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Tangled Paths

Page 19

by Kimi Flores

  Josh looked at each of their faces. He saw longing, want, and hope in their eyes. When he looked at Bri, he saw hard core determination.

  Damn, I love that about her.

  The women sneered at each other, as though checking out the competition. Not Bri. She kept her eye on the prize. He imagined she wouldn’t even flinch if she had to beat down anyone that tried to take the bouquet from her.

  Just as the bundle went flying in the air, Bri launched into the air, as well as three other women. She caught it midair and landed with a loud oomph, chest down on the hard dance floor. Her survival instincts must’ve kicked in just in time, because as she rolled out of the way, the three other girls landed on top of each other—including Brandy—a couple feet from Bri’s sprawled out body.

  He felt pride radiating off of him. That’s my girl.

  As ladylike as possible, she stood up, smoothing down the front of her dress before the roar of laughter bellowed through the room. She raised and shook the bouquet above her head, doing a little celebratory dance before bowing. Josh chuckled when he caught Alison making the universal ‘pay up’ sign to Paul by rubbing her index finger and thumb together.

  Cheers erupted as she made her way off the dance floor, toward Josh, with a victorious smile. She prowled her sexiest barefooted saunter toward him, which definitely got his attention. He swiped his tongue across his suddenly dry lips.

  "How was that?” She batted her eyelashes, placing her prize on the table.

  “Let me guess. You won the state championship in bouquet catching, as well?”

  With a devilish smirk, she retorted, “Yeah, something like that.”

  “That was really hot,” he growled, loving the goose bumps on her skin as he caressed her arm. “I can't wait to slowly drag the garter I catch, all the way up your leg.” Even quieter, he added, “It’ll match your tattoo."

  She looked flushed as the DJ announced, “Can I have all of the single men out on the dance floor now? Calling all the single men. Time for the garter toss.”

  “My turn.” Josh smirked confidently as he danced away, lip singing to Bon Jovi’s, You Give Love a Bad Name, playing in the background.

  Looking around, he stepped onto the dance floor. It was crowded, though he imagined none of these fuckers would be up here if Paul’s overly made up Aunt Mildred had caught the bouquet.

  I’m not letting any of you bastards slip that thing on her. Josh caught his brother smirking a few guys away. Including you little brother.

  Determined, Josh kept one eye on the garter and the other on his opponents. Bri may not care about her competitors, but he knew these assholes had more reason to catch that garter now.

  Paul smirked over his shoulder at the crowd of guys behind him, then he slung the ruffled elastic band over his shoulder in the complete opposite direction of where Josh was standing.


  Much like Bri had done, Josh dove for the garter, picking it up from the floor. With a happy smile, he lifted it and waved it for all to see. As he stood, he started to realize that all the other guys had stayed in their spots, watching him with their arms folded over their chests. Suddenly, Bri—and everyone else in the place— started laughing hysterically.

  Cracking up, Paul walked over to him, slapping Josh on the back. "Sorry, dude. When you told me you wanted to make sure nobody else got it if Bri had caught the bouquet, I told the guys to let you dive while they watched. Funniest shit ever." The bastard had to hold onto his stomach, he was laughing so hard.

  Bracing himself on his knees, Josh said sarcastically, “Yeah, real funny, asshole. Wait until you see what I do next. Your new wife may not be very satisfied with you anymore. I might just end up with a new admirer.”

  Paul stopped laughing abruptly. “Yeah, ain't gonna happen.”

  “Love your confidence though, my friend.” Josh clapped his friend’s back.

  Shaking his head, Paul walked away, snickering.

  The DJ made another announcement, "Now it's time for the lucky lady with the bouquet and the gentleman with the garter to come out to the dance floor."


  Josh waved Bri over. Taking a deep breath, she blew out through her mouth. “I’m not sure I should trust that naughty smile of yours.”

  Good, she saw it.

  He repositioned the chair Alison had just vacated, leaving plenty of room for him to show Bri, and everyone, that she was his.

  Bri slowly made her way toward the chair Josh had just moved. Looking around at every watchful eye, she was starting to get a little nervous.

  Josh promised to slowly drag that garter up my leg in front of all of these people. He did say slowly, didn’t he?

  Bri began to feel lightheaded as she took the seat on the edge of the dance floor. Josh leaned in and mouthed the word ‘trust me’. She did trust him. Nodding, she watched him take off his jacket and strut toward the other side of the dance floor. Then the lights dimmed as the sultry beat of Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back enveloped the room.


  Frozen in her spot, she watched a spotlight hit Josh. He smiled wickedly as he started swirling and popping his pelvis to the beat of the music. Taking his time, he leisurely removed the garter wrapped around his bicep, slowly rolling his body down from his chest to his abdomen, and then thrusting his hips again.

  Bri's quick breaths betrayed her. Who am I trying to kid? I’m panting like a freaking dog here.

  He locked eyes with her, as though they were the only ones in the room, and this dance was for her and her alone. She was lost in his movements. He was dancing for her.

  Bent on one knee he slid across the dance floor. The move was so smooth, it looked like he’d been training for this. He forced his pelvis forward, then switched legs, slid, and popped his groin toward her again. Backing up, he silently dared her to look away. She couldn’t if she wanted to. She was frozen, imagining his moves would rival the best male exotic dancers.

  Josh sprung toward her, skidding to a stop on his knees, then bending back. Casually, he stroked his palms over his chest, dragging his hands down to his stomach and, finally, running his fingers across his lower abdomen, gyrating his hips upward.

  Hot damn! She might need to fan herself.

  He sat back on his heels, his eyes never moving. Placing her foot on his thigh, he watched her face as he kissed the garter then slipped her foot in. He spread the ruffled fabric with his fingers and, as promised, slowly slid the material up her leg, shamelessly running his hands along the same path.

  The beat of the music was still thumping through her body when he momentarily stopped at her knee. With his fingertips, he drew small circles on the skin just under the garter, before he continued his trail.

  Goosebumps erupted all over her body. Attempting to catch her breath, her chest heaved in and out. Her over sensitized body pounded with desire and the knowing smirk Josh gave said that he was well aware of his effect on her.

  With a sinful gaze, and not breaking eye contact, he inched the garter up a little bit further, using his thumbs to gently move the hem of her dress up until just the bottom of her tattoo was exposed. He stopped there, then gently removed his hands from her leg.

  I need some air. She felt like she was about to faint.

  Josh stood up as the lights came back on. He bent forward, leaving one of the most tender kisses on her lips. Looking into her eyes, he proclaimed for the hundredth time today, “I love you, Bri.”

  Hoots and hollers roared from the crowd. They were probably doing it the whole time, but the blood pumping in her ears was so loud, she’d probably missed it.

  An older woman Bri didn’t know yelled out, "Hey, honey! If you don't want him, I'll take him."

  To hell with that!

  Josh pulled her out of the chair, into his arms.

  Her heart beat profusely as she struggled to catch her breath. “How much longer do we have to stay?”

  “Just a little longer. Why? Are you okay?”
He looked concerned.

  She imagined her face was red because she felt like she was on fire. She peered up at him and saw when he noticed the desire in her eyes. “It’s time for round two,” she whispered. “How soon can we leave?”

  Giving her his own ravenous stare, he groaned, “Uh, now.” He tugged on her arm, heading toward the door when the wedding photographer approached, stopping them just as they were about to make their getaway. "How about a picture of you two?"

  "No thank you." Bri ducked around, rushing away, Josh in tow this time.

  He tugged on her arm. "Come on, Bri. Just a quick picture." Josh wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back to his front. “It’s for Alison. If we’re leaving early, the least we can do is take a picture for her wedding album.”

  "Fine." She gave in, turning so she was shoulder to shoulder with Josh. Holding the bouquet, she offered up her cheesiest smile. A flash went off and she was ready to jump away.

  "Okay, now one with the garter,” the photographer said, raising the camera to his eye. "And put your arms around each other."

  "Hold on," Josh told the photographer, then whispered to Bri, “Pull it down first, I don’t have that much control. If I see that sexy ass tattoo right now, I’m gonna show everyone here what we were doing all morning.” She gasped before he continued, “Plus I don’t want any of these other jackasses in here to see more of your beautiful legs than they already have.”

  He helped her scoot the garter down through the silky material of her dress and wrapped his arm around her lower body, pulling the hem up just enough to see the ruffled band. Bri melted into him, holding back a moan as her knees nearly giving out on her when his delicious scent hit her nose.

  Is it me or is it really hot in here?

  "That doesn't look natural.” The photographer frowned. “Can you hold the flowers in your other hand and put your arm around his waist??"

  Bri glanced at them, realizing she hadn’t even posed for the picture. She’d been staring at Josh like a love sick puppy, the bundle of flowers facing the ground.

  After an audible grunt, Josh whispered, “The quicker we get this over, the quicker we get to leave.”

  “Deal,” she whispered back. Putting on her best smile, the bright light from the camera flashed once again, and she was ready to walk away.

  "Hold on, one more." Josh insisted.

  The photographer positioned her camera for another. "One…two..."

  Bri stood straight, ready, when she was quickly dipped backward, toward the floor, as Josh pressed his lips on hers. Momentarily dazed, she reciprocated, kissing him back, her fingers running through the back of his hair.

  Man, I love his kisses.

  A groan rumbled through his chest, encouraging her passion. Placing his forehead on hers, he vocalized her thoughts. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”

  This is so surreal.

  Lying in bed with Bri, Josh was still in awe. For the second time in a day, he’d made love to a woman he was actually in love with. The last time he’d had sex, he was drunk off his ass. Now, not only was he fully conscious of every sound, movement, and emotion, but he was captivated by the way Bri accepted him.

  With Bri, he didn’t have to worry about his personal business ending up in the public eye. It was private, intimate, and beyond anything he’d ever experienced, all because of her.

  It’s so weird. I totally love and trust her more than I ever have anyone else. Thank god she says she feels the same way.

  Although he was completely spent, Josh wasn’t ready to fall asleep. Bri’s head lay on his chest as he massaged her scalp. Her fingers skimmed his belly, letting him know that she wasn’t asleep either.

  “Thank you for taking another chance on me, Bri. For letting me show you I’m not the same guy.” He spoke honestly, not willing to hold anything back with her.

  Her hair tickled his chest when she leaned up on her elbows, peering into his eyes. “Josh, I liked that guy, just not the way he dealt with things. I’ve been in love with you all these years because of that guy.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she blinked quickly and pulled the corner of her mouth up. “You were going through a lot back then. I get why it all happened, but those days are over. This is our do over.” Her thumb made tiny circles on his side ribs.

  Josh swept her dark strands to the side then cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to his lips. She didn’t hesitate as he devoured her mouth once more.

  I’ll never get tired of her. Never.

  The wind howled loudly outside the suite, pulling Bri’s attention away. “I hate that sound,” she pouted, laying her head back down on his chest. “When I was a little girl, I used to sneak into Stefen’s room and hide under his covers when the windows rattled from the gusts that blew between the hedge and our house.” Her thumb continued to caress his side. “I always wanted to go into my parents’ room, but my mom said it was off limits. She never wanted us in, what she called her ‘private space’. So Stefen comforted me whenever I was scared.”

  Josh ran his fingers through her hair. “Sounds like he’s always been your protector.”

  Turning her head, she kissed his chest, nestling the other side of her face on his warm skin. “Yeah. He and Caleb have always taken care of me.”

  I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t her mom console her when she was scared?

  He bet those guys felt the weight of the world on their shoulders, having to protect her from assholes like him. They’d most definitely beat the shit out of him if they ever found out what he’d done to her the second they turned their backs so many years ago.

  His chest tightened as he laced Bri’s fingers in his, holding her hand for a moment before kissing her knuckles. He felt her smiling against his skin.

  "What do you want to do with your life when you grow up, Mr. Tucker?" The warm breath she exhaled when she snickered skimmed his lower belly, just above the sheet that barely covered him.

  He rested his hand under his head. "Funny you ask, because I've been wondering that same thing myself. I love acting but hate the lifestyle that comes with it. I don't want to be 'Josh Tucker, heartthrob'. I want to play more serious roles and keep my personal life just that.” He let out a deep breath. “The only offers I ever get are for movies with some sort of paranormal creature, or roles that involves me being shirtless the whole time, with some half-naked girl."

  Come to think of it, he hadn’t been offered anything for the last year or so. At least his dad hadn’t told him. Yeah, that was probably because Josh had insisted that he stop bugging him about offers.

  He shook his head internally. “I wouldn’t mind giving producing or directing a shot either. I love the industry, just not the lack of privacy.”

  Bri’s hand slowly trailed across his chest, sending tiny jolts of electricity through his hypersensitive body. "Well, I can’t blame anyone for wanting you shirtless,” she chuckled, her long eyelashes blinking against his skin.

  His body was beginning to respond to every movement she was making.

  Down, boy. Give the poor girl a rest.

  “If you want a serious role, you should put it out there and see what happens. If you've only done that type of character, how would anyone know you’re willing to do anything else?"

  Josh stared up at the ceiling. "That's only half the problem. Once you play a certain role, it's hard to get anything else. You’re typecast. The last thing my dad said he’d gotten for me was right along those lines.”

  "Your dad?" Confused, she rested her chin on his chest.

  Josh lowered his head so he could look at her as he ran his thumb across the soft contours of her face. "Yeah, he was my agent. He’s still Brad's. Everything goes to him first. I haven't talked to him about what I really want because those roles are hard to get even under normal circumstances."

  Sliding her foot along his shin, she pointed out. "Maybe you should talk to him anyway. It wouldn't hurt. You should go after what you reall
y want."

  Her touch was driving him insane, but he wanted to finish their conversation before he acted on it. He clenched his eyes shut, counting to ten then took a deep breath in order to focus on their conversation. “What about you? What do you want to be when you grow up, Miss Hunter?"

  She gasped and lifted her shoulders, pretending to be offended. “Excuse me, Mr. Tucker, but I attended law school and could pick that up if I wanted to."

  Shocked, he jerked his head back. "You're a lawyer?"

  Pursing her lips, she tilted her head back and forth. "Stefen, Caleb, and I got sucked into the whole thing because it's a family business. Caleb was the only one that had the balls to tell our dads outright that he wanted to write instead. My dad noticed that I wasn’t into it and confronted me before I was even close to graduating. All I could say was that I needed time to think while I travelled the world. Then I dropped out." She gathered her mouth up to the side.


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