Book Read Free

The Heart of Winter

Page 11

by Emma Hannigan

  Skye sipped the tea and gazed around the kitchen. This was such a welcoming space. The notice board in the corner was still crammed with notes, childhood drawings and reminders going back years. Ely’s scribbly first attempts at art were adding to the memories. Even with just the two of them sitting at the table, it felt like a family gathering.

  ‘But what has you so down today?’ Paddy asked gently. ‘Is it Joey?’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ Skye said, feeling stupid that she couldn’t decipher her own emotions. ‘I think maybe it’s because I know my dad isn’t well. And I know he won’t do anything constructive about it. I just feel so . . . helpless. Maybe it’s getting older, you know, I’m thinking about my parents differently, thinking of the future without them, that sort of thing.’

  Paddy nodded, then he smiled at her. ‘Only one cure for sad thoughts,’ he said, ‘and that’s to fill up your day. There’s a cake sale going on at the village today. Sadie is doing a stall and Holly is helping out. If you fancy a walk about later, we could drop down and lend our support.’

  ‘That sounds nice,’ Skye said.

  ‘I’d really appreciate the company. Holly and the ladies will be fussing and I’ll be left like a spare part . . .’

  Skye smiled over at him. ‘In that case I’d be delighted to accompany you. Thank you, Paddy.’ There was an awkward silence and Skye couldn’t help smiling to see the blush creeping up Paddy’s neck.

  ‘You know what,’ she said, saving him from any more of this talk, ‘I think I’ll go for a walk. Joey and I shared a bottle of red wine last night after you all left and I’m feeling wretched.’

  ‘Ah, hangovers are a demon. Fresh air will do you good.’

  The sound of the kitchen door opening made them look around. Matt walked in with Ely in his arms.

  ‘Hello, son!’ Paddy said taking the baby and kissing him.

  ‘Lainey said she’ll be over shortly, Skye. Would you mind taking Ely for a few minutes? I need Paddy to give me a lift with some plants out the front.’

  ‘Of course,’ Skye said. ‘We’ll play here until Lainey comes.’

  The distraction of Ely was just what she needed. His happy chirping and delight in finding the toys he always played with lifted her spirits no end. By the time Lainey arrived, she was feeling much better.

  Up in Dublin, at the office, Joey was thoroughly enjoying the presentation he was making. As he rounded off, he could tell the prospective clients were impressed. Clive gave him a discreet nod as he sat back down.

  ‘I’ve no doubt you gentlemen have spoken to other accountancy firms, but I can assure you the service and level of expertise you will find here is second to none.’

  Joey resisted the urge to leap about like a jack-in-the-box as the clients told them there and then they would like to work with him. This deal was worth in excess of three hundred thousand a year to the firm. They chatted for a few more minutes before the clients stood up to leave.

  ‘We’ll have the contract drawn up and couriered to you as soon as possible.’

  ‘We’d like to have this on our desks by Friday.’

  ‘I can sort that,’ Joey said confidently. ‘Welcome aboard. You won’t regret this.’

  As the client pumped Joey’s hand up and down, he clapped him on the shoulder.

  ‘I love the energy you bring to the table, Joey. You’re an asset to this company. I hope Clive here is paying you well.’

  ‘I’ve actually just been offered a partnership,’ Joey said. ‘Which I haven’t had time to accept officially.’ Joey glanced sideways at Clive, hoping he hadn’t said the wrong thing. Clive gave him another quick nod.

  ‘Good on you. We look forward to seeing that paperwork by Friday.’

  As the men shut the door behind them, Clive loosened his tie and sat down.

  ‘Good work, Joey,’ he said. ‘And I’m delighted you’re accepting our offer.’

  ‘Not as delighted as I am,’ Joey said with a grin. ‘This is just the type of account I need to really get stuck into. Hey, I hope you didn’t mind me divulging the news, but I figured it seemed appropriate.’

  ‘This is what I like most about you, Joey,’ Clive said. ‘You trust your instincts and go with them. Obviously we can’t ever allow private business matters to be divulged, but letting those guys know you’re a permanent, highly thought of partner was spot on.’

  ‘Cheers,’ Joey said beaming.

  ‘The Christmas ball in a couple of weeks will be a good opportunity for you to schmooze this lot too. Get your PA to send them a set of invitations from you. In fact, offer them a table for ten.’

  ‘Good plan,’ Joey said. ‘I’m going to get going on that paperwork right away. I’ll deliver it all personally on Friday.’

  ‘Excellent,’ Clive said. ‘And for my part, I’ll get your paperwork sorted too. Welcome to the firm, partner!’

  Joey was elated as he strode to his office. He ordered a soup and salad from his PA and instructed her to have the invitations sent to the client. Glancing at his watch he realised he’d probably be here until at least seven. But that couldn’t be helped. Skye would be stoked when he told her the news. He was about to call her to share the great news when Clive arrived in for another quick chat.

  Skye had finally sorted the last glitches in the Huntersbrook House website and it was live. Lainey, Holly, Paddy, Jacob and Matt were all crammed into the kitchen at the farmhouse, peering at the screen of her laptop.

  ‘This is wonderful,’ Holly said getting teary. ‘It makes the place look so inviting. If I were seeing it for the first time, I’d book in immediately.’

  ‘It really does look impressive,’ Lainey said with a smile. ‘Well done Skye!’

  Before they could protest, Jacob popped the cork on a bottle of bubbly.

  ‘We all have things to do this afternoon and we don’t want to drive into a ditch, but a little mouthful each won’t hurt. We must mark the moment.’

  ‘Not too much for me,’ Holly warned. ‘I’ve to go back to the fete shortly. There are a hundred and one things to do there.’

  They didn’t want to upset Jacob, who was busily pouring the bubbly from a great height into coffee cups. In the end it really was only a mouthful. It was also flat.

  ‘Yum,’ said Skye as she clapped her hand to her mouth. Turning around she discreetly retched and mercifully managed to swallow. Her eyes watered as she fought the urge to vomit.

  Lainey winked at her as she poured hers into Skye’s glass while raising her finger to her lips.

  Skye wanted to cry.

  ‘Aren’t you having yours, Skye?’ Jacob looked crushed.

  ‘Yes of course. I was miles away thinking about all the wonderful events that are going to take place in Huntersbrook,’ she lied. Gingerly, she drank Lainey’s share. Her stomach growled as she felt the liquid burn. Suddenly, it hit her – she realised what had been wrong with her this past while. Her ulcer must have returned, worst luck. Last time, she’d had special liquid to drink for the problem and it had sorted everything. She’d go to the doctor and get a repeat prescription.

  She took out her phone and texted Joey: Hey you, take a look at the site. It’s live! Wish you were here to share the excitement xxx.


  THE SOUND OF PIPPA’S VOICE IN THE HALLWAY of the farmhouse silenced them momentarily.

  ‘We’re all in here, darling,’ Holly called back in surprise.

  In true Pippa style, she burst through the door of the farmhouse amidst a flurry of hugs.

  ‘Hi all! These are my friends, Missy and Danny,’ she introduced. ‘Hope you don’t mind us landing down, but I told them about our new, uber-cool party venue and they wanted a look! We’ve had a snoop next-door and I figured you were all over here.’

  ‘You’re both more than welcome,’ Holly said, standing to greet the guests. They all introduced themselves to one another as chairs were offered to Danny and Missy.

  ‘It’s only a flying visit,’ Pippa said
. ‘We’ve zoomed down during lunch break and we’re all pretending to be at a meeting so we have time to get back up to Dublin.’

  ‘I see, well we’re thrilled to see you all,’ Holly said. ‘Now I’m sorry to be so rude, but I have to run. The fete is today and I have to go lend my support.’

  ‘No worries, Mum,’ Pippa said kissing her hello and goodbye at the same time.

  ‘How are you feeling today, Pippa?’ Paddy asked. ‘Mum mentioned you were coming down with a cold?’

  ‘Uh, yeah. Soo much better, thanks Dad,’ she said, shooting Missy and Danny a warning look. ‘The early nights over the weekend did the trick.’

  Without missing a beat, Danny busied himself shaking hands with everyone.

  ‘Let me make you all a cup of tea before I go,’ Holly said.

  ‘I can do it, Mum,’ Lainey said. ‘Seeing as you’re in a hurry and besides, it is my house after all.’

  Pippa sighed loudly. ‘Would you two stop behaving like a pair of alley cats? I’ll make the tea.’ She proceeded to tell them all about the impending trip to Paris.

  ‘Please don’t tell me any more,’ Skye groaned. ‘Paris would be wonderful. I’m so jealous!’

  ‘That’ll be a fabulous experience I’m sure,’ Lainey added with a smile.

  ‘I’m sure it will, but God, I’m so relieved Missy is coming,’ Pippa said. ‘I couldn’t think of anything worse than being stuck with Brianna the ball-buster on my own.’

  ‘I thought you and Brianna got on really well,’ Lainey said. ‘When did all that change?’

  ‘Ugh, she’s one of those people who’s never satisfied. No matter what I do, she’s of the opinion it’s not enough.’

  ‘She’s like that with everyone,’ Missy said, backing her up immediately. ‘She particularly hates me, though.’

  ‘Why?’ Holly asked. ‘What’s your crime?’

  ‘She’s the boss’s daughter,’ Pippa said, winking at Missy. ‘So even if she was Coco Chanel herself, Brianna would despise her. She’s the most chippy, jealous dragon on the planet.’

  ‘That’s not nice talk now, Pippa,’ Paddy scolded. ‘You know how I dislike nastiness.’

  ‘Yes, quite right,’ Holly said. ‘I’m out of time,’ she said checking her watch. ‘Bye everyone.’

  ‘See you, Mum,’ Pippa said hugging her.

  ‘Lovely to meet you,’ Danny said standing to shake her hand.

  ‘Yes, enjoy the fete,’ Missy said. ‘No doubt I’ll meet you again soon.’

  Pippa grinned as she watched her father take over with the guests. Eagerly, he filled Danny and Missy in on the details of their new venture. She didn’t know if Danny was just putting in an Oscar-winning performance, but he seemed to be hanging on her father’s every word.

  ‘All we need is a few bookings to get ourselves going,’ Lainey explained.

  ‘After that, word of mouth will help, we hope,’ Matt said.

  ‘I know loads of people about town,’ Missy said. ‘And I’m actually looking for a venue for my thirtieth birthday party. I was telling Pippa earlier and she suggested Huntersbrook. That’s why we landed upon you unannounced.’

  ‘Oh I see,’ Lainey said, side-glancing at Pippa.

  ‘I didn’t want to commit without seeing the place,’ Missy said. ‘I have quite a reputation to uphold,’ she sighed, rolling her eyes. ‘I mean, people will expect something pretty special considering who I am . . .’

  ‘And?’ Lainey said.

  ‘Oh yeah, I totally love it,’ she said. They breathed a collective sigh of relief. ‘So the catch is that my birthday is, like, just over three weeks away.’

  ‘That’s not a problem, though,’ Pippa said. ‘Sure it isn’t?’

  ‘Of course not,’ Lainey said lightly.

  ‘How many were you thinking of inviting?’ Paddy asked.

  ‘Um . . .’ Missy put her finger to her chin. ‘Two hundred anyway, possibly more.’

  ‘I don’t see why we can’t accommodate that,’ Lainey said.

  ‘No, it won’t be a problem,’ Matt said sounding certain. ‘The only issue that jumps to mind is transport. There aren’t many taxis in this neck of the woods, as you can imagine. But we could organise a couple of buses to ferry guests here and back?’

  ‘Ooh good plan, Matt,’ said Pippa. ‘There’s nothing worse than being stuck somewhere with no way home.’

  ‘If it wasn’t so cold, we could suggest camping,’ Paddy said. ‘But I think it’d be too messy.’

  ‘We’d need all sorts of insurance for that too,’ Matt said. ‘The bus idea is better.’

  ‘Wow, it’ll be the party of the year, Missy,’ Danny said. ‘I think Huntersbrook is the most amazing spot for a shin-dig. The scenery is breathtaking. The main house is totally awesome, too. It’s the perfect venue for a party or wedding.’

  Pippa thought she might melt into the chair as Danny looked over at her and smiled as he said the word wedding. She sat back and folded her arms, observing as Danny chatted easily to Matt and her dad. It was really early days, but she had such a strong feeling that he was the one.

  There was the small matter of the drug dealing. Much as she wanted to be, Pippa really wasn’t cool with that whole scene. But she figured that it could be sorted with time. Nothing in life was totally perfect and she wouldn’t like it to be. But this was the first time Pippa could actually appreciate why her sister had dropped her job and life in Dublin for Matt. Love was a powerful word and one she’d pretty much tried to steer clear of until now, but when Pippa looked over at Danny and another shiver ran through her, she knew something very special was happening here.

  Baby Ely was becoming fractious, so Pippa offered to take him outside for a bit of air.

  ‘Want to come for a little tour?’ she asked Missy and Danny.

  ‘I’d love it,’ Missy said, standing up.

  ‘Ah thanks, Pippa,’ Lainey said. ‘Ely would love to spend a bit of time with you.’

  ‘Hey, no worries,’ Pippa said, scooping her nephew into his stroller.

  ‘By the way, Missy,’ Matt said, ‘we have a fabulous luxury marquee arriving in the next few days. It will have space to seat two hundred guests as well as a fantastic dance floor.’

  ‘Cool!’ Missy shrugged her shoulder in delight.

  ‘Sounds wonderful,’ Lainey said happily as Matt came over to put his arm around her.

  ‘Obviously I’ll need to run it by my parents,’ Missy explained. ‘But take it that it’s a goer, yeah?’

  ‘Sounds to me as if Huntersbrook has just got its first booking,’ Paddy said, sounding delighted.

  ‘Yay me!’ Missy sang, doing a little happy dance.

  ‘Are you coming?’ Pippa asked Danny.

  ‘I’m happy here for a few minutes, if that’s OK?’ Danny replied.

  ‘Sure,’ said Pippa, rejoicing a tiny bit more. He was slotting in. He was actually a perfect fit in the family, she mused. Just like Matt and Skye, who looked like they’d always been here, Danny was totally at his ease. She was stoked that he wanted to sit and chat to Matt and Lainey and her dad.

  ‘You might like to borrow some wellies or a pair of crocs, Missy,’ Lainey said, eyeing her expensive-looking stilettos. ‘You’re in the country now!’

  Missy kicked off her shoes and slotted into a pair of mucky crocs. Making them all laugh, she kicked her leg backwards and pouted.

  ‘The style is eclectic here in County Wicklow,’ she said pretending to be a fashionista. ‘Wow, this feels truly odd. I never go about in flat shoes.’

  ‘There’s a gap in the market,’ Danny joked. ‘High-heeled wellingtons. You could make a killing.’

  Pippa giggled and waved to Danny as she led Missy out along with the buggy. First stop was the stable area, with the vast expanse of green paddocks beyond. Instantly, Pippa noticed all the amazing work her family had done. Guilt prickled at her conscience. She should’ve been here helping, she thought. Instead she was off doing stuff her parents and family wo
uld certainly not approve of.

  Suddenly, the naughtiness of it all made her giggle.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ Missy asked.

  ‘Jeez, I was just thinking about the contrast between here and our nights out lately. It was a wild weekend, wasn’t it?’

  ‘Hell, yeah,’ Missy laughed. ‘I really enjoyed it, though. Oh I meant to say it, but Danny’s a great guy. I never really spoke to him before I realised you and he were an item. He’s smart and classy and he’s way into you, Miss Pippa.’

  ‘D’ya reckon?’ Pippa asked unable to stop smiling.

  ‘I think the guy is totally smitten,’ Missy said.

  ‘Is he a total bad-boy though, Missy?’ Pippa wondered. ‘Am I being totally stupid even considering getting involved with him?’

  ‘No,’ Missy said immediately. ‘He’s not like one of those gangland criminals or anything. He only dabbles and as far as I can see, he just sells to a small circle of regulars. That’s totally fine. He’s just providing a service, you know? And he’s not doing dangerous drugs like heroin or any uncool stuff. It’s all fine,’ Missy said dismissing any form of doubt.

  ‘He says he’s only doing it until the economy picks up and he can get paid more for his job. He has a college degree and everything,’ Pippa said.

  ‘Yeah, totally,’ Missy agreed waving a hand limply. ‘It’s all fine for people like us, who come from big houses and have, like, a ton of money behind us. But he’s from a regular house in the suburbs and there isn’t the cash to back him up, poor love.’ Missy’s head dropped to the side in sympathy for Danny.

  Pippa chose not to point out to Missy that the Craig family fortune was non-existent and they were currently doing their best to scrape through. It also irked her to hear Missy being so bloody condescending about Danny and his perfectly normal background.

  As they walked around for another few minutes, Pippa’s energy began to fade. She was enjoying the fresh air, but her limbs were aching. She’d only slept for a couple of hours last night. And although her mind was fairly alert, her body was crying out for sleep.


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