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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

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by K. L. Humphreys

  For as long as I’ve known Bianca she’s been filled with self-doubt. Unlike most of the other models in the industry, she has bigger hips and bigger breasts. Her body is amazing and I wish I had her curves. She has the perfect pear shaped body and yet she’s riddled with insecurities and it doesn’t help when guys in the industries won’t date her because she’s ‘bigger’ than what they’re used to.

  Well fuck them, Bianca can do so much better than their sorry asses. I tell her time and time again, that one day she’s going to find a man that treats her like the beautiful Goddess she truly is. She’s going to be happy and I’ll be right here, by her side when she does. Until then, I’ll be here to give her a daily pep talk, letting her know just how truly gorgeous she really is.

  “Pizza for dinner?” I ask with a smile and the tension ebbs away from her. We really shouldn’t be eating pizza this close to a runway campaign, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Bianca and I will be spending hours in the gym during the upcoming days spending to work it off, but it’ll be worth it.

  Chapter 10


  “Silas…” I turn to look at Caston as he moves toward me with a grin on his face. “Fuck, man, can you believe that we’re starting the next game?”

  I can hardly believe that I’m actually here. I’ve worked my ass off, wanting to be the very best there is and this weekend I finally get to start a game for Seattle Football. Finally, my fucking dreams have come true. Not only am I here and have managed to make the cut, Caston and Tate have too.

  “I know, I swear I almost fucking threw up when coach told us.” I’m not afraid to admit that I was close to tears at his announcement. Imagine everything you’ve worked hard for, all the blood, sweat, and tears that you’ve put in finally pays off. I’m surprised that I wasn’t balling like a baby.

  He slaps me on my back, “Tell me about it.”

  We walk out of the building and toward my car, Caston’s is in the garage and he’s been complaining about it nonstop. “Where’s Tate?” I haven’t seen him today.

  Cas sighs, “I’ve no idea, but this shit isn’t going to go down well. You can’t miss training.”

  I’ve no idea what’s going on with him lately, he’s gotten worse. When he and Kayley broke up he’d have a few women a week, now he has a few women a day.

  “Holy fuck!” Cas gasps and I glance at him, but he’s staring at something outside of the training ground. I peer around and see that a lot of the other team members are looking at the same thing.

  My body freezes when I see what they’re gawking at. A fucking billboard. One that contains a practically naked image of Payton. My breath leaves me in a whoosh, my pulse races as I stand here and look at the image of the woman that I love.

  She looks better than I remember. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Gone is the girl-next door look that she had, the one that I found pretty and sexy. Now, now, my girl has blossomed into every man’s wet dream. She’s the epitome of sexiness. She looks confident and the kicker, she looks happy. Here I am, fucking miserable without her and she’s on billboards with a bright fucking smile.

  I feel as though my world has tilted on its axis. Never in a million years did I expect to see this. My shy, quiet, beautiful girl has turned into a fucking sexy goddess and now the entire world gets to stare at her body every day. I fucking hate it. She’s mine.

  The picture shows off every curve of her body, and I’m unable to pull my eyes away. Seeing her standing in just some sexy underwear is like a punch to the gut. I’ve fucking missed her. It’s been over three years since I last saw her and yet the love I had for her hasn’t diminished, if anything it’s stronger than ever. I guess what they say is true. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  “Bro…” Caston says harshly. “Please tell me that’s not who I think it is?” He shakes his head, his face pinched tightly as though he’s in pain.

  He may never have seen Payton in person, but he’s seen a lot of pictures of her. Hell I’ve always spoken about my girl. There’s not a teammate of mine that doesn’t know about her. They may not know the entire story, but they do know she’s mine. When my ass gets drunk, my lips get loose and Payton’s never far from my mind.

  “Yes,” I snap, pissed that everyone’s staring at her.

  “I need to bleach my damn eyes,” he murmurs and if it were anyone else, I’d fucking laugh, but this is Payton, my Payton, and she’s on display for everyone to view and no doubt jerk off to.

  “Damn, she’s hot.” I hear my teammate Kevin say and I grit my teeth. “Fuck, but those pouty lips of hers, what they’d look like wrapped around my cock.”

  I take a couple of steps toward him, needing to punch the asshole for speaking that way about her. Payton isn’t a whore.

  “Don’t. He’s not worth it,” Caston tells me, his hands on my chest pushing me back.

  “He’s right…” I hear from behind me and I sigh. Will Montgomery, the quarterback of the team and everyone’s hero. He’s one of the best men I’ve ever met, besides the one that has his hands on my chest. He’s helped all us newbies since we’ve joined the team. “He’s not worth the stick you’d get for punching him.”

  I glance at him, his blonde hair and blue eyes have all the women practically melting whenever they’re around him. He’s Seattle Football’s hotshot, the one all the women come to see. He’s the best and he’s proven it season after season.

  “It’ll make me feel better,” I tell him as my body starts to lose some of its tension.

  He chuckles, “That may be so, but you’ve just made the starting line-up. Don’t do something to lose that spot.”

  I nod, I know he’s right, but it fucking sucks that I have to listen to that jackass talk about my girl.

  “She yours?” he asks and I nod. “The one you talk about? That’s Payton?”

  “Yeah, she’s changed a lot since I last saw her.”

  He glances at the billboard behind me and back to me, there’s no emotion in his eyes and I know that he’s not checking her out. The dude’s happily married and has been for years. He and Meg have a couple of kids as well. He’s not checking out my girl, he’s just curious.

  “Have you found her yet?” he asks me as the other boys start to get into their cars, at least they’re not looking at Payton any longer.

  “No, he hasn’t. I’ve told him to, but the ass won’t. Too chickenshit,” Caston informs him and I want to punch him.

  Will smirks, “Yeah, only a woman will do that to a man. Look, Silas. You love this girl?” I nod, “You want her back?”

  “Fuck yes,” I respond instantly.

  “Then do something about it. She’s no longer hidden, she’s in the fucking open,” he tells me, his hand pointing at the billboard behind me. “You want to find her, then do it. Otherwise, it’s time to move on.”

  I glare at him. “If this was you and Meg, what would you do to someone who told you to move on?”

  He shakes his head, “I’d have taken their advice to find her. It’s that simple. You love her. Then go and get her.”

  He’s right. It’s time to find her, this way I can end this limbo that I’m in.

  Chapter 11


  I’ve thrown up three times already and my stomach rolls once again. God, how do I have anything in my system to get rid of?

  “Pay, you okay?” Bianca asks and I glance at her, how the hell is she so calm?

  “Fine.” I manage to get out, my throat is sore from being sick and my mouth feels drier than the Sahara desert.

  “Liar.” She flashes me a grin and hands me a bottle of water. “Drink this, take small sips.”

  I’m freaking out. This is the biggest night of my modelling career and I’m scared I'm going to mess up somehow. My ultimate fear is falling while walking in my heels.

  I do as she says and take really small sips, thankfully, my stomach doesn’t protest and I’m able to breathe slightly easier.

  “You’ll be
fine, Pay, you’re not the only one freaking out. We all are.”

  I narrow my eyes at her, there’s not a hair out of place, her stance is relaxed, and her make up is flawless. “How the hell are you so calm?”

  She flashes me a grin. “You’ve only done a few runways, you’ll get used to them.”

  I’ve done four runways now but tonight is the biggest that I’ll ever do. It’s the biggest any of us will ever do.

  “Seriously, Pay. Take a deep breath and relax. You need to enjoy tonight.”

  She’s right. Tonight only comes around once in a lifetime, and if I do great, I could be brought back and that would be amazing.

  I nod, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Her smile widens, “Good, time to get your shoes on.” I glance down at her feet, her shoes have tiger print on them as does every other Tiger model here. They’re gorgeous and very high. I’ve been practicing my walk for months.

  Bianca stands by my side as the makeup team put the finishing touches to me. I’m dressed in the sexiest black lingerie I’ve ever worn. My bra fits perfectly and feels like silk against my skin, my panties feel exactly the same, there’s only tiny pieces of material that hold together my bra and panties, but it looks good.

  Bee’s wearing almost the exact same as me, except her straps are thicker and her bra is white. She’s standing like the gorgeous model she is with a beautiful smile on her face. I realize just how happy she is and how lucky we are to be here.

  Molly Tucker, the owner of Tiger Lingerie, claps her hands. “Tigers.” She grins, “It’s almost time. I know you’re all nervous, but don’t worry. You’re all going to be fantastic. Go out there and have fun.”

  Soon, the countdown begins and my nerves start to fray once again. But I hear the open melody to Nash’s Lonely Soul and the nervousness ebbs away. I love this song. Nash is one of the biggest bands on the planet and to have them here just adds to the experience.

  Slowly, the girls start to make their way toward the catwalk. Bianca reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. God, where would I be without her? I really lucked out at finding her on that shoot. We’ve been inseparable since then.

  Soon it’s my turn, I reach the back of the catwalk and look down. The girls are looking sexy as they strut their way down the runway. I wait for my cue and Nash changes songs from Lonely Soul to their newest release. I’m given the go ahead and I strut like I’ve never strutted before.

  Leo Nash is standing in the middle of the runway singing, us models are walking past him and the band as though this is an everyday occurrence. He gives me a grin, one that I reciprocate with my eyes. I met Leo not long after I started modelling. He’s been at a lot of the star-studded events that Bianca and I attend, it’s always nice to see him and his wife Samantha.

  It’s been a while since I’ve been to one of Nash’s concerts, so having them here and playing on one of the biggest days of my life is epic. It’s just added to the experience.

  I reach the end of the runway and strike a pose. Damn, it feels good. When I start to go back, I see Bianca making her way down the runway and relief washes through me, we’ve done it. I pass by Dahlia and Mary, both of whom have tears running down their cheeks, but wide smiles on their faces. Dahlia blows me a kiss and as much as I’d love to react, I can’t. I have a job to do.

  Once I make it to the back, I smile, a big, huge smile. God that was exhilarating. I’d love to do it again. I wait right here until Bianca comes back, I’m unsure if I’m actually able to move or not. My legs feel like jelly.

  “Pay, that was amazing. You looked stunning,” Bianca tells me as she walks toward me.

  I pull her into my arms while I fight the urge to cry. “It was so good. I wanted to smile so much. Bee. Girl, you look a million dollars.”

  Her smile widens. “Love you,” she whispers. “There’s no one in this world that I’d want to do that with.”

  I pull back and wag my finger at her. “Nuh-uh. Don’t do that. You’ll make me cry.” She laughs just as I knew she would. “Did your mom turn up?” They have a strained relationship thanks to her dad. I had hoped that her mom would have shown up tonight. Bianca invited her weeks ago.

  “No, I’m not really surprised though.” She’s not quick enough to mask the disappointment in her eyes. “I told you, you’re all I need.”

  I pull her into my arms again, and I’m glad that she’s coming to Dahlia’s for Christmas.

  Once we’re finished changing, Bianca and I are sitting by the table while we wait for Molly to come back into the dressing room.

  “Are you going to talk about the letter you got?” Bee asks softly.

  I should have known she noticed it. “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it just yet.”

  She nods in understanding. “How do you think he found you?”

  That’s what I’ve been wracking my brain all day trying to figure out. “I’m not sure.”

  She makes a humming sound in her throat. “Are you going to call him?”

  “Yes, I’m going to call him in the morning and see what he wants. It’s been over three years, I’m not sure what there is to talk about though.” I’m lying, I have so many things I want to ask Silas and yet the one thing I want is to hear his voice. I’ve missed hearing it, I can’t remember what it sounds like anymore and that thought is what has me crying myself to sleep most nights.

  “You’re lying to me. You’ve been in love with Silas Miller since you were fourteen years old and I have a feeling that you’ll be in love with him until your eighty. But, Payton, unless you talk to him, you’re stuck in a life where you’re physically unable to move on. Talk to him, ask him everything that you’ve wanted these past few years. Get everything out in the open and then decide whether or not he’s worth pining over.”

  I stare at my best friend and it’s not for the first time that I wonder how the hell I got so lucky to have her in my life. She knows me better than anyone.

  “I’ll call him,” I promise her.

  “Do it when you go home, otherwise you’re not going to sleep.” She gives me a pointed stare and I nod; she’s right.

  I just hope that the phone call will be worth it. The last thing I want is to get my heart broken yet again.

  Chapter 12


  The front door slams shut and I glance toward it to see who has just walked in. I’m surprised to find Caston storming through the house like a bull.

  “Everything okay?” I ask when he passes by me.

  “Don’t want to talk about it,” he returns as he moves toward the kitchen.

  I get up off the sofa and follow behind him, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this pissed off. When he opens the cupboard for the whiskey, I know something’s happened. “Where’s Saya?” I ask, he left this morning to spend the day with his girl.

  He turns his head and scowls at me. “Si…” His voice breaks.

  “Cas, fuck man, what happened?”

  He pours us both a glass of whiskey. “She left, today was her way of saying goodbye.” He pushes the glass toward me and downs his.

  “What? Where has she gone?” What the hell is wrong with females? Payton doesn’t want anything to do with me, I sent that goddamn letter thinking that she’d call but she hasn’t and now Saya has broken up with Cas.

  “Don’t know. I asked but she never said.” He shakes his head and pours himself another glass. “I’m fucking pissed. Something is going on with her and she’s hiding it from me.”

  “Take this from someone who’s lost my one.” We’ve spoken at length about how Payton and Saya are the women that are made for us. They’re our soul mates. “The longer you leave it, the harder it’s going to get. Don’t let her leave. Find out what the hell is going on and get her back.”

  He brings the glass to his mouth and downs it in one swallow. “She’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to be with me anymore. What do you suggest I do, tie her ass to my bed?”

  I smirk because th
at’s exactly what I intend to do when I get Payton back.

  “You’re an ass,” he says but his anger is diminishing. “I need to find out what she’s hiding.”

  “Want me to give you the number to the private detective I hired?” I ask him. The guy’s good, he managed to get me a full dossier on Payton within forty-eight hours. Damn, but my girl has become a superstar. She’s made a name for herself in the modeling world. Not only is she one of the most sought after models, from everything Harrison found out, she’s still the sweet, down to earth beauty that stole my heart.

  He sighs, “I’m not sure.” He shakes his head as he reaches for my glass. “That’s invading her privacy.”

  I stare at him, “And?” I don’t understand his point.

  He glares at me as he downs the whiskey from my glass. “Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

  “Not if it means not losing her. What if something happens to her? Then you’ll be kicking yourself that you never found out. I’d rather have a pissed off woman than a hurt one.” I’m mad at myself for not doing it earlier.

  “Let me think about it, I’ll call her later and see if I can get her to talk to me. Since the Tate and Kayley shit, she’s been pulling back. No matter how much I reassure her that I’m nothing like that ass, she doesn’t believe me.”

  I sigh. Things between Tate and Caston are strained to say the least. Tate’s behavior is getting worse, he’s turning up to training hungover, he’s drinking every night, and the women come and go from the apartment like a revolving door. Caston’s pissed that the women are always here. Hell, one night we returned to find the apartment filled with about fifteen women all of whom were trying it on with Cas. Then Saya showed up and was rightly pissed.

  I’ve watched as my friend has slowly hit rock bottom, nothing that I say is getting through. It’s only going to be a matter of time before coach reams his ass. He’s at risk of losing everything that he’s worked for. I’ve been sucked into where he is, screwing nameless women to get the one woman we want off our mind. It doesn’t work. There’s only one girl I want and that’s Payton. Everyone else is inconsequential, they were just another notch on my bedpost.


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