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Wait (The Fast Series)

Page 5

by Ringbloom, Ryan

  My sandals are filled with gravel and dirt, stupidest decision ever to wear them tonight. I dressed up for someone who didn’t even show up. Once again I’ll be stopping when I reach the big rock to shake out my shoes.

  “I knew you’d come. I’ve been waiting for ya.” Tucker’s leaned back on the rock, legs crossed at the ankles, arms folded.

  “You were waiting for me here?” I ask trying not to sound or be as happy as I feel.

  “It’s our spot, isn’t it?” He grins.

  “Oh we have a spot? It’s only been twenty four hours. I didn’t realize we had a spot.”

  “Yup.” He slaps the rock with his hand. “This is it, our spot.”

  What should I do? This is only the second night and this guy is all wrong for me. This place is some lusty hell-hole. I don’t fit in and this has mistake written all over it.

  “Tucker, um, I don’t want to do this, okay.”

  “Do what? Sit on a rock and talk to me?”

  My left knee starts shaking nervously. “Just talk?” I tilt my head unsure.

  He nods and gestures for me to sit. Coconut scent flows from his skin and his chiseled face has a scruff of blonde hair. Honestly, what choice do I have? My butt creeps up onto the rock next to him.

  “So, what would you like to talk about?” he asks.

  I want to talk about him. I want to know if he’s the nice guy he seems, or if he’s the guy with the reputation as a “dog” like Sawyer said. Is there a small chance he’s this fantastic guy and everything I heard was wrong? “If I ask you a few questions will you answer them honestly?”

  Tucker gives me a smirk and nods. “Yes I will.”

  I take a deep breath and dive in. “Have you ever been to the hut?”


  “With how many different people?”


  “And you had sex with them?”

  “I did.”

  “Then what happened?”

  Tucker’s brows crease together. “What do you mean?”

  “Did you break up?”

  “No, it wasn’t really like that.”

  “Ew.” I need a second to cringe. He’s being honest with questions I have no business asking, but I hate his answers. This isn’t going so well. “How many times do you think you will go to the hut this summer?” I continue.


  “None? Why is that?”

  “Because I’ve decided to take those things a little more serious this summer,” he says repeating my sentiment from this morning. His eyes are directed at me and I glance up briefly to meet his stare. Is he being serious or is he toying with me? I swallow and push my hands into my belly to try and stop it from flipping.

  “Alright, now it’s my turn to ask some questions. I would like honest answers as well,” he says.

  “Okay.” I guess it’s only fair.

  “I take it you’re a virgin.”

  “Yes.” I try and own it, being cool like Ashley says I am.

  “Who is waiting for love?”

  I hesitate. Why am I more embarrassed to answer this question? “Yes,” I sigh.

  “Are you waiting for marriage?”

  “Um, no. I just want to make sure it’s with the right person and I want to be in love. Is there something wrong with that?” God. People always think because I want to wait that I’m some bible-toting good girl waiting for her wedding night. I’m not.

  “No. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He takes a second, tucking away his grin before continuing. “Someone in your past hurt you? What was his name?”

  “Josh.” Not sure how he knew that, probably just a good guess.

  “Are you over him?”

  “Yes.” I’m totally over that asshole. See - not very bible-like.

  “Do you think I’m hot?”

  I gasp at the change in questioning. “What? You can’t ask that!”

  “I can ask you if you’re a virgin, but I can’t ask if you think I’m hot?” he laughs. “You said you would answer honestly.”

  “Do you think I am?” I ask sitting up straight.

  “Your questions are over. I’m asking you.”

  “You’re okay.” I blush. Thank God it’s dark. If he could see the way my cheeks are burning right now he’d know for sure that I definitely think he’s hot.

  “Well, let me know when you find me hot and I’ll give you that kiss.” He leaps off the rock. “Are you going back down to the lake?”


  “Can I walk you back to your cabin?”

  “Yes.” I pull a blonde curl over my lips to cover my smile. I should not be smiling right now. This is not the guy for me. Three girls in the hut is just appalling. Run the little voice inside my head whispers. Nope a bigger voice from somewhere inside me booms back.

  The questions are over. Normal conversation takes its place. I never emptied my sandals and I still have to pee. But I walk slowly in no rush to get back to my cabin. When we reach my door I brace myself for the kiss he keeps talking about.

  “Goodnight.” His jaw tightens and he licks his full perfect lips. I take in every detail of his seaside appearance. The traces of cute freckles scattered across such masculine features is a sexy combination. I want to slide my hands up his arms, reach up to touch that messy hair and run my fingers over the blonde stubble on his face. I bite my lip realizing how bad I’m actually craving this kiss. Mmm hmm, yeah, I shouldn’t be, but I’m ready for this kiss.

  Tucker gives me a curt nod and takes off down the long trail of stairs in front of my door.

  What? My lips are completely let down. Is it because I didn’t tell him he was hot? I saunter around the cabin getting ready for bed analyzing all our questions and answers. I didn’t really like the answers he gave but at least he was honest. Even after hearing his unpleasant answers I still wanted to kiss him. What is that all about?

  I wish I had just told him he was hot so he would have kissed me. Then I could just realize he’s all wrong for me and move on. Why can’t I just like some normal inexperienced guy? Why do I need to like the guy who will do stuff with just anybody? Why would a guy like Tucker even waste his time on a girl like me?

  Ahh! Enough! This is way too soon to feel this frazzled and confused over a guy I just met.


  I’m left all alone to stumble back to my cabin. Last time I saw Sawyer he was throwing-up in the woods. Way too much beer for both of us.

  The trail is swaying underneath my feet making it hard to walk. If I could just get the road to stop moving I’d be okay. Mark helped me home last night, too bad he isn’t here now. Where did he go? Is he off making out with Courtney? If he is, that sucks.

  The noise from the crickets is deafening, little high-pitched screams pounding in my head. I won’t be eager to drink again anytime soon, that’s for sure.

  Footsteps come up behind me, and I whirl around hoping to see Mark. He’ll take good care of me. My buddy Mark won’t leave me to go throw-up in the bushes. Mark will hold me up and make sure I’m safe and bring me some water to drink. Because that’s the kind of guy he is.

  “You need help?” Tucker asks, reaching for my arm to steady me. “Here, let me walk you back.”

  It isn’t Mark. But I’m in no shape to refuse Tucker’s offer. Luckily he knows the way to my cabin, because right now I have no idea. A couple appears from the woods and I try to whistle but can’t. I giggle at my childish attempt toppling forward. Tucker steadies me once more. He walks me all the way to the door and leaves once I’m safely inside.

  Tessa’s sound asleep and has turned the fan on, this time pushing down the button to take turns to give us both air.

  “No, no, no!” I stomp over and scrape the fan noisily across the floor. “This is my fan. Mine,” I announce loudly. I pull. The button to stop it from turning is stuck or something. I pull and pull some more until the fan crashes down with a loud thud waking Tessa. I flick the switch to the dim light in our r
oom on, pick the fan back up and continue dragging it noisily to my bed. I finally manage to unstick the button, positioning it just right in my direction only.

  Tessa is sitting up in bed watching me all sleepy eyed, an extremely displeased expression on her face.

  “Ha Ha,” I taunt her falling back on the bed. I don’t wait to see her reaction, my eyes close as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Early the next morning I am rudely awoken by Tessa’s shrill voice shrieking into her cell phone. I try to drown out her conversation by putting my pillow over my head, it doesn’t help. Tessa rambles on and on giving loud details about the camp, the bugs, the weather, and our cabin. The person on the other line isn’t getting a word in. When she finally hangs up, she announces she’s going for a walk.

  “What time is it?” I croak out from under my pillow. My dry mouth feels coated with cotton and I’d pay a million dollars for a bottle of water right now.

  “Six thirty,” Tessa answers cheerfully.

  Way too early. I lift my pillow and blink through the bright light coming in through the window over at Tessa. “I thought we don’t have cell service up here.”

  “We don’t. Enjoy your fan. Ha. Ha.” Tessa flashes me a vicious smile and leaves.

  I almost smile. Why do I hate this girl again?



  I can’t help it. My legs take me right to the rock. Our spot. It’s crazy to think he’ll be there, but you never know. The kids start coming tomorrow. The busy week is about to begin. I probably won’t even see Tucker again until next weekend after the first group leaves.

  He isn’t there but I sit down on the big rock anyway. It’s a pretty spot, peaceful, comfortable, nice view. For those reasons, and those reasons only, I’ll stay and hang out on it a bit longer.

  “I knew you’d be waiting for me.”

  The thick voice brings a huge smile to my face. He’s wearing a bright green shirt paired with a pair of relaxed navy shorts. He isn’t shaved and for the first time I notice the bottom part of a tattoo under his sleeve.

  “How do I look?” He holds his arms out and grins.

  “Good.” My eyes take in and enjoy all of his, way more than good, looks.

  “Just good?”

  I give a nervous laugh and look away. He expects me to say hot? I can’t, it isn’t even seven a.m. yet.

  “Alright, just good, I’ll have to try harder later.” He slips his hand in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys. “Want to go get some breakfast?”

  “Okay,” I answer automatically. I don’t even ask where, I just say okay. Pathetic.

  “Do you have your phone on you?”

  Because of my earlier spiteful revenge with Cassie I do. “Yeah, why?”

  “They’ll have service where were going, you can call home, and go on the internet.” He offers a hand and helps me down off the rock. Once I’m steady on my feet I reluctantly let go of his hand and follow as he leads the way.

  The camp’s parking lot is filled with cars. Only one sticks out; the big red pickup with Jersey plates. He opens the door and offers to give me a boost into the elevated seat. I don’t mind when his hands linger on my waist before hoisting me up.

  “Are you hungry?” He turns the key and the engine roars to life. Even over the scent of new leather seats I can smell his yummy suntan scent.

  “Yeah, starved.” I don’t normally eat breakfast, but today I will make an exception.

  Twenty minutes down the windy road we drive into a little town. He drives down a street lined with old fashioned store fronts. Nothing looks like it’s been updated since way before I was even born. Tucker parks the shiny truck perfectly between two cars on the side of the road. I pretend to struggle getting down from the big truck and two strong hands are back around my waist to help me out. This time I’m facing him and I get to rest my hands on his massive shoulders. He leads us into a small diner with a free wi-fi sign in the window. The waitress tells us to seat ourselves anywhere and we choose a booth in the back.

  “How did you get that scratch?” Tucker traces his finger along my cheek giving me chills. He takes his finger away but I can still feel his touch on my skin. I reach up and rub it trying to make the sensation he left go away. It’s screwing me up, making it hard to think straight.

  “I got in a fight with my roommate,” I answer, still focused on his touch. Shoot, I shouldn’t have said that, now he’s going to think I’m some brut.

  “A fight-fight?” His face is somewhere between shocked and entertained. “About what?”

  “I was mad she made her brother kiss me.” I leave out the part about being mad I didn’t get to kiss him and the other nasty remarks Cassie said to me.

  “Over a kiss? You weren’t kidding. You certainly do take those things very seriously. Was it your first fight?”

  “Physical fight, yes, but I’ve fought with friends before over similar things. I got in a big fight last year over kissing a guy.”

  Why am I telling him this? This is the stuff I hate about myself and am trying to change. Trying, but not succeeding, my fight with Cassie proved that.

  “What happened?”

  “Last year, I liked a guy, he was going out with my friend and I kissed him at a party.” Maybe it’s time to get this off my chest.

  “Josh?” he asks.

  “Yes. We started hanging out, he wanted me to do stuff I wasn’t ready to do. I was honest with him and everything about wanting to wait, but I don’t think he took me very seriously. He dumped me when I wouldn’t put out and went back to my friend. He was the asshole, but I hated her for it. I spread rumors about her. He spread rumors about me. He’d come back to me with a bunch of sweet lines, I’d believe it all, and then get hurt all over again. He was out for one thing only. It was a rough year. Me and my friend have made up since, we worked it all out and believe it or not, I now consider her my very best friend.”

  “What’s your friend’s name?”


  He thinks about it for a second. “I’m glad you guys worked it out.”

  “Me too, but I have to admit I’m scared about something like that happening again. I’m scared I’m going to meet another guy who’s like Josh.” Like you, I think, but don’t need to say it. I know it’s obvious to him what I’m implying.

  “Ashley was with Josh too?”

  “Yeah, Ashley was with a lot of people, but then she met Patrick and it was total love. She’s been through a lot. Her dad left when she was younger, her mom is a recovering alcoholic and she hit some low places but was able to rise from it all. I think she’s the strongest, most confident person I know. And now she’s living her dream life.”

  “Sounds like this Ashley is pretty amazing,” Tucker says, sounding impressed. “What’s her last name?”

  “Simons. Do you know her?” Oh God, please don’t know her.

  “Ashley Simons.” He repeats and shrugs shaking his head. “No.”

  The waitress places a carafe of coffee on the table with two mugs and takes our order. We need a new subject.

  “So, tell me about my new school, you said it’s your second year right?”

  Tucker tells me about school and his cousins who live in Pennsylvania, not too far from where I live. I eat one whole chocolate chip pancake before he even eats half of his waffle. He does most of the talking. I like the things he’s talking about. I’m attracted to him, that’s for sure. But it’s more than that. Being around him is… fun. For some reason he makes me feel comfortable. I mean obviously, look at all the things I just opened up and told him about. I don’t know what it is about him, but I want to spend more time with him.

  The waitress hands Tucker the check which he walks over to the register and pays. Thank goodness, I have absolutely no money on me. Once he’s back at the table we take out our phones. Tucker stays at the table but I excuse myself and step outside to call my parents. Peeking back in through the window I can see him typing away
on his phone. Without knowing about his past, he seems perfect. Can I really trust a guy like this again?

  Josh never took me anywhere. We certainly never went to breakfast. I’m positive he never would have walked me all the way back to my cabin and then not tried anything. Tucker could be different. His hazel eyes look up and meet mine through the window. My pulse immediately quickens. If he isn’t different, I think it’s already too late. I’m in big trouble.


  Half the day is gone, wasted to a hangover. I can’t believe I drank like that last night. Steamy flashbacks in front of the fire keep flashing before my eyes. Ugh, what did I do?

  I scrub the grit from my teeth, and my quick shower is more of a rinse. I fill my empty stomach with more peanut butter crackers, but I need an actual meal.

  With all the energy I can muster I throw on some clothes and go in search of Sawyer’s cabin. He has a car, maybe we can go out. Find somewhere to eat before we’re stuck at the camp all week. The beauty of it is I’ll get to see Mark too. My fling and my fake brother sharing a cabin works out kind of good for me, it’ll give me an excuse to see Mark. See if he’s still mad at me.

  Their cabin doesn’t have as many steps, lucky bastards. I start my way to the door when it flings open and out walks Courtney, the redhead with the reputation. She sashays down the few steps with a lazy grin and bedhead.

  “Good morning, afternoon, whatever it is,” Courtney greets me, with no shame or embarrassment.

  The girl just walked out of the cabin of the guy I made out with all last night wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday and acts as if it’s no big deal. Sawyer and I may be just a fling, but there have to be some boundaries. Two girls in one night is not acceptable. I run past Courtney up the stairs and barge in without knocking.

  “Sawyer,” I yell, hand perched on my hip.

  “He’s not here,” Mark yawns, sitting up in his bed surprised to see me there. He’s bare from the waist up, assuming he has anything on underneath the blanket. This is new. I check out his bare chest for the first time. It shouldn’t surprise me to see how defined his upper body is. He’s athletic. I know his arms are cut, and his legs are practically solid muscle. So, it shouldn’t surprise me the rest of him matches. I reach up and wipe my forehead. This cabin is even hotter than mine.


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