Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 8

by Royal Blue


  THE FIRE in his eyes burns for me. Even after I’ve revealed my biggest secret. He hasn’t once looked at me in disgust. I reach to cup his face as he stares into my eyes.

  I know I’ve fallen for Kyle. I’ve just been hiding behind my worry and fear. However, now, I can see it, I can feel it.

  “Every single scar has helped to make you who you are. My present and my future. I’m not perfect, baby. I’m just like you. Finding my way and needing to be loved along the way,” Kyle says before capturing my lips again.

  I open to him, surrendering to what has become us. My safe place. The words may not have been officially spoken, but I can feel the love.

  Kyle starts another slow trail of kisses from my face down the center of my body. My breath hitches when he stops at the largest of my scars. The one that crosses over my stomach. His lashes flicker up. Kyle watches me through them as he places a gentle kiss to the marred skin.

  I bite back the sob that wants to surface. In the past, I’ve been asked to cover up or to turn off the lights. To have this man look at me with such lust, my heart aches in a way I’ve never known, and it’s not the hurtful ache I’ve become so accustomed to.

  His tongue peeks out to trail the path of the scar. A tear does slip free. I allow my tense body to relax beneath him, all except for my pulsing arousal trapped in my jeans. Kyle grasps my sides as he kisses and explores my torso.

  My back bucks off the couch when he sucks a smooth patch of flesh into his mouth. My fingers strain against the tight grasp I have on the edge and back of the leather couch. I become tense all over again when he reaches for the button of my jeans and pops it open.

  Kyle makes sure to keep his eyes on my face as he tugs my pants down my hips. I close my eyes as my thighs are exposed. Another tear slips free when his lips caress the long scar on my right thigh. My mouth falls open in a gasp when he shifts a few inches away from the scar, testing my sensitivity there before pulling the skin into his mouth. His teeth graze me gently when he ceases the sucking motion.

  I slowly lift my lids again as he turns his attention to the other side. I feel cared for and cherished. With each kiss and caress, the hurt from past lovers seems to shrink.

  My heart races when his warm breath fans against my tightened groin. I’m ready to come through my boxer briefs. Yet he doesn’t touch the one place that’s reaching for his attention.

  He makes his way back up my body, kissing me tenderly on the lips. I grab his ears to hold him to me. Kyle settles his body between my legs, and I can feel his length pulsing against me.

  I reach for his belt to unfasten it, but my action becomes halted by the ringing of Kyle’s phone. Frustration lines his handsome features as he backs away and reaches for the device he placed on the coffee table when we settled in. He sits back, placing the phone to his ear.

  “Hey… wait. Buddy, slow down. What’s wrong?” he says into the phone, concern taking over his entire being.

  I begin to straighten my clothes and redress as he listens. His face turns sad as he nods. I can just faintly make out Mason’s little voice on the other end.

  “It’s going to be okay. I’m coming to get you,” Kyle says reassuringly into the phone.

  After a few more minutes of talking Mas down, Kyle hangs up. He rubs a hand over his low waves. His shoulders sag.

  “I’m sorry. He needs me,” Kyle’s huffs, rubbing his temple.

  “It’s okay, I understand. Don’t worry about it,” I reply, reaching to massage his shoulder.



  I TUCK Mason into my bed and settle in beside him. He’s much calmer now he’s home with me. I’m still not clear on what all happened. He was crying into the phone earlier as he tried to explain to me why he was hysterical. When I arrived at Emma’s, she looked as confused as I felt.

  I watch my nephew fidget in bed next to me, bracing myself for what may come out his mouth when I ask him what happened. Mason has a way of gutting me with his words. I’m sure this time will be no different.

  “Hey, buddy?” I start.

  He turns his head up to look at me expectantly. His little eyes so innocent but troubled. I want to turn back time to when happiness was all I saw in those eyes.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “You want to tell me what happened?”

  He turns onto his side and nods. His eyes get big, and he holds up his hand. Before I can ask what’s going on, he jumps up and runs out of the room. I can hear his footie pajamas hitting the hardwood floors.

  It takes about two minutes before he runs back into my room, climbing back into the bed beside me. He scoots his little body close to mine and looks up at me. He holds up his right hand, showing me the chain and locket I gave him almost a year ago. It has a picture of his mother and myself inside it.

  “You said as long as I have this with me, I’ll always have you with me,” he says. “I left it here because I didn’t want to lose it in the park. I wanted to keep it safe.”

  He takes the chain and tucks it under his pillow. He turns back to me to get comfortable, placing his head on the edge of the pillow as close as he can get to me but still on his own pillow. His hand reaches for my face.

  “You’re always with me in my dreams, when Mommy comes to talk to me,” he says. “This time you weren’t there.”

  He wraps his arms around my neck in a tight embrace. I return his hold, engulfing his small body in my arms. I hold on to him so tight it feels like I might break him, but I can’t let go.

  “Mommy told me to hold on to you. She said we’re all we’ve got right now. I need you and you need me. She said that I have to hold on tight.” He continues drilling at my heart. “It’s why I woke up scared. You weren’t in the dream, and I didn’t have my necklace. You weren’t with me.”

  “I’m always with you, buddy. I’m right in your heart, but if you need me you call me. I’ll be there. As long as there’s breath in my body, I’ll be there. And when all the breath is gone, I’ll still be in the ethers ready to make my way to you if you need me,” I choke out.

  “We’ll stick together like Mommy said, right?”

  “Always. You’re my best buddy. We’ll always stick together,” I reply.

  He loosens his hold and scoots down to curl into my side. I toss a protective arm around him. If only I could protect him from the world forever.

  “Uncle Kyle?” His sleepy little voice pushes through my thoughts.


  “She said we’ll be okay. Not to worry. We’re going to be okay,” he murmurs, already on his way to dreamland.

  Tears roll down my cheeks. That’s sounds like my sister. Savanna was a force all of her life. Of course she would have the strength to reach out to Mas beyond the grave. Always taking care of us. I’m banking on her words being true.

  We’ll be okay.



  IF I run my hand through the front of my hair one more time I think I’m going to pull it right out at the root. Sweat dews on my upper lip. When I told Kyle that my sister could help with finding a puppy for Mason, I didn’t think she would see right through me and ask to meet him.

  I also didn’t think Kyle would agree to meet my sister for a lunch date. He’s such a private person. When I tossed a snarky comment out about my sister being nosey and wanting to meet my boyfriend before helping to find a puppy, I thought he would laugh it off and move on.

  No such luck. Of course, I would set this train wreck in motion. My stomach reels as I think of all the things that could go wrong at this lunch. My sister’s opinion means the world to me. A single comment from her could sway the way I see Kyle. Her words could completely wash away my rose-colored glasses.

  “Andy, you’re making me nervous,” Emma hisses at me from the seat beside me.

  I jerk my head up from my menu, turning to look at her. I should have known there was a possibility
she would be joining us. I was surprised when she arrived with him but also relieved. Emma has a way of easing a room with her presence and sharp wit.

  “I’ve just been watching, waiting for him to combust,” Kyle snorts.

  I turn to look at him across the table, sitting back in his seat relaxed, with his arms spread over the top of the booth seat. He has a smile on his lips as his eyes roll over me. A shiver runs through me just before he conceals the heated look.

  I push my hand through the front of my hair again, before rubbing my palms in my lap. I go to respond to them both, but my words die before they hit the air as my sister appears. She’s moving toward us with a big smile on her face.

  “I’m so sorry. I had to drive in, and the attendant in the lot was moving like a snail,” Tara says as she pulls me into a hug.

  Emma and Kyle stand to greet her as well. I relax a bit as both Tara and Emma each take one of my hands and squeeze. I’m grateful for their strength.

  “This is Emma, Kyle’s assistant.” I start with introducing the two that are trying to anchor me.

  “I’m more like his brain and the little sister he’s always wanted but just didn’t know it until my family adopted him into our awesome lives,” Emma says.

  “More like the annoying little sister that I haven’t been able to get rid of,” Kyle teases.

  “Why would you want to get rid of me?” Emma bats her lashes.

  My brows draw. My curiosity is piqued. I never knew Kyle was adopted. I bank the information to ask about it later.

  “’Cause you’re crazy,” Kyle mutters under his breath, but a smile is still on his face.

  The rest of my nerves evaporate. Definitely grateful that Emma came along. I turn to Kyle and feel the blush that raises to my cheeks.

  “This is Kyle,” I say to Tara.

  “The boyfriend,” Kyle leans in to say low enough for Tara to hear, while winking at me.

  My chest swells. It’s the first time I’ve heard him claim the title. I smile from the inside out.

  Tara beams up at Kyle, pulling him into a hug. When she releases him, Kyle gestures with his hand for her to slide into the booth beside him. My sister takes the seat without question.

  “Is he always like this?” Kyle asks Tara teasingly, nodding his head in my direction.

  “Oh my gosh. Yes and no. I mean, he is always nervous to introduce me and the family, but never like this,” my sister laughs.

  “Can you blame me? Last time I introduced you to someone you told them to their face that they weren’t good enough and to stop wasting my time,” I say incredulously.

  “You act like I was wrong,” she deadpans.

  I shake my head and purse my lips. She wasn’t; she was actually very right. I just didn’t see it until after she pointed it out.

  “Honest. I love it. I’m a straight shooter as well,” Kyle says.

  I tilt my head to the side and look at the two sitting next to each other. Oh boy. I groan internally. I can absolutely see traits of my sister in Kyle. How the heck did that happen?

  A smile creases my lips.

  “So about this puppy,” Tara says to Kyle.

  Instantly, the two of them have fallen into a full conversation about Mason and the puppy.

  I exhale. There was no reason for me to be so riled up after all. My face hurts from smiling so hard.

  “See, he can charm the pants off anyone,” Emma leans in to my ear to whisper.

  I turn and wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. Emma kisses me on one cheek. Her eyes sparkle with mischief when she pulls away.

  “Look at how jealous he gets,” she whispers.

  I turn in the direction she nods her head. Kyle is still talking to Tara, but he’s glaring at Emma. Emma throws her head back and laughs, falling into my shoulder. I have to cover my mouth as I try not to laugh out loud as well.


  I PLAYFULLY narrow my eyes at Emma. A week ago, she pointed out to me that I get this jealous look on my face when she and Andy fall into one of their moments. I hadn’t noticed it until she said something. What she doesn’t understand is where the jealousy comes from. If you can even call it jealousy at all. I’d say it’s envy.

  I envy the time Emma gets to spend with Andy and Mas. They’ve become a little family without me. In reality, I’m grateful to them both and wish I had more time to be a part of the bond that seems to be growing in my absence.

  However, I won’t deny the connection I do feel with Andy. He has me doing a lot of things I’d never thought I do. Like today.

  I don’t know what made me agree to this lunch. Maybe the hope in his eyes when he joked about his sister wanting to meet me. Next thing I knew, I told him I’d be glad to take her to lunch to talk about Mason’s new puppy. The words were out of my mouth before I could think about it.

  I have to admit. The opportunity to make both of my favorite guys happy won out in the end. I’d say it all over again to see that smile that covered Andy’s face that day.

  “You two are adorable,” Tara whispers.

  I turn from Andy and Emma to look down at her. Andy’s sister is a female version of him. Tara’s hair has more hints of red and is a lighter brown than Andy’s, and her eyes are more gray than blue.

  The adoring look she gives me reminds me of the way my sister would look at me when she was proud of me. I feel a little pang in my chest when I think of how Savanna will never get to meet Andy. I think she would have liked him. She definitely would have loved him as Mason’s teacher.

  I feel my own eyes soften. I remember Andy telling me how important his sister was to his transformation. I have so much gratitude for her being there for him.

  Unable to find the words to say, I wrap an arm around her and pull her in. When we break apart she looks up at me with a curious smile on her lips. I find the words that can best sum up what I’m feeling.

  “My sister was always there for me growing up. From what Andy tells me, you were the same for him. Thank you for taking care of him until I got here,” I say.

  “Wow, I like you.” Tara grins, pulling me in for another hug.

  “Enough of that,” Andy teases.

  Just then the waitress arrives at our table. We all order and settle into light conversation. I watch as Andy falls into his comfort zone. His confidence surfaces and he starts to shine in his own light. He even begins to aid in Emma’s humor, rather than blushing from it.

  “I tell you. I really enjoyed this lunch,” Tara says as she wipes tears from the corners of her eyes.

  “Yes, it was very entertaining to watch Andy pop the stick out his ass,” Emma taunts.

  “Not all of us were born tossing our asses to the wind, love,” Andy retorts.

  I choke on my water I just sipped. Tara falls into me giggling at the two. My stomach hurts from laughing so much.

  “In my brother’s defense, he doesn’t have a stick up his butt. It just takes a little while for him to realize when he can be himself,” Tara says.

  “Is this true, Andy? Are you still questioning our loyalty?” Emma asks with a mock frown.

  Andy blushes while he shakes his head. “No, no, it’s not your loyalty I question. It’s my ability to sit at the cool kids table that I doubt,” he replies.

  “You need to cut that shit out,” I say. “You hold your own at the table.”

  “Thank you,” Tara huffs. “I swear sometimes. You know, Kyle, I think you’re just what he needs. Someone to call him on his shit. My brother is a great guy. He just needs to see it.”

  “Hey, I’m sitting here,” Andy says, frowning.

  “I see you,” Tara replies. Her phone rings before she can dig into Andy any further. “Shoot, I need to take this and I might as well go to the bathroom.”

  “Oh, I’ll come with. I need to go too,” Emma says.

  They get up and we are left at the table alone. Tara’s words are still playing in my head. I slowly drag my tongue over my lips while locking ey
es on Andy’s. He squirms a little in his seat. The corners of my mouth turn up higher.

  “When I’m done you’ll be able to see a lot of things more clearly. Sometimes all it takes is unleashing all inhibitions to reveal what life truly has to offer. Once someone shows you how they see you, you free yourself to see the truth,” I say now that we are the only two at the table.

  “Some truths are a lot to harness once unleashed,” Andy says.

  I lift a brow at the dare, I like this side of Andy. I lean in toward the challenge. My eyes falling to his lips, before they return to his. I give him a wolfish grin.

  “I never unleash anything I can’t conquer. What’s a harness to a master controller,” I rumble.

  “See, my favs! You two are so fucking hot. I don’t know what just happen but I can tell it was something I wish I witnessed?” Emma says.

  “Aye,” Tara say, lifting an imaginary glass to Andy. “Grand to be you, And.”

  “Why me?” Andy groans and face palms, as I chuckle. “Thought you two were going to the bathroom.”

  “That places needs to air out a bit before it’s inhabitable,” Emma says waving a hand in front of her face.

  We all begin to laugh for the millionth time, breaking the tension at the table that started to coil between the two of us. Andy’s eyes catch and lock with mine. We still have some unfinished business to handle. It’s been a few weeks since that night at my place.

  Andy lowers his lashes, looking up through them with a seductive grin that tells me there indeed is another side of him that I can’t wait to explore. I have no doubts that I’m going to find nothing but heat when I unpack all that’s Andy. Tara cups my cheek and kisses the other one, pulling my attention from her brother.

  “You’re perfect. Don’t let him run from you, and don’t change one thing,” she says in my ear.



  “THIS ISN’T funny,” Andy pouts.


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