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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 2

by Michael Berg

  “Thank you kind sir,” Mister Weston replied showing Miss Candice to a seat at the end of the couch nearest to Bobby.

  “Now Regal, we have examined your preliminary report and all here are in agreement of you having lived up well to your stewardship responsibilities. With the invention of this time travel device, we find you have extended yourself in a most respectable manner. We already have scientists working on devising space drives and potential weapons of defense.”

  “I was advised during flight to the lunar base sir.”

  “Then you are also probably of the mind alluding to our need for you to work further on this along with your new acquaintances. You are sure they have the application of mind to be assets to us aren’t you?”

  “Without any doubt sir. All three of them are of the highest regard in my heart. I consider them to be of the dearest and closest friends.”

  “But you were deceived by those two women at the bordello. How can you be sure these people are not similar?”

  “Deceived? It may sound or read such a way sir, but be rest assured, I was observing all in fine detail. At first, the two women took advantage of my surprise, but it was not long until I reconciled my active duty based thoughts.”

  “If I may speak kind sir. Mister Regal has bestowed a great deal of trust in Miss Candice and I since we met, and I would honestly say he has been most upstanding in our values and ethics as responsible members of Jonstown…”

  “And Bobby showed me just what it meant to be the Steward of Earth Defenses.”

  “How did he show you such a thing…Mister Livingston, isn’t it?”

  “Indeed sir. He was most forthcoming in confiding what most would regard as sensitive information and from where I understand, this came from his ability to see people of sound character.”

  “He speaks the truth sir.”

  “I am sure he does, as do we. You know how it is Bobby. We must run everything by you so our sensors can detect any element of doubt or misguidance.” The official looked to his left where one of the other two officers was monitoring a small screen showing readouts concerning the veracity of Bobby’s words, their intent, and the emotions for all seated before the panel of three officials. A look confirmed the leader’s assumptions of all being nominal as there was no detection of anything being hidden by any of them. A glance to his right, confirmed the other officer was at the ready to take over and provide Bobby and the others details of what they were to expect.

  “Well, I see nothing to stop us proceeding then,” he said motioning for the right hand man to begin.

  “As my superior has advised, we are to proceed immediately with developing this time travel technique. I have assigned a team of specialists to help you Mister Regal. Naturally as part of this team, there will be training personnel given placement to assist in bringing your companions up to speed with operations.”

  “But only in context.”

  “There is no use burdening them with more than they need to know at this time. In due course, they can expect to be provided the information they require.”

  “Where shall these operations take place sir?”

  “Here on the moon mostly. There is a secretive mission briefing awaiting you all. After initiation, whilst the scientists continue working with your ideas, we will require you all to embark on a reconnaissance mission against Vindor.”

  “Are you sure we are all flight ready and adequately prepared?”

  “You will be. First on your list is to take your new acquaintances here on a moon walk. We want you all to be familiar with the space environment together.”

  Miss Candice and Mister Weston look enthralled at having their desires met without even having to ask. Jonathon was not so sure. He had taken to this space venture, but the prospect of donning a suit providing him a mere inch of protection from the hostility of space, still daunted him.

  “I’m sorry mate,” Bobby said seeing Jonathon’s unsettled look. “There is no room for a drink before this one.”

  “I’ll be alright Bobby. Just make sure you check everything, and then check it again.”

  “Standard procedure Jonathon. We actually check four times. You will be fine.”

  “I cannot wait Mister Bobby. Walking on the moon sounds most thrilling.”

  “It is at first and then you get used to it.”

  “I find it hard to believe or even consider where one could take such an adventure for granted.”

  “I am sure you will notice every detail Mister Weston.”

  “After your moon walk, please report back to me at moon base sector one for further information and to commence consultation with the scientists. Our hope is for the four of you to establish yourselves as a team.”

  “We already have Mister Officer sir. The moment Mister Weston and I met Mister Bobby, we knew we had set out on an adventure beyond anything we could have anticipated.”

  “Your fondness for formality is fortunate as I am certain it will assist your focus on the issues ahead.”

  “It is more than a fondness kind sir. Mister Weston and I are naturally of such ilk given our time…in space.” Miss Candice giggled after adding the reference to space as if she was showing a little spunk in projecting her burgeoning confidence. The officer noticed this and decided to note it on her newly established personnel file when he returned to his own office.

  “Shall we go then Bobby?”

  “Sure Jonathon.”

  “I am keen to get used to this space thing. Allowing it to rack my brain is sending me to no place.”

  “Then we must endeavor to placate your question and permit you to feel a level of comfort. Follow me.”

  “Remember Mister Regal. I want to see all four of you within thirty minutes of return from your moon walking.”

  “Aye sir.”

  Bobby led them to the surface walk exit of the base where they spent the next half an hour accustoming themselves to life within a space suit amidst the hostilities of space. When he and the space suit officers were satisfied all had been attended to for safe egress, Bobby took Miss Candice by the hand leading her and the others to prepare for their moon walk.

  “Remember this is a team building exercise. I know we are already working well together, so see this as an extension of the psyche. You will soon realize how affective this will be once you are of the mind of space.”

  “Thank you Mister Bobby. I am certain this will be a most adventurous experience.”

  “It will be Miss Candice. Now everyone, check communications. Test one two, two, one, can you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear Mister Regal.”

  “Clear as a bell Bobby.”

  “Splendid sounding voice Mister Bobby.”

  “Then let’s go. First we move into the airlock and then after all atmosphere has been expelled, the outer door will open and we can then take to the lunar surface.”

  Moon walking was a sensation Bobby had tried previously, yet he and most others who tried it, never seemed to become completely used to moving in the ways such a low gravity environment demanded of them. Immediately beyond the airlock, was the conditioning ground where walkers could hold a hand rail as they tried their first few steps in the orange and grey dust.

  It was soft under foot as their boots sank into the surface about an inch, before they found sure footing and worked on becoming used to the conditions. Within moments of them all being outside, they understood the reality of why this was a team building exercise. Lunar walking required all those present to be constantly aware of each other, be aware of the conditions, and to be alert to any sudden requirements a team member may have where they needed help.

  Mister Weston was the first one to take a fall, only to be helped back to his feet by Miss Candice. This impressed Bobby as he watched a seemingly petite lady from the nineteenth century take to this space venture as if she was naturally aligned to such a thing. Her tenacity and confidence would make her a good first officer aboard a space craft together
. Bobby knew their deployment was coming, so he decided there and then on Miss Candice fulfilling this role. As he surveyed the scene, Jonathon’s rogue nature became evident as he took to venturing away from the group a little to test his lunar skills.

  “Stay with us Jonathon.”

  “No problem Bobby. I am just getting a feeling for this.”

  Bobby knew Jonathon would suit the role of rogue officer – a key position aboard an Earth space ship. Rogue officers were the go to person whenever a commander or first officer required advice or another angle on ideas. As he watched Jonathon return to the group showing aptitude in utilizing his newly acquired lunar walking skills, Bobby felt a wave of confidence Jonathon would be the right man.

  And then there was Mister Weston, an inventor and green grocer from late nineteenth century small town society. He obviously had dreams beyond his original place and he was now realizing them in a different century. With a mind such as his coupled with an eagerness to explore both mind and machine, Bobby knew he would be of service to the team if he was assigned engineering duties. Bobby was confident Mister Weston would take barely any time at all to come up to speed for servicing the role of engineer aboard an electric rocket.

  “Alright everyone, let’s take a walk over to the large crater rimmed with small hills to our right. Don’t be deceived. It looks quite close but is actually almost half a mile away. When we reach our destination, I will show you the view from the other side of the hills.”

  Bobby led the way with Jonathon at the rear behind Miss Candice and Mister Weston. They walked in single file as a means to ensure safety following in the leader’s footsteps. All three newcomers to lunar adventures had taken all the right steps to become used to walking in low gravity – their line was unfaltering as they made their way to the crater Bobby had pointed out. When they all reached a position he chose, not one of them had taken a fall over the near half mile distance. Bobby was thrilled to see them so confidence in their application to this task, and as such, he really began to see them as the crew for his next flight amongst the stars.

  “Everyone alright?”

  “All good here Bobby.”

  “This is a most interesting venture Mister Regal.”

  “Oh Mister Bobby, how could such wonder go unexplored? I am finding my destiny here.”

  “Good to hear, and Miss Candice, I am glad you feel so.”

  “I think she speaks for all of us Bobby.”

  “Then onward we must go to the top of the hill over yonder. Lean a little forward as we climb to ensure you do not overbalance and find yourself going back down when you want to be going up.”

  Ten minutes later the entire group stood at the summit of the small hill looking out to space. No atmosphere was present to obscure their view – one of Earth rising over a contrasting orange and grey lunar horizon set against the blackness of space.

  “It is beautiful Mister Bobby.”

  “You can see now why I love being Steward of Earth Defenses. My love for our planet is undeniable and I would do anything to preserve its beauty.”

  “I concur Mister Regal, for I too realize this feeling you speak of, and as such I do find my place here.”

  Jonathon chimed in feeling the majesty of the moment, “You bet Mister Weston. This is a long way from my little house where you met me, but I too am finding myself…and parts of myself I did not existed.”

  “Space does it to you Jonathon. Once you see this view, you are never the same again. I am glad those on Earth who have not seen such a sight, still regard their home highly even without the experience of the personal growth we all have right now.”

  “There was a time when humanity could have swung away from such values Bobby.”

  “Yes, the temptations were great, but thankfully perseverance and a decent sense prevailed and we did not go down the road those magnates and corrupt officials tried on us just a few decades ago.”

  “Those Vindors would like to see us not so enlightened Mister Regal.”

  “Indeed Mister Weston. They have an agenda to see humanity enslaved to be their minions, servants, lower class…our spirit is strong and upon this we must reside in our application for what is to come and to also maintain a sense of sensibility.”

  Earth shone bright blue where alone amidst the eternal vestiges of space, it appeared as both splendid and fragile as an incredible myriad of life on a small outpost almost lost to a seemingly vast eternal nothingness alight with the many constellations of stars, clouds, and clusters like jewels as the most splendid stellar wonders. Miss Candice was captivated and Jonathon too looked upon the diamonds in space in ways they had never seen on Earth. Mister Weston studied the field of view around him – he both felt and contemplated the magnificence adorning his eyes and taking on wisdom like the others in each breath inside their space helmets.

  “You can really see why I take defense so seriously. We are so small yet our hearts are large, not to mention our soul of spirit.”

  “I feel how you speak Mister Bobby. I can only hope our presence will be similar in living up to expectations placed upon us.”

  “You already have Miss Candice…and more. Wait until you see what is in store. I have no confirmation as yet, but as a space commander, I am given to traits of assumption based on tactical deciphering of clues presented. I am confident we will soon see Earth entirely in a different light again as we venture far from our home and see this moon and its parent Earth as a system unto itself.”

  “You mean we could be taking to deep space flight Bobby.”

  “Precisely Jonathon.”

  “I am already aghast. I certainly hope an expansion of this feeling will not render me useless Mister Regal.”

  “I see you in good stead Mister Weston where no such failures will arise. Hence, I have entrusted you and the others to join me as we take another turn in life’s unpredictable journey.”

  “You can certainly say it is unpredictable good sir, considering where I was in both mind and body a mere week ago.”

  Perhaps they would encounter a billion comets flung outward as careening stars themselves orbiting suns, aboard an electric rocket with mind of mission and place. Colors defying objectivity holding depth so distant lineally, yet laterally close to the heart connected as they were through rhythm pulsing across vastness…

  Within this vast array of cosmological wonders, life carried forth evolving along its own geometric sways of influence, running with the natural inclinations leading to progress and improvement. At the echelons of sentiency, searching hearts were strewn near and far, at times separated by insurmountable distant, yet they found a way to meet, to communicate, and to dominate.

  This was the way of the Vindor race defined by their selfish pride and a personification of what many of the sentient did strive to bring into being. They were often without being…present in authenticity manifest yet realigned and determined at cellular level to dominate in ways contrasting to true authenticity resulting from their memory self was lost to negative ego.

  Upon the Earth deep below and so vividly blue, hewn with greens, grays, and awash with whites, humanity looked out to the great unknown, knowing they knew a little of what to expect. Without technology to cover the vast distances required to even launch an offensive against the planet Vindor some twenty three light years distant, they were bound to their inner sanctum as the most outward experiential expression of self. Soon as if Bobby had unwittingly thrown a new cog into the works, the essence of time travel he had used to rescue the others and himself, could give rise to the prospect of overcoming the tiring struggle with the invaders…all the while looking for gold.

  “With our removal so distant from the past, how is it you feel Miss Candice?”

  “Simply astounded Mister Weston, and…excited to be venturing into this new life with you, Mister Bobby, and Mister Livingston. It is truly a marvel.”

  “Thank you for your energy Miss Candice. You give so much to Bobby, Weston, and I without
knowing you are doing so…and out here in amongst hills and craters of the lunar landscape. Well, who would have thought?”

  “Your words are kind Mister Livingston. I am certain you are as much responsible for this elevated sense of presence as any of us here today.”

  “Unfortunately I must take command for it is time we returned to base. Have you all enjoyed your moon walk?”

  “Oh most certainly Mister Bobby. I may be bold enough to speak for the two men and say this has been the most exhilarating experience we have ever had or could have dreamed about.”

  “Miss Candice does speak the truth Bobby. I am looking forward to going back inside for this meeting. I sense there will be a rogue element to this mission and I want to find out.”

  “Perhaps rogue to your senses of place Jonathon, and you may well be accurate as our determination is yet to be made for defining our purpose going ahead.”

  “And I am eager to explore the many inventions I have seen today. My inventive engineering side is beckoning expression.”

  “I am glad Mister Weston. I had you pitted for a role in engineering, and I am sure you will take to it like a mother duck to a stream on a warm spring day with her ducklings in tow.”

  “I just hope this complicated world of space is not too much for my mind.”

  “Think nothing of it Mister Weston. You have the confidence and aptitude. Soon you will be up to speed along with the best of them.”

  As they walked they bounced and as they bounced they laughed. Moon walking was now a natural given to them. They impressed Bobby almost at each moment with how adept they were at adapting. He was beginning to feel another power had led him to this destiny with these people he had barely known a few days ago, let alone a week earlier when he knew nothing of their existence.

  The smell of space suit air gave way at last to the smell of moon base air. Both were almost identical except for the purity within the base being less than what each suit was equipped with for its occupant. An atmospheric moon base mixture of individual personal odors, the slight heat generated by the electronics in operation, and the breath of some, made the rich oxygen of space suit tanks seem bland.


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