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Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six)

Page 11

by Ramona Gray

  “I can’t. I’m too wound up,” she muttered.

  “Do you want me to make you come again? It will help you relax.”

  She jerked against him, making the most adorable little sound when he cupped her breast. “I – are you always this, uh, blunt?”

  He used his thumb to rub her nipple through the silk clothing, loving the way it immediately hardened for him.

  “Does that feel good, flower?” He murmured into her ear.

  “I – yeah, but I – oh gosh…”

  He had opened her robe to bare her gorgeous breasts and he pulled on each of her nipples until they were swollen and hard. “You have beautiful nipples, flower. So hard and sensitive.” He plucked on the right one, grinning in satisfaction when she cried out with pleasure.

  “Would you like me to suck on your nipples?”

  She gasped, her hand clutching at his forearm as he pinched her nipple. “I – oh God, um, maybe later. Can I ask – oh my gosh, that feels so good – a question?”

  “Yes.” He pressed his dick against her ass and groaned when she rubbed against him.

  “Why did you give me an orgasm earlier?”

  “I wanted to show you that you could come. It is your mate’s responsibility to please you. If you do not come, it is his fault, not yours. Do you understand?” He nipped at the soft skin of her neck with his fangs.

  “In my world, women are supposed to take control of their own pleasure. To not expect a man to be the one to make them come.”

  “No, little flower, that is not right.” He kissed her neck and licked his way to her earlobe before sucking on it. “There is no need for you to take control. I will bring you pleasure with my mouth and my fingers.”

  “I want your,” he could almost feel the heat of her blush pouring off of her, “cock as well.”

  He squeezed her breast and toyed with her nipple. “No, little human.”

  “Why have you changed your mind about having sex? Is it because you’ve been forced to have sex non-stop for the last twenty-five years?”

  He circled her nipple with his thumb. “No. My kind enjoy sex very much.”

  “Are you afraid I’ll get pregnant? I won’t. I had my cycle shot only a few days before we got sucked into the orb.”

  “Cycle shot?” He gave her a curious look.

  “It’s a birth control shot. It prevents pregnancy.”

  “You do not wish to have young ones?”

  “No, I do. Just not right now. The shot prevents me from getting pregnant only for a year. I didn’t want to have a baby before I got married. But, you don’t have to worry about me getting pregnant.”

  He didn’t reply, and she pressed her lips together. “Is it because I told you I was bad at sex? Because I can try harder. If you just give me some-some direction, I’m sure I can -”

  “It is not because of that.”

  “Then why?” Her tiny hands covered his, tugging on them until he stopped caressing her breasts. “Please tell me why, Vida.”

  “My cock is very large, and your pussy is too small and tight. If I try and fuck you, I will hurt you.”

  She swallowed and licked her lips. “Uh, human vaginas can stretch a lot. I’m sure if we go slow and make sure I’m wet, it’ll be fine.”

  He shook his head and squeezed her breast. “You are too small for me, flower.”

  He watched in amusement as her face flushed with sudden anger and she sat up. “Oh please, you can’t be that big. Vaginas are designed to push out babies for God’s sake. My mom was small like me and when I was born, I weighed nine pounds and she was perfectly fine. And trust me, she would have told me if I had wrecked her lady parts.”

  He grinned at her ire and it only seemed to inflame her more. She poked him in the chest. “I get that you’re a big guy, and yeah, you probably have a big penis, but I doubt it’s like Hulk-sized or anything. Besides, my stupid ex-fiancé had a big dick and I didn’t get nearly as wet with him and I still had sex…holy shit.”

  He had pushed back the covers to the middle of his thighs and even in the flickering candlelight, he could see the shock on her face. He was fully erect, as much from her adorable outburst as from the way her plump breasts jiggled while she lectured him.

  She studied his dick in the dim light and he admired her tenacity when she took a deep breath and pasted a smile on her face. “Okay, yeah, you’re pretty big. But, I still think we should try. I’m tougher than I look, okay? I can handle some pain. It hurt every time I had sex with Solomon, but I didn’t – what’s wrong?”

  He cupped her face, his nostrils flaring with anger. “He hurt you?”

  “Vida, I -”

  “He hurt you during mating?”

  “I – he didn’t mean to. I don’t think he even, uh, realized it. I just wasn’t wet enough and – it doesn’t matter. The point is, I can handle a little pain, so I think we should at least try and have sex.”

  He was tempted. Her perfect little breasts, her soft skin and tight pussy were unbelievably tempting. But the thought of hurting the sweet little human who had risked her life to save his, made him feel sick.

  “No, little flower, we cannot. Now, lie back and I will make you come so you can sleep.”

  She glared at him and yanked her robe closed. “No.”

  “No?” He raised his eyebrows at her.

  “That’s right, I said no. It isn’t fair that I get to have orgasm after orgasm and you don’t. So, unless you’ve changed your mind about having sex with me…”

  “I have not.”

  “Then I guess neither of us are having orgasms.” She scooted over to her side of the bed, turned on her side and pulled the covers to her chin. “Good night, Vida.”

  “Good night.”

  He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling again. To his surprise, it wasn’t long before the little human’s breathing evened out and deepened. Unable to resist, he reached over and gently drew her back into his embrace. She turned in her sleep and snuggled up to him, throwing one thigh over his and wrapping her arm around his waist. She rested her head on his chest and he stroked her long silky hair as she drifted into deeper sleep.

  Every day, he had gone to her camp and hidden himself in the trees. He had watched and listened as the others had gone about their daily lives. He was adept at blending in with his surroundings and they never knew he was there. Well, once he was almost caught by the one they called Teagan. The human was smart and observant, and Vida admired him. In his world, Teagan would have been their leader, not the one named Patrick who smelled of insanity and deception.

  He had learned a lot about this world from listening to the others. He’d been hiding and listening when Rose had admitted she was the one who freed him from his chains. He hated the way the others shunned his flower for it. It wasn’t her fault he had trapped them with the orb. He pulled her a little closer, rubbing her back through her robe.

  He could admit he was fascinated by her. For one so small, she was very brave. The other two females in the camp were useless. The one spent all her time fucking the leader and the other whined about every chore she was given. His little flower had been helping without any complaints, even when it seemed to be physically too much for her.

  As the days had passed, he grew more and more impressed with her. Her friends had abandoned her, she was on a strange new world and it was clear that she was terrified, but she never complained. He had noted the way Duncan and Wallace watched her and it sent weird tendrils of jealousy through him.

  He sighed and rubbed Rose’s back again. He was already a little too attached to her. It was true that he was worried about hurting her during sex, but it wasn’t just that. If he mated with her, he would have to work very hard at not bonding with her. It had been easy enough on the previous world. None of the many women he’d fucked had even stirred any type of bonding desire within him. He had been attracted to the massina, but she had never once indicated any type of attraction to him.

e had no idea why the little human pressed up against him made him want to bond with her, he barely knew her, but he couldn’t deny it. He supposed if he tried hard enough, he could have sex with her and not bond, but what if she bonded with him? What if she wanted to become his mate? He was leaving this world as soon as the next orb came along, and he was fairly certain the little human had no desire to jump from world to world. He would have to leave her and if they were bonded…

  He shifted in the bed and squeezed Rose’s hip when she muttered something in her sleep. He couldn’t mate with her and, it was best to not have any contact with her. Tomorrow, he would return her to the others and not go near her again.

  She would have died tonight if not for you. Do you really want to leave her with the others? They can’t protect her the way you can.

  The thought of her nearly dying made him feel sick again. When he’d heard her scream, when he’d seen the vines wrapped around her slender body, something that felt a little like panic had gone through him.

  He shook his head and ignored his weird need to protect Rose. The little human was not his concern, returning to his world was all he cared about.

  Chapter Eight

  Rose woke the next morning to an empty bed. Vida wasn’t in the main cavern nor was he in the bathing cavern. Her clothes were missing, and she tapped her fingers nervously on the rolling island. Should she go look for him or stay where she was?

  She was fairly certain Vida would want her to stay in the cave but what if he was injured? What if he needed her help? She paced back and forth. He obviously could take care of himself. He’d survived nearly two weeks in the jungle all alone, why would this morning be any different? Why was she so worried about him?

  More importantly, why were you so eager to try and have sex with him last night, Rose? You made a fool of yourself. What is wrong with you?

  There was nothing wrong with her. She’d caught her fiancé fucking another woman, and she’d had a near-death experience. Vida saved her life and then gave her the type of orgasm she’d only read about. Of course she would want to sleep with him. It was a completely normal, completely rational reaction for a person to have.


  She sighed and moved to the clothes dresser. She opened the top drawer and pulled out a pair of pants. They were much too big, and she rifled through the second drawer, looking for anything that might fit so she could go looking for Vida.

  “Hello, flower.”

  She whirled around, relief flooding through her. “Vida. Hi, I mean, morning. Where were you?”

  “I washed your clothes and then I cooked some food for you.”

  She stared at the still steaming body of the rabbit-like creature skewered on the stick he was holding in his right hand. She hurried over and smiled tentatively at him as he set the creature on the cutting board sitting on the island.

  “Thank you. Where, uh, are my clothes?”

  “Drying outside. I will get them later. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yeah, surprisingly I did.” Her stomach growled, and Vida grinned. Her pussy actually fluttered at the sight of his fangs and she berated herself internally as he pulled a knife from the block and began to cut up the meat.

  While he did that, she set the table with plates and cutlery and poured them both a glass of water from the large water jug. She cut up some of the fruit from the basket using a second knife from the block and another cutting board she found in one of the cupboards of the island.

  Her stomach growled again, and she gave Vida an apologetic look. “Sorry. I don’t know why I’m so hungry. I hardly ever eat breakfast.”

  “It is midday.”

  She paused with the knife held over the piece of green fruit that was in the shape of a grapefruit and tasted like banana. “It is?”


  “I slept until the middle of the day? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “You needed your rest.”

  He carried the meat to the table and she followed him with the cut-up fruit. “The others must think I’m dead.”

  He sat down and handed her the plate of meat. “They were searching the jungle for you early this morning?”

  “Solomon?” She asked.

  Vida shook his head. “No. Duncan, Teagan, Wallace, and Brody.”

  She wasn’t surprised that Solomon wasn’t looking for her. But, she was a little surprised that it didn’t upset her. Could she really have fallen out of love with him that fast?

  Were you ever actually in love with him, Rose?

  “Human, you need to eat.”

  She glanced up at Vida and gave him an apologetic smile before spearing some of the meat with her fork and adding it to her plate. “Sorry. Are the others still looking for me?”

  “No. Brian found them and made them return. He said that Patrick didn’t want to waste any more time looking for you.”

  “Of course he did,” Rose muttered. “God, he’s a bigger asshole than…wait, how do you know everyone’s names?”

  He didn’t reply, and she handed him the fruit. “Have you been spying on our camp the whole time?”

  “Perhaps.” He gave her another little grin that made her nipples peak against her robe. God, she needed to get control of herself. Vida had made it perfectly clear he wouldn’t have sex with her, and she wouldn’t be pathetic and beg for it.

  She needed to apologize for last night but her stomach was growling again, and she really was starving. She bit into the meat, chewing happily before swallowing it down and drinking some water. “Oh God, this is so good. Thank you, Vida.”

  “You are welcome, flower. Eat more.”

  She did, not noticing the way Vida’s gaze studied her every move. She ate some of the blue fruit and then sucked away the juice running down her fingers. Vida made a low noise in the back of his throat and she gave him a curious look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” His voice was hoarse. “Are you enjoying your meal, little flower?”

  “Yes,” she said. “So much. Where did you cook the meat?”

  Vida’s hands were clenched around his fork and knife and he was studying her mouth. “There is a shallower cave not far from this one. I use it to skin the animals and cook them.”

  “Oh.” She popped another piece of fruit into her mouth. “You’re really good at the whole jungle living thing.”

  He just shrugged and finally started to eat as she sat back in her chair and studied the cavern. “Man, I wish I knew how all this stuff got here.”

  “There is something I will show you when I return you to your friends.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, “but I think it may be from the same world as these things are.”

  “Okay. Hey, would you mind if I had another bath before we left? I want to take advantage of the warm water.”

  “I do not mind.”

  “Thank you.” She stood. “Um, are you going to join me?”

  He shook his head and she immediately felt stupid. She needed to be apologizing for last night, not trying to tempt him into another round. “Vida, I need to apologize for last night. I was very, uh, upset about Solomon cheating on me, and about almost dying. I acted inappropriately with you because of it and I won’t do it again.”

  He cocked his head at her. “You no longer wish to fuck me?”

  Her face flamed red. “Well, um, I just meant that, I mean… you don’t want to have sex with me, so why does it matter what I want?”

  Before he could reply, she pushed away from the table and headed toward the bathing cavern. “Never mind. I just wanted to say I’m sorry, and that I won’t take advantage of you like that again.”

  * * *

  “Holy shit.” Rose stared at the vehicle in front of her. “It’s a moving truck.”

  After her bath, Vida had brought her clothes to her and she’d dressed as he blew out the candles and strapped a machete around his waist. He’d led her through the jungle
silently. She was completely lost within minutes, but Vida moved confidently and without hesitation. When he led her past a particularly large clump of bushes and showed her the moving truck, she’d nearly fallen over from shock.

  “What is a moving truck?” Vida asked.

  Rose moved closer and studied the vehicle. It was starting to rust and over the years, vines had wrapped around the tires and started to crawl up the smooth sides. In ten years, the moving truck would be completely covered by vines and a person could walk by it without ever knowing it was here. It creeped her out a little, the way the jungle was simply starting to swallow it whole like a snake with a mouse.

  “Flower?” Vida touched her arm. “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head and rubbed away the goose bumps that had risen on her skin. “No. Just creeped out a little.”

  “What does ‘U-Haul’ mean?” Vida asked.

  Rose studied the lettering on the side of the truck. “In our world, you use these trucks to move your stuff from one house to another. Instead of hiring someone to do it for you, you do it yourself.”

  “Oh.” Vida didn’t look like he understood.

  She touched the smooth side of the moving truck. “It explains why there’s all that stuff in the cavern. The people that lived there before you obviously got sucked through the orb in the moving truck. That’s why they had all their stuff with them.”

  She studied the jungle around them as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. “What part of the jungle are we in?”

  “We’re near where the orb left us.”

  “That makes sense,” she replied. “They wouldn’t have been able to get the truck through the jungle. I can’t believe they moved all their stuff from here to the caverns. We’ve walked a few miles at least, right? How the hell did they get -”

  “Hush, flower.” Vida’s big body had gone stiff. She watched with wide-eyes as he scanned the jungle and automatically moved a little closer to him.

  “Vida?” She whispered. “What is it? Is it the pinkies?”


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