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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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by Michael Berg

  Moon Escape

  The Adventures of Space Commander Bobby Regal

  Book Two

  A novel by Michael Berg


  Chapter 1

  Jonathon Livingston looked skyward to the stars and the moon in particular. His vision was somewhat restricted given he was observing the heavens through his own twelve inch diameter reflecting telescope limiting him to the patch of sky he chose to view. Bobby Regal, Miss Candice, and Mister Weston had all retired after a very long and tiring night – they had departed after midnight on December first eighteen eighty, to arrive at his house on a warm late summer evening in nineteen sixty two. He had welcomed them with open arms as he trusted Bobby after meeting him less than a week earlier, and as such, his trust extended to those with whom Bobby chose to spend his time.

  When Valeena and Beth had arrived to kill Bobby and all those with whom he associated, Jonathon had been instrumental in helping Bobby devise a plan of defense to send them back from where they came to their home planet Vindor.

  The battle had lasted some hours as the two women fought to regain some of their precedence by killing Bobby and establish a level of pride for which they could be admired as those responsible for victory over the Steward of Earth Defenses. In the end, Jonathon, Bobby, Miss Candice, and Mister Weston had prevailed and as such had earned their right to rest.

  The women were sent home in disgrace, to become restless within the accentual normal Vindor ways. In opposition to Vindor normal though, their failure would see them fall into the mire of world concerning revenge as a psyche of savagery whilst ignoring this fact through self adornment and righteousness.

  Great mountains towering above the adjacent Hadley Rill canyon loomed into the jet black sky at the edge of the lunar landscape. Stars adorned the velvety heavens as diamonds beckoning more than just a momentary glance. And there without any doubt, was the armada of Earth’s electric rocket forces – Jonathon could see them traveling slowly towards him just to the right and thus he could see their numbers. Over one hundred strong, this was the main force humanity used to stave off attacks from the Vindor sphere craft.

  He watched intrigued at how so much of Earth’s independence relied on these seemingly few craft immersed within the depths of space – endless and without recourse of some savior force in support should these rockets fail. Quickly they began to move outside of his scoped vision, so Jonathon pushed the automatic tracking mode to watch them come all the way in to Earth’s moon base. It was only then a matter of seconds longer when they began to disappear into the moon’s alien surface two at a time as they filed in to the underground base accessed via large moon space doors at the bottom of an indescript crater. At the last he saw the rear guard take off on a surveillance flight, veering away from the crater doors to make a sweep of the area. He watched as the telescope tracked these last two craft make an arcing turn before changing heading to enter the large hidden moon base.

  “I can’t sleep Jonathon. Something is itching away inside I cannot scratch.”

  “Perhaps it could be the fleet movements I have just been observing Bobby.”

  “Maybe. My operations transceiver keeps me up to date even when I am not on duty, so I know what is going on and there is something about it I find unsettling.”

  “Perhaps it is just the remnants of your past few days catching up with you.”

  “It could be, but something tells my senses, more is afoot.”

  “No time to rest then hey.”

  “I’m afraid not Jonathon.”

  “What about Miss Candice and Mister Weston? Now I know where you have been and where they come from, I suspect there will be an official response.”

  “It has already begun. I advised headquarters the moment we were finished with those two Vindor women, who I expect are on their home planet now experiencing the worst of Vindor disgrace.”

  “They are full of pride.”

  “It clouds their judgment… to our benefit. All the time they spend trying to outdo their previous sense of accomplishment, it gives us the time to observe and make plans.”

  “It appears to be way given the massing of the fleet I just saw.”

  “Yes, I think my vacation is about to be cut short. No doubt they will call me in. As for Miss Candice and Mister Weston, well, I suspect the official line will be to employ them in some way so as to mask their origins for the time being…until we have a hold on this time travel more and we can use it to our advantage. Allowing them to circulate in society without proper advice, could cause some issues.”

  “Perhaps there is a role aboard one of your support craft they can take up. Imagine going from late nineteenth century, straight into outer space.”

  “Quite a bit to get used to, but they almost seem ready, especially Miss Candice. She has some fire inside her.”

  “And I expect Mister Weston will take up his interests of invention rather than return to green grocery.”

  “You are probably right. He was a man displaced in time. I think our decade will suit him better.”

  Bobby received the call the headquarters he had been expecting a moment later. After sending a report including all details from the recent escapade at the bordello, time travel, and meeting of Miss Candice, Mister Weston, and Jonathon, high command had called him in along with all people who had been involved.

  “See this? Well, it looks like you have been called up as well Jonathon. Maybe there is a role for you to fill.”

  “I was hoping there was Bobby. I suspect my reclusive life here was to suit the purpose of meeting you and playing some part in this time travel venture, and now it looks official.”

  “You can bet on it being very official. Now they have wind of my success with time distortion energy, command will look to full utilization of it as a weapon to stop Vindor.”

  “How do you rate their chances?”

  “A good question considering the technology comes from them. We will have to wait and see. First things first though. Command advise they will be here at eight in the morning for transport. I suggest we both try and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

  “You go Bobby. I’ll take a little more time here with the scope.”

  “Alright mate. Don’t take too long.”

  Jonathon watched the skies for the next hour, particularly the horizon around the moon. He saw a number of much larger craft appear in view and take to the same crater doors as the rocket fleet had done earlier. ‘How perfect where the crater was in light within a crescent moon,’ he thought.

  Jonathon figured high command had arrived at the base to compliment the fleet being docked and he was right. As he watched, Earth high command left their craft for urgent meetings with the rocket commanders. Advice was for Bobby to return and lead a mission vital to Earth’s defense as the main fleet distracted Vindor through planned battle strike maneuvers. Humanity would turn the tables where it would be Earth to wage the next attack as opposed to fighting this war entirely in defensive mode. Bobby was to become more than just Steward of Earth Defenses – he would be now turn to being steward of their attacking forces on a mission involving the recently discovered time distortion technology Bobby had brought himself and the others through over eighty years to this time.

  Plans were being made for him and those whom he was with at the very time Jonathon began to feel the creep of tiredness. Nothing more was to be seen as action about the moon, so he retired his scope, covered it with a sheet, and took to quarters – his first time of many to come.

es of sunlight signaling the impending dawn broke the veil of night east of the small house in the sparse forest. A Space Command transport craft hovered a short distance away, before landing in a clearing nearby. All those inside Jonathon’s house were awake after Bobby prompted them to rise early and expect high command on their door step before the real day commenced. He was right. Ten minutes after landing, they were at the door where Bobby stood waiting for them.

  “Well done Mister Regal. We are again in your debt.”

  “Speak nothing of it sir. I was merely acting as I best saw fit.”

  “As per usual Bobby. Have you briefed your accomplices?”

  “Yes indeed. They are all advised on today’s proceedings. I must say, our two friends from last century are most eager to begin.”

  “I noted their tenacity as you put it in your report Bobby. They may serve as keen assets in our next offensive.”


  “Yes Bobby. The time to attack is now. After your recent discovery, we already have a team of scientists working on the details from your initial report. They are keen to speak with you in depth today.”


  “Yes. They are there as we speak.”

  “Will the others accompany me?”

  “They are assigned to you Bobby. We want you to figure out roles for them based on where you know they might function well.”

  “Including Mister Livingston?”

  “Yes. His part in your escape has drawn him into service as well.”

  “He will be pleased. I feel a distinct notion he desires to be rid of his lacking and find a place he is needed.”


  “His reclusiveness has taken him to this destiny. He sees it this way and considers himself ready.”

  “Good. Heartfelt intention is what we require. Go and tell them to prepare. I expect you are the only one who has experienced spaceflight previously. It will be quite a day for the other three.”

  “I am sure it will sir.”

  Miss Candice was floating in her own sphere of influence when she greeted Bobby along with Livingston and Weston. She was elevated in mood, she had dressed appropriately choosing practicality over the normal sense of flamboyance women took from the late nineteenth century, and she was the first to voice what the three of them wanted to hear.

  “Are we to travel space this fine day Mister Bobby?”

  “Indeed Miss Candice. It is going to be a remarkable occurrence for you, Mister Weston, and Mister Livingston. Are you ready?”

  “Good to go sir,” Mister Weston replied.

  “Yes Mister Bobby, just like Mister Weston, I am good to go. I suspect Mister Livingston is also feeling similar.”

  “Indeed I am Miss Candice, except for one last very important detail. I need to take my cow Betsy to the Baker place five miles away. She needs someone I can trust to take of her.”

  “Bring her aboard Jonathon. We can drop her off before we leave the atmosphere. It would take us all day to walk her there. Are you okay?”

  “Sure mate. A great idea. I suppose we are ready to go then.” Jonathon held Betsy with a bridle, so Bobby could see there was no delay.

  “Then follow me. Space command has a ship a few hundred yards away. Within a half an hour, you can all expect to be beyond Earth.”

  Twenty nine minutes later in low Earth orbit, the minds of Miss Candice, Mister Weston, and Jonathon, were awestruck with the view spread beneath them. The craft they were aboard was assigned to wait ten minutes in orbit, before engaging interplanetary thrust for the hour long trip to the moon. It was ten minutes the three of them would never forget, soon to be surpassed by views beyond their wonder, beyond almost their dreams, and well beyond their homes. As they were each of strong fortitude in character, they would soon accustom to Earth as a planet and their home being wherever people of Earth had taken travel.

  “Passengers, please take your seats. We are about to engage interplanetary thrust.”

  “How fast we will be travelling Mister Regal?”

  “Approximately one quarter of a million miles per hour Mister Weston.”

  “One thousand times the speed of your car.”

  “Yes. You have a good mind for recollection of what we discussed late the other night Mister Weston.”

  “I do tend to take those things I consider worthy on board Mister Regal. What a trip Miss Candice!”

  “Oh Mister Weston, our dreams are becoming the wildest imaginings of truth.”

  “They certainly are.”

  “Do they serve drinks on these flights Bobby?”

  “Sure Jonathon, but not too many. They know how much is enough. We can order once the insertion into high velocity is stable.”

  “Does it ever become unstable?”

  “No. Stable is just the period where thrust is at maximum. It takes about three minutes to build up speed.”

  “What about forces? Accelerating so fast will drive us through our seats.”

  “Gravitational dampening counteracts for a smooth ride. You can expect to feel a slight nudge, but nothing much more.”

  Four sour mash whiskies arrived reminding Bobby of Valeena and Beth. For a moment he thought of them with a sense of sadness – they had been so intimate together and had each found one another in unique ways. Yet, it was nearly all deceit on the two women’s parts, and this allowed him to let the nostalgia go sooner rather than later.

  “Enjoy your drinks. Only one though Jonathon. Take a look as we fly. I bet you’ll hardly have time to drink when you see the view as we pull away from Earth. Seeing it floating there in space in its entirety is something I still can never look past. It gets me every time.”

  Passage over the next hour was as Bobby had described, and Jonathon was even surprised to find he still had not finished the drink by the time the flight commander advised all passengers to prepare for deceleration. It had taken just over fifty minutes – now they would approach the moon at slower speed for approach to the same crater doors Jonathon had viewed through his telescope the night before. They were each forced to down their drinks as neither Miss Candice nor Mister Weston had finished theirs either. As the craft began final approach to the lunar landscape, they saw the heavenly body loom into vision, before they slowed for a turn and then leveling out to fly over the crater strewn grey moonscape. What they had each viewed countless times during their lives, was suddenly beneath them rather than upwards in the sky, and at such close distance, their captivated minds were drawn in as it boosted their hearts suddenly thrust into the unknown.

  “It is marvelous Mister Bobby. How wonderful to be so close. Is it possible to walk upon the surface of the moon?”

  “Only with a specially designed moon suit Miss Candice. Yes Mister Weston, there are such inventions. I can see your enquiring eyes and the wonder of what it would be like to walk upon the moon. I have done it a few times…”

  “Do you think we could undertake such a task Mister Regal?”

  “I will see if our schedule permits. We can all go together if approved.”

  “Who would have thought I…” Jonathon trailed off as he watched their destination come closer through the window adjacent to his seat.

  Bobby could see the almost childlike look in Jonathon’s eyes – somewhat defying his burliness as a stocky man just over six feet tall.

  A great cavern opened up in the crater as the craft righted itself to land vertically. The ship was an enlarged version of the rockets used by space commanders in battle with the extra space used to transport personnel. Equipped with the armaments of the smaller electric rockets, it was at the ready for any battle situations should they come up against a Vindor sphere craft.

  With a soft thud, the rocket landed as the crater doors above closed to conceal its location. Officers and automated vehicles busily went about tasks around the now silent two hundred foot tall rocket as it stood letting of a slight hiss due to the ventilation of heat generated gases being sucked fro
m its engines directly into a filtering system below the landing and launch pad. Lights blinked, some stayed on, and others indicated status of various vehicle servicing machines located in specific places around the rocket. Within a minute of landing, an automatic elevated exit platform moved into place for the occupants to disembark and take to station or quarters.

  This base was a military operation given to efforts fighting Vindor. Scientific endeavors seen as befitting to this war effort were also station at this location – Earth’s second moon base accompanying the purely research facility located just a mile away. Both were underground free from the radiation and meteoric hazards found on the surface, and free from prying Vindor technology.

  Chapter 2

  “Come now Mister Weston. You keep stopping to look at everything. I am sure there will be plenty of time to inspect details when Mister Bobby is in his meetings.”

  “I am sure you are right Miss Candice.”

  As he neared, she took his arm and as she already had Jonathon’s arm, Miss Candice strode the hallways in confidence with two men at either side whilst Bobby led them to the main space command office. At the last, Bobby turned to look into the eyes of his troupe. He spoke nothing as they were all of sufficient knowing for what was to come, and they were prepared as well as a rogue interventionist and two people cast into the future could be given what they had all faced the past twenty four to forty eight hours. His eyes told them they were about to encounter the upper echelon of Earth’s command structure, for whom they had been briefed on their way to the office.

  Bobby ushered them in after a slight pause allowing the automatic doors to fully open. Miss Candice was accompanied at shoulder by Mister Weston, followed by Jonathon at Bobby’s side. After entering, they faced a half circle shaped table where three officials were seated reading Bobby’s report.

  “Robert Regal reporting as requested sirs.”

  “Sit please Mister Regal. And to you Miss Candice, Mister Weston, and Mister Livingston, please find comfort on the couch beside Mister Regale’s chair.”


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