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The Clawed Squad: The Twins (The Bear Shifters of Clawed Ranch Book 3)

Page 9

by Kim Fox

  “Lucky me,” Slate said, unbuttoning his shorts as he approached. “I get her greedy little mouth.”

  Karl grinned as he climbed onto the bed and pressed the hard bulge of his erection against her ass. “And I get her tight little pussy.”

  Layla smiled as the hard cocks came out. “And I get it all.”

  Layla sipped on a lemonade as she sat under a huge weeping willow tree, watching her strong shirtless men do all of the work. It was their first day of renovating the barn and she had made a deal with Slate. She would let them do all of the heavy lifting if he left his chainsaw at home.

  “Where do you want this, luv?” Karl asked, holding the archway over his head. His arms were jacked and his abs were looking more ripped than ever as he stood in front of her.

  “Hmmm,” she said, placing her finger on her lips, pretending to think about it. She knew exactly where it went but she wanted to delay a little bit to enjoy the view. The scenery with these muscular twins was always worth stopping to admire.

  She sipped on her lemonade as she studied his abs, feeling a swirling heat building between her legs. It might be time for a break soon. Although, it won’t be much of a break.

  “You can put it in the back of the barn,” she said, “under the window.”

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned as she watched his tight ass pressing against his shorts as he walked away. The view is even better back here.

  Her thigh buzzed and she pulled out her cell phone. “Ha!” she laughed as she read the screen. This should be good.

  “What do you want?” she asked as she answered it.

  “Hey, baby,” Owen’s weaselly voice said through the earpiece giving her cold shivers. “I’ve missed you.”

  “What happened to Nikki?” she asked curtly. “Did she find out what a prick you are?”

  “I’m sorry, Layla,” he said, the sound of his voice making her skin crawl. “You know you’re the one for me.”

  “That’s the problem,” she said. “You’re just one. I’m a two guy kind of girl now.”

  “What?” he asked. “Let’s meet up and we can talk about it.”

  “You never were enough man for me,” she said, winking at Slate as he carried a bench into the barn.

  “Come on, baby,” he said, sounding desperate. “You complete me. We’re like two halves of a circle. We complete each other.”

  Layla chuckled. “I’m into triangles now.”


  “Have a nice life, Owen.”

  “Wait, Layla, I-”

  She hung up on him and smiled. She was completely over the jerk and as happy as could be. She had two hot men who spoiled her rotten and she was in the mood for a good spoiling.

  She perked up her breasts and licked her lips. “Break time!” she called out as she stood up from her chair.

  Karl and Slate stood in the doorway, leaning on the door frame, watching her with hungry eyes. They looked sexy as sin with their jacked, toned bodies coated in a delicious gleam of sweat.

  Layla bit her bottom lip as she strutted over. “Ready for some real work, boys?”


  “It’s perfect,” Layla said as she walked around the inside of the barn. It was all finished and it looked even better than what she had first envisioned.

  It had been just over three weeks since Layla had first stepped foot on the Clawed Ranch and she still couldn’t get over how absolutely perfect her life had become. She spent her days with her two loves, Karl and Slate, laughing, working hard, and just enjoying life as they renovated the barn, getting it ready to host the future weddings that they would book.

  Her evenings were spent with the Clawed Squad, smiling and joking around. She had been eating like crazy but she was doing so much physical stuff during the day like horseback riding, swimming, running, among other things (wink, wink) that she had even lost a pound or two. Karl and Slate didn’t mind, though. They loved her curves and thick waist.

  And the nights. How could she explain the nights in her new cabin? They were pure magic.

  In the three weeks that she’d been in Montana she became a master horseback rider, an expert fisherman, and even a bear tamer. She loved her two twin brown bears. Sometimes Karl and Slate would phase into their bears and let them roam around the forest. Layla would always go with them on their walks, following them on her new horse, Beautiful. They were incredible to watch. The two bears were always glued to each other’s sides.

  “We did a great job,” Karl said, nodding as he stood beside her, looking up at the barn. It had a fresh coat of paint, some new boards, clean windows and a whole lot of wedding decorations.

  “It looks like a wedding threw up in there,” Slate said with a smirk. Layla slapped his shoulder and then smiled as she hooked her arms around each of their muscular biceps.

  “All we have to do now is book a wedding,” she said, pulling them towards the big open door.

  “About that,” Karl said as they walked up the aisle. “I think the first wedding that we host should be someone we know.”

  “Okay,” Layla said as she slowed to a stop. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

  Karl smiled and then dropped to a knee. “Actually, I do.”

  Layla’s hands flew to her mouth and she gasped. Is he going to…

  She stepped back and bumped into Slate. She gasped again as she looked down at him. He was on one knee as well.

  “What’s going on?” she asked as her heart pounded and her pulse raced.

  They both pulled out little boxes at the same time. “Will you marry us?” they asked in unison as they each opened the box in their hands.

  Layla gasped. Two identical diamond rings were looking up at her, tempting her to take them. She looked from the rings to her mates and she felt a pang in her heart as she gazed at their handsome faces, brimming with hope.

  “I will,” she said, dropping to her knees and wrapping her arms around their thick necks. She kissed each of them on the lips, feeling like her heart was going to explode. She loved these men so much. She thought that it might be weird having a relationship with two men but it wasn’t. At all. There was no jealousy, no competition, no bitterness, and no games. There was only love.

  These two shifters had been exactly what she needed and now she was lucky enough to spend the rest of her life with them.

  But first, there was one thing she needed to do for herself before she tied the knots.

  “I told you I’d be back, bitch!” Layla said with a fierce voice as she stared up at her arch nemesis, the suicide cliff.

  Layla was ready for it. She flexed her arms, pumping herself up as she got ready to climb.

  “The rope is tied,” Slate said as he walked over. “You’re totally secure.”

  “Are you sure?” Layla asked, feeling nerves flutter in her stomach. She was trying to act super confident but she was dying inside.

  “We’re sure,” Karl said, walking up beside her. “I checked it at least five times.”

  “And we’ll be right beside you the entire way,” Slate said. “You got this!”

  Karl kissed her temple. “You can do it, luv. I know you can.”

  Layla took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders. “Fuck it,” she whispered and marched up to the cliff. If I’m bad enough for two bear shifters, I’m bad enough to climb this mountain.

  She prayed to every God out there as she grabbed ahold of the cliff and lifted her feet off the safety of the ground. I can do this! She continued up, climbing slowly at first until she found her rhythm. Then she was moving. Much easier with gloves. She had come prepared this time and she was determined not to quit until she reached the top.

  There was less fear than last time. Her two sexy protectors at her sides helped with that. They encouraged her the whole way up and they helped her press a little harder when she started to get tired. They were so excited for her and she didn’t want to let them down.

  She didn’t want to let herself down either.

>   “You can do it, babe!” Slate said as she held onto the rock with one hand and shook the cramping out of her other hand. Her shoulders and arms were so sore and she was only two-thirds of the way up.

  Layla wiped the sweat off of her forehead and pushed through the pain, climbing up one torturous step at a time.

  An hour or two later she arrived at the top, huffing and puffing, and utterly exhausted. “Fuck you!” she grunted as she pulled herself over the edge with her burning fingers and cramped hands. “I told you that I’d make you my bitch! Bitch!”

  She used her last drop of energy to pull her legs over the cliff and then she collapsed, falling forward with her cheek landing on the cool dirt as she breathed in huge gulps of air.

  “You did it!” Karl cheered as he climbed over the edge with his brother. The two of them were breathing easily and hadn’t even broken a sweat.

  Layla smiled as she rolled onto her back, stretching her arms out as the sun warmed her face. “Holy Crappucino, I did it!”

  The boys each took a hand and helped her up. Her adrenaline was jacked and she couldn’t stop smiling. “Hey!” she called out when she saw two familiar faces. It was the blonde and the brunette that she had met at the gas station. The ones who convinced her to climb the cliff in the first place.

  “Did you just climb the whole way up?” the little blonde Yoda asked.

  Layla thrust her hands onto her hips. “I did!” she said proudly. “All by myself.”

  They both smiled and gave her a high five each. “I knew you could do it,” the blonde said. She pointed at Layla’s chest. “You got a lion heart in there.”

  “No,” Layla said, shaking her head with a smile. “I have a bear heart.”

  The brunette had spotted Slate and Karl as they were rolling up the gear. “Are those your brothers?” she asked, biting her bottom lip. “Are they single?”

  Layla almost snarled at her. You’ve been spending way too much time with bear shifters.

  “Nope,” she said, walking over to her men. “They’re not single. They’re all mine!”

  The two pretty girls watched her in awe as she pulled her twins to the truck. The prodigy has become the master.

  “How tired are you?” Karl asked, scratching his head.

  “Pretty tired,” Layla said. She could really use a hot bath and then a four-handed massage.

  “Really tired?” Slate asked. “Or just pretty tired?”

  She laughed as she realized what they were getting at. “I can drive the truck down,” she said. “Go ahead and fly little birdies.”

  “Yes!” They both gave her a peck on the lips and then grabbed their wingsuits out of the back of the pickup truck. They yanked them on in record time and grinned at her before turning and sprinting towards the edge of the cliff.

  “Silly boys,” she whispered as they dove off in synchronized swan dives, looking like flying condoms.

  Layla climbed into the truck and turned the key in the ignition. Her favorite song came blaring through the speakers, making her smile. Fuck yeah! Got to love Mumford and Sons.

  She cranked the volume up, rolled down the windows, and waved to the girls. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, her heart was pumping, life was good.

  “Later bitch,” she called out to her new friend the mountain and then drove down to pick up her men.


  “I do.” Three in a row. Layla’s new favorite number.

  She kissed her two new husbands and the barn full of new friends and family erupted in cheers. It was perfect. Just like a wedding should be.

  Layla couldn’t have been happier. She was now symbolically joined to her two men in addition to the physical connection of their bonds. She loved Karl for his strong personality and the way he made her blush whenever he smiled. She loved Slate for his witty sense of humor and the way he gave her warm shivers whenever he touched her. She loved being with them both. They never felt complete without the three of them together.

  The crowd rushed up to congratulate them. Thorn was the first one to reach her and he gave her a nice friendly hug. “Welcome to the Squad,” he whispered in her ear. “Officially this time.”

  She hugged each guest, including the Vega brothers and their wives. It was the first time that Layla was meeting her new neighbors but she liked them already.

  “Good luck with those two,” Julius said. “If you need a break from them you’re welcome to come stay at our house.” He shook his head slowly as he looked at her with sympathetic eyes. “You poor, poor woman.”

  “Shut up,” his wife and mate, Ava said, slapping the back of his head. “Congratulations, Layla. You look beautiful in your dress.”

  The twins had decorated the barn with thousands of flowers and candles, giving it a warm, cozy feel. It was autumn outside and the leaves were jam-packed with vibrant colors and the wind was crisp and cool. The setting looked even more gorgeous in the fall.

  All that was missing were Layla’s parents. They were a tad old fashioned and she just couldn’t invite them, even though she really wanted to. Not only was she marrying two men, but they were shifters on top of that. Her mother would have had a heart attack if she were here. Layla was planning on telling them over the phone and then after letting the news settle in for a day or two, she would take a road trip down to see them with her men.

  The women surrounded her, taking turns examining her wedding dress and her two diamond rings, one on each hand. “It’s so beautiful,” Elena said, touching the lacy material of her dress. “I wish I was still small enough to fit in my wedding dress.” She had a cub in her oven and it looked like there was a small beach ball under her dress.

  “Maybe it’s going to be you next,” Ava said, rubbing her own pregnant belly.

  Layla cringed. She wasn’t ready for kids just yet but one day she could picture little feet running around her house. And with her men’s crazy sex drives, it would probably be sooner rather than later.

  “Where are all of the boys?” Layla asked, looking around. They had all disappeared while the women were talking.

  They stopped and listened. There was a commotion going on behind the barn.

  Layla hiked up her dress in her hands and marched around to the back of the barn with her new crew of ladies following her.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Layla yelled when she saw the scene.

  Alexander and Stetson had their suit jackets off with their sleeves rolled up their giant forearms. They were circling each other with their fists in the air, about to throw down. The rest of the boys were circled around them cheering them on.

  Layla marched forward, bursting between Khan and Tyler to get into the circle. “Oh, hell no,” she shouted, standing between the two giant polar bear shifters. “There’s no fighting on my wedding day.”

  “Seriously, Alexander?” Elena yelled with her hands on her hips. “You promised me on the way over here.”

  Kylee looked just as pissed at her man. “I’m going to handcuff you to the freaking barn, Stetson.”

  Slate ran over to Layla with a stack of bills in his hand. “You don’t understand, babe. We’ve been waiting for years for these two to settle this.”

  “Well, it’s not going to happen today,” Layla said, plucking the bills out of his hand. She flashed him a smile as she stuffed the money into her bra. “You’re married now. Get used to it.”

  Julius looked devastated. “Ugh,” he whined. “Is this fight ever going to happen?”

  Layla stepped aside as Elena and Kylee rushed over, giving their men shit. “Can you act civilized for one day?” Elena yelled, smacking Alexander’s arm.

  Layla turned towards Mikki who was standing beside her mate, Hannibal. “What are they fighting about anyway?”

  “I don’t know,” Mikki said with a shrug. “Bear stuff. Something about two dominant polar bears together will never get along.” She chuckled. “Don’t try to understand it. It will hurt your brain.”

  Layla s
tuck her two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly, getting everyone’s attention once they were all back in front of the barn. “There’s only one type of battle allowed at my wedding,” she hollered. She walked over to the speakers where her iPod was attached. She found the perfect song and hit play.

  “A dance battle!” she yelled and everyone cheered. Everyone except the two muscular polar bear shifters who were staring at her with wide nervous eyes.

  Layla marched over to Stetson, grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the middle of the circle of people.

  “Oh, no,” Alexander said, shaking his head as she approached.

  “Oh, yes,” she said, grabbing his thick wrist. “It’s my wedding day. I make the rules.”

  She made them face each other as Right Said Fred’s I’m Too Sexy started playing over the speakers. “Make it good gentleman,” she said, crossing her arms as she stepped back. “I’m the judge and I’m not easily impressed.”

  Slate reached over her shoulder and snatched his wad of bills back from out of her bra. He rushed away and started placing bets with Julius.

  At first, the two giants just stood there glaring at each other but as the beat got going Stetson’s hips began swaying and then Alexander’s shoulders started bouncing. Before they knew it the two monsters were shaking and moving and grinding and having a full blown dance battle.

  “Woooooooo!” Layla screamed as the crowd went nuts. Alexander was surprisingly nimble and graceful for such a large man.

  “Take it off!” Julius yelled.

  Stetson shook his hips as he began slowly unbuttoning his shirt while grinding his hips.

  “No!” Slate screamed. “Keep it on! Please keep it on!”

  The music was blaring and everyone was laughing as the two giants faced each other, shaking their hips and moving their arms like two drunk Dads at a wedding. Layla could barely breathe, she was laughing so hard, especially when Stetson ripped his shirt off and began twirling it around his head.


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