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Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six)

Page 10

by Ramona Gray

  Totally a thing.

  There was no way she could be this hot, this needy, for Vida when she barely knew him and hadn’t even kissed him, for God’s sake.

  “Does my little flower need to come?”

  “Yes. Yes, please.” She clutched his arm with pathetic eagerness.

  “My sweet flower needs to spread her legs nice and wide for me.”

  She immediately did what he asked. He lifted both her legs and hooked them over his, spreading them even further until she was completely open to him.

  One heavy arm wrapped around her waist and he cupped her breast, tugging on and playing with her nipple before moving to her other one and doing the same. They throbbed with need and she wished he would suck on them. Before she could ask, his free hand dipped between her legs and she forgot all about her throbbing nipples.

  Now it was her pussy that throbbed with an intensity she’d never felt before. Her previous orgasms, when she was able to have one, were pleasant affairs that rippled through her with gentle pulses and left her with a vague feeling of contentment.

  But she’d never felt this type of exquisite need before, and she was certain that she was on the precipice of a life-altering experience. When Vida’s fingers brushed against her swollen clit, she shrieked and arched against him. A second light caress and she went off like a rocket, her entire body jerking and shaking as pleasure exploded throughout her lower body.

  Vida’s long finger pushed inside of her and she squeezed compulsively around it as it sent another burst of pleasure through her. He groaned into her ear, his fingers pulling hard on her nipple as she humped his hand through the last of her orgasm.

  When she finally collapsed against him, her breathing labored and her pulse pounding in her ears, he kept his finger deep inside of her as he rubbed her nipple with his thumb. He pressed a kiss against the pulse point in her throat.

  “You’re very tight, little flower.”

  Was that disappointment in his voice? It was hard to tell in her current orgasm-induced stupor. It couldn’t be disappointment. What guy would be disappointed by a tight pussy on a woman?

  He pulled his finger free and kissed the side of her neck again. To her surprise, he propped her up against the side of the pool and quickly climbed out. He turned his back before she could even get a good look at his penis. He dried off with a towel and pulled his pants on as she stared at his admittedly impressive looking ass.

  “Vida? Aren’t we going to, um, have sex now?”

  “No, little flower.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s getting late. You need to eat and then rest.”

  Embarrassment seeped into her and she covered her breasts with her arms when Vida glanced over his shoulder at her. “Can you find your way to the main chamber or do you need me to wait for you?”

  She shook her head. “I can find it.”

  He left without saying anything else and she sunk into the water before rubbing at her temples. She’d just had the best orgasm of her life with a guy who wasn’t even human. And she would have gladly fucked him if he hadn’t climbed out of the water like he couldn’t wait to get away from her

  How ugly is your o-face if it’s enough to make a guy lose his desire to fuck you, Rose?

  She flushed and tried to ignore her inner voice as she climbed out of the water. She dried off with a towel before putting the robe on and tying it securely around her waist.

  Shame still heating up her face, she picked up a candle and walked slowly toward the main chamber.

  * * *

  By the time the little human joined him, he had his need mostly under control. Of course, just the sight of her made his cock twitch. He tried to ignore it as the human gave him an uncertain smile.

  “Sit down.” He pointed at the odd bed and after a moment’s hesitation, she walked toward it. He stared at her ass and the sway of her hips as she walked away from him. His cock swelled, pushing against the confinements of his pants. What he wouldn’t give to have her impaled on his thick cock. To watch her wiggle and hear her moan as he brought her to orgasm repeatedly before he found his own relief. The way she had reacted in the pool, the way she had come so explosively from just a few light touches, made him ache to take her to his bed. The way she responded to him almost made him insane with desire.

  He’d found the human attractive even before he’d brought her to orgasm. Her scent, her silky hair and her soft, smooth skin were very appealing to him. He couldn’t understand why her mate would cheat on her. Her confession that she couldn’t orgasm didn’t appear to be true.

  He turned away and piled some of the meat and fruit into two bowls. He shouldn’t have been lusting so much after her. He’d spent the last twenty-five years having sex nearly every day. His people mated often, but sex on an almost daily basis for over two decades was a bit too much even for him. He assumed his body would be grateful for the break. Instead, after a month without sex, it seemed to crave mating even more now.

  Or maybe it just craved the little human.

  He sighed and adjusted his cock in his pants before picking up the bowls and walking toward the human. The human – Rose, her name was Rose – was too small. The women on his world were large and muscular and more than capable of handling his cock. He’d never had to worry about hurting them.

  When he’d first been pulled through the orb from his world to a different world – one ruled by women - the women had also been warriors. Although not as big as his world’s females, for the most part they were tall and powerful. Most of them could not take his entire cock, but a few could. The ones who couldn’t, he simply fucked them more slowly and carefully.

  So do that with the little human. If you go slow, if you get her wet enough beforehand, you might be able to fuck her.

  No, he couldn’t. He’d felt how tight her little pussy was in the hot pool earlier. He’d fucked virgins who weren’t as tight as her.

  He handed her the bowl and sat down on the far end of the odd bed – couch, the flower had called it a couch. After a moment, when she didn’t eat, he said, “Eat the food, little flower.”

  “I’m not very hungry.” Her face was pale, and she looked tired and a little unwell.

  “Do you feel sick?” He was more worried than he should have been.

  “No. Just, um, feeling bad about what happened earlier. Vida, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t,” he said. “Eat your food.”

  She stared at the bowl in her lap but didn’t eat.

  “Flower, you need to -”

  “Will you tell me about your world?” Her tiny hands were clutching the bowl tightly.

  “Yes. If you try and eat.”

  She picked up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth obediently.

  He ate some of his meat and a bit of fruit before smiling at her. “My world is beautiful. It is made up of many islands such as this one – some bigger, some smaller, and the water that surrounds it is clear and clean. The sky is the most beautiful shade of purple, very close to the colour of our females.

  “Your women are purple?”

  He nodded, and she studied his blue skin. “Are they…pretty?”

  “Yes. They are different looking from the females on your world. Not just the purple skin, but in size and shape. They are tall and strong and excellent fighters.”

  “Is your world dangerous?” She asked.

  “No more than any other world, I suppose.”

  “Do you have technology on your world?”

  “Technology?” He gave her a curious look.

  “Um, like computers and machines and electricity.”

  He shook his head. “No. My world is similar to this one.”

  “Is that why you’ve survived here on your own?”

  He just shrugged. “Perhaps. My people are used to working for our survival. We have not grown soft and rely on machines as your people do.”

  She poked at a piece of blue fruit as a dull flush
covered her cheeks. “No, I guess not. Do you have a wife or a girlfriend in your world?”

  “Do you ask if I have a mate?” He ate more meat, frowning a little when she dropped the piece of blue fruit back in the bowl. “Eat, little flower.”

  “How do you know it’s not poisonous?” She asked.

  “The animals eat it.”

  “Oh.” She tasted a small piece of the fruit. “This is good. It’s very sweet. It tastes kind of like apricots. Apricots are a fruit on my world.”

  She ate more of the fruit and he grunted in satisfaction.

  “So, uh, do you have a mate on your world?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I just, um, wondered.” Her pale skin was flushing again. He stared at her chest, wishing he could pull open the clothing she wore and watch the flush cover her breasts. Her breasts were small but delectably plump and her nipples seemed very sensitive. He wanted to touch them again, wanted to suck on them until she was pleading in her soft voice for him to make her come.

  He forced his gaze away from her chest. “It has been many years since I’ve seen my world. Even if I’d had a mate, she would have believed me to be dead and found a new mate by now.”

  “Years?” She gave him a startled look. “You were only at the lab for a month or so. It wasn’t…”

  Understanding dawned in her eyes. “You were on another world before our world.”

  “Yes. When the orb sucked me out of my world, it sent me to a world where women ruled.”


  “Yes. There were very few males born on that world. Males were precious to them. The women lived in tribes and they kept the males as slaves for breeding purposes.”

  “W-what?” She set the bowl on the small table in front of the couch and gave him a horrified look. “You were a slave?”


  “A sex slave.”


  “Oh my God, that’s horrible. How did you escape?”

  “It is a long story, but the current Queen was overthrown by the massina. A woman named Quinn.”

  “What’s a massina?”

  “It means the head of the queen’s guard. Quinn was a human like you who had been brought by the orb, but she was very strong and powerful. The queen was a terrible human who tortured and murdered whenever she felt like it.”

  “Oh my God,” Rose whispered.

  “She had murdered the massina’s mate in cold blood many years earlier, and Quinn wanted revenge for her mate’s death. But, she fell in love with a human who came from the orb, and when the queen also threatened him, Quinn decided they would escape. She knew an orb was coming and she knew I wanted to leave this world, so she included me in her plan to escape.”

  “I thought you said that the madina overthrew the queen?”

  “Massina, not madina,” he replied. “The queen learned of Quinn’s plan and tried to stop her. It did not end well for the queen.”

  “Holy shit.” Rose stared at her lap for a moment before studying him. “How, uh, how did they decide who got to sleep with you?”

  “The women had a claiming ceremony every month. They decided which male they wanted to breed with that month and put their name in for them. They then fought each other for the right to breed with the male. The female who won was given the male for the month to breed with.”

  The little human was staring at him in mute horror and he gave her a reassuring smile. “They fought with wooden swords, little flower. No one was killed.”

  “I – did you have a choice who you wanted to sleep with?”


  “Oh my God, that’s terrible. So, you slept with a different woman every month regardless of whether you wanted to or not?”

  “They gave us a month off in between so as not to wear us out, but I was,” he paused, “popular with the queen. She requested me often.”

  Rose gave him another horrified look. “You had to sleep with the queen? The one who was hurting people.”

  “Yes. If I had not, she would have cut off my head and fed me to the pigs.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Rose whispered.

  He studied her face. She looked sick to her stomach and he was starting to regret being so blunt about the other world. “It could have been worse, small flower.”

  “How long were you on that world?”

  “Twenty-five years.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Twenty-five… how old are you, Vida?”

  “I am sixty-five.”

  “Are you kidding me? You look like you’re in your thirties.”

  “We live a long time. It is not unusual for my kind to live over a hundred years.”

  She stared at him and he pointed at her bowl of food. “Eat some more, Rose.”

  “I’m not hungry.” She pushed the bowl away. “So, you were forced to have sex almost every day with a bunch of different women for twenty-five years?”

  “Yes. Until Quinn overthrew the queen. She and the queen’s daughter changed the rules. They still had the claiming ceremony, but the men were allowed to decide if they wanted to participate in it or not.”

  “Did you keep participating?”

  “No. Even though it was going to be different, I still wanted to return to my own world. I left in the orb two nights after Quinn defeated the queen, in the hopes it might take me to my world. The human that was with me, was hoping to return to her world.”

  “Instead, you landed on ours where we tortured and almost killed you,” Rose said.

  She looked so miserable that he slid closer and touched her arm. “It is not your fault, human.”

  “Not directly, but I was a part of it.” She suddenly twitched and gave him a wide-eyed look. “Did you – did you have children with these women on the other world?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Mostly girls, but there were a few boys.”

  “You left your children on a different world?”

  He flinched, and she immediately gave him a chastised look. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I was judging, and I shouldn’t have. I don’t know your situation and -”

  “In my world there is a ritual that must be performed between a father and their offspring. If it is not performed within a few days of birth, the child will not bond with the father. It does not matter how much time they spend together.”

  “A ritual?” Rose said.

  “Yes. I exchange takenas with my child.”

  “What’s a takena?”

  “It is a living essence within us. Our young are born with their takenas already bonded to their mother’s. It happens in the womb. But the child will never love the father unless the father is allowed to bond his takena with the child’s during the ritual. The queen would not allow me to perform the ritual with any of my children.”

  He stopped and stared across the cavern for a moment. “I love my children very much, but they never saw me as anything more than a stranger.”

  “I’m so sorry.” The little human touched his arm and he had the strangest urge to rest his head in her lap. To let her pet him like a catten until he felt better.

  Before he could give in to the urge, she let go of his arm and rubbed at her temples again. She looked pale and sick to her stomach.

  “Flower, are you ill?”

  “Just getting a headache.” She couldn’t seem to look him in the eye. “Do you mind if I go to bed now?”

  “No. Come with me.” He tried to take her arm and she pulled away.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  He frowned at her. “The bed is large enough for both of us.”

  “I know, but I think it’s better if I sleep here.”

  “Why?” He wouldn’t – couldn’t – fuck the little human, but he liked the idea of having her in the bed with him and in his arms.

  “I just – I’d rather sleep here. Okay?”

  He could almost smell her anxiety and he hated that he was upsetting her. “All right. Good night, Rose.”

sp; “Good night.”

  He blew out all of the candles except for a few in the kitchen area as she curled up on the couch and covered herself with the blanket from the back of it. He stripped out of his pants and climbed into the bed.

  After only a few minutes, he sat up. “Human, are you too cold?”

  “No. I’m okay.”

  He lay back down, staring up at the ceiling of the cavern. He was feeling restless and anxious and he didn’t know why.

  He sat up again when he heard the human stand up. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I – I have to use the washroom.”

  “Take a candle with you.”

  She didn’t reply but he watched as her slender figure moved toward the candles still lit. She picked up one, the wavering light illuminated her pale skin and blonde hair and disappeared down the entrance to the bathroom.

  He waited impatiently for her to return. The flickering light of the candle in the entrance of the bathroom made his tense muscles relax. When the little human uttered a soft squeal and the light was snuffed out, he was on his feet and racing toward her without a second thought.

  “Little flower! Where are you?”

  “Here, I’m right here.” Her voice was disgruntled. “I tripped over my own damn feet and dropped the candle. It went out.”

  He followed the sound of her voice until he could sense her standing in front of him. She squeaked in surprise when he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the main cavern. “Vida? What – what are you doing?”

  He could feel the coldness of her skin through her clothing. “You are cold, little human. I asked you if you were too cold and you said you were not.”

  “I wasn’t,” she said. “I’m just a little cold now. I’ll be fine when I get back to the couch and – hey, what are you doing?”

  He was sliding her into the bed and he climbed in behind her, pulling her back against his body when she tried to scramble off the other side. “Vida, I -”

  “Shh, little flower.” He squeezed her waist and nuzzled the side of her neck. “You will be too cold sleeping alone. Relax and go to sleep.”

  She squirmed a bit more and he tightened his grip on her before rubbing her flat belly with his big hand. “Sleep, sweet flower.”


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