Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 6

by Royal Blue

  “Hey, Tyson, where you headed?” one of my teammates calls from under a pair of breasts in his face.

  “Need to check in at home,” I reply.

  “All this pussy and you worried about home? Come on, man,” someone else slurs.

  “Grown man business. You handle yours. I’ll handle mine,” I reply, not even looking to see who made that dumb-ass comment.

  I’ve reached my limit and the team’s tension hasn’t eased since we arrived. If you ask me, it’s brewing to a boil. Too many selfish members involved. We’re not a family at the moment.

  I push my way out of the club heading for the parking lot. I rented a car for the night, knowing there was a bigger chance than not that I was going to leave this place way before any of the other guys decide to.

  I never drink when I go out with the team. I always order a vodka, no ice for my first drink along with a glass of ice and water. I never touch the vodka. By the time the guys are good and wasted, they never know the difference.

  I sink into the driver’s seat and press call. Staring out the car window to the street before me, I wonder how I got here to this point in my life. I fist my hand over my heart and rub.

  I’ve never been this homesick before. Sure, the preseason and season schedule can be hard. City after city, sometimes not a day in between games. Still, this ache is fierce.


  When a groggy-sounding Andy picks up the line, I groan. I totally forgot about the time. I feel like such a dick. He has to work in the morning. He’ll be taking his class on that field trip Mason’s so excited about. Again, I wish I were home to join them. I blow out a breath and make a sour face he can’t see.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking at the time. I’ll call later,” I say.

  “Hang up and I’m not talking to you for a month,” he says on a yawn.

  I smile. It’s been a few days since we’ve been able to text or talk. Our schedules have clashed nonstop. It’s good to hear his voice, even if it is tired.

  “You sound off. What’s going on?” he says, the sound of him shifting muffling his words a bit.

  “I’m so tired of this life,” I say more to myself. I’m also thrown when the words slip free. With Andy I always feel safe to express my thoughts and feelings. “If it’s not one thing it’s another. I worked so hard to get my head right in time for this season. Savanna would want that. Now, it’s like my team is just giving up.”

  “I’m sure your guys are just taking those injuries hard. That had to be a huge hit this morning. I’m sure it will work out,” he tries to reassure me.

  “Those injuries were bullshit. Mack was horsing around, shit talking, and not watching where the fuck he was going. We’re all too old for this shit. Do you want to know where I am right now?”

  “Where are you?” Andy asks, sounding more awake.

  “I’m outside a strip club. I just spent two hours with a dancer in my lap. My plan was to bond with my team, but all that ended up happening was an out-of-body experience. I could see us all in the room taking this life for granted. I can’t tell you how many of the guys are just happy to be playing and getting a check. The win means nothing to them,” I huff, shaking my head as if he can see me.

  “Wow, um….”

  “I mean, none of this shit matters to me. The parties, being a celebrity. I play to win. I’m not about being mediocre. Why should I be when I can strive to be great? For me, being great isn’t just about me. It’s a team sport. I do what I need to protect my team and help make them better—them not so much,” I continue to vent.

  “I see it in the way you play. You’re one of the best players on your team, but you don’t hog the spotlight or the ball. I’ve always admired that about your game,” Andy replies. “I think it’s a great way to be a leader.”

  “It’s how I know to make the right moves on the court. Everyone is an option. If we all become strong together we never have to put it all on one person’s shoulders. No one has to take the burden for the team. Our decisions on and off the court affect that. I don’t bring my life on the court. You know how Baker got hurt?”

  “They said he broke his wrist during practice,” Andy replies.

  “Yeah, after our teammate tripped him for fucking his wife. Some of those guys are older than me and this is the type of shit they pull. I’ll never lead this team to the playoffs, fuck a championship. They’re all too selfish. Looking for someone to rise as a star instead of us rising together as a team. Looking for someone to point the finger at. It’s bullshit. I’m not getting any younger. I just wish they’d stop and think about their actions sometimes,” I huff.

  “The worse part of your job is that you rely on a team. The best part is that team has to come together at some point. You’re a great leader. Your ability to look at the situation from the outside in makes you a great leader. This is just the preseason, plenty of time for things to shake up,” he says.

  I sit silently. Do I want the leadership role? I don’t know. On one hand, it would allow me to take the team forward. On the other hand, I’ve been leading all along from arms-length. I let others take the shine while I play the game and do what’s necessary. I fix the problems, pick up the slack.

  Yet I question it all. Stepping up calls for new demands, new attention. I have Mason to think of. I think twice about all of my decisions now.

  “Yeah, I feel what you’re saying. It’s just sometimes I wonder if chasing a trophy is worth the time I’m giving up with my nephew,” I admit.

  “You’re not just chasing a trophy. You’re securing your nephew’s future. You should hear the way Mason talks about you. You hang the stars and the moon to him. He works harder in class just to please you and be like you,” Andy says, with a hint of a smile in his voice.

  “I love that kid.”

  “I know. He loves you too. I’ll say it again. You’re doing a great job. Your sister was lucky to have someone like you to take care of Mason. You’re making this easier for him. You may not see it, but you are,” he murmurs.

  I stare out of the window, my brows dipping. I don’t know how I could be doing a good job when I’m never there. Mas sees my face more often through a phone screen than in real life.

  “I hope so,” I scoff, not totally believing I am.

  “Trust me.”

  I smile. Trusting him is happening faster than I thought it would. That’s big for me, but I keep that information to myself.

  Pulling a hand down my face, I mull over his words some more. I’m lost in my musings, falling silent. After a few beats his voice brings me back to him.

  “So, a stripper was in your lap for two hours. I’m so jealous of her,” he purrs into the phone.

  I laugh. It’s a welcome change of topic. I push thoughts of my team and my worries with my nephew to the side, for now.

  “She had nothing on you. I’d rather have your scent all over me,” I croon back.

  “I can’t dance to save my ass.” He chuckles.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help you with all the rhythm you need,” I reply, licking my lips. “I have a question for you, Andy. How far can I push you? I aim to please. Are you open to all I can give?”


  AIR WHOOSHES past my lips. I learned from Kyle’s kisses that he can be demanding and passionate. I have no doubt that he knows how to set the sheets on fire. I’m just a bit out of my depths trying to have this phone conversation that I’ve steered left.

  I’m in no way ready to dive into a physical relationship. I like Kyle. I’m hoping we can build more of a connection before I have to unveil my biggest secrets. Intimacy is a sore spot for me. I run a hand through the front of my hair, trying not to let my insecurities show in my voice.

  “I don’t know. I think we’ll have to see what you’re giving before I decide how far I can open up,” I say as confidently as I can muster.

  He chuckles on the other end. It’s a husky sound that makes my stomach flip. I’m fully awake now,
with images of Kyle’s sweat-soaked body in my head. I watched the game earlier and couldn’t keep my eyes off of the play of his muscles beneath that smooth skin. Although his face remained frustrated most of the game, something sexy emitted from the intensity in his features.

  “Baby, I have a whole lot to give. When you’re ready for me, I’ll show you just what pleasure truly is. I leave nothing untouched,” he says back.

  I clear my throat and shift in my bed. I’m grateful for the headboard at my back. I might have toppled over if I couldn’t sag into it. My eyes fall to the tented sheet. I start to feel brave. After all, he’s on the other side of the phone and country.

  “We shall see,” I quip.

  “Yeah, you’re playing with fire, Andy. I promise, I’mma bend that ass over and teach you how to sing my name,” his voice rumbles back. “On that note, you get some sleep. I’ll see you this weekend, good night.”

  “Good night.” I clear my throat again. “Kyle?”


  “Stop taking on the world. It’s going to get better,” I say.

  “I hope you’re right. I’m counting on it,” he replies.

  The line goes dead, and I pull the phone from my ear. Closing my eyes, I take a breath. I swallow hard. It’s settling in that this relationship is a reality. The time to be awestruck has passed.

  What will I do once my truth is out?

  Old hurt and the feeling of depression try to roar at me. I won’t let them. I’ll keep the lid sealed on them as tightly as I can. I start to chant repeatedly in my head.

  You’re a great person, Andy. Someone will love you for you. If it’s not Kyle, it will be someone.



  “LOOK, UNCLE Kyle! I’m running,” Mason squeals as he does a slow jog on the treadmill with Andy’s assistance. He turns his face up with a beaming smile at Andy. “I can go faster, Mr. Andy.”

  “I think we’re good right here. Slow and steady wins the race, pal,” Andy says to him.

  I smile at them both. I asked Andy to come over and workout with us today. It’s the only time I could fit in to spend time before I’m off again. Mason was excited to have his “favorite teacher” arrive.

  “Well, well, well, looks like a party in here. I’m feeling left out. How come I wasn’t invited?” Emma says as she enters my home gym, feigning a pout at the end.

  I put down the weights I’ve been curling, going over to give her a sweaty hug. She frowns, holding a hand against my chest to prevent it. My reach is longer than hers, so I win out, tugging her in.

  “Ew,” she squawks.

  I look up to find Andy watching us. He has a smile on his face, but it’s tight. I can see a hint of unnecessary jealousy. It dawns on me that I’ve never officially introduced the two. I drag Emma over to the treadmill with me as she tries to wiggle free.

  “Emma, I want you to meet Andy. Andy, this is my pain-in-the-butt assistant, Emma.”

  Andy’s face softens. He stops the treadmill and reaches out his hand for Emma’s. Mason jumps down and wraps his arms around Emma’s leg.

  “Hey, Aunt Emma,” Mason sings.

  “Hey, handsome. You’re looking good. Let me see those muscles,” she replies, reaching down to squeeze the little arm he curls up for her.

  “Did you see me running?”

  “I sure did.” Emma nods. She turns her attention back to Andy. “It’s nice to meet you. I wish I could say I’ve heard a lot about you, but this one is so tight-lipped about his special friendships. My hands hurt from trying to pull teeth.”

  “Don’t see how knowing any of that helps you do your job,” I reply.

  “Whatever.” She rolls her eyes.

  “I’m sure there’s not much to tell about me.” Andy blushes.

  “Ha! You’re here around the little guy. That’s says a lot,” she says. “Speaking of which, should we get lost and go play some video games?”

  “Yeah!” Mason woots.

  “I promised to kick your butt. You sure you’re ready?” she teases.

  “I got this. You’re going to owe me ice cream.” Mason giggles and takes off running.

  “God, that kid owns my heart,” Emma says before she follows after Mason.

  I watch them leave before I turn to face Andy. His cheeks are red again. Those blue-gray eyes search my face. I reach for the front of his zip-up—it’s a bit warm in here for it—tugging him toward me. Ducking, I place my forehead to his.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” I croon.

  “I think I have a bit of an idea. I’m glad I get to see you this time,” he says back.

  “Em is going to wear him out. He usually takes a nap after playing video games with her for a few hours. Tell me what you want to do. We can get in the jacuzzi or sit in the sauna,” I offer.

  When I pull back, a nervous look crosses his face. I’m taken aback by it. I thought some time doing either would allow us to relax and talk.

  “What if I cook us a little lunch and we take some time to relax?”

  “That sounds good too. I’m not sure what’s here, though,” I admit.

  “No worries. I’ll pull something together.”

  I dip in for what I mean to be a quick kiss. That fails. It’s been so long since I’ve felt that undeniable spark between us. It draws me in, begging me to take more. I devour his mouth, searching every corner with my tongue. When his arms snake around my neck, I wrap mine around his back, dragging him into my body. My arousal makes itself known without question.

  I can feel the smile that takes over his lips, bringing one to my own. My hands slide down his back to his tight ass. I won’t lie. I had been checking him out on the treadmill. His ass and legs are sculpted nicely beneath his jogging pants. I knead his cheeks over the soft fabric as I deepen the kiss.

  It takes everything in me, but I break the lip-lock. We don’t have the time I need to finish this, and it’s too soon for that anyway. We have an insane connection beyond the physical. I want to explore that.

  “Wow, you know how to make me forget everything.” Andy’s words come out as if he’s confused.

  I laugh and kiss the tip if his nose. I nearly forgot myself as well. Needing to find my thoughts, I shake my head clear.

  “Wanted to get missing you out of my system,” I respond. “You sure you’re not hot in this?”

  I pull at the front of his zip-up. Andy steps back out of my reach. Wrapping his arms around his middle. I hone in on his stance, causing him to drop his arms.

  “No, I’m fine. I haven’t really worked up much of a sweat,” he says.

  “All right, come on. Let’s get that food. I’m starving now,” I say.


  THIS HAS been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. After Kyle and I turned the heat way down, we had a fun lunch and talked about everything under the sun. Kyle has a brilliant mind. He has a way of putting things that makes you think.

  For a twenty-five-year-old, it’s impressive. I’m still learning some of the things he seems to have a clear grasp on. While I admire the trait, something tells me his upbringing has a lot to do with it. “Adapt or die,” he once said.

  I wish we had more time together. He and Emma had a party they needed to attend for a charity. Knowing he was taking her along would have made me jealous before today. However, after getting to know her, I see we have a lot in common. Seeing Kyle happy being one of those things.

  I flip through my planner for work, trying to focus on the task before me. It’s useless. My mind keeps running through my day.

  When my phone rings, I lift my head. My brows shoot up when I see it’s Emma calling. We exchanged numbers before I left Kyle’s place. I reach for the phone and place it on speaker.

  “Hello,” I say into the device.

  “Hel—lo, Andy.” Emma’s voice greets me, dragging out the word hello. I’m more curious now. “Listen, I was thinking. Kyle flies out in the morni
ng. I’ll have Mason this time around. I’ll be staying at the house with him. We have this project we’ve been working on. Mas wants to do something special for Ky—oh, wow, would you look at that. Did she have a mirror at home before walking out the door? Humph, what people will do for attention.” She snorts, then continues. “I was thinking that you could help us out.”

  I grin at her very entertaining conversation with herself. Must be a showstopper. I can’t imagine what she’s looking at.

  “Sure, anything I can do to help,” I reply.

  “Great, sorry about the late call. I just wanted to ask before it slips my mind. Besides, this thing is totally lame. Beau and Kyle are in their element. I, on the other hand, darlin’, can’t wait to get home,” she giggles and hiccups.

  “No worries. I’m still up,” I say, rolling my lips to prevent laughing out loud at her.

  “You know, it was nice meeting you. This project will be fun. Okay, enough of me talking your ear off. Champagne may or may not be in my system. Just get used to my drunken calls, now. It happens,” she says and hangs up.

  I look at the phone on the table and release the laugh I’d been holding. Yup, I like Emma. She will make life more interesting for sure. I finish my planning with a smile on my lips.



  “EMMA NEEDED to make a stop, but we’ll be there in just a few. Did you need anything?” Andy says through the phone.

  “Okay, just you and I’m good,” I say. “See you in a bit.”

  I hang up with a smile on my face, while I finish putting my dishes from breakfast in the dishwasher. I have an appearance today, and Andy and Mas are going to come along. I just can’t remember what the appearance is for. Emma has told me a million times, but my brain has been too tired to retain the information.

  “Finish up, buddy,” I call over to Mason, as I start to run through emails.


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