Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta Page 10

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  For a second, he felt what she meant, he saw things from Treya’s perspective. He felt a sliver of guilt. It was hard being a man on a planet without enough women. He could suddenly empathize with how difficult it might be to be one of the few remaining females.

  “Father, can we have a moment?” He wanted to sit her down and be gentle about her feelings as Jetta had requested. He could see that Treya was upset and it bothered him.

  “No, Daxx. If you aren’t having her, you aren’t permitted to be alone with her again. You know the rules. Given the state of affairs and all the men on the property, she will be fitted with a device similar to the Earth females for the purposes of identifying when she’s no longer untouched. This happens the moment we leave here. Until then, we are not taking any chances.”

  Daxx looked at his father with unconcealed anger. Daxx typically concealed emotion from Spar but this time he was incapable.

  Spar lifted a hand, “I know you wouldn’t. This is to protect you. I know you’d have had her by now if you were remotely interested. It’s for everyone else. There is already talk that you’ve had special treatment. It won’t help our cause to have you in line for my position if there is the slightest chance we could be accused of impropriety. By anyone.”

  He gestured with his chin at Treya. Daxx nodded and turned back to Treya who was now quietly but visibly weeping. His father could be so callous with his words. But his concerns were valid; if Treya accused him of taking her virginity before he married Jetta, he’d be stuck with her.

  “Treya, please know that I wish the best for you. My father will ensure that you are in a position with only those worthy of competing for you.”

  Her lower lip trembled. She pulled it in and reached for her coat. He helped her put it on. She touched his hand and looked into his eyes, hopefully.

  He felt nothing.

  “Good luck, Treya.”

  She composed herself and gave a swift nod.

  “We’ll see ourselves out the back door again, since the front door is barred,” Spar said, “We will talk tomorrow.”

  “Or the next day,” Daxx added, “And I’ll see you out so I can bar that door as well.”

  Daxx was a little astounded at his father’s attitude. He would’ve expected resistance, dirty looks, stern reminders about the things at stake. But he couldn’t give the turnaround in attitude too much headspace because all he could think about was getting back upstairs.

  He heard Treya stifle a sob. Her shoulders were trembling and she was visibly trying to hide her emotions.

  Daxx opened the rear door to the house and they stepped out.

  Their two guard escorts stood there, waiting.

  “Good luck, Treya. I hope you find happiness.”

  She gave him a sour and almost spiteful look and then her expression cleared and she nodded with a pout, appearing to hide her evident disdain. A chill shot up his spine. Something about the expression unsettled him. She was a woman with two faces, for certain. She was clearly someone who either could be quite manipulative, despite her innocence, or might wind up that way eventually.

  He looked at his father and was about to speak but he caught Spar’s expression and knew his father had picked up on that as well.

  Treya strode away, as if with purpose, and the guards and his father followed.

  Daxx locked the door, barred it, and sprinted back upstairs.


  The object of his desires was asleep on the bed, doors to the nourishment station were opened wide but her pizza and fruit juice were still there, untouched. She was on her side, cheek resting on the palm of her hand, her glossy dark hair fanned out. One leg was cocked and her dress was up high enough that he could see her panties, her round sweet ass cheeks peeking out from the fringe of them.

  He hit a few buttons on the machine to send the food back but keep it preserved, and got undressed to his underpants. He hit the button to the clothing care section of the closet and the door opened. He placed his shirt and trousers as well as his socks and shoes inside and shut the door. He touched the panel to lower the lighting to dim. The sun had barely begun to set but she had clearly had a traumatic day. He touched her bare thigh. She didn’t even stir.

  He cradled her in his arms and moved deeper into the bed and touched the command to drop a blind over the entrance to the bed. He needed the dark to sleep but if she pushed through it she’d find her way to the bathroom with the lights he’d left on for her.

  He yawned, evidently in need of sleep, as well, and pulled her closer, so that her head was on his pectoral. She draped her arm around his middle and cuddled closer and made a contented “Mm” sound.

  Daxx’s cock went hard. He didn’t want to get to the morning without having married her. He didn’t want anyone to get an opportunity to steal her or win her away. But, he also didn’t like the fact that what he needed to do might hurt the affection she was already demonstrating by abusing her trust. She cocked her leg further and now her knee was over the bulge in his underpants. He mustered some composure.

  He’d always had the ability to stay in control. It was essential in his life around his father, when competing. His control had been slipping with her but he knew, right then, that it was important to hang onto it with her for the night. When she woke, he’d get inside before she had a chance to change her mind or a chance to demand answers about this fable that she’d been told about having to exchange body fluids in order to not contract that infection.

  Earth women were already immune. The illness Phallyxian women contracted came from food that Earth women had been consuming, genetically altered food that had been in their food chain. A scientific experiment by Earth on Phallyx had gone horribly wrong and not only had the people who had consumed the fruit died but the infection morphed and became an airborne virus that wiped out over 99% of the women on his planet in mere weeks.

  He could only guess that the Earth men who’d been in charge of Jetta’s group had said that immunity had to be gained through breeding in order to make these women more open to a quick marriage. Earth leaders were trying to save face by taking on the task of helping to populate the planet with vigor. But then again, Earth wanted a lot of Phallyx’s resources and did not want Phallyx’s ire. Daxx’s planet and government were not the type to be marauders but the planet had the ability to easily rape the Earth of whatever they wanted to take, females included.

  They had just shy of 400 women arriving here, at his father’s property, over a matter of a few days in a staggered arrival and things had to be moved along in order to make it all happen quickly and smoothly. The project would then move to the neighboring territory with more women to come. They had a goal of just under 400 women to be placed per week, per territory, across the planet in rotation over the upcoming months and then the project would rev up for faster matches to be made. He wasn’t surprised, after the catastrophic events of Earth’s mistake, that the Earth’s project council were going to whatever lengths they’d deemed necessary to move things along.

  Daxx didn’t intend to lie to her. He’d simply omit some facts just until he’d solidified his ability to have her as his and only his. And this would happen as soon as he saw her gorgeous light-filled eyes open again.



  I woke up from a highly erotic dream in pitch dark and I was about to panic, not knowing where I was, but I felt warmth around me.

  “It’s okay, Jetta. You’re safe.”

  “Daxx?” I tried to sit up. He didn’t allow it. His arms closed tighter around me.

  We were under soft covers and he was warm, holding me in his arms.

  Goosebumps broke out everywhere.


  He had my hair. My head was tugged back by it and his lips were on mine. My nipples went hard.

  He reached for the wall without letting me go and then soft light seemed to expand inside the space and it filled the bed area, which was covered with what looked like a s
heer piece of drapery at the entrance. It was extremely ambient. Not too bright, lit just enough to see him without eye strain. He hit the panel on the wall again and then the gorgeous ceiling retracted and there was a glass dome in its place. The sky was purple and punctuated by so many stars it was incredible. As if it were the milky way right above us. I gasped and then I looked into his eyes and they were hooded with lust.

  “I fell asleep,” I whispered.

  “You did.”

  “That’s so beautiful up there. My sky doesn’t look like that at home.”


  “I didn’t get my space pizza,” I told him.

  “It’s saved for later.”

  “I think I’m still a little drunk,” I admitted.

  “A little?”

  “Yeah, not totally, but a little. I’m not usually such a lightweight. This bed is awesome.”

  His mouth was an inch away. “I can’t wait any longer, baby,” he told me.

  My brain was a little fuzzy. And he was seriously sexy. I guess that was why I didn’t stop him from doing what he did next.

  “I need to make you mine.”

  His mouth came back to mine and I was flipped to my back, pinned to the super soft bed. It was like a cloud. A heavenly cloud. And there was an alpha alien who was half naked hovering over me, caging me in. OH, MY LORD. His chest. He was sweet and romantic and bossy-hot. I was in a round satin bed covered in fancy pillows with billions of stars hanging over me from a purple sky. From another planet!

  “Casual. No strings, Daxx. Okay?”

  He smiled.

  “Omilord. You’re beautiful,” I told him, taking in the ripples of muscles. He had a very light dusting of hair on his chest and while I’d always admired hairless gorgeous muscled chests, this was fucking sexy. He had huge shoulders, defined biceps. I looked down at the small amount of space separating us, since he was hovering over me. Ridges for days and days. And ooh, a treasure trail leading from his belly button. That Adonis belt. From this angle, it looked spectacular.

  My gaze rose and met his again. His eyes were hooded, his lips were parted, and he was breathing heavily. Lust. Pure primal lust. I was caught in his tractor beam and at that moment, I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the galaxy.

  “Can I touch you?” I asked.

  He rose and got onto his knees between my legs. A smile spread across his face, “I insist on it.”

  He was wearing dark colored underwear that looked like seamless boxer briefs or maybe a little like bicycle shorts. They were a little bit longer, almost to his knees.

  “Are you single now?” I asked but WHOOSH, my dress was lifted and it was over my head and thrown behind him. I was surprised the pipe cleaner-like arm things didn’t get stuck but that dress was evidently built to be whooshed off.

  “Hm?” he asked, but he wasn’t paying much attention to anything beyond my underwear. He was staring at me in my teeny tiny polka dot bra and matching panties.

  “Please say you’re not still engaged,” I begged. I was seriously SERIOUSLY ready to get my vaccination.

  “To her? No. I’m no longer engaged to her. Looks like I’m engaged to you now.” He smirked, eyes on my breasts.

  I smiled big, “One thing at a time, big guy. Let’s get me that vaccination first. With your needle. ‘Cuz that’s how they do it on Earth.”

  His eyes went even more heated, “I get the joke now.”

  “Good,” I smiled and put my hand to his abs and lifted up on an elbow to kiss him as I stroked downward.

  He grabbed my elbow before I got to my goal, making me fall flat, and then he whipped my panties down and off. I used my feet and hooked his underwear with them, pinching the fabric at his waistband between my toes and I thrust my legs forward to get his underwear off. I lost my toe ring somewhere during that manoeuver. I’d get that later.

  He grabbed my knees, pressed them up, looked into my eyes, “This is it,” he told me.

  I nodded enthusiastically, “I’m ready.”

  “I’m so fucking ready,” Daxx grunted and then I felt his tip against the heart of me. I arched my back, anxious to get him inside.

  His hand cupped my face, “Jetta.”

  “Daxx,” I groaned with my eyes closed, waiting.

  “Open your eyes, baby. Look in my eyes while I sink inside you. Looks like it’s going to be a very very short engagement.”

  “Hm?” I asked and then I opened my eyes and the vision of him over me, the look on his face?

  “God, you’re hot,” I said. I had never been so aroused in my life.

  The look he gave me, it felt like he was communicating something vitally important in that moment and it was kind of the most intense, most beautiful way anyone had ever looked at me. Ever. I didn’t think I’d ever forget it. Not ever.

  I blinked and gave him a shy little smile. It was like we were frozen in time.

  “Yeah?” he asked. This was him asking for permission. His thumb moved across my bottom lip.

  “Oh yeah,” I breathed, kissed his thumb, and swallowed.

  His nose was a hair’s breadth from mine and I felt him sink inside. Where others would’ve been to the root, he was still sinking. My mouth dropped open. He watched me as he advanced.

  I gasped. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his.

  When he was fully inside, I let out a big whoosh of air.

  “Oh Daxx, that feels so fucking nice.”

  I’m fucking an alien. An alien’s big big thick dick is deep inside me and I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. What a nice way to get vaccinated.

  He looked at me with this possessive primal alpha expression that I can’t even articulate. He bared his teeth a little bit and then his eyes rolled up and his mouth dropped open.

  “I’ve never felt anything tighter, sweeter, never felt anything better,” he told me.

  I rocked a little, ready for him to move. He took the hint and started moving.

  “Ohmilord, that’s so good.”

  “Mm, understatement,” he agreed and then his mouth was on mine, his hand in my hair. His forearm took his weight and was planted beside my head. I turned from his mouth and sank my teeth playfully into his wrist and growled. His eyes went molten and he flipped so he was on his back and I was cowgirl style.

  It was so fucking deep. I’d never been so full. I glided my hands up his stomach to his nipples, which I circled with my index fingers, making them go hard, and then my hands were on his jaw on either side and I leaned forward and put my lips to his. He kissed me like he was starving for me. He broke away and snapped my bra off, tossed it, and then grabbed my hips with both hands and started to make me move, his eyes on my boobs.

  “Ah!” I threw my head back and started rocking back and forth, then rotating my hips with him, and he let go of one hip and sat up, scooting me even tighter against him. One of his thumbs went to my clit. His other hand cupped my breast and his thumb skated across my nipple.

  “Oh yeah.” He knows what he’s doing. Yay.

  “I want your body to sing for me, baby. You’re so wet, so soft, you feel beautiful. Perfect, Jetta.”

  He started to work my clit, rotating his own hips and making it feel so good. So, so good.


  I hadn’t had sex in six months. But I’d never had sex so good. It was out of this world. HAH. Out of this world. Get it?

  We flipped again and he had my ankles and my legs were against his chest. He slammed inside again, moved in and out a few times, and then wrapped my legs around his waist. His fingers were again working against my clit.

  “We could roll a half a dozen times and not run out of bed,” I said.

  He made a sound of agreement and rolled me again and then gave me a dazzling smile.

  “Don’t forget, don’t… don’t forget to stop those swimmers,” I told him.

  He smiled and kissed me, “Don’t worry. Don’t worry about a thing. You’re so silky wet for me. Does this fe
el good?”

  He started pummelling faster and faster, harder. I sank my teeth into my lower lip and rode the wave.

  I was speechless it felt that good.

  That wave went high, so fucking high, and I exploded with the ecstasy of it.

  “Oh fuh-fuck. Fuck fuck, fuck,” I chanted and then let out a big loud, “Ah!” and my whole body vibrated with the intensity of it.

  Daxx growled and then his pace quickened and his thumb kept at my button and I hit it again. A-fucking-gain. Holy shit, my first multiple orgasm, ever. My legs were shaking so hard.

  I tried to pull away, overwhelmed with the intensity of it.

  “Again!” he demanded and swirled harder and I whimpered and his mouth crashed into mine and then I whimpered yet again, around his tongue. A triple. A fucking triple. I’d never even had a double and I skipped straight to a triple.

  His fingers left my clit and were cupping my breasts. And then he grabbed me and we rolled a couple more times and then, with me on my back, he sucked on my lower lip and then he started to slow his pace and groaned long, deep, and so sexily. For a split second his weight pinned me as he collapsed. I didn’t feel crushed, though; I felt safe under him. Maybe safer than I’d ever felt. It was a really odd sensation. I put my arms around him and put my lips to his collar bone. I squeezed. Tears pricked my eyes for some odd reason. I blew out a slow breath.

  He rolled, taking me with him and then my head was on his chest. I squeezed again and smiled against his warm chest.

  I felt his hand in my hair as he swept it away. He was playing with my ear, with that piercing.

  “Did it change color?” I asked. The light brightened and I closed my eyes.

  “Mm hm.” I felt his lips against it. He turned the light back out.

  “Yay,” I said, feeling a peaceful sensation sweep straight through me.

  “Yay,” he chuckled.

  “No death,” I tipped my chin up to look at him and glided my hand up his chest to his jaw. He gave me a squeeze, kissed my lips, and then he looked deep, impossibly deep, into my eyes.


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