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Wait for Me

Page 18

by Shannon Alexander

  Things remain pretty calm around the house after I return from New York.

  Heath blew up my phone so much, I eventually had to call and change my number with the phone company.

  Mom and Dad are supportive of my plans to continue to write for the magazine, but stay here in Georgia.

  Evan, Tyler and I spend nearly all of our time together.

  And Tyler… He’s waiting. He is patient as can possibly be. That doesn’t mean he isn’t trying.

  He still grabs little feels here and there when he thinks no one is watching.

  When Evan goes to bed at night, he is always waiting downstairs with a snack, a drink and a movie.

  He’s everywhere. All of the time. He finds it hilarious that I am trying so hard. I try to act tough and push him away, or tease a bit, but the truth is I do love him, but I am sticking to my plan of being single for as long as possible.

  Of course, I didn’t realize that my plan would be so short lived.

  Chapter forty-three

  We are all hanging out in the pool, Dad, Tyler, Evan and I. It’s one of those really horribly hot September Georgia days, when you just want to stay in the pool or in the air conditioned house all day.

  Mom makes us all sweet tea and brings Evan out yet another Popsicle.

  Dad decided a few weeks ago to bring Tyler into the family business. He lost one of the workers who was living in the apartments on the property, the man had a loss in the family and moved back to California. Leaving Dad down a worker, but also someone he trusted to work on the billing.

  Dad had a professional do the billing, but after a while he decided that he needed someone on the inside make sure everything was adding up. Life lesson for dad that I won’t really get into.

  Anyway, Dad asked Tyler if he would be up for the job. He would work wherever he was, Dad would give him the numbers and Tyler’s job is to make sure they add up.

  Of course Tyler couldn’t say no, and Dad is paying him really well.

  His physical therapy is still going well, he’s walking perfectly and they have had him running on a treadmill, it has been miraculous to say the least.

  His panic attacks have dimmed down too. He still has a few here and there, his medication works really well for him, as well as the therapy he goes to every other week. But he still has a hard time with loud noises. I have had to wake him up a few times in the middle of the night with nightmares, but only a couple of times, and he usually calms down quickly with his anti-anxiety medication, he has me stay with him for a while and then he falls back to sleep.

  Everything is mellow until we get a call from Tyler’s Mom in tears.

  “They want the baby, they changed their minds.”

  Tyler had her on speaker phone, we were sitting in the living room one night after dinner, Mom had Evan in the den painting.

  “Who wants to take her?” Tyler asks

  “Jessica’s parents. I guess her father feels that the child belongs with them after all. I called a friend who is a lawyer who was able to find out, that her father is up for re-election there and he wants to use the baby and Jessica’s mental health situation as part of his ad campaign, gain sympathy from the voters.”

  Tyler starts shaking his leg up and down.

  “Can they do that?” He asks her.

  Dad comes in and sits in his chair.

  “They can and they are, there is an emergency hearing first thing in the morning, right here in town. Can you be there?” She asks

  “Of course Mom.” Tyler replies.

  When we hang up with Tyler’s Mom, Dad asks what is going on.

  Tyler explains the whole situation.

  “I’ll call my lawyer, maybe he can be there just in case.” Dad offers.

  “That would be great, Dad, thank you.” I say.

  Tyler seems to have gone quiet.

  “What’s up?” I ask him.

  “Josh, he didn’t want his daughter with those people. Even if Jessica was lying, what kind of man sends his sick daughter half way across the world for treatment just so she won’t interfere with his political image? That baby cannot go there, Alyssa. She can’t.”

  I rub his back, trying to comfort him.

  “Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?” I offer.

  Tyler jerks his head up to look at me “you would do that? You would come with me?”

  “Of course I would, if you need me, I’ll be there.”

  “That would mean a lot.”

  Mom brings Evan in several moments later. Evan is covered in paint. Laughing at something my Mom has said. When she sees the serious expressions the three of us are wearing, she smiles at Evan, and takes him upstairs to give him a bath to wash all the paint off.

  Later that night, I am sitting on the couch with Mom.

  “The judge won’t be able to ignore the baby’s family, they will send her to live with them.”

  I frown. “Is there anything you think Sharon can do?”

  “I think if Tyler is going to be the saving point on this one. He almost died trying to save Josh, if there is any wiggle room on this case, I think Tyler will be the one to get it.”

  I don’t get a chance to ask her to go deeper into her line of thinking. Evan and Tyler are done playing with his race cars in the living room, and he’s ready for bed.

  “Will you help me?” I ask Tyler

  He’s never helped me put Evan to bed before, but I think it is time.

  “Of course.” Tyler agrees.

  Evan gets excited at the idea of Tyler helping to tuck him into bed.

  When we get upstairs, Tyler and I take turns reading one of Evan’s favorite books; “I Love you Stinky Face.”

  Before we reach the part with the Cyclops, Evan has fallen fast asleep.

  “I honestly couldn’t imagine a single day away from this little boy. I wouldn’t have survived leaving him if I had known about him 3 years ago.”

  I nod in understanding. The bond that has built between the two of them is amazing, and slightly shocking. I didn’t think that Evan would grow so attached to Tyler so quickly, but it makes me so wonderful inside that they have.

  “I’m really tired, I am going to take a shower and head to bed.” I tell him.

  He smiles. “I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks again for agreeing to do this with me, Alysa. I really appreciate it.”

  Chapter forty-two.

  The Judge is not happy that he had to be called in for an emergency custody hearing.

  Sharon’s lawyer presents the case and information. A big screen displays the conference call of Jessica’s parent’s and their lawyer in France.

  They present a very solid case. They are a stable family, with an abundance of money and they feel the child is better off with them.

  Sharon’s lawyer doesn’t have much to follow up on.

  However Dad’s lawyer gets up and presents a case that blows my mind.

  He brings up Jessica, how her family sent her away to avoid dealing with her mental health issues.

  The fact that Jessica came to the United States, committed murder and several other acts, didn’t look good for the family trying to pretend they were the Cleaver’s.

  The Judge looks to Sharon and asks her about the child’s day to day life.

  Sharon tells the judge honestly, that the 7 month old spends most of her day in Day Care. I can tell right away that the judge does not like this. Jessica’s Mother is a stay at home mom.

  The conference call with Jessica’s parents goes out suddenly. The judge decides to continue moving forward with the hearing.

  “I see here, that you Son Tyler is listed as the biological mother’s Ex-husband, is that correct?”

  Tyler stands up. “That is correct, Your Honor.”

  “And you are technically the child’s legal guardian, based on this paperwork that Josh McDonald had filed before he was sent overseas last year, correct?”

  “I had no idea that took place Your Honor.” Tyler admits. �
��My mother took the child in when she was born, so that Jaylynn would not be placed into Foster care.”

  The Judge nods at Tyler’s response.

  “Do you have any intentions of ever taking on your Legal Guardian duties, Mr. Pierce?”

  Tyler looks at our family Lawyer and then to me. “I never thought of it. I have been dealing with the medical issues which caused my military discharge six months ago, but I could help my Mom to take care of her.”

  “Mr. Pierce, I am going to be honest here. I want the child to be in a home with both a Mother and a Father. Your Mother is not married, so she cannot provide that. Your ex-wife’s family has that. I see no reason to not grant them custody over this child.”

  The Judge raises his gavel and I jump up before my common sense can tell me to keep my ass sitting.

  “He’s getting married Your Honor.”

  The Judge stops, his hand still in mid-air.

  Everyone is looking at me.

  “Who are you, young lady?” The Judge asks.

  I step forward “I am Alyssa Abbot, Your Honor, I am the mother of Mr. Pierce’s child.

  “What are you doing?” Tyler whispers.

  I shake my head no at him. Trying to get him to be quiet.

  “Continue.” The Judge orders

  “Tyler and I, we have a son Evan he will be 4 in a few months. Tyler and I are currently caring for him together. I am a writer for a magazine in New York and a stay at home Mom. Tyler works for my Dad’s cotton company, and we live with them. Not for a lack of resources of course, but just until Tyler is back up on his feet 100%.”

  The Judge rubs his chin in a thoughtful manner. “And you two are raising your son together? You intend on getting married?”

  I nod “Yes Your Honor, we do. I love him, I have loved him for way too long to not marry him.” I am looking at Tyler now.

  “Neither of us really thought about raising Jaylynn ourselves, but I couldn’t live with myself if she was sent clear across the country with a family that would lose her in the shuffle of their busy political lives. She’s a beautiful little girl, and I just know that she would be happier with us, than she would anywhere else.”

  Remember when you were a kid, and you would cross your fingers behind your back, so that your parents wouldn’t know you were lying to their faces? That is kind of how I was feeling right now. I didn’t even know if Tyler would want to marry me, but I had a feeling that was the least of our issues.

  “I need a little time to consider this new development. I am calling for a Recess. Court will resume in 15 minutes.” The Judge smacks his Gavel down and we all rise until he is out of the courtroom.

  “What the hell are you doing, Alyssa.” Tyler asks me, turning me to him.

  “She can’t be with those people Tyler, she’s just a little baby, they failed one child, and we can’t let that happen again. If you and I can do something to keep her here, then we have to do it. Right?”

  Tyler nods “But marriage, I thought you were taking care of you right now?”

  “Maybe it won’t come to that.” I smile

  Tyler laughs. He walks over to talk to Sharon, who seems just as concerned as she has all morning. I know she is horrified at the idea of Jessica’s parents taking the baby.

  The Judge comes back in 15 minutes later.

  “I have made a decision. Although not one I came to lightly.”

  My stomach drops.

  This can’t be good for us.

  “I have decided to grant custody to Mr. Pierce and Miss Abbot under one condition. They are to get married today, proving to the court they are a united couple officially and move to legally adopt the child. If you are willing to accept these conditions, I will release the child into your custody and dismiss the case brought forth by the other party.”

  Tyler looks at me. Then at my Mom and Dad sitting in the back row with Evan. They came in a few minutes ago, our Lawyer must have called them.

  I see Dad nod out of the corner of my eye, while I watch Tyler for his decision.

  “Are you sure about this Lyss? This isn’t the way I saw any of this going.”

  “What in a courthouse, or with me?”

  “Yes in a courthouse, I always dreamed that we would get married with every single person we loved in attendance, you in a beautiful white dress me wearing something that I haven’t owned since I was 17.”

  I laugh at the last part. He had no dress shoes, he had to run to his Mom’s this morning and grab one of his old pairs. I made fun of him for an hour.

  “Tyler, I love you, you know that. It doesn’t matter where we get married, just as long as you understand that I am not just doing this for the baby, but because I know that you are who I belong with. I am doing this for me, for you, for Evan. We belong together, now is as good of a time as any.”

  Tyler looks back at the Judge “We accept your conditions.”

  The Judge smiles “Well then. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  45 minutes later, I am officially Mrs. Tyler Pierce.

  So not how I saw our day unfolding, but I am beyond happy.

  Chapter forty-four

  When we get home that night, I decide that now is the time we have to tell Evan that Tyler is his Dad.

  He’s upstairs in his room, “reading” one of his books when we come in.

  “Hey bud.” I announce entering the room.

  His eyes light up when he sees me, he jumps out of his bed and runs across the room into my arms. “Mommy!” he exclaims.

  “Hey, Mommy and Tyler need to talk to you, can you sit down on my bed for a second.”

  “Is this about leaving my Legos outside again? I sorry Mama.”

  I laugh, Mom won’t find it so funny when she heads out in the morning to do her Yoga.

  “Remember how we went to the zoo that day last year, and you asked me why all the other kids had daddies and you didn’t?”

  I didn’t think he would remember, but I push on.

  “Mommy told you that you did have a Daddy, but that he was far away.”

  Evan nods his head. Looking at Tyler and me, waiting for me to hurry up and finish.

  “Well, Tyler is your Daddy. He was far away when you were born, but he is here now.”

  I wait for Evan to say something, but he doesn’t. I look to Tyler for help.

  “Are you okay with that Monster Man, if I am your Daddy?”

  Tyler and I wait for a reaction, any kind of reaction.

  Several moments later, Evan bursts out into a fit of giggles and climbs onto Tyler’s lap. When he stops laughing he looks at Tyler and says “I glad that you are my Daddy, you like trains too.”

  And that was it. He asked if it was okay to start calling Tyler Daddy, Tyler of course agreed and the rest was done. I guess all you needed to make the kid happy was an appreciation of trains.

  We later explained as gently as possible the situation with Jaylynn. That she was a baby who didn’t have a Mommy or Daddy, and that we were going to be her new family.

  “Does she like trains too?” Evan asks

  “No, not yet, but she will as she gets older, because you are going to teach her all about them, right?”

  “Okay, Mama. I really sleepy now.”

  I laugh and tuck him into bed, kissing him on the cheek.

  Tyler does the same. “Goodnight, Evan. I love you.”

  “I love you too, tomorrow will you show me how to play baseball just like you?”

  “Of course, Little Man, anything you want.” Tyler replies

  My heart flips in my chest.

  When we close the door to my room, I grab the baby monitor off the hall way table.

  Tyler grabs my hand. “That was the second most beautiful thing I have heard all day.”

  “What?” I ask, playing dumb

  “He just called me Daddy and told me he loves me.” Tyler beams

  “What was the first thing?” I ask.

  “When the Judge declared you, Mrs. T
yler Pierce!”

  He pulls me into a deep kiss. I melt into his arms.

  When he finally lets me go it’s only to pull me towards his room.

  “We have a marriage to consummate.” He laughs.

  And consummate we did. Four times.


  Life with a baby was not as hard to get use to as I thought it would be.

  Of course, Jaylynn didn’t seem to like sleeping through the night, but Tyler and I had a good system, we switched off for her night time feedings and eventually we got her sleeping through the whole night.

  Evan loves her. He never wants to let anyone else feed her when he is awake.

  I am head over heels for her already. I thought it might be a little odd because she didn’t belong to me or Tyler, but she is the sweetest little thing.

  Tyler has been working so hard with Dad. Saving money like crazy so that we can move into our own house.

  Not that we need the money, but he insists.

  Dad had a mild issue a month ago. Not a full blown heart attack, but the Doctor’s want him to cut back on his work days and take it easy.

  Mom and Dad have been quiet and serious ever since. Not with us, but they are planning something.

  They finally have Matt over, who brings Stacy. They have officially been dating for the last 2 months, although we all know it has been much longer than that. They got a house last month not far from here. I couldn’t be more excited that my brother and best friend are a thing.

  “We have some things to discuss with you all.” Mom announces once everyone is situated and all 3 babies are sleeping in my old room, now the nursery. I sleep with Tyler now, of course.

  “Matt, I know you have your heart set on being a lawyer, it is your passion and I would never do anything to steer you otherwise. I want to know how willing you would be to give all of that up and take over the family business in time?”

  Matt looks at me and then back to Dad. “I want to be a lawyer, I know the farm is something that has been passed down, but I never thought I would really have to worry about it. I haven’t done any of the work since I was in High School.”

  “That’s okay, Son. I understand, I do. So I have made a decision, Tyler; I am going to train you to take over the family business. You are married to my daughter, you already work with me. You are the perfect person for the job.” Dad seems pretty excited to share this news.


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