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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 125

by Alice A Bailey

  methods, 756-758

  Oversoul, souls identical with, 7, 238



  chart, 1230

  complete, 25

  Parabrahman, unspeakable mystery, 610


  approaching, increased facility, 454-455

  building and treading, 144, 399-400

  cosmic for Heavenly Man and solar Logos, 305, 845

  Left-hand, 642, 668


  Absolute Sonship, 1266, 1281-1282

  cosmic initiation, 767

  Earth Service, 1243, 12441247, 1267-1269

  Evolution - building of forms, 580

  Evolution - destruction of discarded vehicles on, 581

  Evolution - goal, 575, 576

  Evolution - law, control, 575

  Evolution - manifestation of seven laws of solar system, 572

  Evolution - Monads of Love, 590

  Evolution - work of second Logos felt, 144

  inbreathing, 133

  Initiation - developments on, 304-305, 446

  Initiation - entrance, 446

  Initiation - treading, 652

  Involution - distinctions made, 1019-1020

  Involution - effect of seven laws of solar system, 572

  Involution - elemental essence, 144

  Involution - gathering and segregation of matter, 580

  Involution - permanent atoms in causal body, work with, 584, 593

  Involution - primal gathering of molecular matter, 577

  Involution - seven great Breaths, 574575

  Liberation traveled, means, 790

  Magnetic Work, 1243, 12471253, 1270-1271

  outbreathing, 133

  Solar Logos, 1264-1265, 1278-1280

  training for planetary Logoi, 1243,1253-1258,1272-1273

  period, 275, 445

  Ray, 1261-1264, 1276-1277

  to Sirius, 1243, 1258-1261, 1274-1275

  withdrawal of Spirit from, 275


  cosmic, seven, nature of, 1241-1266

  left- and right-hand, beginnings, 673

  of opportunity for Master, seven, 739


  on carth, production, 754, 755

  secret, 568

  Permanent atoms. See Atoms, permanent.


  aspects, 609

  builders, seven main groups, 943

  control by Buddhi, 139-140

  control by Monad, 569

  fire, latent, 47

  human, definition, 937

  life, centre synthesising, 167

  life, period, 610

  link with Monad, 46

  love, demonstration, 576-577

  manifestation, 937

  of man, evolutionary sequence, 303

  perfected realised, 200

  reflection of second aspect, 114

  triple, building processes, 936-947

  Petal, heart, protection for man, 1006


  and etheric centres, 857-867

  and initiation, 868-886

  circles, 821-824, 860, 867, 869-871, 877

  circulation of force, 999

  construction, 709-711

  devas of, effect of destruction of causal body, 831

  development, 543-544

  evolution, 816-840

  first five unfolded, significance, 704

  forty-nine on fourth plane of Buddhi, reflex action, 929

  in head, 859-860

  knowledge, 539-540, 1110-1116, 1119, 1123

  love, 540-541, 1112, 1114-1116, 1123-1124

  nine of egoic lotus, 708, 767, 806

  ninety-six between eyebrows, 859

  opening, 543, 824, 869

  sacrifice, 541-543, 1112, 1116, 1127

  third circle, unfoldment, 1007

  three circles, function, guidance and energising, 821-824

  twelve, 709, 767, 859-860

  unfoldment, 546-547, 775, 868, 871-872

  will activation, 828

  Philosopher’s Stone, 307

  Philosophy, Indian, schools, six, 879-880


  bodies, purification and beautified, future means, 606


  cells, production, 53

  death, 85, 86

  dense, energising into action, means, 683

  dense, from deva essence, 516

  dense not a principle, 588, 618, 639, 681, 688, 788, 916

  destruction process leading to death, 939

  discipline, results, 1012

  essence, 1098

  human, 790-791, 938-939, 943, 945-946

  relation to etheric, 80-82

  subplanes, 82

  truer understanding of, changes, 811

  vibration, quickening for response to Ego, 123

  warmth, 61

  internal organ, thickening, cause, 109

  permanent atom. See Atom, permanent physical.


  atomic matter, sum-total, devas, 636

  cosmic and solar, comparison, 327

  dense energised, avenues, 659

  devas, Agnichaitans, 67, 635-658

  devas, fire spirits and light rays, 66-67

  disorder, present, emancipation from, 810

  effect of seventh Ray, 467

  elemental groups swept into activity by builders, 944

  elementals, 66-67, 889-910

  etheric levels, matter of, constitution, 935

  four rules, 1021-1026

  fourth etheric subplane, importance, 101

  fundamental effects felt on astral and etheric, 76

  harmonious activity, production, 663

  interplay between lower three and higher four, 918

  manasic characteristics on, 500

  motion on, 141-213, 1030

  negative force of Solar Angel, result, 1014

  petals for, 539-540

  praníc solar emanations, 79

  reflection of third aspect of Logos, 620-621

  subtler substance, recognition, 906-907

  planes, cosmic and systemic, correspondence, 296

  tissue, disorders, causes, 108-109

  vehicles, pure refined, necessity, 103


  aim to find out what is preventing egoic energy, 811

  modern, attention to congestion, 57

  Physicians lean nature of etheric body in future, 812

  Pineal gland—

  activation, 962

  activity, 1010

  becoming luminous and radiant, 1122

  composition, 1009

  connection with sutratma, 944

  description, 965

  functions, 960-962; 965-966

  relation to major head centre, 964

  estimation, 1012

  vivification, results, 894


  activity, 773-783

  gift of occult hearing, 783

  groups, three, unity in work, 785

  lunar. See Lunar pitris.


  fiery spheres, importance, 784

  the Mist, 783

  vitality, 785

  solar and lunar, mystery, key, 617

  solar. See Solar pitris.

  sumtotal, 612

  Pituitary body—

  activation, 964, 1009

  becoming luminous and radiant, 1122

  comparison with pineal gland, 965

  connection with sutratma, 944

  functions, 960-962, 966


  individual share in, ascertainment, 956

  logoic in consciousness of building devas, 615-616


  buddhic. See Buddhic plane.

  definitions, 66, 152

  informing entity, 638

  living substance, sumtotal recipients of force, 890

  Lord of, definition, 442

  matter of, sumtotal, lives forming, 889

  of indi
vidualisation, monadic, 688

  substance of, differentiation, 782


  all, of system, spirilli in physical permanent atom, 693


  devas, 627-679

  fiery energy, 518-522

  laws, 572-586

  three fires, 522-530

  astral and physical, mergence and blending, result, 912

  lords of, links, 661

  lower three synthesised with higher four, 695

  manasic characteristics, 500-503

  matter of, stimulation, 678

  monadic, buddhic, astral, closely allied, 584

  physical and astral, barrier between, 933

  rotation, 152, 153

  seven atomic subplanes, unity, 655

  study, 327-332

  See also under individual designations.


  fires, internal, 52

  Hierarchy of, and fourth kingdom, 386-389

  informing entity, 638


  atom, activities, 1055-1059

  body, builders of, 934

  body, etheric, disorders, 104-105

  chains, embodiment, 706

  Entity, 105, 107-108, 845-846, 933

  equilibrium, attainment, 108

  etheric congestion and destruction, 109

  productive substances, 60, 61

  scheme. See Scheme.

  schemes. See Schemes, planetary.

  Spirit, 105, 107-108


  embodiments of Ray aspects, 102

  fire of, 51, 53

  manasie development, present stage, 402-407

  most sacred, concerned only with group-active egos, 777

  physical, manifestation flashing forth, cause, 691-692

  sacred, definition, 298-299

  sacred three, homes of three major Rays, 299

  three dense physical, interplay, future, 298

  Plants, etheric bodies, life pulsating through, 924


  channel of force into solar system, 156

  connection with evolution of manas, 347, 349

  connection with fifth logoic principle, 699

  cosmic buddhic plane, 904

  effect upon our system, 795-796

  energy sweeping through solar system, 1052-1053

  in quaternary of centres, 182-183

  in series of triangles, 664

  influence, 146, 349, 801

  interplay, cosmic, 657-658

  negatively polarised, 377

  relation to seven schemes of our solar system, 375

  relationship to earth, 237, 378

  sister, connection with Heavenly Man, 657

  star of Great Bear, and our solar system, triangle, 182

  system in cosmic triangle, 375

  transmission of buddhic force, 1162

  transmission to by Heavenly Men, 378

  two, agency in appropriation by Logos of dense body, 699


  definition, 685

  second or sixth stage reached, consciousness, 688

  soul of Mother, correspondence to, 685

  third and fifth state, reflection, 683

  third state reached, result in individualisation, 687

  Poem in forty-two verses, logoic Song of Love, 928

  Polar opposites, first interplay, 312

  Polarisation in—

  cosmic etheric body, 604

  monadic vehicles, 120

  self-protection, 91


  demonstrations, 324-325

  importance, 714

  in incarnation, 700-701

  mystery of, 872-873, 874-876

  Pole Star, effect upon our system, 795-796

  Poles, two, occult marriage, 227-228, 229, 231

  Portal of initiation, 827, 867


  after seventh initiation, 451

  aspect, development, head centres complete, 590

  aspect, Ray, planes, and laws, one whole, 587

  over form and force, 450-451

  system, evolutionary preparation for, 578


  givers of life to all, 692

  seven, groups, 923

  synonyms, 692


  and obscuration, law governing, 577

  and obscuration, significance, 900

  definitions, 87, 733

  effect on Monad in incarnation, 733

  entrance, 597

  great, 738-744

  nature of, 734-744

  of atom of matter, 744

  planetary, 739-740

  process, description, 128-133

  types, 733-746


  absorption, 61, 91, 92

  active, definitions, 45, 47, 102

  and etheric body, 77-133

  assimilation, 91, 97, 99-101, 123

  circulation, 100, 102

  cosmic, 83, 99, 101

  cyclic nature, 102

  definitions, 45, 77, 102, 489, 833-834

  distribution within body, 100

  earth’s, transmission, 92

  emanations, 105, 110

  emanative, effects, 78-79

  expression of duality, 46-47

  harmful effects, causes, 108-109

  nature of, 77, 87-97, 102

  of forms, 93-97

  planetary, 60-61, 84, 91-93, 104-105

  radiation from etheric, 53, 59

  receivers, 97-99, 102, 103

  reception, 83-84, 90, 105-107, 122-123

  responsiveness to, 463


  circulation, agent, 785

  energising devas of construction, 637

  manifestation, 84

  receptive centres, 84

  sources and mission, 101, 102

  study, 78

  transmission, 473

  transmitters to all forms of life, 915, 924-925

  transmitters, work, 92, 93, 97, 101-103, 489, 636, 643

  types, 91-97

  union with latent fire, 102-103

  variance according to receiving entity, 102

  vehicle, 57, 697

  vivification of etheric bodies, 81


  aspect, Light Rays, 59

  currents, 59, 106-107, 156

  elementals, activity, 67

  emanations, solar, production and effects, 78-79

  emanatory fire, effects, 124

  energy, effects, 857

  essence, 100

  fluid, vital, transmitter, 564


  assimilation, more ready, recommendations, 651

  blending with fire at base of spine, results, 123

  reception by man via centres, 105-106

  forces pouring in through logoic etheric body, 624

  rays, 57, 59

  triangle, 99, 101, 106, 107, 123, 124, 135

  vehicle, work, 102

  vitality, lack in man, 651

  Present race, opportunity for achievement, 431-432

  Preserver, work, 79


  definition, 86

  embodied, 748, 750, 752

  Fífth, 689-707

  of mutation, 597-600

  Principles, types, 263, 264, 265, 266

  Prisoners of the planet, definition, 1024

  Probationary Path—

  aspirant on, 772, 828, 959, 963

  entrance, 175

  right to tread, 827

  stream of energy in new channels, 948-949

  Problem of existence, duality, 237-240


  of existence; solution, 496, 512

  present, solution, 810

  Productive substance, 60

  Progress, self-induced, self-initiated, origin, 644


  fifth root race, 715-717

  next solar system, 349-350

  period 1966 to end of century
, 753-760

  regarding earth scheme, 389-393

  Protective formulas, 482, 1006, 1015-1017

  Psyche, true nature, elucidation, need for, 809


  conscious, source, 858-859

  higher, recognition, 757


  science, 809-816

  study today, 606


  of sheaths, 960, 963

  of world by fire, 640, 641

  process, 124-125


  and aligning, 1121-1122

  fire, use, 838-840

  Purity, necessity for, 885-886, 1015


  in all activity, 401

  of an existence, 337-341

  Pythagoras, occult order at Crotona, 979


  Quaternary, lower—

  manifestation, 262

  self, union with divine Self, 698

  Questions, personal, regarding thought forms, 567



  and continents, list, 714

  future destiny, 112

  individualisation and initiation, 714-717

  Radiant energy, 836


  and Cyclic Law, 1078-1083

  cause, 1063-1074

  definitions, 478, 1060

  human, cause, 924

  in five kingdoms, 1074

  planetary, cause, 924

  results, 52-53

  solar, planetary, and human, cause, 924

  spiritual, 863

  Radiations, powerful, results, 863-864


  activity, 280

  fire, 52


  becoming progressively, 863

  forms, 1062, 1077

  minerals, influences, 716-717

  substances, 809, 931


  effect of stimulation, 885-886

  increased, inducement, value to man, 496

  inner meaning, comprehension, 486

  laws, demonstration in life on physical plane, 863

  process, with downflow of energy, 768

  relation to transmutation, 477, 491

  stimulation, 490

  work, future, 456


  connection with fourth ether, 320

  discovery, 809, 906

  work, future, 456

  Raja Lord of plane, atomic physical bodies, 919


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