I have you that is all that matters.”

  He held her and his hands traveled up and down her arms in a comforting and consoling manner as he gently rocked back and forth.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in.” His voice was soothing and hushed.

  She nodded, quietly basking in the warmth of his embrace. She noticed that she felt odd. Something inside of her was altered.



  “Is Setera different from Earth? I mean, well… I feel changed, different somehow. Could it be this place that’s causing it?”


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