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Jace: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 6

by Roxanne Greening

  “You know I was just fucking with you man. Ella’s yours. We all know this.” Jackal says. I look over my shoulder at him as I walk through the open doorway. “I know man. But you deserved that hit.” I reply good naturally.

  Jackal shrugs and laughs. “Yeah man. But it was worth it. That look on your face was priceless.” I glare at him. Contemplating another punch. Maybe this time a black eye would do him some good. “Don’t say that shit in front of Ella.” I tell him coldly.

  “No shit man. I may joke with you. But Ella is like a sister to me. I would gut the man who said that shit to her.” he says darkly. “You would have to get in line fucker. I would gut the mother fucker first.” I reply.

  He just laughs. I keep walking. A little faster than I was. Beau was a good way ahead. Anticipation thrums through me. There is no need to go easy on these bastards. Caging innocent woman. They’re going to get everything they had coming to them.

  We have no idea how many of John’s men survived the fight. The fight for Emilia. Guess Beau got the shock of his life. Not only did they find Emilia and multiple other woman in cages. They found out Emilia was a missing mafia princess.

  The missing sister to our buyers. The same buyers all the legacy families have been dealing with since the beginning. Emilia thought she was an orphan. Talk about shocking. I don’t wish to be Beau. If he upsets Emilia. Well, let’s just say there will be hell to pay.

  Reaching the shed. My mind goes blank. Then the demon rushes to the forefront. My friend, my constant, the only thing I’ve ever really known. The coldness settles over me like a blanket. Ella has been the only one to make this disappear.

  This was a constant in my life until her. The emotionless, cold. Her fire and caring warmed me in a way that terrifies me. I was raised to be this man. The man standing here right now. I take them in the men I will be getting information from.

  I was called in for this very reason. Sure, Axel was good. But I was the best. I would break these two. I will tear down their walls with pain. I will destroy their very souls to get what I need to know. The tubs they were sitting in were filled with ice. Melted ice. But ice none the less.

  I look at Beau. “Really. Fucking ice? This isn’t going to make it easier.” I tell him. They're going to be slightly numb. Sure, it will hurt. But it won’t be as painful as I want it to be. Walking over to the closest I crouch down.

  Eyes level with his I ask. “What’s your name?” he just whimpers in response. I let out a sigh. Pulling the knife, I keep sheathed at my side. A beautiful eight-inch knife. Sharp enough to shave with.

  Reaching over I grab his ear. Sliding the knife up behind his ear I put slight pressure on the knife. Blood wells up and pours down his neck. He screams in discomfort. His ears have plenty of feeling. I smile. “Name.” I demand.

  He just shakes his head. Very slightly. I got the meaning though. Putting the knife back behind his ear. I slide it up to the top and pull it down. Kind of like taking a chuck from an apple. His ear falls off into my hand easily.

  He screams again. Tears are running down his face almost as much as the blood running down his neck. “Guess he didn’t hear me. Here you need an Ear?” I ask him. Then I put his ear into his hand with a smile.

  His eyes get big. Fear was clear to see. “So now that I know you have an ear to hear from. What's your fucking name.” I demand coldly. “Joe. It’s Joe.” he cries. Now I want to play with him. I think he might make it a little too easy. A sad thought that.

  “Well, Joe. What the fuck were you doing? Stealing our guns? After the extra cash?” I ask him. Please refuse to answer I really want to cut his nipple off.

  “The boat. We were after the boat. The guns were a bonus. We wanted access to the boat. We were told to talk to the captain about taking on other shipments.” The words are rushed. “Did the captain agree?” I ask him. “We didn’t get a chance to talk to him. These men showed up and grabbed us.” his response was quick.

  “What were you trying to ship out Joe?” I ask him quietly. My voice has taken on a deadly tone. Silence. He doesn’t say anything. Oh Joe. Thank you. I reach for his nipple. My other hand moves fast. One second it was at my side the next I was handing Joe his nipple.

  His screams were like music. A very beautiful symphony. It dances along my nerves in pure ecstasy. This is my haven. This is the world I know. “So, Joe. Want to enlighten us? What were you planning to ship?” I ask him. Happiness was clear to hear in my voice.

  “The girls. We were shipping some of the girls.” he whimpers. Anger surges through me. So, there are more. More innocent, scared woman locked in cages. “What was the plan for these girls Joe?” I ask. It was one of the things we couldn’t ask the dead.

  Emilia’s brothers and Beau cleaned house that day. Leaving no one standing. At this point we have no idea how many are left and how many girls have been taken. Let alone what they’re doing with them. We all have an idea about what’s happening and it makes my skin crawl.

  He doesn’t respond fast enough. I slice his other nipple off. Holding it up pinched between two fingers I wave it around a little. “Well, Joe that was number two. If I calculated this right, that’s all the nipples you have. Hmm, what should I take next.” I say loudly over his wails.

  “He sells them. To high profile clients overseas. They’re auctioned off and shipped out.” he cries. I reach for a finger and cut it off. Holding it up for him to see. “What happens to them Joe? Do you even know what's done to them?” I ask him coldly.

  “Do you have any idea what they live through Joe? Have you ever asked yourself that? Every time you ship them out. Do you think about them Joe?” hatred. I feel hatred for this fucking asshole. I was going to tear him apart.

  “How many have you shipped out Joe?” I ask him quietly. His friend is watching this with wide eyes. Yes. Yes, mother fucker your next. “This was the first shipment. After the attack and that lost shipment it took some time to get new merchandise. There were a few girls sent out. Not many. Maybe twenty.” he whimpers.

  Not many. Is this asshole serious. “Joe, do you have kids? A wife maybe?” I ask him. He looked to be twenty-three or so. Not very old. But old enough to have a family. His eyes get bigger. More tears fall. But I get no response.

  I reach for another finger. I cut it clean off. Lifting it as he screams in pain I put it on his chest. Blood runs freely. The tub is full of blood. I think he may bleed out before I’m finished with him. The plus side, there’s another one to get information from.

  “Joe, Joe, Joe. I think I can find this out on my own. If I put enough effort in. It may take some time. Fuck, I might cage your wife and sell her. Not to a permanent owner. Maybe keep her around for parties. What do you think boys? If he has a wife, would you like a go at her?” I ask them. Keeping my voice cold. That shit won’t happen. Let him think we will.

  “So, Joe either tell me. Or I’ll find out on my own and have a little fun for the effort.” I say with forced glee. We wouldn’t touch the woman. “I do. I have both. A wife and a kid. Please don’t hurt them.” he begs. He begs for their lives and yet sells another’s.

  “So, Joe. You have a woman and a kid. Yet you sell these poor women. Imagine your wife and child in a cage. Does that put it in prospective for you?” I ask him. He swallows thickly. “Please. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” he pleads.

  “Your life is forfeit Joe. We’re working on your family’s right now. So, tell me, Joe. Who’s calling the shots?” that is another big question. His answers are a lot faster now that I have some real leverage. He doesn’t know me from smith. I could be serious with my threats.

  I mean I’m sitting here taking chunks out of him happily. “Chad his names Chad.” He says quickly. His voice thick with both pain and tears. I look over at his friend. He’s looking pretty good right now. I give Joe a pat on the shoulder.

  Turning I look at Beau. He gives me the okay. I make my way over to my new friend. He trembles visibly. After watching me work. He
should be afraid. I was being nice to Joe. But my patience was running thin. I wanted to play. Really play.

  Having already gotten most of the things I need to know from Joe. I didn’t need much from my new friend here. Crouching down beside him I ask. “What's your name?” he swallows loudly. Shivering from both the cold and the fear.

  “Brady.” he reply’s quietly. “Hello Brady.” I say friendly. “How do you get the woman?” I ask him. He looks around the room as if looking for help. That’s almost laughable. Really? Like there is anyone here willing to help you.

  I wonder if all his screws are in place. The guys in a tub of ice. Sitting here watching me cut pieces of his friend off and hand them to him. There are no friend’s here. Not for him and not for Joe.

  “I don’t get the woman. This was my first time.” He cries. Useless. He’s fucking useless. I turn back to Joe. “Is this true Joe?” I ask him. “Yes. This was his first job. I honestly don’t think he knew what he was signing up for.”

  I look at Beau. Well, shit. Brady is done. I walk back over to Joe. “How do you get the girls Joe?” I demand. “All kinds of ways. Offer them modeling jobs, house working jobs, dating them, stuff like that. I swear I only dealt with the shipments.”

  Walking over to Beau. “What do you want to do?” I ask him quietly. He looks at the pair then back at me. “Ask him for their location. Then finish it. I’m fucking hungry.” he replies with a shrug.

  This had nothing to do with the shipment. But I knew we were now involved in this shit. I was okay with that. I look back at Joe. “So, Joe do you know where they are?” I ask him quietly. “No. No, I swear I have no fucking clue or I would tell you. I promise.” his voice was strained and honest.

  Giving him a nod I walk over to him. “Good bye Joe.” I tell him. Pulling my gun out. “Wait. Please. What about my family?” I look him in the eye. “We won’t touch them Joe.” I tell him honestly. He sighs in relief. Then tenses. “No, but Chad will. Please watch out for them. I know you don’t owe me anything. But their innocent in all this.” he begs.

  “We’ll keep an eye on them Joe. Give Jackal here their information.” Beau says from behind me. I walk over to Brady. I don’t say a word. I shoot him between the eyes. I walk back over to Joe. Jackal steps back with a nod. I place the barrel to his head. “Bye Joe.” He closes his eyes. The bullet hits with enough force to slam his head into the tub.

  “Let's go eat, I’m fucking hungry.” I say while patting my belly. I take a good look at myself. Guess I’m showering on my way to dinner. “Ella’s in the kitchen.” Jackal says. I look at him in question. He holds up his phone. “Hyde.” Was all he said. I give him a nod in gratitude and quietly make my way to our room.

  My clothes will need to be burned. My cut was clean. Having had the foresight to take it off first. I grab clean clothes and get into the shower. The water goes red, then pink. After scrubbing with soap. I rinse off and repeat.

  Wanting nothing more than to get to the kitchen. If Ella’s in it. She’s more than likely cooking. The need for food kicks in hard. I all but run to the kitchen. Forcing all thoughts of what just happened from my mind I step into the kitchen and to Ella.

  Chapter 11


  The fire was amazing. The sky looked like it was lit with a million firefly’s. I spent the time watching the sky from Jace’s lap. I must have fallen asleep at some point. Rolling over I place my head on Jace’s chest.

  This is the first time I have had the chance to admire his chest. Lifting my head, I place it in my hand. I stare admiringly at his chest. I trace the tattoos with my eyes. Over his left pectoral there was a saying in calligraphy. It reads “Death cannot hold me.” Under it in slightly smaller calligraphy it reads. “Demons fear me.” And under that. “Fear is me”

  On his right pectoral, there was more calligraphy. It reads. “Love is death to all men.” I felt my heart crack a little. Averting my eyes, I quickly look down at his ribs. Snaking up his right side was a reaper. Face hidden in the shadows. The tip of his blade close to the words over his heart. It went from hip to armpit.

  My fingers itched to trace the words on his left pectoral. Almost giving into the need I change course. Pretending there is a chance to win his heart was bearable. The words inked into his skin. The words that finally made it clear I will never hold his heart.

  I needed time alone. Slowly I climb off the bed. Grabbing some clothes, I quietly make my way to the bathroom. I’m not sure if I wanted to bother with a shower. It may wake him up. That’s something I really don’t want. I don’t want to face him just yet.

  I need time to come to terms with this. My heart was breaking. It hurt so fucking bad. I decided to forgo the shower and go make breakfast instead. Cooking always made things clearer. It puts it in more perspective. I needed the perspective right now.

  Dressing as fast as I could and stay quiet at the same time I walk barefoot out the door and down the hallway. Slipping into the kitchen I immediately start rummaging the cupboards. I find pancake mix. Moving on to the fridge, I grab eggs, bacon, and sausage.

  As I mix the pancakes I think about Jace and the hurt I was just dealt. My heart hurts. He would never feel the same for me that I felt for him. It smarted to realize the little dream I was living was just that a dream.

  I would never hold his heart like he held mine. Jace couldn’t share what he didn’t have. It was like a physical blow. It hurt that much. I loved a man who could never love me. I felt the tears well in my eyes. I fight them back.

  But the battle was lost. The spilled down my cheeks in silent pain. I cried hard and silently for the heart that just got broken. I don’t think it will ever be whole again. Cracking eggs into a bowl I whisk them vigorously.

  Adding cheese to the eggs I proceed to chop up some ham I just found in the fridge. Once I finished, I added them to the eggs. Heating up four separate skillets on the stove one for eggs. One for pancakes. One for sausage. One for bacon.

  Placing both the sausage and bacon in their respective pans I watch them sizzle. The bacon started shrinking. Kind of like my heart. I’ve never felt pain like this before and I never will again I vow.

  Wiping the tears from my eyes. I promise myself I will never ever do this to myself again. Jace will never love me. I get that now. I know I will always love him. He’s it for me. But I think it’s time I steel my heart to it all.

  Brandon and now Jace. There must be something wrong with me. Maybe I’m wired wrong. But whatever the cause I won’t let this affect me anymore. I feel the walls build around my heart. I’m done crying over men. Men who can't’ see me the way I see them. I’m better than this.

  With that in mind, I keep making breakfast. No, I won’t leave Jace. But I think my love needs to take a back seat in this. If I want to survive it. It has to. A half-awake Emilia stumbles or more like waddles into the kitchen.

  “I could smell this all the way down in my room. I thought I was dreaming.” She laughed. I laughed with her. “I’m so used to having to make the food around here I didn’t want to wake up.” She says with a smile.

  “Here, go sit down.” I hand her a plate and point to the table. She quickly sits down and starts shoving food into her mouth. She moans loudly. Beau comes into the kitchen with a laugh. “I thought I was the only one who could make you sound like that.”

  She looks over at him. “Looks like you have some competition. Ella here seems to be doing that a lot.” Beau mock glares at us both. I hand him a plate and he joins Emilia at the table. He also moans quietly. Emilia gives me a mock glare. “Mine” She jokes.

  I laugh and keep plating food. More people come stumbling in. I hand out plates. Making sure to keep one for both Jace and myself. I get grumbled thank yous as they shuffle back out of the kitchen with their goodies.

  Setting both our plates on the table I grab two cups of coffee and orange juice. Placing them with our plates I take a seat. Placing the first bite into my mouth just as Jace walks into the room
. He walks over to me.

  Kissing my head, he says. “I missed you this morning.” Those words would have made my heart skip. Instead, all I felt was a little happy and that was about it. Don’t get me wrong, the love was still there. But it was buried slightly.

  I smiled at him. Pointed to his breakfast. Jace frowns slightly, but takes a seat. Guess he could tell the difference. I was hoping no one would notice. I dig into my food refusing to look at anyone. Pretending I was just hungry.

  We would be leaving today. Jace told me last night we were leaving this afternoon. I was a little sad I didn’t want to leave. But I also missed Tessa. “Emilia, you need to come down and visit us soon. Tessa would love you.” I tell her.

  “I really want to go. I wish you could have met Sara. She went to live with my Brother Jaxon.” She says happily.

  “I really want to go. I wish you could have met Sara. She went to live with my Brother Jaxon.” She says happily. She looks over at Beau. “Can we go visit them before I burst.” She pleads with him sweetly.

  Beau looks slightly torn. I could guess why, she was huge. Looks like she was going to pop at any moment. But at the same time, she was giving him the puppy eyes. I could tell he didn’t want to tell her no. Looks like Emilia also knew this. She started clapping happily.

  Turning to look at me she says. “I can’t wait.” Her smile was infectious. I felt a smile grace my lips. Jace squeezes my thigh gently. I turn and look at him. He smiles at me and leans in for a kiss. A kiss I was more than happy to accept.

  He relaxed slightly after pulling away. Guess he thinks all is right with the world. I guess to him it was. “The visit will have to happen soon.” Beau says. Jace gives him a nod. Excitement surges through me. Emilia was funny and Tessa was going to love her.


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