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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

Page 8

by K. L. Humphreys

  “What the fuck?” I growl, Payton tenses behind me. She’s still hidden from his view.

  “You and your random women. When the fuck are you going to stop screwing them?” He shakes his head. “Shit.” He scrubs his head when Payton comes into view.

  “Um, hi,” she says softly with a beautiful smile on her face. She tries to pull her hand away from mine. “Silas, I need to call my friend,” she tells me and this time I let go of her hand when she tugs.

  “The damn alley?” Caston raises a brow.

  I shrug, “She was leaving.” It’s my only explanation. I couldn’t let her go again.

  “Now you have to make sure you hold onto her. I love Saya, there’s no one else for me. But I’m not blind. Payton is gorgeous, but she’s also insecure. The groupies will pounce on that, not to mention her line of work, she’s going to have a lot of male attention. Can you handle that?”

  Fuck, he’s right. Those groupies are ruthless, their only dream is to marry a player. Tomorrow, we’ll sort everything out. Tonight, I’m basking in the fact that I’ve got my girl back.

  Chapter 14


  He’s here. I can’t believe that we’re actually in close proximity. He’s so much more intense, than I remember. But the feelings I’ve felt for him came rushing back with just a touch. Being with him feels right, feels like it’s meant to be. But there’s so much hurt between us that I’m not sure if we will ever get to the place where we were. I’m not even certain if I want to, we’ve both changed a lot. I’m not the girl that he fell in love with.

  I don’t think about the fact that we’ve just had sex in a freaking alleyway. Damn, if anyone saw that it could do a lot of damage. Shit. Now I’m going to be in limbo to see if anyone saw us. If they did, I’m going to have to call Jerald and see if he can do damage control.

  Silas is talking quietly with his friend and I wait for Bianca to exit the club. She told me when I called that she was talking to a guy, she didn’t sound happy and was relieved when I called. I can’t help but keep my eyes on the exit of the club. I’m finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when I see her coming toward me.

  “Go to hell,” she says pulling her arm from the grip the guy behind her has on it. “I’ve told you three times already, leave me alone.”

  I move toward her, managing to evade Silas’ hand as he tries to reach for me. “What’s wrong?” I ask her as soon as I’m close to her.

  “This asshole doesn’t seem to know what no means.” She huffs as she crosses her arms over her chest. Even though she’s acting tough I can see the tears in her eyes.

  “What did he do?” I demand, needing to know what the asshole has done to upset her.

  “He actually had the balls to tell me that he couldn’t believe that I was a model. His words were, and I quote. “I thought models were thin.” Then he tried backpedaling. Payton, meet Tate Hemmington.”

  The asshole who never called her after they met at the gym. I step in front of her, blocking him from looking at her. “It’s time for you to go.”

  “What’s going on?” Silas asks, coming to stand between Tate and I.

  “Nothing,” Tate growls. “Just stupid, fucking women acting crazy.”

  “Watch how you fucking talk about her,” Silas snarls as he moves closer to me, his hand going to my nape and he caresses it.

  Tate’s eyes widen, “Fucking hell. Is that Payton?”

  I glance at Silas, how does he know who I am?

  “Yep,” Silas’ friend says with a smile. “And I take it that this is her friend, Bianca?”

  “Yeah,” I reply as I hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you…”

  “Caston, although most people call me Cas, and let me just say, it’s real good to finally meet you, Payton. Hopefully, now, this love-sick fool will stop talking about you.”

  My cheeks flame at his words, Silas talks about me?

  “Oh my,” Bianca gasps. “Pay, is this Silas?”

  I spin around to face her and see that she’s got tears in her eyes. “Yes,” I murmur and she smiles. “Are you okay?”

  She nods, “Yeah, as long as he stays away from me.” She nods in Tate’s direction. “Our car will be here soon.”

  “Babe, what’s that?” Silas asks softly. “You have a car?”

  I laugh, it sounds ludicrous, but yes, I do. “We have a car service for whenever we need to go somewhere. Our agent insists on it.”

  He nods in approval. “I’m liking your agent already.”

  “Jerald is a good man, he’s protective of us. Our apartment has top security and whenever we’re on photoshoots or jobs, he makes sure that we have guards watching us. As much as it can get tedious, we actually appreciate it.”

  “Pay, the cars here,” Bee says, as if I can’t see it rolling to a stop ahead of us. “Are the guys coming?”

  Silas answers before I’m able too. “Yes, I want to make sure that she gets home in one piece.”

  Bianca smiles widely at him, “Okay, I’m guessing the jerk will be coming with you too?”

  Silas and Cas glance at Tate, I’m wondering how they know him. “I do apologize for our friend, he’s not usually this much of an asshole,” Caston says with an easy smile.

  Bianca shrugs, “Let’s go home, Pay, we’ve a flight to catch in the morning.”

  Crap, I forgot about that. I glance at Silas who’s staring at me with a raised brow.

  Bianca laughs, “You forgot didn’t you?” She shakes her head, “Damn, you were right, he really does turn your brain to mush.” She climbs into the back of the car, Tate’s instantly behind her.

  “You said that, baby?” I blush at Silas’ words. It’s not a thing I want him knowing, he’s got a big head already. “How long will you be gone?” he asks as he helps me into the back of the car.

  Once the driver pulls away, I turn to Silas and try to figure out when we can see each other again. “This shoot is for three weeks, I’ll be back in time to have Christmas with Dahlia and my family.” I can see the agony in his eyes, we’re going to be away from each other for a while. “I have four days off over Christmas, I could swing by yours for a few days?”

  He winces, “I’ve an away game.”

  Shit. “After my time off, I am booked solid for three months. I’m in Milan in March and then I finally have some time off.” I had asked Jerald to not book anything else for a month. I’ve been working hard since I was seventeen and I need time to recuperate. I still have to do the shoots that are in my contracts for Serafini, Tiger, and Isabella but no more.

  “Jesus, babe.” He groans and I understand, we’re going to be apart for a long time. “It’s fine, Pay, we’ve gone three years, we can do three months.”

  I’m loving his optimism, but I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that it’s not going to be as smooth sailing as he thinks.

  “Hey,” he says quietly, his hand on my chin pulling my face to look at him. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll talk all the time. I’ve just got you back, I’m not going to lose you again.”

  I rest my head against his shoulder, breathing in his scent. Just being back in his arms has settled something inside of me, I don’t think I’ve felt this peaceful in a long time.

  “What time is your flight?” Tate asks and Bianca glares at him. “Please.”

  She sighs, “It’s at nine.”

  “Where are you flying to, baby?” Silas asks with a kiss to my head.

  “London.” I smile, I hate long distance flights, but thankfully we’re working with Isabella and she’s letting us use her jet.

  The guys are silent as our driver heads toward the hotel where we’re spending the night. We had interviews this morning; it’s one of the many stipulations in our contract to be a Tiger, we have to do interviews and social gatherings. I don’t mind doing them as long as they’re spread out.

  Soon the car pulls up out front of the hotel and the guys jump out and Bianca asks the driver to take the guys to thei
r apartment.

  Silas pulls me to him as soon as I’m out of the car. “Why am I finding it hard to say goodbye?” he asks quietly and my eyes well with tears. I don’t want to let him go, I can’t. He cups my cheeks, “I promise you, baby, this isn’t the end. You’re mine, you always have been.”

  His lips descend on mine and I melt into his arms. The kiss is feverish, passionate and full of promise. I’m breathless and clinging to him when he pulls away. “I’m not losing you,” he vows and I nod. “I love you, baby. Call me when your flight lands.”

  “I will, I love you,” I reply, hating that he takes a step backward.

  “In you go, baby,” he instructs. I’m grateful when Bianca takes my hand and leads me toward the entrance to the hotel.

  I glance behind me to see him still standing there, watching me. As soon as I’m inside the hotel lobby he turns and leaves, jumping back into the car.

  “You’ll be okay, that man isn’t going to let you slip through his fingers again,” Bianca says softly. “He loves you fiercely, you can tell by the way he looks at you.”

  “I hate that when I’ve found him, I have to leave.” The tears slowly begin to fall. Tonight has been a rollercoaster of emotions.

  “I know, Pay, but it’s not the end for you two.”

  I really hope that she’s right. My life without Silas has been amazing, but having him in it makes me feel alive. I can survive without him, but I don’t want to.

  Chapter 15


  “Did you talk to Payton this morning?" Tate asks as he walks into the kitchen and for the first time in months, he's not hungover. He looks better, I just hope it stays this way.

  "Yeah," I answer as I shove another spoon of cereal into my mouth.

  I still can't believe that I've found her again, and now I'm not going to see her for at least three months. "What's going on with you and Bianca?" I was fucking shocked when I saw the soft look on his face as he was talking to her. Bianca's nothing like the women he usually goes for, but the way he was staring at her, I'd say he's falling fast for the pretty model.

  He sighs, scrubbing his hand over his face as he comes to sit opposite me at the island. "I fucked up."

  I shake my head, "You think? Did you actually call her fat?"

  When Bianca walked out of the club, Payton went instantly on alert, her body tensed and she was watching Tate with caution. When Bianca told her what the jackass said to her, my baby had her hackles up, she stood in front of her friend ready to face down Tate. It was cute as fuck, but the snarl that came from Tate had me stepping in.

  He has the decency to look contrite. "She thinks I did, but I didn't."

  "So you didn't say that you thought models were thin?" I ask just as Caston comes into the kitchen and goes in search of coffee.

  Tate winces at my words, "I didn't mean it like that."

  "Sorry to say this, bro, but only one way a woman is going to take that," Cas injects as he pours himself a cup. "Need a refill?" he asks and I nod, he pours Tate a cup too. "You like Bianca?" he asks Tate as he slides him his coffee.

  Tate doesn't even hesitate, "Yes, she's gorgeous, didn't you see her?"

  Cas chuckles, "Silas wouldn't know, he only had eyes for his woman."

  The tightening of my chest isn't there anymore whenever someone mentions Payton. Thank fuck.

  "What the hell happened last night anyway?" Tate asks.

  Cas smirks, "I went to find Silas, after he did a disappearing act and found him in the alleyway with Payton. Let's just say they were making up for lost time."

  I roll my eyes at the little shit.

  "Dude, what the fuck?" Tate growls, "Did anyone see?"

  I frown, "I don't think so."

  He shakes his head. "You're both fucking famous, asshole. Anyone could have seen that and what if they took a picture?"

  Oh fuck. I didn't think of that, I was so wrapped up in trying to stop her from leaving and then having her that I didn't stop to think about anything else.

  "Who would have thought that it'd have been Tate to have some common sense?" Cas quips. "No one saw, you're all good. You just have to be careful in the future."

  I nod, he's right. "Yeah, I've just got her back, the last thing I need is shit to hit the fan."

  "What about you, Romeo?" Cas says to Tate with a grin. Have you finally pulled your head out of your ass?"

  I continue eating my breakfast as I watch Tate's face closely, pain slashes through his features and I'm wondering what the hell happened. I know Kayley left him, but now I'm thinking that something more may have happened.

  "Yes," he replies after a couple of moments. "Kayley fucked up and in return I did. I've realized that we were both to blame for what happened and not just me. I'm sorry that I've been a fucking ass these past couple of months."

  I shake my head. "It's not us you need to apologize to. You came close to screwing up your career."

  He sighs, "I know, that's what pulled my head out of my ass. Watching you two play while I'm on the sidelines, sucks, but I only have myself to blame. I also know that it's going to take some time before I'm able to prove that I'm not going to self-destruct again."

  Damn, it's fucking good to hear he's got his head back in the game. I just hope that he keeps it this way.

  "Do we have Bianca to thank for this?" Cas asks and I watch as the corner of Tate's lips twitch. "I'll take that as a yes. Tate you want her, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot of groveling."

  His jaw clenches, "I didn't call her fat."

  Now I sigh, does he think it's going to be easy? "You didn't have to say it, it was implied. You hurt her, Tate, and I think it's going to be a while before she forgives you."

  He rests his face in his hands. "Fuck," he growls.

  My cell beeps and I glance down and see it's from Payton, I can't help the smile that forms.

  "The woman of the hour," Cas says slapping me on my back.

  I reach for my cell and see she sent a text and a picture.

  The text says. We were seen last night.

  My heart stutters, what the hell? Did someone see us in the alleyway?

  When I open the image I sigh in relief, it's a picture of Payton and I in an embrace outside the hotel.

  "Damn, could you two be any closer together?" Cas smirks as he looks at the picture over my shoulder. "I'm happy for you, bro."

  I smile, I'm fucking happy. It's been a long time since I've felt this at ease. It'll be better when we're able to spend more than a fucking hour together.

  "She seems like good people," Tate says. But I wouldn't give a fuck if he didn't like her. Pay's mine, always has been and always will be.

  "She's gorgeous, even better in person." Cas grins when I growl. "I'm not blind, nor is any other man in a fucking hundred mile radius. But she's yours and I wouldn't go there."

  I look down at my cell and reply to Pay's message.

  Me: You look gorgeous.

  I'm not pissed that someone took our photo, hell I'm fucking glad, now everyone can see that she's mine. Possessive? Yes, but I don't care.

  She responds instantly.

  Payton: Miss you.

  Me: I miss you too, baby, text me when you land. Love you.

  Payton: Love you too. Have a good day. X

  Damn, a kiss. I fucking love that.

  "Okay, are you done with the sappiness? We've got to get to training," Tate grumbles. "Are we going to the children's hospital today?"

  We go to Seattle's Children's hospital whenever we can and meet the sick children. We've made connections with the kids there, it hurts when one of them passes away, their tiny bodies unable to fight any longer.

  "Yes, it's been a while since we've been there," I say. It'll also take my mind off Payton being on a damn flight going across the Atlantic ocean.

  Cas gets to his feet. "Let's get moving." He's a morning person, whereas Tate and I aren't. He's a pain in our asses most of the time.

I turn at Will's voice, he's got a smile on his face as he moves toward me. "Seems as though you had a good night."

  I raise an eyebrow and that just has him smiling wider. "You have something to say?"

  The rest of the team are standing close by listening to our interaction. "Saw the pictures. It's kind of hard to miss. Your faces splashed over every rag there is."

  I smile, "And?"

  He throws his head back and laughs, "I'm happy for you."

  "Thanks, bro," I tell him when he pulls me into a man hug, slapping my back as he does.

  "She coming to the game this weekend?" He glances around our teammates and grins when none of them even try hiding the fact that they're listening.

  "No, she's on her way to London as we speak. She'll be gone for nine days."

  He winces, yeah, that's how I fucking feel. "Damn, it'll take a while before you can get into a routine. But when you do, it's worth it."

  "I hope you're right. It's going to be at least three months before I see her again." I just hope it flies, she's only been on her flight for two hours and already I'm missing her.

  Not being with her for three years has made it harder. I've never felt this possessive over her before and now I hate the thought of her being anywhere without me. There's not much I can do about it, she has her life and I have mine, no it's going to be trying to find an in between of those lives and melding them together.

  "Fuck," he curses. "Three months." He shakes his head. "You've done longer."

  "That's why I'm not going insane," I admit. "This time though it's different. She's not holding back. We're talking."

  He nods, "That's good. It's going to get hard, Silas, just don't let her push you away."

  "I don't intend to."

  He nods, "You coming with us to the children's hospital?"

  "Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen the kids."

  He smiles at me. His wife Meg is a nurse at the hospital, it's how the two of them met. His wife is a fucking superstar, I wouldn't be able to hack it, watching those kids fight every day to try and survive. It's heartbreaking and Meg does it every day.


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