Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 9

by Royal Blue

  “Yeah, it is. You see what I mean about my life. Nothing I do is private. This is some straight-up bullshit. I bet it was our waitress or some of the staff that took them,” I mumble, still amused at Andy’s pouting.

  “The world thinks my sister is your new love interest. Look at these pictures. From those angles it really looks as if the two of you are in love,” Andy says in disgust.

  “True. If I weren’t there, I’d totally believe what they’re trying to sell. That shit is crazy.” I wave the story off.

  Andy continues to flip through the social media sites, looking at all the pictures that were posted from our lunch. It’s a total invasion of privacy, but I’m used to it by now. Andy seems to have gone through shock, annoyance, and now he’s settling on a smoldering jealousy.

  I’d run over to his apartment, thinking something serious was going on when he called me freaking out. When I arrived to him shoving a tablet under my nose, relief washed through my body. I laughed hysterically once I knew he was safe. He’s so far out of his depths, and it’s very comical to watch. He’s adorable.

  I lean in to nuzzle his neck. He smells delicious, a fresh and clean scent that’s light like an ocean breeze with a hint of something sweet like lavender or apple, maybe even a note of citrus. Whatever he wears, his cologne fits him just right.

  I’m glad I had some free time to rush over. Mason has been taking a few mixed martial arts classes with Beau at the gym. It’s been giving me some time to decompress while Beau gets to play the cool uncle.

  “So what do we do about this?” Andy huffs.

  “Nothing. It’ll die out in a few days. Maybe a week or two. I don’t answer questions about my personal life. They can ask, but I don’t answer. I’m not about to start now,” I reply with a shrug.

  “Oh… seriously,” Andy grunts, drawing the tablet closer to his face.


  “Look, this site has a few of me and Emma. It’s incredible the narrative these photos give. I mean, I almost believe what they imply. Look at how we’re looking at each other,” Andy says, frowning as if his words taste bitter.

  I scratch my chin as I look at the photo. He’s right. The photo looks as intimate as the ones of myself and Tara. I just roll my eyes at it. There’s always someone looking for some story to sell.

  “Listen to this,” Andy says indignantly. He begins to read the caption in horror. “Kyle Tyson and his assistant and longtime girlfriend, Emma Dalton, have called it quits. Emma was spotted with her new beau. We wonder if her brother, former boxing champ and Kyle Tyson’s best friend, Beau Dalton, has given his approval.”

  I groan, letting my head fall back onto the sofa. I rub my left temple. The last thing I want to do is dwell on this. I’m sure it won’t be the last time Andy will see a bunch of lies surrounding my life.

  “Babe, you can’t get caught up in reading all of that shit. I don’t. Those gossip rags have been publishing that Emma and I have been in a relationship for years. If they did any type of research they’d know she’s my adopted sister,” I say, exasperated with the topic already.

  “Aye, I’ve been meaning to ask about that. I was curious when Emma mentioned it at lunch,” Andy replies, his eyes lighting up with curiosity.

  My own curiosity raises. That Irish accent that slips at rare moments is sexy as fuck. It doesn’t happen often enough if you ask me. Instead of prying into that, I answer his question.

  “When I was sixteen, my aunt got pissed at Savanna because she caught my uncle harassing her. Savanna was nineteen, but she didn’t want to leave me in that place alone. She was planning to take me and leave as soon as she had the money.

  “My aunt tried to throw her out and make her leave without me. Savanna called children’s services, and I was placed with Beau and Emma’s family. They were so damn country.” I give a short laugh. “But they were nice as shit. We all had to adjust to one another. Being newer to New York, Beau and Emma were teased in school for being country, and I was teased for living with a white family. Beau and I stuck together and have been best friends since.

  “My aunt washed her hands of me after a few months. The Daltons adopted me about a year later,” I explain.

  Andy nods, looking down into his lap. I can see his thoughts turning in his head. I wait for what I have a feeling is coming. When he opens his mouth, I know I’ve almost read his mind.

  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” he starts. “Your uncle. He molested you both, didn’t he? You’ve said… I…. I…. A few times, I’ve noticed the way you’ve said certain things.”

  I push out a breath, drawing a hand down my face. I think I would prefer to talk about the photos. I’ve known that I’d have to share this with him someday. Those years shaped so much of my life.

  “Yeah, it started with me. Savanna figured it out and offered herself so he’d stop,” I reply, feeling the tears burning the backs of my eyes. “My sister was a fucking superhero. She took that shit for me until the bitter end. He used it against her and me. Promising to make her watch while he made me do things if we didn’t keep it a secret or do the shit he wanted. Not that my aunt would have believed us if we told her. She knew that man had a wandering eye. Again, if it wasn’t her way it was the devil.

  “Savanna was a whoring demon that needed to get out of her house. My aunt walked in on him pinning Savanna to the kitchen counter, and it was still all Savanna’s fault. I wanted to go back and kill that son of a bitch, but Beau and Savanna convinced me that it wasn’t worth it.”

  Andy moves to sit in my lap. I blink away images of the past, returning to the room before me. My jaw feels like it’s going to snap from the rigid bite I’m holding.

  “You….” Andy shakes his head as if to clear it. “You are such an amazing man. The more I learn about you, the more I feel lucky to know you. You should be so jaded by the world. Yet you give back whenever you can and you’re so loving. You’re gentle when you need to be, but I get the sense that you’re fierce when necessary. I think I’m falling in love with your wounds as much as I’m falling for your perfection,” he says.

  I cup the back of his neck, drawing his lips to mine. Pushing away all the demons and tainted memories from the past, I devour every inch of his mouth. Andy groans into me, encouraging the possession I’ve taken of the sweet cavern that just spoke words that are a balm to my soul.

  “I know I’m in love with everything about you,” I breathe.

  Andy pulls away with bright eyes and red cheeks. A smile takes over his face. He leans his forehead into mine. I close my eyes, absorbing all of him, his warmth, his love, the energy that makes him distinctly him.

  “I love you too,” he whispers.

  “Consider yourself stuck with me now,” I tease.

  “Not complaining in the least,” he replies.

  I go to pull him into an embrace, but his phone rings. I twist my lips in annoyance. We’re always getting interrupted. Andy rolls his eyes and sighs.

  “Hello,” he says into his phone.

  When he moves off my lap and palms his forehead, I get the feeling we’re not getting back to our moment for a while. He sits listening for a bit before he grunts and looks up at me. I lift a brow in question, but his next words answer all.

  “Yes, Mom, I already saw them. I texted Tara about them earlier. She feels like quite the celebrity,” Andy says dryly.

  My shoulders sag. I look at my watch. I don’t have much more time anyway.

  “No, Ma. I’m not jealous of her dating the big sexy black guy,” he says after a pause.

  I bite back a laugh. Andy shoots me a death glare. I actually laugh at his next response.

  “No, I’m not hating on my sister. Hating on? Where’d you get that from anyway? Wait, never mind don’t answer that. I’m not jealous because she’s not the one dating him. Ma, listen, I’ll explain,” he mutters.

  I stand, bending to kiss him on the forehead. He looks up at me with sad, pleading eyes. We
already discussed him sharing our relationship with the rest of his family. He and Tara reassured me that they would keep our privacy.

  I have to go. I’ll call you, I mouth.

  “I love you,” he covers the phone to whisper.

  “Love you too.” I peck his lips and turn for the door.



  I WIGGLE my bare toes against the carpet, drumming my fingers to the beat that’s taking me to another place. The music playing in the background is creating a lazy feel in the house. There’s no rush to anything or anyone. Just a sense of calm and peace.

  The week has rushed by, but now the weekend is here and time has taken a sweet pause. Such a good day to kick back and enjoy the company of those that mean the most to you. I’ve come to feel at home in Kyle’s house. I think I’m here more than he is. When he’s away, I spend most of my time here with Emma and Mas.

  “He’s licking me.” Mason giggles and squeals as his new puppy wiggles in his lap, thoroughly licking his face.

  “It’s because he likes you.”

  “I like him too.” He beams up at me, those brown eyes sparkling.

  Blitz is still small for a pit, but I know he’ll grow to be a pretty big guy. Tara made sure to get the best of the litter from a great breeder after Kyle told her what he was looking for. I think Blitz was made for Mas.

  “I think your uncle picked out the perfect puppy for you. I like his name too. Blitz is so cool. How did you come up with it?”

  He tilts his head, a secretive smile on his lips, seemingly assessing if he’ll share. His eyes hold admiration for whatever he’s thinking. He nuzzles the puppy’s head, then looks up at me with a brilliant smile.

  “Uncle Kyle gave him to me when my other uncles were here. Uncle Daniel was teaching me about football. Uncle Beau called him the king of the blitz,” he says, lifting his little shoulders. “I liked it.”

  “Nice, great choice,” I say and smile at him.

  “You guys are the best. Not every kid knows real-life superheroes,” Mas says matter-of-factly.

  I’m taken back. I absorb the look of admiration on his face. Warmth spreads through me, my throat clogs. I’m speechless for a moment. Surely he’s not including me in that number.

  “You know superheroes?” I ask to see what’s going on in his young mind.

  He nods, giving that sweet smile of his. The puppy barks as if confirming Mason’s reply. They are totally too cute together.

  “Yeah, all of my uncles are superheroes. You guys make the world a good place, and y’all are the best at what you do,” he says emphatically.

  “You’re a lucky kid,” I say.

  “Yup, I sure am. You guys are just like the Greek gods. You all have special powers. Uncle Kyle is like Zeus. He’s a leader. His team follows him. When he shoots the ball it’s like he’s throwing thunderbolts into the net. I think Uncle Beau would be Ares,” he says, tapping his bottom lip. His eyes are alit with his musings.

  I’ve learned that Mason can sit for hours watching documentaries and YouTube videos on Greek mythology. Watching him now, I can see this is something that he has put thought into before. He’ll be six this year, but sitting and listening to him articulate his thoughts has me amazed. His thoughtfulness is more conceptual than other children his age. Mason doesn’t just absorb information; he knows how to adapt and apply the facts.

  “He goes to battle in the ring. Although, I think Uncle Beau is a nicer version, but if someone makes him mad, all bets are off. Uncle Javi would be Apollo. He looks after the family. He loves everyone. He and Uncle Beau even fight sometimes just like Apollo and Ares would. They’re funny when they do,” he giggles.

  I love the way his mind works. I wonder which god he would equate me to.

  “Who would I be?” I ask.

  “That’s easy! Uncle Kyle loves having you around. He can trust you. You’re funny and you’re smart. At school you always fix all our problems. You would be Hermes,” he says with a sage nod.

  I sit completely blown away. I blink a few times as my brain tries to reconcile the fact that this is a young child. His comprehension of Greek mythology is beyond that of some adults.

  Hermes had been Zeus’ youngest son. Zeus did love having him around, and Hermes was a trusted problem solver. He got the description for the mythical character down to a tee.

  “He’s amazing. Isn’t he?”

  I turn to see Emma watching us with a huge smile on her lips. She was in the kitchen with the chef, checking on dinner. We’re supposed to be working on Mason’s surprise for Kyle, while Kyle is at an away game.

  “Yes, he truly is,” I reply.

  “Do I get to be one of the gods?” Emma asks teasingly.

  “Yup, Athena, Ares’s sister,” Mas gives a mischievous grin.

  “I’ll take it,” Emma giggles. “Come on, guys. Dinner is ready. We can eat and then get back at it.”

  “All right! Food,” I cheer and hold my hand up for a high five.

  Instead of giving me five, Mas leaps from his side of the couch to wrap his arms around my neck. I’m surprised, but the warm hug is welcome. Mason still needs so much love and attention. I can see he’s been getting better at school, but there are still hard days for him.

  “Love you, Uncle Andy,” he whispers.

  My heart squeezes. This is the first time he has ever called me uncle. I embrace him and squeeze back. I’m happy to be included in that number.

  “Love you too, kiddo. You’re the best,” I choke out.


  IT’S BEEN a long day and I have a flight first thing in the morning, but I can’t close my eyes without talking to my little guy. It’s a part of our routine that I refuse to break. His presence has become like glue, keeping me together on my worst days.

  “How is our lucky charm doing?” I ask my nephew over the phone.

  “He’s doing great. I think he misses you like I do,” he replies.

  “I miss you guys too,” I say, rubbing at the tightness in my chest.

  Why am I here, when my nephew needs me there? Sure, I have people that I trust helping me, but there are times when I just know in my heart my nephew needs me.

  “Can we have a chill day? Just me and you?” he asks with so much hope in his voice.

  “I’ll clear a day just for you, promise.”


  I shake my head at his excitement. You would think I just promised him a gallon of his favorite ice cream. I’ll admit, I’m looking forward to a day of chilling out with him.

  “Wait, I changed my mind,” he says quickly.

  The smile falls from my lips. Mentally I already had tickets purchased for the zoo, the museum, and a trip to his favorite restaurant. I frown at how quickly he changes his mind.

  “Oh? You don’t want to hang out with me?” I ask, my shoulder sagging from the pang of disappointment.

  “No. Yes. Yeah, I do. I just wanted to know if we can ask Uncle Andy to hang out with us too,” he explains.

  I sit silently. I’ve never heard him refer to Andy as uncle. I’ve never told him he had to. I wonder if I’m moving too fast with Andy. This is all new to me. It’s clear that Mas has become attached. Andy has effortlessly become a part of my support team.

  “Uncle Ky?” Mas whispers.

  “Yeah, buddy. I’m sorry. If you want to ask him, we can. I think he would like that,” I say.

  “All right!”

  “I love you, Mas. We’ll talk in the morning. Go brush your teeth and get in the bed.”

  “Okay, I love you too, Uncle Kyle. We’ll be here waiting,” he says, as if he needs to reassure me.

  I hang up the phone and sit to reflect. Andy is a huge part of my life. I just didn’t think all of this would happen so fast. We haven’t taken our relationship to the next level, but where we are has given something special to not just me, but my nephew as well.

  My lids might be growing heavy, but my heart has grown ful
l. Sleep will come with contentment tonight. Nodding my head at my thoughts, I give myself over to my dreams.



  “I THINK he’s showing off for you,” Emma whispers in my ear.

  I turn away from the game to smile at her. The sparkle in her eyes reflects the excitement and joy I have within. Kyle is playing an amazing game. The thought of my presence being the reason behind that has me ready to explode with happiness.

  “Maybe,” I laugh, turning back to the game.

  “I need to step out for this call,” Beau announces as he stands.

  Emma and I give him a quick acknowledgment with a wave. The three of us are here in the box seats Kyle insisted I watch the game from. I would have been fine with the cheaper seats I’d plan to purchase for myself.

  However, I got the impression from the look on Kyle’s face he wanted to know I would be sitting in the arena safely. Not wanting his mind to be distracted, I agreed being in the box would be best.

  I’m not new to being in the box. My father has company season tickets. For football, basketball, and hockey games. I’ve been to my fair share of sporting events.

  Kyle hits a three-pointer, and I come out of my seat cheering. He’s been on fire tonight. That’s his fourth three. He has thirteen assists, seven rebounds, and thirty-five points so far, and we’re just in the third quarter.

  “He’s lighting it up out there,” Emma says, giving me a high five.

  “I know.”

  My chest swells with pride for my man. Kyle’s always an amazing player, but tonight he’s showing it all. I can’t wait to have him in my arms after the game, while I tell him how amazing he is.

  “Oh my God, Tyson is fine,” a female voice says behind us.

  “You took the thoughts right out of my head,” another one purrs.

  I chuckle to myself. Kyle is gorgeous. These two have been chirping and giggling about this player or that player all night. I’ve been too invested in the game up until this point to pay them much attention.


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