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Curves & Curls ~ Bethan's Story (Erotic Romance) (Naughty Nights House Parties)

Page 4

by Sophie Shearer

  Their lips met in a long lingering kiss that quickly escalated into desire. Still kissing, Bethan led him along the passage to her bedroom where they calmly removed all their clothes and lay on the bed. It all seemed so natural and they both felt very comfortable to be naked in Bethan’s bedroom.

  “Oh Bethan, you’re an amazing woman and I just can’t help myself,” Charlie groaned running his fingers up and down her waiting body, “I’ve waited all evening to touch you like this.”

  Bethan silently looked into his eyes and saw passion mixed with the gentleness that came naturally to him.

  “Me too, please don’t stop,” she replied softly, “you’re a beautiful, sexy man and make me feel so good, I just love it when you touch me.”

  She could feel Charlie’s rock hard manliness pressed up against her thigh as he traced patterns down her body; first with his fingers then with his tongue. Bethan was in heaven, she couldn’t remember a time when she had felt happier.

  Right now there was no need for prolonged foreplay, they both knew what they wanted; to come together as one and satisfy each other’s desire.

  They made love slowly and tenderly getting to know each other’s body, each wanting to please the other. For Bethan it was a unique experience; she had never known such a considerate lover and she knew she loved him already.

  Afterwards, as they lay entwined in each other’s arms under the feather duvet, Bethan could hear Charlie’s breathing begin to steady as he fell asleep. She raised herself onto her elbow and watched him. I just wish this could last forever, she thought wistfully, but he’ll be gone in a few weeks.

  Finally Bethan fell asleep next to Charlie only to wake a few hours later desperate to use the bathroom. She climbed carefully out of bed so she didn’t disturb him, pulled on a robe and crept next door to the bathroom.

  She washed her hands then cleaned her teeth to help remove the lingering taste of wine in her mouth. When she looked outside she saw it wasn’t yet light but Bethan knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep if she went back to bed so she went into the kitchen to make some coffee.

  Once the coffee was brewed Bethan poured herself a cup and, leaning her elbows on the counter, looked out onto the quiet street. There was no-one about except a cat sitting on a wall giving himself a thorough wash.

  Bethan thought she heard movement in her bedroom and then she heard the toilet flush.

  “Bethan?” she heard him say.

  “I’m here, in the kitchen,” she replied quietly.

  She heard his bare feet padding towards the kitchen.

  Although Bethan had her back to him as she sipped her coffee, she could almost feel the desire Charlie was sending in her direction.

  “Bethan, have I told you how sexy your ass is?” Charlie said with obvious lust. “I can't wait to make love to you again.”

  “Hold your eager horses my American friend,” Bethan said playfully as she put her coffee down and turned round to face him. She leaned back on the countertop, crossing her arms so her firm breasts stood out through the thin fabric of her robe enticingly. “You are being rather presumptuous, mister; who said I’m going to let you have any of this a second time?”

  With a devious smile and wearing only his boxer shorts and an obvious erection, Charlie walked slowly over to her. He stood right up against her, until she could feel his hard bulge pressing on her stomach. As he moved forward she thought he was going to kiss her, but he smiled as he went past her waiting mouth. As his lips reached her neck, and she could feel a warm, gentle breath brush her ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

  “Oh, I am very confident that you're going to let me have more fun with you,” he said in a seductive whisper as he unfastened her belt to let the robe fall open to reveal her naked body.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he stood back to look at her, “I love your curves, I love your hair, I love… err, just being in the same room as you; you really turn me on.”

  With that, he began to cover her with slow, seductive kisses. He started just behind her ear, and with the softness of feathers, the trail of kisses went down the side of her neck, between her breasts, down her stomach. He squatted down so that his face was at the same height as her pussy. He pushed her legs apart and moved his open mouth to her waiting wetness.

  Bethan leaned her head back and closed her eyes, prepared to enjoy a repeat episode of Charlie's oral attention. She felt the heat of his mouth a moment before his tongue playfully dipped between her vaginal lips.

  “Do you want some more, honey?” he said. Her eyes remained shut and she just moaned in a manner that confirmed her agreement. “See, I knew you were going to let me have some more of… this.”

  To make his point his tongue ran up the length of her labia, the sensation driving her wild. Another long firm lick, then another; like a thirsty dog lapping up water on a hot summer day, his tongue kept sliding between her wet lips.

  “Please, Charlie, don’t stop,” she gasped, his magical mouth starting a growing fire inside her. He reached his hands around her and cupping her ass cheeks, pulled her forcefully against his mouth. Bethan let out another moan as his tongue penetrated her. Down on his knees, he lifted one of her legs up in the air and placed it securely over his shoulder. Her vaginal lips spread open a little more, and Charlie's tongue wiggled deeper inside.

  She grabbed his head and pulled it harder against her pussy. The wet friction felt wonderful, and as she started to orgasm, the leg that was still standing buckled slightly. But Charlie's strong hands helped her balance as she lost control and used her hips to fuck his hot, eager mouth. She rode the wave of her climax until it was done.

  “Now it's my turn,” he said with a smile, quickly throwing off his underwear.

  Charlie stood up and wrapped his arms behind her back. Bethan threw her arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him deeply. She could taste herself faintly on his lips but didn't care. All she wanted was to feel him inside her again. As if able to read her mind, Charlie lifted her up on the kitchen counter so that she could wrap her legs around his body. With a little adjustment, Bethan could feel the thick head of his erection find her opening. In one smooth motion, he slid his rigid tool into her wet pussy.

  “Oh my God, Charlie,” Bethan said breathlessly. “You really know how to make a girl feel good; don’t stop”

  A nanosecond of delicious pain was immediately replaced by a flood of yet more pleasure. His manhood seemed to fill up all of her, and as he held her ass on the kitchen counter, he used his powerful hips to pump his cock in and out. He wasn't tender like earlier when they had made love, this time he had a sexual urgency that completely turned on the inner animal in her. The intensity was fierce, and within minutes, they were both covered in sweat.

  Then instead of pounding with glorious abandon, he slowed down and was deliberately grinding hard into her, putting a lot of physical pressure on her already aroused clit.

  Slowly and sensuously Charlie pushed his cock in and out, the pleasure increasing with each long, hard thrust until she began to come again with an intensity she had never felt before. The feeling was exquisite as wave after wave of ecstasy began to flow through her.

  “Oh Charlie, I'm coming again, fuck me hard,” she pleaded.

  Bethan opened her eyes and gazed into Charlie's face. It was drenched in sweat and twisted in what looked like pain. But she knew he definitely wasn't feeling any pain right now.

  “Oh fuck, baby, I'm going to come as well” he said desperately.

  Unbelievably, he pounded into her even harder. After a few of those super-intense strokes, he let out a loud groan as his hips jerked and she could feel him shudder as he came inside her. She just held on tightly around his neck, as they rode the waves and came together.

  They stayed locked together with Bethan sitting on the kitchen counter and Charlie pushed up close until they had recovered enough to breath evenly. Charlie looked at her with a satisfied and unfathomable expressi
on on his face that made her feel attractive and wanted. He kissed her softly on the lips and held her close until his cock could stay there no longer.

  A feeling of peace washed over her in the aftermath of their lovemaking as Charlie carried her effortlessly through to the bedroom and laid her gently down on the bed.

  “Bethan,” Charlie began, “what did I ever do to deserve you?” He lay down next to her, covered them both with the duvet and wrapped his strong arm protectively round her.

  “Tonight has been the best night I have had in a very long time; not just the sex, although that was mind blowing, but just being with you and learning about you has been amazing. I never want this to end”

  Bethan didn't answer. She just felt so safe and loved, that she easily drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  They woke the next morning with the sun streaming through the window. They were cuddled together like spoons, making Bethan feel that all was well in her world. She was glad it was Sunday because neither of them had to rush to be anywhere and she could enjoy just lying next to Charlie’s warm body.

  “Can we spend the day together or do you have other plans?” Charlie asked. “We could go out for lunch or just stay in and lounge around all day.”

  Bethan was delighted because she had been secretly worrying that he would get up and dressed then walk out of her life; and she just couldn’t bear that.

  “That would be great, I’ve nothing planned so we can do whatever you want,” she replied happily. “But first let’s go out and get something to eat; I wasn’t expecting guests so there’s nothing in the ‘fridge. There’s a good place on the wharf about ten minutes’ walk from here that does an excellent all-day breakfast and it looks like a nice day for a stroll.”

  “Sounds good to me, I’ll have a quick shower if that’s OK.”

  “Go for it, there are towels in the cupboard just outside the bathroom. I’ll make some coffee.” Bethan got up and looked around for her robe.

  “If you’re looking for the thing you had on last night, I think you’ll probably find it on the floor in the kitchen,” Charlie said smiling, “but you look stunning just as you are.”

  “Don’t be silly, I can’t wander round naked, there are buildings directly across from here,” she laughed, “and I don’t want to frighten the pigeons either.”

  She got a nightshirt out of the drawer and slipped it over her head then went off to put the coffee on.

  Charlie came in to the kitchen fifteen minutes later fully dressed. His dark hair was still damp and Bethan had to supress the urge to run her fingers through it. Instead she poured him a mug of coffee and put it in front of him on the breakfast bar along with the cream and sugar.

  “I’ll go and shower now,” she said, “I won’t be long.”

  “Do you need your back scrubbed?” he asked innocently with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Err – no thanks, we’ll never get any breakfast and I’m hungry with all the activity of the last few days,” Bethan said primly, picking up her discarded robe on the way out of the kitchen.

  Thirty minutes later they were ready to go.

  As they walked along the road by the wharf the weather was perfect, it was warm and the sun was glinting on the water. Charlie and Bethan walked hand in hand enjoying the fresh air.

  “What a beautiful day, the sun is quite warm – not as warm as Florida of course but not bad for England.” said Charlie. “There haven’t been too many days of sun since I got here. But it could be pouring down and it would still be a beautiful day.”

  “I hope you’re not just saying lovely things to humour me,” Bethan said uncertainly. She was still a bit shell shocked at how fast things seemed to be moving, at least for her. She was trying her best to keep it light but, in her heart, she knew it was only a matter of time before she was head over heels. A couple of days ago she would have scoffed at the idea of love at first sight but now she knew different. She had fallen for this gentle, handsome American but she knew it could only end in tears; her tears.

  “Bethan, one day you will realise that I never say anything I don’t mean. I have had the time of my life with you and I’m hoping that we can find a way to keep seeing each other.”

  “Oh Charlie, I hope so too,” Bethan said earnestly.

  “Here we are,” Bethan said quickly changing the subject as they stopped outside a pretty Bistro with tables outside on the pavement covered with red chequered cloths. “Do you want to sit outside or shall we go in?”

  “It’s such a lovely day it would be a shame to sit inside,” he said holding out a chair at a vacant table for her.

  They made themselves comfortable and when the waiter appeared they ordered a full English breakfast each.

  “I didn’t realise how hungry I was until I smelled the bacon,” Charlie said as the waiter went inside to get their coffee.

  After breakfast they picked up the Sunday papers from the shop on the way back to the flat and spent the rest of the morning reading, talking and drinking coffee. Later that day they wandered hand in hand back down to the wharf and sat in a bar drinking wine and just enjoying being together, intending to have dinner later.

  Around six o’clock Charlie’s phone buzzed in his pocket, he took it out and, after a quick glance slid his finger over the screen to answer the call. Bethan could only hear one side of the conversation but Charlie was obviously concerned about what the other person was telling him. Pretty quickly Bethan realised with a sinking feeling that there was a problem with his daughter.

  “Of course I’m worried; how is she?” he said sharply, “when’s the surgery? Right, I’ll be back as soon as I can, give her a big kiss from me.”

  He jabbed the off button and stood up quickly nearly knocking over the table.

  “I have to go,” he said, “I need to get back to Florida.”

  “What’s wrong?” Bethan asked picking up her bag and rushing out of the bar with him.

  “It’s Isabella, my daughter; she’s been in a car accident coming home from a birthday party. Christa was driving, that’s my ex-wife, and they were sideswiped when a kid ran a red light. Christa’s fine but Bella has a broken leg and needs surgery to pin the bones. I have to speak to Mike and get him to arrange my travel.”

  He made the call as they hurried back to the flat.

  “I’m so sorry Bethan, I have to go, Mike’s on his way to pick me up,” he said pulling her close and kissing her hair. “I will be in touch soon; this is not the end for us, it’s just the beginning.”

  They kissed deeply as if for the last time. Bethan was sure this was the last she would see of him but she was grateful for the last few days they had spent together.

  “I hope Isabella gets better soon, she’ll be happy to see you; little girls need their Daddy when they’re not well.” Bethan said as he opened the door to leave.

  “Goodbye for now my beautiful flame haired beauty,” Charlie said kissing her one last time. “I’ll be back soon and I’ll call and email.”

  Bethan watched as he walked out of her life but, she hoped fervently, only for a short time.

  Chapter Twelve

  The weeks following Charlie’s return to the States were a miserable time for Bethan. She really wanted to believe she would see him again but it had been nearly a month now and, as Isabella had needed to have two lots of surgery on her leg, Charlie was still there. Oh, she didn’t blame him for staying; he needed to be with his little girl but god, she missed him.

  They had spoken almost every day, emailed and got together on Skype a couple of times but it wasn’t nearly enough. Bethan wanted to feel his arms around her, she wanted to be with him every day because she had done the very thing she knew she shouldn’t – she had fallen in love with him; but she couldn’t tell him, he had other priorities right now.

  Each day she went to work, came home then waited to see if he would call her. If he didn’t she was miserable for the evening; she was like a love struck teenager.<
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  Jo and Ashley had taken her out and tried to cheer her up but it didn’t work, all she could talk about was the few days she had spent with Charlie. The girls had heard the whole story from start to finish several times and thought that he had no intention of coming back. So they tried to get her to come to the next party at Jenny’s; they were going again next week. But Bethan would not even consider it this time; she was going to stay faithful to Charlie until he either returned or told her it was over.

  Early one morning, after waking up and being unable to get back to sleep, Bethan was in the kitchen nursing a cup of strong coffee and looking out onto the quiet street below. She was remembering the night before Charlie left when they had made love on this very spot on the kitchen counter. She was standing in exactly the same position as when he had come into the kitchen wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. I wish he was here now, she thought, I would give anything to feel his arms around me again.

  That brief encounter with Charlie had been the happiest of her life and she couldn’t bear to think it could be over but what could she really know about someone after just a few days? Even though they spoke on the phone regularly she couldn’t be absolutely certain he cared like he said he did. What if he never came back?

  Although she knew that she could love Charlie forever if things were different, she could not let wishful thinking ruin the rest of her life. She had to accept that his life was in America and she was here in England.

  So right there at that moment, looking out of the window in the kitchen, Bethan decided to pull herself together and get on with life. She would make the most of what she had. She would ring Jo and Ashley tomorrow to see if they were up for an evening on the town.

  With the decision made Bethan began to feel a little better; she had plans to make and a life to live. She finished her coffee and rinsed the cup before going back to bed; it was Sunday after all and she didn’t need to be up early.


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