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Jace: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 5

by Roxanne Greening

  Slipping a hand into her hair I weave my fingers into it. Then I make a fist. Pulling her head back slightly. I take control of the kiss.

  My other hand slips down her body. Pausing at her breast. I give each nipple a nice tug. Her moans are swallowed by my kiss.

  Continuing its journey, I reach her pussy. My fingers caress her nether lips. Parting them slightly I run one finger over her clit. Light as a feather. I repeat the motion six times.

  She squirms and moans. Trying to get me to touch her harder. Deeper. Taking pity on her. I put a little more pressure into my touch. Then I grip it between two fingers. A pinch and a tug and then she’s coming hard.

  Not stopping. I drag my fingers from her clit to her tight hole. My fingers circle it slowly. Her hips thrust against mine. Slipping two fingers in hard.

  I slam them all the way home. Her pussy clutches my fingers. Her wetness making the entry much smoother. Her pussy clenches and sucks at my fingers.

  Pulling them back slowly, then slamming them back inside. Has her screaming for more? I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I need inside her now.

  Gritting my teeth. I fight the need to remove my fingers and pound her pussy with my nine-inch cock. Pound her so fucking hard walking would be difficult. All those mother fuckers we needed to see today would know who she belonged to.

  A few more thrusts. I curl my fingers. Ella starts screaming as her pussy clamps down on my hand. Pulling my hand free. I don’t give her the chance to come down from her high.

  I turn her around. Pressing her into the tiled wall behind her. I grab both her hips and pull them closer to me. The rest of her tries to follow. No, we can’t have that.

  I place my hand between her shoulders gently pushing her back into the tiles. Her nipples press into the cold tile. Using my other hand, I line my cock up to her pussy.

  Rubbing it up and down. Hitting her clit over and over. Little cock slaps. Coating my cock in her juices. Once it’s lined up perfectly with her hole. I move my hand to her hip. Then my other hand wraps up in her hair.

  Load after fucking load shot out of my cock like a horse in a race. My hips kept thrusting on their own accord. Pumping my cum into her pussy like it was trying to hammer it into her womb.

  Her pussy was still clamped onto my dick. Both of us locked in the through of our orgasms. I almost blacked out. I came that fucking hard. Ella’s voice has gone hoarse. Her legs gave out. I held onto her hips tightly. Keeping her in place as my cock finished emptying.

  When it was finally done. My knees felt weak. Picking Ella up into my arms I carry her to the bed and gently laid her down. She smiles at me with her eyes closed. Walking into the bathroom, I collect a warm wash cloth and slowly wash her. Then I wash myself.

  Throwing it into the hamper. I turn back to Ella, who is sound asleep. Quickly climbing into bed with her. I spoon her from behind. Kissing her head, I let sleep take me.

  Chapter 9


  Stretching out I roll over and look at the clock on the end table. Hmm, five o’clock. Dinner time. I need to get up and go help Emilia put it together. I want to do my part. Staying here is a privilege. I know this from growing up in the club life. Allowing guests to stay in your inner sanctum was not something that is required.

  Beau and Emilia have kindly given us a safe place to stay. Helping her by taking some of the load off was the least I could do. Plus, I’ve learned from watching Tessa that being pregnant isn’t easy. Being pregnant with twins that is a whole other playing field all in its self.

  Sitting up I climb off the bed. Looking around the floor for my clothes and coming up empty. Shit. I look around the rest of the room. There in the chair. The clothes I was wearing earlier were sitting there folded neatly. Right next to them was my bag.

  I love that man. He’s so thoughtful. Giving one more big stretch I make my way over to my bag. Digging in I pull out my travel kit. Shampoo. Conditioner, body wash, loofah, shaving cream and my razor.

  I collect some clean clothes and underwear. Turning I walk to the bathroom. Setting my clean clothes on the bench near the door. I start the shower making sure the water is just right. Grabbing my essentials, I step into the warm spray.

  I sigh in pleasure. Heaven. Absolute heaven. I just stand there. Letting the water caress my body lovingly. All my aches slowly dissipate. Knowing I can’t stay in here long I grab the shampoo and massages it into my hair.

  After I get it into a nice lather I rinse and then condition my hair. From there I make quick work with the rest of my body. I dry off quickly and dress in record time. Running a brush through my hair while I hop around on one foot. Trying to use my other hand to put my boots on.

  After a few wall stumbles and multiple curses. I walk down the hall to the kitchen. Just in time too. Emilia was rummaging through the cupboards. “Emilia.” I say loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough not to scare the shit out of her. That’s all I need. Scaring her into labor just like I did Tessa.

  Emilia turns and looks at me. Her smile is bright. “Ella.” she says happily. Her happiness is contagious. The smile on my face gets so big it hurts. “I’ve got dinner tonight. How about you just sit at the table and watch.” I tell her sweetly.

  Spaghetti pops into my head. Looking in the cupboards I make sure everything I need is there before I announce to the pregnant lady what’s on the menu. I learned that lesson from Tessa also. One night I was cooking dinner. She asked what I was planning to make.

  So, I told her only to find out I didn’t have what I needed to make said dish. She about ripped my head off. Sending Brandon to get supplies was fun. It felt like payback for the whore he fucked last night. I had her yell at him when he refused. It was like a fire was lit under his ass. He all but flew out the door.

  Remembering that makes me laugh under my breath. I found so much entertainment from that moment for a long fucking time. That memory brings me back to the night I scared Tessa into labor. She was in the kitchen sneaking my cookies. I had just told her to wait. I was getting ready to make dinner and Axel had put his foot down on the junk she kept scarfing down.

  He made it clear that she needed to eat healthy before she ate the sugary stuff. So here she was in the kitchen shoving cookies into her mouth. I had stepped out to get some garlic for spaghetti. She had obviously taken the opportunity to devour a few handfuls of cookies. “Oh Tessa.” I sing loudly.

  She drops the cookies in her hands with a scream. Then a moan. I watch in horror as her water broke. Right there on the kitchen floor. Axel came rushing into the room like the zombie apocalypse had happened. There must have been a horde chasing him. I had thought in that moment.

  The confirmation came when the majority of the club members came rushing into the room behind him. Angry snarls on their face. Ready to face down death if necessary. She was eight months along. So, she wasn’t early. Not for twins anyway.

  That thought has me looking over at Emilia who was about seven months along. Maybe I should make something else. No. I change my mind. Spaghetti is fucking awesome and I just know she's going to love it. I know for a fact Jace loves it.

  Giving her a small smile and crossing my fingers behind my back in hopes she doesn’t go into labor because of this dish. I tell her. “Spaghetti.” Her squeal of happiness echoes in the quiet room. I guess I made the right choice.

  “I just love spaghetti.” She announces in excitement. “The definitely spaghetti” I say with a laugh. I get to work frying up the hamburger, garlic and onions. I start pulling all the other ingredients out. I walk back over to the fridge and get a can of beer. The alcohol cooks out quickly.

  After about a half hour or so I have dinner ready. Just as I was starting to wonder when the boys would show up. They come rushing into the room. I hold them back with a look. I plate Emilia’s food first. I hand it over to Beau. Who quickly places it in front of her.

  She was already diving in. He quickly retrieved some milk for her. I plate his and
Jace’s food next. Making sure to make a plate for myself first. Jace places it on the table for me. I start handing out plates as the men one by one walked through the door for theirs. Their quick departure after collecting their goodies has me laughing.

  Jace voice rings out in the now quiet kitchen. “Sweet heart come eat your food.” I turn to him with a smile and do as he ordered. I sit down with a sigh. Jace has already gotten me a glass of pop. I look around the table. They all had waited for me. All but Emilia who was working on her second plate. I took no offense to this.

  “You didn’t have to wait for me.” I tell them. Emilia looks up from her plate with pink cheeks and an apology. I wave my hand at her. “You. Don’t worry. I know from experience. Well, not my own. But my friend Tessa has told me all about carrying twins. So just eat until your hearts content.” I say with a wave and a smile.

  My reward was a smile from both her and Beau. Jace rubs my leg and places a kiss on my neck. Leaning forward I start devouring my food. I’m fucking starving. Having missed lunch and the work out Jace gave me. Well, let’s just say I’m famished.

  Moans and forks scraping the plates were the only noises in the kitchen. When all the plates were empty. I stand and gather them up. I place them in the sink. Getting ready to wash them. I start when a hand closes on my shoulder.

  I look up at the owner of said hand. Beau looks at me with a brotherly smile. “That was fucking fantastic Ella. Thanks for giving Emilia a break. She insists on cooking. I’ve told her over and over again. Club whores can do it. But she refuses.” he sighs in exasperation then continues. “The club whores have dish duty.”

  I give a slight shrug and wipe my hands off. “I love cooking and I was happy to help Emilia.” I tell him with a smile. “Good. Good, let’s all go out and enjoy a fire under the stars. Emilia really enjoys that. I think you will too.” Beau says kindly.

  Jace comes over after Beau walks off. I take in his clean clothes and raise an eyebrow in question. “Club shit baby.” He says quietly. I believe him. Not for a second had I thought he was seeing someone else. I was just wondering when he changed. I got my answer. Probably right before dinner.

  “Oh, Ella you don’t need to do that.” she replies. Even still she tottles over to the table, taking a seat. “What were you thinking for dinner?” I ask her. “Nothing much I have hamburger out. I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it.” she replies with a shrug.

  Just like I’m pretty sure I know what said business was. Some very bloody business. Giving him a kiss. Trying to convey in that kiss how much I trust him. I felt him relax. Guess he was worried.

  Stepping back, I give him a pat on the chest. “Let's go. I want to see the stars and enjoy that fire Beau promised. Maybe some s’mores.” I say with a smile. His laughter follows me out of the kitchen. He comes rushing up behind me and grabs me about the waist. Pulling me to him. My feet leave the floor. As he hugs me from behind.

  Life was perfect. I sigh in happiness. I love this man. It wasn’t always the case, though. When he first started babysitting me, I hated him. He pushed Brandon out. I no longer got to spend time with Brandon.

  I watched him whore from afar. But it wasn’t as bad when he spent all of his days with me. But then he wasn’t and Jace got front row seats. He got to watch Brandon fuck one girl after another. Just like me. I could see another emotion in his eyes every once in a while. Pity. It was pity. Jace the ice man had pity for me.

  I fucking hated him for it. I was ashamed that I loved Brandon even though he hurt me. Not physically. But emotionally. Every time he slept with one of them my heart took a stabbing. I would lash out at Jace in anger.

  I hated him because I couldn’t hate Brandon. I think that made it hurt much worse. Jace kept his woman secret. If he fucked them, I had no clue. Brandon taunted me with it. I felt like he knew that he was hurting me and didn’t care. That he knew I would always love and want him. I thought that too.

  Thank everything that is holy I pulled my head from my ass. Finally, really looking at Jace. I realized he was a silent rock next to me. Always giving me support without him even realizing it. He was always there for me.

  After a while I started smiling at him. Really talking to him. I started looking forward to our time together. He made me feel important. Like he wanted to be there. That he felt privileged to be there. I wasn’t a burden to him like I was with Brandon.

  It felt fucking amazing. Jace became my friend. Then I started to feel more than just friendship for him. I had already lost whatever feeling I had for Brandon. A long fucking time ago. When I realized I felt something for Jace. It was like a slap to the head. The feelings had been creeping up on me for a while.

  For the longest time, I thought he would never see me that way. I longed for him. But I didn’t want to fuck up our friendship so I kept silent. I sat there one night and analyzed the situation. Did I project my feelings for Brandon onto Jace because he was there? Is that the reason I finally gave up on Brandon?

  The answers were no. I had lost whatever love I had for Brandon that first six months with Jace. I didn’t start to see Jace that way until... Well, fuck me. It just came to me. Six months after Brandon. I wanted Jace for a fucking year. A whole year before he showed me any kind of sign he wanted me to.

  I turn in Jace’s arms and kiss his lips. One peck, two pecks, three pecks and then a real deep kiss. I love this man. Even if he never loves me back. I will love him always. Always and forever. Jace is it for me. He’s my other half.

  The very idea he may not love me back. It’s like a spear to my heart. I kiss him harder. I will overcome it though. I have to. The alternative is a life without him. I couldn’t see that now. Not after everything we shared. If he left me today. This very moment. There would never be another.

  I can't see myself with another person. I didn’t even feel this for Brandon. This all-consuming need to be with him. The desire to never part. The idea of other men revolts me. I know people say time will change things. No. not this. If they had experienced this. They would know there is no going back. No changing.

  This is nothing time can or will change. This is it for me. I may only be twenty-one. People may think it’s too young to know. But I do. This is my future. My forever. Jace is my other half. He completes me. No one else could compare or fill those shoes.

  Turning with a laugh, I run down the hall and out the back door. I was promised a fire. Fire and stars. I want both.

  Chapter 10


  After leaving Ella in our bed. I dress and make my way to the main room. I had received a text from Beau. It was time to play. Play with our new friends. The very idea has the darkness and ice making its way to the forefront.

  I haven’t had this kind of fun in a long fucking time. Beau was already waiting for me. Leaving Ella was difficult all that creamy soft skin. This needs to happen for multiple reasons. The fuckers who took Beaus old lady, Emilia a few months ago, were out in that shed.

  Some of them anyway. There was also a possibility there were more woman in cages. Courtesy of that prick John. The motherfucker who was helping Trevor take Tessa. That same mother fucker was after Emilia. He locked her in a cage. Along with other women.

  Looking over at Hyde. Who at that very moment was sitting with his old lady Lucy. Lucy was a beauty. She had nothing on my Ella. But with her red hair cut into a bob, short five foot three height, blue eyes and gentle rounded abdomen with what looks like a baby bump. She was cute.

  Don’t tell Hyde that. He’ll cut your balls off and feed them to you. He is a little territorial and slightly over protective of his old lady. I felt sorry for anyone stupid enough who thought it was a good idea to get too close.

  “Hyde getting in on this?” I ask Beau. “No, the fucker doesn’t want to be away from Lucy. Not that I blame him. With them this close it has him on edge.” Beau growls out in frustration. “Jackal will be joining us though.” I give him a nod.

  Speak of the f
ucker and he will appear. Jackal comes sauntering out of the kitchen. Munching on a cookie. The wicked smile he sends my way has my hackles rising. “Ella makes some fine cookies. Very sweet and delicious. I wonder if she’s as sweet and delicious?” he jokes.

  One minute he’s standing, the next he’s on his ass. I punched him fucking hard. The fucker. I have to fight the urge to get in another hit. Beau just laughs. “You had that one coming Jackal. Thought you learned your lesson. When you pulled that shit with Lucy and Hyde knocked your ass out.”

  Huh. Wonder what he did to piss off his twin. If it was anything like the shit he just said to me. Well, I guess he should be thankful Hyde’s his twin. The last man who made a joke about Lucy. At least when I was here and witnessed it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the last though.

  This moron at a coffee shop, grabbed at Lucy. Making some lewd nasty comment about wanting a piece of her. Hyde dragged his ass out the door. Down an alley. Then proceeded to cut his hand off. The hand that touched his precious Lucy.

  Shit, I would have done the fucking same. After a few threats and a little cash, the man scampered off to the hospital. He was watched for a few weeks. Smart man that he was didn’t go to the cops.

  Jackal collects himself off the floor. I look to the door. We need to get this shit started. I feel the need crawl up my back. The need to maim, torture, create fear and screams. The stuff dreams were made of. My dreams anyway. More like their nightmares are made of.

  Beau starts walking in the direction of the back door. I was right on his heels. Jackal stumbled behind us. Stupid fuck should have kept his mouth shut. He’s one lucky son of a bitch. If Beau, Axel, Jackal. Hyde, Brandon, Jesse, Garret and I hadn’t grown up together. Well, I might have needed to gut the prick.

  But we’re legacy the eight of us. We all have our parts to play. Our kids will grow up together just like we did. Ensuring the legacy and the club continued. Having allies in this world was a lifesaving affair. You need it like the air you need to breath. Were fifth generation club legacies.


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