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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  “What’s the plan for tonight? Are you still set on torturing yourself?” Cas asks and I take a steadier breath; the anger is gone, he’s gotten himself under control.

  I found out last night that Payton’s walking the runway for the Tiger Campaign and it’s being televised. “Of course.” Like hell I’m going to miss being able to actually see her. I may not be able to touch her, or be with her, but I can watch and make sure that she’s okay.

  “Why the hell do we do this shit?” Cas asks with a shake of his head. “I’m going to call Saya’s mom and see what’s going on.” He pulls out his cell and I turn to leave him be. Hopefully he’ll be able to get some information from her mom.

  “You sure you should be watching this?” Caston asks for the fifth time.

  I get why he’s asking, he’s worried about my reaction. I’m not stupid, I know that my girl is going to be in underwear but I need to see her, and right now this is the only way that can happen. “Yes.”

  He shrugs. “It’s your funeral,” he tells me. He’s still in a pensive mood, the call to Saya’s mom didn’t give him the answers that he wanted and he’s currently weighing up his next options. I still think that he’s better off contacting Harrison and getting him to do some digging. Best to find out what’s happening so he can face it head on.

  The front door opens just as the models start to walk down the runway. I groan when I hear giggling and from more than one woman. When Tate rounds the corner it takes everything in me to bite my tongue. It’s not two women he’s brought with him, it’s five and one of those women is Julia. I warned her about staying away from me.

  Tate takes a seat on the armchair and two of the women drape themselves over him. The others spread out across the room, thankfully, none of them bother Cas or I. The women know that we’re not into that shit. One thing is for certain, I’ve never done any girl that’s been with Tate. They know it and he knows it.

  “Fucking hell,” Cas mutters, his jaw clenching as he takes in what is happening right in front of us. Tate starts kissing the women. “Take that shit to your room,” Cas growls and the women jump.

  Cas would never hurt them, most of the time he doesn’t even acknowledge that they’re here but tonight he’s hurting and he’s lashing out. If Tate doesn’t realize that, he’ll end up on Caston’s bad side.

  “This is my apartment too.” Tate smirks.

  “That may be so, but there’s a thing called being respectful,” I interject before Cas loses his damn mind. “You don’t see us doing this shit. You want to fuck, take it to your room, or better yet, theirs. We don’t want to see this.”

  Tate shakes his head and gets to his feet. “Fuck you,” he sneers and nods his head to the women, all five of them follow him to his room.

  “Thank fuck,” Cas mutters. “I can’t deal with his bullshit tonight.”

  I turn my attention back to the TV and wait, seeing the women in lingerie should have me lusting after them, but it doesn’t, I’m anxiously waiting for my girl to go down the runway.

  “Dude, relax.” Cas smirks but I can’t relax.

  “Damn, you’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch,” he mutters moments later.

  It’s as though I get sucker-punched, my breath leaves my lungs as I stare at the screen. My girl’s strutting her stuff down the catwalk. She looks better than ever: her brown hair glossy as it falls down her back, her tits huge in her black bra, her stomach flat and toned. My mouth waters as my eyes move further down her body; her panties are also black, and her legs are shaped and toned, they go on for fucking days.

  When she reaches the end of the runway, she strikes a pose and I practically swallow my tongue. My girl is confident, sexy, and out of this world. Damn.

  She turns and I’m pretty sure I whimper. Her ass. Fuck. Her ass is phenomenal. I glance over at Cas to make sure that he’s not gawking at her, I’d hate to kill him if he were. But he’s got his hands covering his eyes. I shake my head and smile.

  “You can take your hand away now,” I tell him when she’s gone backstage.

  His shoulders slump in relief. “You didn’t lose your mind.” I glare at him, why the hell would I lose my mind? He must sense the unasked question, “Si, you’re a little…” He inclines his head as though he’s searching for the word. “Temperamental when your girl’s involved. You’ve not seen her in three years, and now half the damn world has seen what she looks like in lingerie. I get it, if it were Saya I’d punch anyone who looked. So seeing how calm you are has me a little suspicious. What do you have planned?”

  “What the fuck? I don’t have anything planned.” Right now the ball is firmly in Payton’s court. She’s got a week and then I’m coming for her.

  “Right…” he drawls.

  “Si!” Tate yells and I roll my eyes, what does he want? Are the five girls not enough for him? “Get the fuck out of there!”

  That has my attention, and has me up on my feet and moving toward our rooms; Cas hot on my heels. When we reach him, all the girls are standing around and Tate is glaring at Julia.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand.

  Tate shakes his head, “Bro, I’m sorry. Fuck. Your cell was ringing and this bitch…” He nods his head in Julia’s direction, “answered it.”

  I frown, what the fuck was she doing in my room?

  “That’s not the worst of it. The caller was Payton,” Tate says. “I took the phone from her and spoke to Payton briefly, I’m sorry man, but she said that she doesn’t want to talk to you. She’s sick of having you shove women down her throat. Something about witnessing you with a girl and having them answer your phone.”

  What he’s saying makes no sense. Besides Julia when did someone answer my phone? Hell when did she see me with another girl?

  “It’s time for you to leave,” Cas growls and the women jump and scramble to get away. Skirting past both Cas and I on their way out.

  I take my cell from him and try calling her back, “Why the hell was that bitch in my room?” I snarl at him as there’s no answer.

  “You’re an asshole, Tate. You lost your girl because you’re a fucking idiot. Now, we’re losing ours because you can’t get a handle on your life!” Cas yells, the frustration of today finally spilling out.

  I storm into my room as I realize what’s just happened. My one chance at getting my girl back and it’s ruined. I can’t wrap my head around what she meant by her words. As soon as the door closes behind me, I sink to the ground, my head in my hands and I try and figure out my next step. I love Payton and I know that she’s my future, I just have to make her see that.

  Chapter 13



  Three months, three long-ass months and still no word from Payton. I’ve called, emailed, sent her letters, and even have gone as far as turning up at her apartment. None of them have brought me any closer to getting my girl.

  My phone buzzes with a notification and my body locks. The past three months, my phone’s been hopping. I set up alerts, so whenever Payton’s name is mentioned I get notified. Cas has started calling me a stalker and in a way I’ve become one. The past three months, Payton has started to date, there’s pictures of her and three different men. Seeing those images made me want to kill someone. I never thought seeing a picture could hurt. But damn, it tore my fucking heart out.

  My bedroom door bangs open. “Don’t look at it,” Caston tells me and I glare at him. “I’m being serious, man, don’t fucking do it.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I swear he’s lost his mind these days. Saya’s gone and just like Payton and I, she’s not had any contact with him since she left. “Cas?” I ask when I see the worried look in his eyes.

  He shakes his head, “Fuck, you’ll kill me if you found out that I knew.”

  He’s not making any sense. “What?”

  “Payton, she’s in town,” he tells me. My legs start to shake, I lock my knees so that I don’t land on my ass. “I wa
sn’t going to tell you because, well the past three months have been hell, but then I thought if it were Saya, I’d want to know.”

  “Where is she?” I ask as I unlock my phone and check the notification. There’s a picture of her and her girl, Bianca, posing for photos outside one of Seattle’s more exclusive restaurants. Both women look hot as fuck with bright smiles on their faces. The Christmas lights in the city shining brightly behind them only adds to their beauty.

  “Please tell me you’re not going to do anything stupid?” Cas pleads with me.

  What the hell does he think I’m going to do?

  “Ah, good, you’re here.” I turn to see Will and his brother Caleb standing in the doorway to my room.

  Seriously what the fuck is going on?

  “We’re going out tonight,” Caleb says and his tone brokers no arguments. The man is fucking huge, he was a SEAL and looks as though he could snap someone’s neck with just one hand.

  We’ve been out with the Montgomery brothers a few times; they’re great guys and we always have a laugh. The men are pussy-whipped to say the least, but then again, if I had what they all had, I would be too. I want what they have.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, annoyed that everyone seems to know except me.

  “Your girl’s in town, we’re here to stop you doing something fucking stupid,” Caleb says with a grin. “Not tonight anyway. Tomorrow when you and she are able to think straight, you can talk to her, until then you’re coming out with us.”

  I glance around and see that both Will and Cas are pleading at me with their eyes. Since I joined Seattle Football, Will has become somewhat of a confidant to Cas and me. The man has it going on, his relationship with his wife Meg is what everyone wants. He knows everything that’s happened between Payton and I and he believes there’s been some wires crossed somewhere. My girl is running scared and hiding from me.

  “Fine. But drinks are on you,” I grumble. I’m not in the mood to go out drinking.

  Caleb throws his head back and laughs, “Drinks are on Will. This is his idea.” He slaps Will on his back.

  “Let’s go, I want a fucking drink,” Tate says from behind Caleb and I watch as Will’s eyes narrow.

  Fucking Tate. He’s not changed in the past three months. I thought after the shit that went down with bitch-face Julie answering my cell that he’d realize just how fucked up he was, but he hasn’t. He’s been sitting his ass on the bench and he’s angry that he’s not getting a chance in the first team. Well boo for him, if the fucker realized he was throwing his career away he’d wise up, but I don’t see that happening.

  “Ease up, man, you’re putting Tate to shame and that’s fucking saying something,” Caston yells in my ear, trying to be heard over the thumping music.

  Will and Caleb called it a night about an hour ago. I really should have left with them, but I didn’t. Instead, I stayed with Tate and Caston, now I’m drunk as a skunk and Caston’s pissed. I wave him off, as I move toward the exit to get some fresh air.

  I push past the people in my way, until something, I mean someone, ahead of me stops me short. I shake my head thinking that I’m imagining things. There’s no way she’s here. The dark haired beauty stands in front of me, her mouth slack, her eyes wide, and her face is pale. But it’s her. There’s no denying that it’s Payton standing in front of me. Her dress is tight against her beautiful body and barely reaches her thighs, one wrong move and her ass would be on display.

  She makes a squeak before she turns on her heel and rushes out of the club. I don’t even think, I’m hot on her tail, needing to see her. Needing to touch her. I can’t believe that she’s this fucking close. God, I’ve thought about this moment for a long time. All I want to do is hold her. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to do that. I want to bury my head into her hair and inhale her scent. I’ve forgotten what she smells like.

  When I get outside I see her walking down the street alone and that pisses me off. I jog to catch up with her as soon as I’m beside her I reach out and grab a hold of her arm. It’s as though I’ve been hit with a bolt of lightning, an electrical charge fizzes between us. God, her skin is silky smooth. I pull her toward me and see that she’s crying. Those tears pull at my heart. “Pay, baby,” I whisper as I cup her cheek and wipe away the wet tear.

  She sucks in a sharp breath and her bottom lip quivers. “Si…” God hearing her voice is like coming home.

  “I’ve fucking missed you, baby.” I rest my forehead against hers and breathe in her scent. Cherries. My girl hasn’t changed. She loves her cherry body wash. “I’m not sure what’s happened, but I can honestly say that you’ve got your wires crossed.”

  Pain slashes through her eyes and instantly my gut tightens. “I don’t think so. I saw you, Silas. You had your hands on that girl. I came to surprise you and fuck, I was the one that ended up getting surprised. It was some birthday gift.”

  Shit, Dahlia told me what she saw, but it wasn’t as it seems, I need her to see that. “Baby…”

  “Stop!” she snaps. “Don’t call me that. I’m not your baby anymore, Silas. I haven’t been in a very long time. You threw me away.” Her words are telling me one thing, but her body is telling me something completely different. Her hands are fisting my shirt with a tight grip, her body pressed against mine. She wants me even though she’s angry.

  “I didn’t fucking throw you away. What you saw wasn’t what it seemed. Had you stayed, you’d have seen me push her away. I never fucking cheated on you.” Hearing her words piss me off. “You threw us away, you have for the past three years. Every single attempt I’ve made to talk or see you, you’ve denied. Instead, I’ve had to watch you parade around with other men.”

  She gasps, “Me? What about you? Hmm, do you think I’m blind? That I haven’t seen or heard the stories. One of Seattle’s biggest playboys. Silas, don’t bullshit me. Unlike you, I can say that I was faithful. I’ve always been faithful to you. Don’t tell me that I was the one to throw us away. I would have given you the world.” Tears are streaming down her face and all I can think of is how fucking gorgeous she is. Seeing her show me her anger is a beautiful thing. I need to make her angrier more often.

  Glancing around, I see there’s a dark alley so I pull her into it with me and push her against the wall, crashing my body against hers. “For the love of fucking God, Payton. You are mine. You always have been and always will be.” I slam my lips down on hers and kiss her.

  At first she stands stiffly against me, but as soon as my tongue parts her lips and touches hers she comes alive. Her arm comes around my neck and she fists my hair, pulling my lips further toward hers. Nothing is better than this.

  It’s as though a blind haze comes over me, all I can think about is her being in my arms again. The need to have her is paramount. My fingers skim the hem of her dress and I move up toward her panties. I’m stunned when my fingers come in direct contact with her pussy. I pull my mouth away from hers. “No panties?”

  She bites her lip as she shakes her head. “I couldn’t, not with this dress.”

  “Damn, baby,” I murmur then attack her mouth once again as I fumble with my belt. As soon as I unzip my pants and free my cock, I’m lifting her up. Her hands move to my shoulders where she holds on for dear life and wraps her legs around my waist. I pull her onto my cock and push into her in one move.

  “Silas!” she screams as I thrust in and out of her.

  “Sorry, baby, this isn’t going to last very long.” I apologize, it’s been too fucking long.

  “Please, Silas,” she begs while her pussy contracts around my cock as I continue to thrust into her.

  I’ve lost all sense of control. The only thing I can think of is fucking her, making up for lost time. It’s been way too long since I’ve held her in my arms, since I’ve been inside of her. It’s like coming home.

  “Pay,” I groan as I keep up the relentless pace.

  “I need to come,” she gasps, her lips agains
t my ear.

  “Not yet,” I tell her. I’m close, this time, I need us to come together.

  “Please, Si,” she begs as her pussy contracts around me again.

  “Fuck!” I snarl. I fuck her harder, the tingling begins and my balls tighten. “Now, fucking come now,” I demand and she does. Spectacularly. Her scream rents through the air until I silence it with my mouth, I thrust into her again and spill my cum inside of her.

  I hold her up as we both recover. “Missed you, baby,” I whisper, placing a soft kiss against her lips.

  She smiles, “I missed you too.” She looks at me with so much love that it makes my heart fucking hurt. God, how the hell did I get so lucky with this woman? “Please don’t hurt me again,” she pleads softly.

  “I won’t,” I promise her and I have no intention of doing so.

  “Yo, Si, where you at man?” I hear Cas’ voice and I groan. Fucking cock-blocker.

  I pull out of her and she winces. I quickly tuck myself in, and just in the nick of time. Cas strolls around the corner. I pull her so that she’s hidden from view. “Come on, baby, I’ll take you home.”

  She opens her mouth to protest, so I slam my lips against hers. “Home, baby,” I growl as my cock starts to harden again. “I’ll just drop you off at the door and I’ll be back in the morning.” I swallow hard at the fear I see in her eyes. “I love you.” I have to tell her, I have to let her know.

  I pull her with me as we walk toward Caston. The fucker is glaring at me as though I’ve done something wrong. “Jesus Christ. What the fuck man? Again? I thought you stopped this shit?” He snarls and it takes everything in me not to punch him. “Seriously?” He grouses when he realizes that someone’s with me.


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