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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 124

by Alice A Bailey

  radiations, physical, 92

  responsibility, future, place in cosmic plan, 952

  thoughts, effects in nature, 889

  too impure and selfish to be trusted with knowledge, 1003

  work through builders, 564


  activity and education under seventh Ray, 453


  composition, 1098

  control, 814

  fire manifestation, triple, 61

  force centres, 522

  life influences, 800

  matter content, 576

  mental energy in, types, 47

  centres, concern, 58

  incompetence, cause, 109

  levels, higher, force from, entry into planet, 954


  built in, knowledge of, 620

  creation in by man, 947-963

  manipulation and direction into forms, sources, 951-953

  manipulation under law and order, 955

  manipulation, wrong, results, 947-951

  work in, deliberate and conscious, 953

  permanent atom. See Atom, permanent mental.


  abstract levels, 501, 849

  and Agni, 604-606

  cosmic. See Cosmic mental plane.

  definition, 702

  devas, 903

  energised, avenues, 659

  escape from personality ring-pass-not, 114

  etheric vitality felt in full force, 683-684

  Fire devas of, 679-886

  first aspect of dense body of Logos, 683

  forte from fifth cosmic plane, results, 691

  fourth subplane, goal of one fourth of humanity, 115

  importance, 848-849

  law, importante and work, 591

  manasic characteristics on, 500-501

  of humanity, 82

  on, Agnishvattas, 703

  petals for, 541-542

  positive force of Solar Angel, result, 1014

  reflection of first aspect of Logos, 620

  sight, 187

  six rules, 997-1008

  study, instructions, 683

  subplanes, 187, 522, 616

  systemic cosmic gaseous, 690

  systemic, emanation of fire, 494

  three types, meeting and unified in egoic body, 762-763

  vehicle of buddhi, 140

  sheath, definition, 1101

  sheath, frictional activity, 1106-1108

  substance, utilisation by devas, 936-937

  unbalance, cause, 109


  action of monadic Ray on, result, 71

  appearance, 542

  bridge to manasic permanent atom, 298

  devas concerned, connection with reincarnation, 936

  energy, 775

  four spirillae, significance, 526, 529-530, 532

  importance, 775-776

  logoic, 693, 699

  nature of, 1106

  of intellectual man, 775

  on fourth subplane, significance, 699, 709

  performance in causal body, 514, 546

  reflection of inflow, 775

  re-energised into cyclic activity, 788

  significance, 536

  sufficient for need of average man, 530

  unifying factor, 518 vibrant, 514

  vitality, 543

  work in reincarnation process, 788, 936-939, 941

  work of devas, 682


  link with human Hierarchy, 682

  of all men, energising, 717

  of identities of constituency of groups, 712

  on cosmic mental plane, force vitalising, 623

  work of solar Angels through, 712, 713


  allied to three planets, raystery, 299

  in fifth Round, 390

  kundalini, 181

  star of intuition, 370

  synthesising scheme, mergence, 406

  transmutation, 403

  Venus, Earth logoi, triangle, 371

  Metals, transmutation, 905, 931


  and elementals, 936-963

  informing entity, 638

  Milky Way, 99


  abstract, functions, 397, 456

  and brain, nature of, realisation through concentration, 956

  aspect, 259-260, 268-269

  concrete, utilisation, 456

  cosmic, 44, 125

  devas of, 689

  developing, definition, 638

  Divine, vehicles, 689

  escape with spirit to cosmic centre, 52

  fire of. See Fire of mind; Fire, solar.

  human, development, 424-475

  importance, 260, 261

  intelligent, importance, 918

  kept from reducing ideas to materialistic concept, 294

  manifestations, three, 308-309

  nature of, 308-341

  over-development, 126

  plane, motion on, 1027-1165

  reality, 241

  slayer of the Real, 705


  fire, 46

  implanted, 599

  stabilisation, 863

  universal, 302, 317, 615-616

  See also Manas.

  Mind-born Sons of Brahma, 361, 377, 702-703


  forms, building, agency, 640


  builders, 931 consciousness, 564

  densest point of concretion, 564

  failure of alchemists, 494-495

  force regeneration, 716

  highest manifestation, 935

  karmic relation of builders to, 935

  nature of, 564-566 note, 495

  relationship of Agnichaitans to, 640, 905

  status and future destiny, 935936

  three main kingdoms in, 495496

  transmutation in, 489

  Mismating, future, death, 798

  Mobility, quality of rotary motion, 158

  Moisture essential to life, 900-901

  Molecules set in motion and drawn into aggregations, 577


  abstraction and garnering fruits of objectivity, 164

  centres connected with, 165

  clothed in material sheaths, 769

  consciousness, spiritual, 689

  consciousness unfolding, medium, 819

  control by Logos, 583

  control of personality, 569

  control system, 47

  definitions, 261, 262-264

  descending, use of spark of mind, 584

  divine human, incarnation o£ God, 809

  downflow, 208, 712

  energy, 507, 865

  evolution, 1087-1088, 1092


  human and deva, 589

  life of, 591

  struggle to control each atomic subplane, 578

  urge driving to goal, 594

  use of will, 578

  heart centre, 538

  human, 4, 44, 45, 46, 47, 112, 114, 589, 742, 1088

  immetalisation, 931

  in incarnation, effect of pralaya 733

  individual and individualised, 689

  interchange of energy with Ego, 765

  karma, 547

  life, 50, 1048-1054

  light shines forth, 712

  logoic, expression, 630

  love and wisdom aspect, embodiment, 113

  mergence of man with, 582

  nature, 611

  of avatar, light to physical plane, 760

  plane, demonstration of law, 576

  Ray of. See Ray, monadic. receptacle for life of God, 768

  reflection, direct, 177

  represented by electric fire, 819

  resolved into primal source, 580

  search for own true centre, 832

  shadow in lower man, 937

  synthesising triangle, 178

  threefold, embodiment of three aspects, 167

>   triple aspects, 608

  unmanifested, 1192-1193

  use of egoic petals, 762


  atoms, 1054

  auric egg, 538

  buddhic, and astral planes allied, 584

  centres, three, energy types, 1047

  consciousness, merging with, 582

  content, Love-Wisdom, 175

  control, commencement, 578

  cycles, 304

  energy, work upon Ego, 832

  Essence, definition, 75

  essence, evolution, control, 75

  Flame Divine, 47, 54

  grip upon Ego, 547

  manifestation, planes, 538

  manifestation, subjective, 47


  consciousness, 688-689

  demonstration of law, 576

  devas, greater building, function, 901

  devas of second order, 668

  Divine Flame formed on, 54

  electricity demonstration, 311

  fourth subplane, place of transition, 119

  habitat of majority of Monads, 578

  synthesis on, 314

  transmitter of energy upon, 922

  transmitters of Word on, 920

  trinity on, 117

  sheath, synthesiser of seven principles, 294

  source, Heavenly Man, 305

  vehicles, polarisation in, 120


  and planetary Logoi, 364

  appearance in seven groups, 576

  appropriation of bodies of manifestation, 692

  causal bodies, appearance on fifth systemic plane, 692

  cells in logoic body, 702

  classes, two great, 592

  deva, 299, 446, 589, 691, 1029

  evolving, 589

  form taking in three worlds, 742

  fourth Creative Hierarchy, guidance of Lipikas, 112

  Fourth Creative Hierarchy, need, 575

  human and deva—

  components of body of Heavenly Man, 299

  consciousness, grouped, 120

  effects of motion, 1029

  groups, transference into spiritual kingdom, 446

  in every scheme, 364

  incarnating, and Earth chain, 379-386

  incarnation, 768, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1198

  individualisation, 684

  manifestation, bodies of, appropriation, 692

  number, 579

  objectivity, 685


  activity, 578, 579, 824, 825

  love, 576, 578, 579, 588, 591, 599, 824-825

  power, 578-579, 824

  will on fifth plane, 587

  on Love-wisdom Ray, 176

  perfected, final re-absorption, 426

  synthesised, 580

  wheels, 1087, 1089, 1090-1091, 1092, 1094

  Money value in service, and use,



  attainment, point, 583

  connection with Lord of fifth Ray, 705

  dense globe, 846

  Egos from, 700

  individualisation, 346, 347, 413-417, 459

  involutionary existences, 846-847

  connection with devas, 670

  connection with our scheme, past, 705

  devitalised shell, 558

  every, nature of, 794-795, 834-835, 837

  giving substance to Earth, 154

  influence, 1056

  internal fires, 60-61 karma, 93

  “mystery”, 670, 846

  past life, 86, 133


  effects, 794-795

  various, effect upon planetary schemes, 794



  dealing with, 649-650

  deva kingdom, 472-473, 489, 593, 903

  expression, 241, 472, 475, 489, 593, 610, 613, 624

  formation by Agnichaitans, 636

  functions, 875

  kingdoms of nature or form, 619

  liberation from, 619

  of manifestation, 650

  perfected, 618

  deva, greatest, linked, 900-901

  divine Aspirant to mysteries of cosmic Marriage, 916

  Great, activity, 900-901

  Great, formation, 887

  nourishment of form, 472, 489

  nourishment of germ of Divine Thought, 619

  soul of, life vibration, 685

  Mother, Father, and Son, correspondence in human being, 944

  Mother-Matter-Energy, union with Father-Spirit-Will, 620


  all, cause, 1039


  centres, 161-213

  form-building impulse, 1097-1128

  mental sheath, 1097-1109

  periodic manifestation, 1132-1152

  symbolism, 159-161

  due to fire latent in matter; 141

  form-building impulse latent, 1031

  in causal body, 1109-1128

  in physical and astral sheaths, effects, 1102

  of Primordial Ray of Active Intelligence, 141-143


  mental plane, 1027-1165

  physical and astral planes, 141-213, 1030

  plane of matter, rotary, 1032

  plane of mind, 1027-1165

  qualities, 129

  rotary, 157-161, 1039

  spiral-cyclic production, 1040

  synthetic, effects, 1128-1165

  three qualities, 129

  Motive, importance, 889

  Music, use, future, 427

  Mutation, principle of, 597-600


  birds in, 895

  Fntrance door, keys, 110

  sensed in first Hall, keys, unlocking, 872

  three basic in solar system, 872876


  facility in contacting buddhic and higher planes, 584

  work, 832

  Mystical approach, way of, 815

  Mythologies, reptile kingdom, 893

  Mythology, study, 896



  all will be, is, or has been, through human kingdom, 1030

  building process, laws governing, understanding, 952

  spirits, bodies, use of glamour, 892

  spirits in bird realm, 895


  activity, systemic triangle formed, 898-899

  and devas of the waters, 897

  astrological information respecting, 898-899

  connection with astral plane, 897, 898

  control of astral centres, 899 deva groups, 901

  influences and energies, effects, 898

  inhabitants, 534

  nature of, 378, 406, 900

  opposition Vulcan, 597

  relation to Buddhi, 899

  relation to devas, 897, 898

  stimulation, 793

  synthesising, 406, 777


  influence, 901

  scheme and influence, 899

  Nerve plexus in solar system, planetary scheme, human body, 634

  Nervous system, sympathetic, in logoic physical body, 634


  manifestations, 4

  significances, 364, 398, 407, 585, 609

  1966 to end of century, prophecy, 753-760

  Nirmanakaya, definition, 779

  Nirmanakayas, work, 950, 956, 1006


  paths to, 74

  types, 737-738, 745

  Nirvanic consciousness, 737

  Nirvanis in coming third system, 687

  Noise elimination, 910


  egoic, reaction to, selective, 785


  head, heart, and throat centres, 625

  human being, 276

  life, 276

  man, effect on work of builders, 945

  man on physical plane, ascent to mental plane, 1000

  mineral kingdom, 495

  Spirit, 275-276<
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  substance, basic, 495

  Sun, 276

  vegetable kingdom, discovery and use, 496-497

  sounded by form and spirit, 275

  Notes, synchronisation, 275-276

  Number. See Four; Fourth; Nine; Seven.


  mystery, 697

  of deva kingdom and evolution, 914

  utilisation by white magician, 985

  Numerals, spiritual, sounds and colours, 448

  Numerology, study, 695-696


  Objective manifestation, production, 781


  achievement, 957

  cessation, 52, 87

  entified, 85

  Obscuration, production, 1029

  Obsession, cause, 126

  Obsessions, treatment, 812


  abstraction, 719-720

  dispassion, 721

  investigation, basic fact, 892

  method, 815-816

  speaking, “heart to heart”; 863

  student, study, results, 1237

  subjects, expression, 691

  teachers, aim, 868-869

  training, object, 123

  work, achievement of objectivity, 957


  concern, 1028

  menace of coarse matter, 103

  role, mergence with scientist’s, 639

  true, 455, 792

  work, 832-833, 1061

  Old age, process, 939


  mani padme hum, 926

  sound, pronouncing, 448

  See also Aum.


  about Whom Naught May Be Said. See He about Whom.

  Existence, fact, law demonstrating, 567-568

  synthesising Life, synonyms, 529

  Oneness realised, closer to, 850

  Opportunity for development, universality, 905

  Oppositespairs balancing, 865, 1018

  combining method, realisation, 620

  learning to choose between, 832

  mystery, unlocking, 872

  polar, relations, 968

  Outpouring, third

  first Ray, descent to fifth plane, 586-587

  human kingdom formed, 584, 599

  mergence of Spiritual Triad and Lower Quaternary, 598

  work of Law of Magnetic Control, 584

  Outpourings, three, 94, 95, 96, 586-587


  employment, 748, 749-750, 752, 756-758


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