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Tangled Paths

Page 20

by Kimi Flores

  Josh widened his eyes in surprise but thankfully, he didn’t point out that she quit before giving it a real chance. "I didn't realize you were a family of lawyers, but so much makes sense now." He started to laugh, covering his face with both hands when she swung a pillow at him.

  "You better watch your step, Mister. You’re walking on thin ice already," she teased, then settled back onto him.

  "I'm serious,” he told her. “You and Stefen have that whole ‘gotta win at everything’ lawyer vibe and Caleb writes incredible crime drama. It just makes sense."

  She swatted his arm. "Look who's talking about needing to win. You are just as bad.”

  He snickered. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “None of us are practicing. Caleb writes and does the whole daddy and husband thing, Stefen is on his lifetime honeymoon with Leah, and I'm still trying to figure out what I want. I hope it’ll click one day. It completely pissed my dad and uncle off because we were all supposed to work for their firm. I don't have to work, but I’d love to find something that drives me. I want to be passionate about something."

  “So what are you passionate about now?”

  “Well, I love helping Leah with the weddings, but the flower part isn’t my deal. She does the actual arranging. I just help with the women getting married and the placement of the flowers. I really enjoy working with the bride…Well, most of them anyway.” She giggled.

  He made a face. “I imagine you deal with some bridezillas.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, there are some crazy ones, but Leah has this amazing gift of redirecting them without insulting them. I still don’t get how she does it. I don’t know that I want to spend the rest of my life planning weddings. I think it would get boring after a while.”

  “What about organizing different events?” he suggested.

  “That’s possible, I guess. I also love shopping and pairing up clothes but I don’t really want to be someone else’s personal shopper.” She shrugged with indifference.

  "I know exactly how you feel.” He sighed. “I love dirt biking and my horses, but those are hobbies. I’m not complaining, I just feel like I'm missing something. I need to work. And to give back somehow.” An affectionate smile lit up his face. “That’s not the only thing I felt was missing. It wasn’t until we started hanging out that I realized how much I need you in my life.” He bent his neck forward, kissing the top of her head

  She leaned up on one elbow, wrapping her leg around his. “Me too. I spent so many years running from everything that I never stopped and thought I could have what we do.” She hesitated a moment before continuing, “I don’t wanna scare you off by talking about the future so early, but this is me taking another chance.”

  With a look of vulnerability, fueled by nervous energy, she kept going, “Josh, I want what Stefen and Caleb have. I want the forever promise, and you’ve taught me that I deserve that.”

  He pulled her up next to him, bringing her face closer to his. “You are so damn amazing when you’re fighting for what you want, babe.” His voice was husky as he leaned in for a kiss. “I need that too. More than anything, I’ve been trying not to scare you off.”

  She continued to move on top of him, reminding him that their naked bodies were plastered together. He groaned. “If you keep moving around like that, we’re not going to sleep anytime soon.”

  Rolling her eyes, she chuckled. “Yeah, because you didn’t get enough already?”

  He sat up, flipping her over onto her back. Hovering above, he kissed her collarbone, making his way up to her neck, just below her ear. “Bri, I will never have enough of you. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Biting her lower lip, she breathed out, “I wouldn’t mind giving that Jacuzzi tub a try.”

  He grinned. Hell, yeah! This is the girl of my dreams. Why she’s giving me another chance is beyond me.

  Stretching the tired muscles in her back, Bri enjoyed the warm sensation of the man pillow she was wrapped up in. Although they woke up a few mornings prior in a similar position, her emotional state was totally different now. She wasn’t surprised this time and didn’t want to leave Josh’s side anytime soon.

  Snuggling her cheek on his chest, she listened to his heart beating.

  I could fall asleep and wake up to this sound every day.

  The unwelcome sound of a phone ringing caused Josh to stir. Bri watched the muscles on his abdomen contract when he reached for his cell. She turned to see him blinking a few times as he stared at the display.

  His sexy, sleepy voice announced, “It’s Stefen.”

  “Here let me talk to him.” She reached over, snagging the phone from his hand as he began to protest.

  Sitting up, she held the sheet in front of her. It didn’t matter that she’d been naked with Josh all night, she was about to have a conversation with her brother and wasn’t about to lay back, exposing herself. “Hello?”

  “Bri?” He sounded surprised.

  “Yeah.” Cocking her head, she wondered why he wouldn’t expect her to answer Josh’s phone.

  “Um, where are you?”

  “Still in Catalina.”

  He knows where I am. Why would he ask that?

  Using his interrogating lawyer tone, he asked his real question. “No, I mean where are you? It’s seven a.m., and I know you’re not out of bed and ready for the day until at least eight.”

  Smacking her forehead, she peered at Josh, who was chuckling as he shrugged.

  That’s why he was trying to stop her. Stefen is gonna think I’m such a tramp.

  Trying to fight past her fears, she silently reminded herself she was an adult and could make her own decisions. And she was in bed with the man she loved, not some random guy. There was nothing to be ashamed about. “We’re on vacation, Stefen. Maybe I should be asking why you’re calling my boyfriend when you think I’m not around. ”

  He sighed in resignation.

  That’s odd, he doesn’t normally give up that easily.

  “I don’t have another number for you right now. I was going to tell Josh to have you call me when he picked you up in your room since he assured me you guys had separate rooms.”

  Ah, he’s not totally giving up.

  She yanked the covers further up her body. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we do have separate rooms. You know, like you and Leah did when she first moved in with you.”

  There, see how he liked that. But there was silence on the other line.

  Shit, he’s quiet. I hope I didn’t push too far.

  “That was different.” Stefen seemed stiff, maybe even a little cold.

  “Hey, is everything okay, Stefen?” She bit her lip, feeling guilty now about pushing him.

  I’m going to have to figure out the difference between confidence and bitchiness.

  “I’ve got a lot on my mind,” he replied. “Just wanted to know if I get to see you today.”

  “Um, sure.” She rubbed the back of her sore neck. “Want us to come by after we land?”

  “Yeah. Come here before you go home.” Again, he was very distant, which was very unlike him. Stefen had never shut her out before. She didn’t like this feeling at all. Not wanting to irritate him more, she decided to save those questions for later.

  “Okay, I’ll call you when we get in later.” He sighed once again.

  “See you then.” He ended the call without a snide comment, loving expression, or any other sarcastic remark, which was unusual for him.

  Tossing the phone on the bed, she said, “Well, goodbye to you too, darling brother.”

  “What’s up?” Josh ran his fingers down her back, reminding her that she wasn’t wearing anything but the covers she had pressed to her front.

  “I don’t know.” She sat there, frowning. “Stefen was acting weird. I wonder if my mom has anything to do with it.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m well aware that you guys have been talking behind my back, by the way. Has he said anything while you’ve let
me stay in La La Land?”

  Huffing out a frustrated breath, Josh leaned forward, sitting beside her. “Well, your mom has been difficult these last few days, and apparently she went off on Leah, so I’m sure Stefen is still fuming about it.”

  Leah? Bri felt guilt pressing her down. This was all her fault. If only she’d given her mother the damn money, this would all be over and done with now. Well, maybe. “Do you think he blames me?”

  Josh looked at her like she was crazy. “What? No. Why would he blame you?”

  Her fingers ran over the soft material of the blanket. “Because she’s mad at me and she’s taking it out on Leah now. He and Leah are having to deal with her, while I’m here, having a good ole time.”

  Josh pulled her face toward his, making sure she didn’t misunderstand any of his words. “Bri, stop right now. You are only responsible for your own actions, not the fucked up choices the rest of us make. Understand?”

  Closing her eyes, she nodded, but a flame started to burn within her. She threw her fists down on the bed. “Wait a minute. Why is she attacking Leah? She has nothing to do with any of this.”

  He pulled Bri on top of him and kissed her forehead. “Bri, you fight so hard for everyone else. Start fighting for yourself.”

  His eyes darted back and forth between hers, and she knew what he was saying—I’m worth fighting for.

  Lifting up on her elbows, she confidently said, “I have started. I fought every insecurity in me to prove to myself that I deserve to be happy. That I deserve to be with you. It’s not all going to happen overnight, but one step at a time, I’ll get there.”

  Sweeping her long hair over her shoulders, he placed his palms on the soft skin of her upper arms. He smiled softly. “I know that and I’m really proud of the steps you’ve taken so far.”

  “Thank you,” she said, feeling choked up. This weekend had been good but overwhelming and she was starting to feel the emotions rise up. “For everything.”

  He exhaled. “As much as I’d love to stay in bed all day, we really need to get up and start getting ready if we want to grab breakfast before we catch our flight.”

  She nodded, but her mind was starting to go crazy. “I wonder what in the hell I’m gonna walk back into when we go back to reality.”

  Josh lifted her chin. “Whatever it is, you won’t be alone. I’ll be here to help you. Or back off when you need me to do that.” He promised.

  Her lips parted. “I don’t know what I would do without you right now.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’ve wondered the same thing about you, sweetheart.”

  “I wonder why Stefen wanted us to come here first.” Josh opened the passenger door, and Bri stepped out. After meeting their friends for breakfast and flying home, they came straight to her brother’s house, just like she promised.

  “Who knows, maybe to gauge your very satisfied expression, then kick my ass?” He poked her side.

  She forced herself not to jump. Don’t react, he doesn’t know how ticklish I am and, knowing him, he’ll use that to his advantage.

  Bri snickered, hoping he hadn’t caught on. “Yeah, that sounds about right. Don’t worry, I won’t out you. I’ll keep my head down and act like nothing happened.”

  Spinning her around, he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her with all the passion he could muster. “And how are you gonna manage that little lie?” He spoke in a low tone.

  The door suddenly flew open, and Stefen stood in the entryway, his shoulders lowered. There was an expression on his face that Bri had never seen before.

  Uh oh. We are so busted. She tried not to look as guilty as she felt.

  Leah stepped up behind him, her eyes beet red as she began to rub his back.

  Darting her gaze between her brother and sister-in-law, Bri began to panic. “Are you guys okay?” She looked straight at Leah. “What’s going on?”

  I bet my mother got to her again, dammit. I’m gonna give that woman a piece of my mind. Her new confidence surprised her but knowing Josh was right behind her made her feel stronger. Plus he was right, she was more than happy to stand up for the people she loved.

  Closing his eyes, Stefen stepped to the side, saying somberly, “Come in. We need to tell you something.” At that, Leah’s tears began to flow once more.

  Bri shot Josh an anxious look. He shrugged his shoulders and lowered the corner of his mouth, letting her know he had no idea what was going on either.

  Stepping into the open space of the living and dining room, her eyes immediately found Caleb and Abby sitting on the leather couch, their faces blank.

  A surge of adrenaline hit her and she couldn’t take it anymore. “What did she do? I know how shitty she was to Leah the other day, and I plan on calling her out on it today. Has it gotten worse?”

  Looking at Josh for courage, she noticed him glancing between the two couples. “Sweetheart, let’s sit down and hear what they have to say.” He took her hand, leading her to the sofa opposite Caleb and Abby.

  Resting her hand on her chest, Bri felt her erratic heartbeat under her palm. Stefen stared at the floor as Leah stood close by, covering her mouth, in what looked like an attempt to not blubber out loud.

  Taking a seat on the coffee table in front of Bri, Stefen rested his hands on this thighs and used his bent arms to brace himself. He took several deep breaths.

  “Please, Stefen, just tell me.” Bri squared her shoulders. “I can take it.”

  Stefen’s eyes widened before he reached forward to grab Bri’s hand out of Josh’s grasp.

  Bri felt her irritation spike and wasn’t about to let her brother dismiss her boyfriend. “Dammit, Stefen. Stop trying to protect me. I need to know what’s going on.”

  Running his hands through his dark hair, Stefen finally told her. “Bri, mom’s dead.”

  Her body jerked back into the couch. “Wh—what do you mean she’s dead?” Shaking her head profusely, her legs started to tremble. It couldn’t be real. He was lying. “That’s impossible. She was just causing hell. What happened? When?”

  Josh wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him, but she needed space. Slowly, she pushed away, holding her hands up. “Wait. I need…a minute.” Her head started to slowly throb as she took slow and steady breaths trying not to hyperventilate.

  Stefen’s eyes began to gloss over, but Bri knew it had nothing to do with their mother’s death. He was upset at having to tell Bri. “Dad said he found a note addressed to him. After reading it, he ran upstairs…” His throat was getting thick. “She was…in the bathtub…Overdose, and apparently, she…drowned.”

  Bri stared straight ahead, at nothing. “Drowned?” Her own quiet voice sounded so far away. Then it struck her…The way she wanted me to die when I was little?

  She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling the pressure of a stab wound in her heart, but adrenaline was still coursing through her, not allowing the pain to take center stage. She felt numb. She knew she was still sitting, but she couldn’t feel her feet, her arms. Her mother was dead.

  She drowned?

  Her body felt like it was caught in a tornado of emotions. She had no idea if anyone was talking around her, because she was unable to hear anything but her own blood pumping in her ears.

  In a state of shock, she felt her mouth open, words blurting out. “She wanted to drown me. She did this on purpose, like her way of killing me too. And now she wants to drown me in a sea of guilt?” Her hands balled into fits, and she felt herself screaming out, “I get it, Mother, you fucking win!”

  “What’s going on with her?” Josh stood there, helpless. The girl he loved was pacing the room, fists white at her sides as she ranted about her mother. They were horrible things, painful things, things he was sure had been haunting her for years, if not her entire life.

  Stefen was standing in front of her, his mouth wide open. Caleb held a pained look in his eyes. The other women stood in the background, while Abby held onto a sobbing Leah.r />
  With no outward emotion, only slow tears streaming down her face, Bri continued to ramble, “I was supposed to be her miracle. I was supposed to be the thing that was going to finally pave her way to happiness. I wasn’t good enough for that though. I let her down over and over again.” She pulled on her hair before collapsing onto her hands and knees, sobbing. “So why did she wait so long to give me her ultimate punishment?”


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