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Wait (The Fast Series)

Page 4

by Ringbloom, Ryan

  “But what if one rainy day you discover her dad lives in California and your mom lives in England and you’re really twins who were separated when your parents split up when you were little?” Mark references one of my favorite movies of all time. The one I made him watch three times already this summer so we “could prepare for being camp counselors.”

  I glare at him pinching two fingers together. “I’m this close to hating you too,” I spit out nastily. The grin disappears from his face.

  “Hating me?” He reaches up and touches his chest in disbelief. “I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked. Look at the things I’ve done just since we got here. You asked me to kiss Tessa, I did. You asked me to be your brother, I did. You asked me to leave early tonight to walk you to your cabin, I did. What more do you want from me?”

  His response startles me. I’ve never seen Mark mad before, at least not at me. I never realized I was such a monster, a burden in his life. “Nothing Mark. I want nothing,” I say angrily. Even though I’m not angry, I’m nervous and don’t like the way this is going.

  “Good, because that’s exactly what you’ve given me. And I’m tired of it Cassie. I’m done.”

  Mark slams his hand against the paneled pine wall on his way out making me jump. I swallow down the lump in my throat. I’d given him nothing? That was unexpected. Why did he say that? Was it because of one rejected kiss? What did he want me to do, kiss him, fall crazy in love and then he leaves. The heaviness builds behind my eyes from the thought. I reach up and rub my temples.

  No, I can’t get upset. I don’t need him. He’ll be gone soon. This whole brother thing is to keep him from blocking my fun. I’m free now.

  Free to have a fling.

  With Sawyer.

  And I will.



  This room is so unbelievably stuffy. I need air. Cassie is fast asleep her hair lifting in the breeze of her fan. I packed everything under the sun except a fan. Never in a million years did I think this place wouldn’t be air conditioned. Tiptoeing over ever-so-carefully, I pull up the button on the fan to alternate the air flow. No movement from Cassie’s bed. Hmm. I push the button back down and position the fan towards my bed only. It’s tough to hold back a laugh. I slip back underneath my soft pink sheets ready to drift off to sleep with gusts of air from Cassie’s fan now cooling me.

  The next morning I wake up as soon as the first traces of sunlight enter our cabin. Cassie’s brown bangs are stuck to her forehead, she’s dripping with sweat. If I put the fan back the way it was she probably won’t even know what I did. But what’s the fun in that? I move the fan even closer to my own bed and look over at Cassie. Have fun waking up to that sweetie.

  A trip to the bathroom, products applied, and teeth brushed. I slip on coral shorts, a white tank top, and a new pair of sunglasses. A quick check in the mirror at my butt, a tug on my shorts and I douse myself in the best bug spray money can buy. We still have two more days before the first groups of campers will arrive. I’m ready to really go check this place out.

  The sun is pink and fills up the sky. I’ve always been an early riser, but don’t usually get a chance to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise.

  The first place I need to check out is the lake being I never made it down there last night. As it comes into view I find it’s much nicer than I expected. Tall pine trees reflect off the still, clear water. Not a lake for swimming, signs around the perimeter warn of the risks involved. I don’t think the lake is dangerous, I’m guessing the signs are just a deterrent to keep people from swimming, mainly drunk counselors, making the camp liable. I’m relieved. I’m more of a layout next to a pool kind of girl anyway.

  Grunting, I climb onto one of the boulders to peer out over the water. Even with sunglasses I need to shield my eyes from the reflection of the sun hitting the water. I’m not alone. Mark is fishing, perched on a nearby rock of his own. He waves me over, but I politely shake my head no. I’m not the least bit interested in fishing or Mark.

  Following a thin trail of dirt that’s been made through the grass leads me to an abandoned cabin off to the side apart from the rest of the camp. The building is small and out of place, a shack with a moss covered roof and dark rotting wood. Our cabins are old and weathered but this is one is really rundown. Is this the hut they talked about last night? The one that Tucker was the king of? I walk over a trail of noisy small stones to one of the boarded windows. Standing up on my toes I push my glasses to the top of my head, cupping my hands and pressing my face into the small opening of glass. It’s dark, too hard to make anything out. My heels relax back down crushing into the rocky ground. A tiny shimmer of gold sparkles up from under my sneaker, bending down for further inspection I jump back in horror. A condom wrapper. One night here and this “hut” is already being used. That’s disgusting. I put distance between me and the revolting hut as quick as possible. The whole notion of the place makes my skin crawl. What type of girls would think that little of themselves to go into a place like that?

  Something digs into the skin of my foot. A little pebble is causing big pain in my left sneaker. The rock I shared with Tucker the night before is up ahead. Hobbling over, I sit down and yank my shoe off dumping the pebble onto the ground where it belongs.

  “No one gets up until noon around here on the weekends.” The deep husky voice greets me.

  The sexy garden state boy with his salt water hair, white t-shirt, and freckled arms grins down at me. His hands are tucked neatly into the pockets of brown cargo shorts. My eyes roam from top to bottom taking in every solid inch of him. Stop. I can’t be looking at him like this. Not if he’s the “hut king.” I don’t need a repeat of last year all over again.

  “Well, you’re up.” I point out.

  “Or maybe I’m just getting in and haven’t gone to sleep yet.”

  “Yeah, maybe, it wouldn’t surprise me. I heard a few things about you last night,” I say, sounding nastier than intended. Well, no, I did intend to sound nasty.

  Tucker smirks, hands never leaving the pockets. “Ya heard things, huh?” He shakes his head and tips his chin down. “Well, I saw some things last night. Didn’t I?”

  Is he referring to Mark’s kiss? Not fair. “I didn’t want to kiss him. I was forced.”

  “It was quite a kiss for someone who didn’t want it,” Tucker insinuates as if I actually wanted Mark to kiss me.

  First Cassie’s comment and now Tucker’s, am I the only one who didn’t think the kiss was all that great?

  “I swear I did not want that kiss.”

  “What kiss did you want?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You said you didn’t want that kiss, was there another one you did want?”

  For some odd reason his cockiness is as attractive as the rest of him. Flustered, I take off my other sneaker shaking imaginary pebbles from it, avoiding eye contact with him. How should I answer? I decide to go with the truth.

  “I thought I wanted another kiss.” I motion my hand in the direction of the abandoned cabin. “But I’m not looking for something that ends up in there. I take those things a little bit more seriously than a dirty hut.”

  “Hmm,” he sighs, his handsome face pondering. “I’ll have to think about it.”

  “Think about what?”

  “Whether I want to take a chance on something more serious with you or not. If I decide yes, I’ll come find you tonight and give you that kiss.” Hands still in pocket, he turns and walks away.

  “You’re joking right?” I yell out to him.

  He keeps walking and smiles over his shoulder at me. “I am. I already know my decision.”

  No. Wait. He did not just say that? I slide my shoe back on ready to chase after him. He can’t just say something like that and walk away. Sneakers in place, fists at my side, I march forward determined to set him straight. I stop.

  As soon as I find out what his decision is, I will set him straight. See if he kisses me
or not first. One kiss. And maybe hear what he has to say. Then, oh boy, am I going to set him straight.

  My eyes shut and I gulp. I’m screwed. Who am I kidding? This is going to be Josh all over again.


  I am a massive puddle of sweat. The fan, my fan, is directed at Tessa’s bed. I should be furious, but I gotta give it to the girl, I’ve been out-bitched.

  Thankfully my leg has scabbed overnight and is not as sore as I thought it would be. I flip the sheet away from the scab to get a closer look. That’s attractive. I reach over head stretching, time to check out the disgusting bathroom.

  Three shower stalls and I go for the least offensive of the three. The corroded shower head spits lukewarm water in my face. A fly, I can’t tell if it’s dead or not, is stuck to the cinderblock wall. The corner of the ceiling houses a dirty looking web and a rather large black spider balled up next to it. A shudder of heebie-jeebies courses through me, I won’t feel clean for the two months I’m here.

  The first session of training for the counselors starts at one, I need to hurry up to make it in time. I grab white rimmed sunglasses and a candy bar from my secret stash biting into the soft melting chocolate as I walk out the door. Warm cabin and chocolate are not a good combination. I swipe my mouth with the back of my hand and take off running.

  The girls and guys are separated for training. Everything during the week is separated the same way, girls are on one side of the camp and the guys are on the other. Good because no Mark. Bad because no Sawyer. I choose a seat far away from Tessa ready to give her the finger if she so much even dares to look at me. Across the room she looks perfectly put together as usual. It’s as if she used a different shower than I did. Her hair is bouncy and shiny. Perfect little curls of blonde sunshine. Designer sunglasses that I’m sure are not knock-offs rest on top of her precious head.

  I look down at my ink stained jean shorts and beaten up legs. On top of the crusty scab I’m picking at, my legs are covered in bumpy red mosquito bites. A closer look shows me they aren’t really shaved all-that great either. I’ll fix myself up before we party again tonight. Even though it’s hot, maybe I’ll just wear jeans.

  The meeting drags on endlessly, Monday morning the kids would arrive, Friday afternoon they would leave, scheduled activities, meals, bedtime and wake-up calls in between. Got it, can we leave now? Nope. Details about the weekday staff, most of whom are locals comes next, medical staff, cooks, office managers and billing personnel. Like I’m ever gonna remember all these names. The final lecture is on safety, it’s the only thing I pay attention to, responsible for kids, their safety is important. Before we’re released everyone is given three bright yellow t-shirts to wear during the week. I unfold one to check it out. Green lettering with the camp name on the front and the logo, a brown cabin resembling “the hut,” is displayed on the back. Is that on purpose?

  Outside details of tonight’s gathering are discussed. Everyone chips in for a beer run and a time to meet up is all set only leaving about an hour or so to get ready. Tessa and I walk in a single file line, ignoring each other the whole way back up to our shared residence.

  Once we’re back at the cabin I flop down on my bed. Tessa takes her purple plastic caddy and flounces off into the bathroom. The water sounds and I decide to wait for my shower even though there are two more stalls available.

  I’m starving, no food all day except the candy bar. The kitchen has a stocked pantry for the counselors, but it’s too far away and I don’t feel like making anything. Sorting through my secret stash once more, I choose peanut butter sandwich crackers. It’s the closest thing to an actual meal in the stash. I’ll need more goodies soon if I keep relying on this secret supply as my main food source. Mark will drive me. I chew slowly, the memory of him getting mad at me returns. My eyes fill. Stop it. Instead of being sad, I decide mad is a better option. If Mark’s mad at me then I’m mad at him.

  Forty-five minutes later, the water is still running. This is how Tessa looks so good after using the crappy shower, she takes forever. When she finally emerges looking fresh and clean wrapped in a fluffy pink towel, I breeze past her with my arms full of necessities to take my own shower.

  The moisture in the bathroom was gross before, now it’s even worse. I dump my armful of products on the counter next to the sinks. Tessa’s neat little caddy has been left sitting on the counter. What starts out as a quick nosy peek through her stuff, turns into full blown curiosity. Oh my God, this girl has great stuff. I pick up her passion fruit scented shampoo and give it a whiff. Amazing. Contemplating what to do, I grab the matching conditioner bottle and take them in the shower with me. It’s fair I reason, payback for the fan incident last night.

  My own shower lasts longer than usual, half way through I’m sneaking out of the stall replacing the shampoo and conditioner taking Tessa’s pretty can of shaving gel back in with me. Fancy products never made a difference, so I thought, but they totally do. I feel and smell incredible.

  With my hair separated into chunks I go to work drying my hair into smooth strands. Tessa walks back in with a make-up bag and stands right next to me sharing the mirror. I see her inhale, narrow her eyes at me in the mirror and look down at her caddy. She knows I used her products but says nothing. Good, because I plan on using them again. My legs look so great I decide to wear shorts after all.

  We spray ourselves down with bug repellant and I remember my hoodie this time. I also remember my small flashlight and tuck it in my pocket. Acting like it’s a sheer coincidence, we leave at the same time to meet up with everyone by the lake, separating the second we reach other people.

  Mark’s drinking a beer, talking with a small circle of people. He doesn’t notice me, but he also doesn’t notice Tessa which is a good thing. Sawyer waves me over to a log in front of the camp fire. I run over eagerly, this is exactly what I hoped for. He scoots over making room for me to sit next to him.

  “The fire smells good.” I sit down and lean into him. A few other couples are in scattered places in front of the fire. All of them look cozy.

  “So do you,” he sniffs. “What is that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” I know. Thank you, Tessa.

  “Well whatever it is, I love it.” Sawyer pulls a can of beer out of the cooler and hands it to me. He reaches back in and pulls a fresh one out for himself.

  I sip nervously, drinking faster than I intend. The first bottle empties, dropping down to my feet and I ask for another. Not much food in my stomach makes the effects of the alcohol seep in quickly. I glance over my shoulder to see that Mark’s circle of people has dwindled to just one, the redhead Vinny warned me about. I sat next to her in training. She has smooth pale skin and dark green eyes. Dresses like an absolute whore, but she is pretty.

  “Who’s that?” I point over, hoping to find out more about the girl who has now stepped in closer and has her hand on Mark’s chest.

  “You mean Courtney? Let’s just say, if Mark plays his cards right tonight, um, he’ll have a pretty good night.” Sawyer gives a throaty laugh.

  I down my second beer, directing my attention away from Mark and onto my fling. “So are there any rules for the second night at camp?” A cross between a hiccup and a burp comes out. I cover my mouth and giggle.

  Sawyer leans in. “Yes, you have to make-out in front of the campfire.” He takes the empty beer bottle from my hand and sets it down. Then he enforces the made-up rule. Guiding my face with his hands our lips come together and a beer soaked tongue is plunged into my mouth.

  And my summer fling begins.



  There’s no sign of Tucker yet.

  I decided when he goes to kiss me, letting me know “his decision,” I’m going to refuse. The whole thing is ridiculous. Even so, I did put a little more effort into my appearance, wearing my favorite black shorts and strappy sandals with the wedge heel. My legs look longer and leaner, making it worth any risk of breaking my ankl
e walking over the uneven paths of dirt and gravel leading down to the lake.

  All the couples who were huddled around the fire have sauntered off with the exception of Cassie and Sawyer, who are making-out like animals in front of everyone. Very trashy. I’m surprised Mark isn’t bothered by his sister’s shameless activity, he doesn’t even seem fazed. He’s focused on Courtney, not so much as a glance in Cassie’s direction, like he has on blinders. I don’t have a brother, but I would think a brother would be more protective of his sister than letting a guy grope her in front of a large crowd.

  Another hour goes by, no Tucker. His decision must be no. I exhale and my stomach drops. My “I take those things more seriously” speech is probably what sunk me. It always does. I’m annoyed at myself for being disappointed. Because I’m not just a little disappointed, I’m really disappointed. I have a small crush on Tucker already, the man whore of camp. Just like my big crush on the man whore of high school. Is this my type? What an awful and weird type for a girl like me to be attracted to.

  Cassie and Sawyer’s raunchy scenario in front of the fire is still going strong, stopping only to guzzle down more beer in between big sloppy kisses. My mouth drops as I see Sawyer slip his hand underneath Cassie’s shirt right in front of everyone. And she lets him. We are surrounded by an entire forest. Really? They can’t go somewhere and find a little privacy if that’s what they want to do.

  My feet are aching and looking down I see my polished pink toes are brown from the dirt. The one can of beer I had is making me need to pee. Peeing in the woods is not an option for me. I think it’s time to call it a night.

  After circling around to say a few goodnights, I leave the partying crowd. Walking alone up the dirt path, the whispers and giggles of couples coming from the trees makes me uneasy. The same way it always did in high school when people snuck off to empty rooms and dark corners. When I pass the infamous hut I’m startled to see Mark and Courtney holding hands and disappear inside. People move so fast. Why?


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