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Her Master's Kiss (Erotic Romance)

Page 7

by Vivien Sparx

  Stefan sighed. “You should not have run,” he said.

  “It just happened.”

  “You ruined my plans for the evening.”

  Renee huffed. “Plans with that woman…”

  “No, my plans for you.”

  Renee frowned. “So why was that woman there?”

  “She wanted me to train her to be a submissive…. But I told her no.”

  Renee blinked. “You told her no?”

  “I told her no.”

  “Why?” she rolled onto her side, facing Stefan, staring into his eyes to read his expression.

  “”I told her I’m no longer training women to be submissives,” he said. “I told her I was choosing a new career path.”


  “So you and I might… might have a chance, Renee,” Stefan said the words he had struggled so hard to say. “So that you and I might be able to find out if what I feel for you is enough to build a future on.”

  Renee’s breath caught in her throat. The words echoed in her head, filling her with a sudden burst of warmth. “Really?”


  She flung her arms around him, and Stefan held her close. He kissed her lightly, feeling the shape of her body as they lay, soaked and shivering in the muddy ground. Renee hugged him like she would never let him go.

  “So what did the woman say?” she asked breathlessly. “When you told her you wouldn’t train her?”

  “She was upset,” Stefan murmured. “She couldn’t believe I was going to start a new career.”

  Renee pulled back within the circle of their embrace. “And what is this new career,” she asked curiously.

  “I told her I was going to write romance novels,” Stefan smiled. “It seems an appropriate choice. You can be my research assistant.”

  “And your slave?”

  “And my slave – if you’re willing?”

  “I am,” Renee vowed. “I really am.”

  Day Nine.

  “The submissive commits herself when she accepts a collar. From that moment on they are truly

  master and slave.”

  Renee knelt in the living room, and could not stop herself from trembling. She had never been more nervous, or more excited in her entire life.

  Stefan stood before her, holding a small parcel wrapped in brown paper. His eyes were on her, his expression solemn.

  “This is for you,” he said. “Open it.”

  He handed the parcel to Renee. She tore at the wrapping paper to reveal a slim box, about the same shape and thickness as a paperback novel. She lifted the lid to reveal a simple black collar. With reverence, she raised the collar from its tissue paper packaging and held it in her hands.

  The collar was a centimeter thick, made of black leather. It felt remarkably soft in her hand, not as stiff and inflexible as she thought it might have been. Attached to the collar was a silver ring.

  It was a simple collar, but to Renee it represented something incredibly significance.

  “By accepting my collar, you are accepting the terms and conditions of our agreement,” Stefan warned. “You bind yourself to me as my slave from the moment that collar is buckled around your neck. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes,” Renee said softly.

  “As my slave, you will be expected to be obedient at all times. Do you accept that?”


  “You will be expected to follow my instructions without question, knowing that my orders are for my pleasure, or for your own good. Do you accept that, Renee?”


  “As my slave you will be used for my sexual pleasure at any time I desire. You will be willing and available, and you will dress and behave in the manner I demand. Do you accept this also?”

  “Yes, master. I accept it all.”

  “Very well,” Stefan said.

  He stepped forward and took the collar from Renee’s hands. “Bow your head.”

  Stefan eased the collar around Renee’s slender neck and fastened the buckle so that it sat loosely around her throat. “You are my salve,” he said. “I take you as my property, and in doing so I give you my pledge to continue your training as a submissive.”

  With the collar around her neck, Renee felt soft tears of joy misting her eyes. Emotions tumbled and boiled up inside her. She was happy, she was relieved, she was excited and she was a little nervous about what the future with this man might hold. But through it all her sense of satisfaction – of feeling this was exactly where she belonged – came swelling up through the background noise. She belonged. Right here.

  With her master.

  “Stand,” Stefan said.

  Renee stood. She spread her legs and bowed her head. Her hands went behind her back automatically, just as she had been trained.

  Stefan circled behind her; standing so close she could feel the heat of him against her skin. Then his fingers were plucking at the fastenings of her red lace bra.

  Stefan eased the straps off Renee’s shoulders, and pulled the bra down her arms. Her breasts sat free, and Stefan reached around her waist and cupped the weight of one of them in his hand. Renee sucked in a sharp breath, and then gave a small, delicious gasp as she felt his strong fingers squeezing and teasing her nipple.

  “It is the custom for the master and his slave to share their first night as man and woman,” Stefan explained. “That means we get this night together, before you begin your role as my slave. This is your one chance to be unrestrained – so I suggest we make the most of it.”

  Renee turned around to face Stefan. He hooked one of his fingers into the silver ring of her collar. “Follow me to the bedroom,” he said.

  Stefan led Renee to a room that was sparsely furnished. A huge king-size bed dominated the space. It stood in the center of the room, and beside it, on one side, was a small table. There was a lamp on the tabletop. To Renee’s left was a large floor-to-ceiling window. The curtains were drawn. The room was a reflection of Stefan’s personality, she decided. Remote. Austere. Functional.

  There was nothing in the room that didn’t serve a purpose. There were no photos, no paintings. No decorations at all.

  Renee stood in the doorway while Stefan went to the huge bed and turned down the covers.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Renee padded to the side of the bed and stood nervously. She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what he wanted, or what would happen next. She had no experience like this in her past to draw on.

  Stefan sensed her uncertainty and smiled. “Relax,” he said softly. “As I said, this night is for us to be a man and a woman. Tomorrow you will be my slave.”

  While she watched, Stefan undressed. First, he peeled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. His shoes and socks disappeared quickly. Then he deftly unbuckled and stepped free of his trousers.

  Renee studied him with sensually lowered eyelids, marveling in the hard toned contours of his broad chest and the flexing muscles of his abdomen. Her eyes drifted lower. He was magnificent, and daunting.

  Stefan studied her expression with a hint of amusement glittering in his dark eyes. “I know you are inexperienced,” he said softly. “I will be gentle.”

  He guided her hand down to touch him while he stood and watched her expression. Her fingers fluttered lightly, unsure, but he nodded his encouragement. Then her grip became more certain and Stefan sighed.

  She was exhilarated, and excited. He pulled her closer, pressing her against him, feeling the tips of her breasts graze against his skin. An eruption of molten desire burst its walls within Renee’s body, spilling and flowing through her legs until she was sure she would collapse.

  Stefan’s hands moved to her shoulders and then slid down her arms, stroking her skin with a gentle rhythm. It was as if she were a nervous kitten that needed soothing. The sparks of his touch only served to fuel her desire until every inch of her body seemed alive with electric anticipation.

  Then his hand was edgin
g between them, down her body, skimming over her flanks and then moving towards her center. She could feel the flex of his fingers creeping closer to her panties and she held her breath. Then his fingers paused and Renee was forced to wait, her body trembling with exquisite anticipation while the seconds dragged out, taunting her beyond reason.

  Finally, she felt his touch slide beneath the elastic of her red panties and she sucked in a deep breath, flattening her abdomen, encouraging him to reach further.

  “Lay on the bed,” Stefan said in a low voice. The corner of his mouth flirted with a smile as he gazed into her eyes.

  Renee crawled onto the bed and rolled onto her back. Her hair fanned out around her head, long blonde tendrils over the pillow. Stefan took a moment to admire the writhing lithe shape of her. She threw one arm over her head and her perfect breasts swelled and moved, as if in invitation to his mouth.

  “Panties,” he said.

  Renee hooked the thumb of her other hand inside the band of the lingerie and tugged them down. When they reached her knees, Stefan eased himself onto the bed beside her and removed them with a flick of his fingers.

  “I am your master,” Stefan said, and there was a dangerous aspect in the way his eyes glinted hungrily. “Now, give yourself to me completely.”

  He covered her with his body and Renee’s legs fell open in invitation, welcoming the weight of him, reveling in the sensory overload as their bodies pressed together and she felt the fullness of him filling her. She cried out in shock, and then her mouth fell open in a wordless, breathless gasp of pleasure as Stefan moved with slow, deliberate, expert thrusts.

  It couldn’t last for long; it was just too intense, too erotic, and so long anticipated. Their hunger for each other’s body was like an insatiable, unquenchable frenzy.

  Quickly Stefan’s pace increased, his thrusts seeming deeper, seeming to fill her more completely, until Renee’s body arched underneath him as she cried out – shattered by an intense orgasm. She clung to Stefan, her arms wrapped around the broad of his back as she felt herself being swept away again by an aftershock. She felt her body racked with spasms that she had no control over. She was helpless beneath him as he covered her mouth with sizzling breathless kisses.

  Renee felt his tongue driving between her lips. She dragged her hands up the width of his back until they were laced together behind his neck, holding his head as they kissed desperately.

  “I love you,” she gasped. “I love you, master.”

  As if triggered by her words, Stefan lost all control. His whole body tensed. The muscles in his arms went taut. Renee felt his chest expand. His body was like a mighty bow, drawn and held on the verge of release.

  And then with a powerful rush, Stefan exploded.

  Renee rode the wave of his release with him, writhing and twisting as he lost all control.

  When the moment passed they lay together, exhausted, but still aroused. Stefan’s hands roamed lightly up and down Renee’s body and she shuddered as his fingers found erotic places she did not know existed.

  “We have about nine hours left until sunrise,” Stefan said lazily, “so perhaps you should sleep for an hour. I have a feeling you are going to be kept awake through most of the night.”

  Renee giggled. Then Stefan’s fingers found a particularly pleasurable spot and the sound of her voice changed to something altogether sexier.

  “I’m not tired,” she purred sexily.

  “Stefan smiled. “Very well,” he murmured, bending to kiss her throat around where the collar lay against her skin. “But you should be warned – tomorrow morning you start advanced training…. and it’s going to be a very long day.”

  Bonus Material:

  Whenever Hollywood releases a new film it’s normal for the stars to do a wide range of interviews. I thought it would be fun to send an interviewer to talk to Stefan and Renee.

  This interview took place two weeks after the story concluded:

  Interviewer: Welcome to both of you. I want to dive right in here and ask the first question to you, Stefan. On the first day of Her Master’s Kiss, your tone with Renee seemed very formal. Was there any glimmer of attraction for you at that early stage?

  Stefan: Of course there was! You have to remember that I had trained quite a number of women in the art of submission. When Renee came to me she was just another pretty face, and beautiful body. But, of course, there was a physical attraction. It’s just at the early stages of our story I was able to ignore the attraction and focus on her training.

  Interviewer: We saw in the scene where you were teaching Renee the two positions of submission that the attraction between you two really began to smoulder. It was the first time you had a strong physical response. Do you recall what you were feeling at the time?

  Stefan: I remember the moment exactly. At the time I was struggling to contain my physical desire for her, but seeing her willingness to obey was what I found most arousing.

  Interviewer: And that was the night of The Kiss.

  Stefan: Yes. Yes it was. After Renee had done so well to follow my instructions, I quite suddenly decided that she should be rewarded. It wasn’t something I had planned. The evening’s session was supposed to end with Renee understanding her submissive positions. Then I asked her to touch herself for me while I watched…. And then… well yes… then came The Kiss.

  Interviewer: Renee, that was a pretty emotional evening for you too, wasn’t it. We read in the story how aroused you are at that point, with Stefan showing you the positions. What were you thinking at the time?

  Renee: It was a really intense scene. I was already very, very attracted to Stefan, well before that session at his home. For me it was as much an emotional realization, as it was a physical reaction. And when Stefan was standing over me, demonstrating how a master would use my body in each of the positions, I just kind of… started responding. My body just reacted, I guess.

  Interviewer: And the touching episode?

  Renee: Oh, my God! That was nerve-wracking. I’d never, ever done anything like that before! You know, there was a split-second where I even thought about saying ‘no’… but I was just so aroused at that point, and there was something about Stefan’s manner I remember… it was like it wasn’t any big deal. He didn’t make it seem like a major moment, but rather the culmination of what we had already been doing. So I didn’t react with the sort of jolt I might have. I felt a little bit like I was in a strong current being pulled downstream… so I just went with the flow.

  Interviewer: and The Kiss? How was that moment for you? Did it change everything in your relationship?

  Renee: Absolutely! The Kiss was the most erotic, sensual, emotional moment of my life. For me it was about a connection. It was the first time I felt that Stefan had let down some of his barriers. Up until that moment there was always something guarded – something he was holding back. After The Kiss, I felt our relationship was very, very different.

  Interviewer? Stefan? What about you?

  Stefan: It wasn’t the first time I had thought about kissing Renee. I had thought about it on a couple of occasions on earlier training evenings. But at those times it was more of a curiosity… and something I was able to dismiss. But on Day Four…. Well I guess it was a combination of things. It was just a very erotic, sensual moment… and suddenly I couldn’t maintain my self-control any longer.

  Interviewer: Any regrets?

  Stefan: About what? About kissing Renee?

  Interviewer: Yes.

  Stefan: Well, initially I actually did have regrets. I remember wondering, after she had left that night, whether I had made a big mistake. I remember sitting in the dark listening to the clock, and trying to understand exactly what had made me kiss her in that way… what it was about her that had affected me so. I think I was already starting to feel some emotional connection with Renee, but I don’t think I really understood the reasons. Everything was very intense.

  Interviewer: Jumping ahead from that, we come
to Day Seven. That was the moment where you realized you had genuine feelings for Renee, and it follows the Second Kiss. Do you remember that?

  Stefan: How could I forget?

  Interviewer: It was certainly an intense moment in the story… but I wanted to ask you about the events later that evening. After Renee had left for the night you sat down and wrote a very touching letter to your dead wife Tiffany. How hard was that for you to do?

  Stefan: Writing that letter was perhaps the most grueling aspect of our whole story. Truly, when I sat down, I still didn’t understand what it was about Renee that made me feel so strongly for her. All I knew was that I couldn’t move forward with Renee unless I made peace with my past. Tif was everything to me during our marriage, and I kept her spirit alive as best I could in the years afterwards. When I sat down and wrote that letter, I just couldn’t find the right words to say everything I was feeling… maybe because I didn’t understand the feelings. It took me a long time to get those words on paper, and even now, I’m not sure I managed to capture everything I was thinking and feeling. When I re-read the letter now it feels clumsy and awkward. My only consolation is that, despite everything else – it was heartfelt.

  Interviewer: Renee, I think everyone would agree the whipping Stefan gave you that evening, and the way you confessed your love for him through it all, was a highlight of the story. What do you remember about that moment?

  Renee: It was probably the biggest moment of the story for me. I had been through a lot in the few days leading up to that night, especially the shock of discovering everything about James. I know I felt lost… really lost. I had nothing in my life I could cling to except for my desire to learn submission. Added to that was this undeniable physical attraction I had for Stefan by that time… and my deepening feelings for him. I know I pushed him too hard that night, and for a moment, when he picked up the whip in the punishment room, I really was frightened. But I also knew it was probably my one chance to show him that I was committed, and that my feelings for him were real. No whip was going to change that.


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