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Redeeming Rafe

Page 12

by Sloane Kennedy

  “Did you have fun?” Cade asked as he unlocked the door to their room.

  In answer, he dragged Cade’s mouth down to his. He finally released Cade and said, “That was my first date.” He brushed another kiss over Cade’s lips. “I’m wondering how you’ll ever be able to top it,” he murmured.

  Cade smiled against his mouth. “Does that mean you’re going to put out?”

  “You bet your ass it does,” Rafe said with a laugh.


  Cade fell back on the bed as Rafe sucked him deep. The man’s mouth was truly sinful. Gentle fingers rolled his balls back and forth as a tongue licked from his base to his tip and then back again. It was a great way to end what had been a perfect day. Watching Rafe smile and laugh had unfurled something deep inside of him that he hadn’t even known was there. And he no longer had any doubts whatsoever. He was completely and totally in love with Rafe Barretti.

  As Rafe worked his way back up Cade’s body, he felt the drag of Rafe’s clothes against his heated skin. He reached for the buttons on Rafe’s shirt but Rafe grabbed his arms and pinned them down next to his head. A thrill shot through him at Rafe’s show of dominance and when Rafe sent him a no nonsense look before releasing his hands, Cade left them where they were. As Rafe took his time working the buttons of his own shirt free, Cade groaned as Rafe’s jeans rubbed against his cock where Rafe was sitting astride him.

  The shirt finally disappeared but Rafe shook his head when Cade made a move to reach for him. Rafe humped slowly against him as he unfastened the button of his jeans and then lowered the zipper but then he climbed off Cade entirely. Worse yet, he left the fucking jeans on while he reached his hand into them and began stroking himself. Cade had to crane his neck to watch and saw that his own cock was turgid and leaking and every time Rafe dragged his hand up and down his own dick, more fluid dripped out of Cade’s cock.

  “Rafe,” he whispered. There was no humor in Rafe’s eyes as he studied Cade’s shaft but the lust that was there was something to behold. Rafe finally pulled his cock free of his jeans.

  “Turn around. Hang your head off the bed.”

  Cade did as he was told and bit back a moan when Rafe stepped up to him and ran his cock over Cade’s lips. “Open,” Rafe ordered.

  But he didn’t push into Cade’s mouth right away. He just kept teasing around it and Cade finally let out a groan when a drop of Rafe’s tangy fluid hit his tongue. He closed his mouth long enough to fully enjoy the flavor and as soon as he opened, Rafe was shoving into him, the angle allowing him to hit the back of Cade’s throat in one easy stroke. As Rafe began thrusting into him Cade reached around Rafe to grab his ass. But when Rafe leaned over him and sucked his dick down, Cade shouted around the shaft that had him impaled.

  It took him a second to gather his wits but then he was catching up to the rhythm Rafe set and he added to it by searching out Rafe’s hole. When he brushed over the opening, Rafe’s suction increased as did the pounding his mouth was taking. His nose was buried against Rafe’s groin and he inhaled deeply, the musky scent driving him higher. Rafe’s arms wrapped around his thighs as Cade began thrusting his hips up to drive himself further into Rafe’s lush mouth. He felt the tingle in the base of his spine that said he was close but he wasn’t about to release Rafe long enough to warn him. But Rafe must have sensed it on his own because he pulled off of Cade and trailed his hands up Cade’s abdomen and chest and then wrapped his fingers around the base of his own cock and dragged it free of Cade’s mouth. A rough, wet kiss followed and then Rafe was pulling him up and positioning him back on the center of the bed.

  Rafe worked his pants and underwear off, then got the lube and condom from the nightstand. In seconds he was back over Cade, their cocks lined up. Cade dropped his hands on Rafe’s thighs as Rafe worked the condom wrapper open. The muscles beneath his palms bunched as Rafe shifted to put the condom on but he didn’t put it on himself.

  Cade reached out a hand to grab one of Rafe’s wrists – the one holding the unrolled condom over the tip of Cade’s cock.

  “Rafe, no, you don’t have to,” Cade said as dark blue eyes met his.

  “I want to,” Rafe whispered. “I’m ready.”

  Cade shifted up so that he was sitting and he wrapped his arms around Rafe’s waist. “Baby, what we have is perfect. I don’t need this,” he said as he pressed his forehead to Rafe’s.

  Rafe brushed a quick kiss over his lips. “I need this,” Rafe said softly. Arms went around his neck. “I need all of you.”

  Cade ran his palms over Rafe’s back before pulling back enough to study Rafe long and hard, searching for any signs of fear. Cade had told the truth. What they had was enough for him but to share everything with Rafe had his love for the man in his arms go from a smoldering burn to a full on inferno.

  “I love you,” he whispered against Rafe’s lips and when the man gasped in surprise, he took advantage and thrust his tongue inside and skimmed every surface and crevice until Rafe was squirming against him. When a hand closed around his dick, Cade released Rafe and lowered himself back on the bed. Desperation glinted in Rafe’s eyes as he quickly worked the condom on and reached for the lube. Cade could see his declaration had thrown Rafe for a loop but he didn’t regret it. And he didn’t care that Rafe hadn’t said it back because deep down he knew Rafe felt the same thing he did.

  Rafe’s fingers shook as he slathered some lube on Cade’s cock but when he reached behind himself, Cade grabbed his hand. He wiped Rafe’s hand on the bedspread and then reached for the lube. “Turn around.”


  I love you. Rafe’s legs trembled as he turned himself around so that his ass faced Cade. Cade’s words of love had taken him completely by surprise and he’d been sure the overwhelming surge of emotion inside of him would lead to a panic attack of epic proportions, but even though his breathing had ratcheted up and he was feeling hot all over, it wasn’t even close to the same thing.

  He’d made the decision earlier in the day to give himself to Cade completely and he’d expected that at some point he’d chicken out before actually doing it but the overwhelming need to give Cade the gift that Cade had given him so freely had been too much to ignore. Yes, he was scared to death and he hoped like hell he wouldn’t back out but he knew that even if he did panic, Cade wouldn’t recriminate or judge him for it.

  Rafe felt cool air on his hole when Cade gently drew one cheek back. He braced himself for the feel of the cold liquid and blunt fingers but what he got was heat as Cade’s tongue licked over his opening. The man had done this to him countless times since the first night in the guest room when he’d done his sneak attack and it never failed to drive Rafe insane. He dropped his arms down onto Cade’s legs to brace himself and then cried out when a hand stroked down his cock. At this rate he’d be done long before Cade ever got inside him.

  “I’m too close,” Rafe managed to croak as Cade applied suction before slicking him up with more saliva. Cade took pity on him and gave him one last kiss before fingers replaced his mouth. There was no pain when Cade breached him to the first knuckle, just intense pressure and a slight burning. The cool lube actually felt good against his flaming skin and he pressed back when more of it was pushed inside of him. The moved forced more of Cade’s finger into him and he winced when his hole finally collapsed.

  “Okay?” Cade asked as he twisted his finger gently inside of Rafe to spread the lube.

  Rafe managed a nod since he didn’t trust himself to speak. It felt better than he could have imagined and every time the rough skin of Cade’s finger brushed the smoothness of his inner walls he felt a spark of electricity shoot through him. There was more burning and pressure as another finger joined the first and began scissoring inside of him. Cade hit his prostate without warning and a jolt went through his cock and he automatically reached for it and began stroking it desperately.

  “Uh, uh,” Cade murmured as he pulled free of Rafe and forced his hand away from his cock. �
��We come together.”

  Rafe turned around and began to climb off of Cade though he wasn’t sure if the man wanted him on his back or his front – he really hoped it was the former because he wanted to maintain the eye contact with Cade so he wouldn’t drift into the past. But Cade stopped his movement and held him in place.

  “Your show,” Cade said as he reached past Rafe and held his cock up. It was then that Rafe realized that Cade, as always, was focused on him. He would get to control every part of this which meant he could stop it whenever he wanted to. Love bloomed in his chest but the words stuck in his throat as he leaned down to sink his tongue into Cade’s mouth. He put every part of himself into the kiss and hoped like hell that Cade could feel what he was still afraid to admit.

  Rafe pulled back, lifted his hips and shifted back. Nerves skittered through him as he felt the tip of Cade’s cock push between his cheeks and seek out his hole. Cade’s eyes never left his and Rafe used that as his anchor as he sank further down until Cade’s crown breached him. As many times as he’d had Cade in his mouth, the man felt a hundred times thicker and harder and the intense pressure frightened him. Logic told him Cade would fit but he couldn’t help but remember how much damage even the smallest dick could cause when used to inflict pain instead of pleasure.

  “Rafe, baby, look at me,” Cade murmured as a heavy hand came to rest on his chest.

  Damn, he’d closed his eyes and lost the much needed connection. But it was there when he opened them again– the strength and love in Cade’s intense gaze reminding him who he was with.

  “I’m okay,” Rafe said as he covered Cade’s hand with his own. He lifted slightly until Cade nearly slipped out of him and then sank back down, gravity helping him to take more of Cade inside. Rafe let out a rush of air when a few more up and down motions had Cade sliding all the way home. He sat there for a long time and just enjoyed the burning, stretching sensation that began to give way to something else entirely.

  “So fucking perfect,” Cade whispered and Rafe realized he’d closed his eyes yet again. The look Cade was giving him was raw and hungry and Rafe instinctively twisted his hips, the rough hair at Cade’s base brushing against him and bombarding him with more sensation. Cade moaned but didn’t thrust into him like Rafe expected. Still putting him first.

  Rafe pulled up and slid back down and managed to keep his eyes open this time as pleasure rocked through him. Every time he did it he felt the heat in his body rise and his body draw tight. Within minutes he was grinding helplessly onto Cade as he sought the relief his body craved but it wasn’t enough.

  He dropped down to brush his lips over Cade’s parted lips and whispered. “Take me, Cade. Make me yours.”

  The words seemed to be all Cade was waiting for because Cade dug his heels into the bed and punched his hips upwards. Rafe cried out and used his hands to push himself upright as Cade set a ruthless pace. He reached for his cock and began dragging his hand up and down it over and over as Cade surged into him. Hands closed around his waist and pulled him down hard on every upward motion.

  “Fuck,” Cade shouted and then suddenly he was sitting up. He grabbed Rafe’s legs and maneuvered them so Rafe’s thighs were pressed against his waist and his legs closed around Cade’s back and then his hands were back on Rafe’s waist as he began slamming into him. Rafe leaned back and braced himself on his hands, changing the angle enough that Cade nailed his gland with every plunge. The pressure on his arms became too much and he fell back onto the mattress between Cade’s slightly spread legs as the other man yanked him further up into his lap and onto his cock again and again.

  Rafe managed to get his hand back around his cock but it only took a few tugs before his vision began to dim and his body drew unbearably tight. He screamed as he came hard and he locked his ankles to try and hold himself against Cade’s pistoning cock as it shuttled in and out of him. Cade shouted his name as he began pulsing inside of Rafe and he watched in awe as a look of beautiful agony overcame Cade as he rammed into Rafe a few more times with hard, quick jerks as the heat from his come seeped through the condom and warmed Rafe’s channel.

  As Cade’s orgasm flooded through him, he ran one of his big hands up Rafe’s body until it closed over his shoulder and then he was drawing Rafe upright until they were pressed chest to chest. Cade’s body continued to jerk and twitch against him, setting off aftershocks inside of Rafe and he wrapped his arms around Cade’s back. But for every tremor of pleasure that continued to course through him, all he felt was the soft brush of Cade’s mouth near his ear as Cade told him once again that he loved him.

  Chapter 10

  “Aren’t there security cameras in here?” Rafe murmured against his lips as Cade brushed his hand over Rafe’s jeans and pressed him back against the walls of the elevator, pleased to feel that even the possibility of being watched didn’t deter Rafe’s burgeoning erection.

  “Yeah,” he said. “What do you say we give the security guys a little show?”

  Rafe looped an arm around his neck and kissed him soundly and then drew back and smiled at him. “You first,” he quipped as he reached for the button on Cade’s jeans.

  When the elevator dinged, Cade let out a rough curse.

  “Guess you should have gotten a place in a taller building,” Rafe said with a laugh as he dropped his hand.

  “That’s gonna cost you,” Cade grumbled as he grabbed Rafe’s hand as well as their bags and dragged him out of the elevator. He’d never get tired of any of the many sides of Rafe he’d discovered over their too short weekend. Wise cracking, sexy, affectionate, sweet. And still dominant in bed - or the bathroom as it happened to be this morning when Rafe interrupted his morning shave and bent Cade over the sink, shaving cream still covering half his face by the time Rafe rammed into him. The man had smoothly ordered him not to touch his cock and had said all kinds of dirty things to him before he’d come hard and fast inside of Cade. Only then had Rafe turned him around and sucked every last drop from his body.

  There still hadn’t been any words of love from Rafe but Cade had absolutely no doubt of Rafe’s feelings because the minute Rafe had looked down at him last night when he’d taken all of Cade deep into his body, Cade had seen it. The rest of the shit that would be there to greet them on their return to reality no longer mattered. He’d find the threat to Rafe and exterminate it and then he’d follow Rafe wherever he wanted to go. If it meant leaving Seattle behind forever, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

  Cade opened the door and let Rafe pass first into the apartment and nearly ran into him when he stopped suddenly, his eyes going wide. Fear coursed through Cade and he grabbed Rafe at the same time that he reached for his gun. It wasn’t until he had Rafe behind him and his gun aimed that he realized the threat was in the form of a grim looking Dom and Vin standing in his living room. Anger surged through him that the brothers had used the code he’d given them for emergencies to enter his home without any kind of warning.

  “What the fuck?” he snapped as he put his gun away.

  He could feel Rafe’s hand gripping his tightly and he glanced at him to see that the fun, outgoing lover he’d just been joking with was gone. The only saving grace that kept him from pounding Dom and Vin into the ground was that Rafe didn’t seem to be on the verge of a panic attack.

  “Sorry, Cade, but we need to talk to him,” Dom said softly.

  “And you couldn’t pick up the fucking phone first?” Cade snapped.

  “Cade,” Rafe said quietly as he extricated his hand from Cade’s hold. Fuck, he could already see Rafe was shutting down emotionally.

  “Desi found something,” Vin said as he held up a stack of papers. “Just a few minutes, please.”

  Cade finally nodded and he took Rafe’s hand again and led him to the living room. He glanced around and realized Rafe was right - he didn’t have enough places for people to sit. He snagged a couple of the bar stools from the kitchen counter and dropped them in the center of the room. The diff
erence in height from the couch would be awkward but it turned out not to be an issue since no one sat anyway. In fact, it ended up being him and Rafe on one side of the room, Dom and Vin on the other. A slash of sadness went through him that this was what their future would be.

  “Rafe, Desi found some emails on your computer that we think explain who might be after you,” Dom said carefully. He could see the longing in both brothers’ eyes as they studied Rafe but Rafe stood stiffly next to him, his eyes heavy with turbulent emotion. Any hope he had that Rafe might be on the path to accepting his brothers died in that instant.

  “We know you’re the one that sent the anonymous tip about Ren’s location,” Vin said.

  Cade stiffened. Ren had only been found because Vin and Dom had received an email with GPS coordinates that led straight to the caves the terrorists had been keeping Ren in. They’d never been able to figure out where the email had come from.

  “It was you?” Cade asked in a mix of amazement and confusion. Why hadn’t he said something?

  Rafe nodded.

  “How?” was all Cade could manage.

  It was Vin who spoke. “He hacked the Department of Defense’s servers.”

  Rafe shifted defensively. “I only took stuff relating to Ren. I queried their system for whatever they had on his disappearance.”

  “Does the name Phillip Benton mean anything to you?” Dom asked.

  Rafe shook his head.

  “Benton was a liaison at the base where Ren was stationed. You pulled his emails,” Vin said.

  Rafe nodded. “I hacked the emails of anyone who knew him. I didn’t read them – I just searched for references to Ren. I finally found an email where a villager said he’d seen Ren being held in the caves near Bamyan in Afghanistan. The villager said Ren had helped him and his family and that’s why he was reaching out with Ren’s location.”


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