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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

Page 10

by K. L. Humphreys

  Opening the card, I'm stunned when I see a bracelet inside. "Ty..." I whisper, this is an exact replica of the one my mom used to wear.

  He shakes his head, "We all got it for you." He shrugs as though it's no big deal.

  Tears well in my eyes and I will them not to fall. Everyone's having a good time, I don't want to spoil that. "Thank you." I say once I've gotten myself under control. "Best gift ever." They all smile as relief hits their eyes. "Open your presents," I tell them when they keep their eyes on me almost as if they think I'm going to cry. Not yet, not here.

  Mary opens her presents from me, I bought her two Hermes bags, and some Tiger lingerie, along with the new iPhone, which I also got Tyler too. Sebastian got some toys and a Nintendo. They're all happy with their loot and have big smiles on their faces.

  I give Dahlia her present, it's a weekend spa trip for her and Bethan for this weekend. I'm staying here and she's getting some time alone. She also got some Tiger lingerie.

  Bianca was the hardest person to buy for, but I managed to get her something I know that she'd love. She's an amazing artist and I've booked her in to have an anonymous show in a gallery.

  "Pay, this is from Silas," Dahlia tells me as she hands me a box and a card. "Why don't you go on upstairs and open it."

  I take it from her and give Ty a wink. He's doing better today, but I'll be keeping an eye on him from now on. Once I'm in my bedroom, I open the card and see a letter.


  This is a promise ring.

  I promise that I'll always love you.

  I promise that I'll always support you.

  I promise that I'll always be here for you.

  I promise that we'll grow old together.

  Most of all, I promise to be the man that you deserve.

  Merry Christmas, baby.

  I love you.


  The tears are flowing as I open the box and see a beautiful diamond ring. It's got a diamond in the center with smaller diamonds that go around the band. It's perfect and something that I'd have picked out myself.

  God, this man just gets better and better. I don't think I could love anyone as much as I love him. I just pray that he likes his present. He’s always wanted a motorcycle, I hope the Ducati is okay.

  Chapter 18


  My girl is fucking happy, I can hear it in her voice every time we talk. The pictures that are splashed across the rags show her smiling brightly and looking more beautiful than ever. As much as I’d like to think I’m the reason for her happiness, I know that I’m not, but fuck if I'm not glad that she’s feeling this way.

  We’ve been having phone sex a hell of a lot. It’s a shitty thing to think that I’ve gotten myself off more since Payton and I have been back together than I’ve gotten off inside of her. But if this is the only way that I can be with my girl, then so be it. I’ll jerk off until the day I die as long as she’s watching. My girl is filthy, she loves when I talk dirty to her, the moans she releases as I describe what I’d love to do to her is something else. It’s a quick fire way to ensure that I’m coming long before I fucking should.

  I love seeing my ring on her finger. I know that it’s not an engagement ring but it may as well be. The love I have for her isn’t going to change. I’m going to marry her, I knew it at seventeen and I know it now. Payton is my forever.

  “Morning,” Cas says coming into the kitchen. Things between him and Saya are rocky to say the least. She’s barely answering his texts and she won’t answer his calls. It’s fucking with his head. It reminds me of when things went to shit between Payton and I. He needs to nip it in the bud now before he loses her for years, just as I did with Pay.

  “You good?” I ask, the dark shadows under his eyes tells me he’s far fucking from it.

  “Nope,” he mutters. “She’s not talking to me and I’m not sure why. It’s driving me insane.”

  “Push her.” It’s the only advice I have, “You want her, and you know damn well that she loves you. Push her to find out why the hell she’s doing this.”

  He sighs, scrubbing his hand at the back of his neck. “I will, I’m not letting her go.”

  I smile, he’s making me look like a fucking failure. I should have done what he’s doing now, not giving up.

  “Have you any idea what could make her act this way?” I’m as confused as he is about this entire situation. Cas has told me everything about his and Saya’s relationship, even more than I needed to know.

  He sighs, “I have no fucking idea, that’s what’s making it worse. If I knew her reasoning I’d be able to alleviate whatever fucking fears she has but I don’t. I’m walking blind right now.”

  I feel for him, if I were in his predicament I’d be tearing my hair out. How the hell is he staying as calm as he is? I ended up fucking every woman that I came in contact just to try and get Payton out of my mind. I fucked up more than anyone. I shouldn't have acted like an asshole, instead I should have done everything in my power to get her back. I should never have let her go for as long as I did.

  “Keep pushing her.” It’s the only thing I can say, “Don’t give up.”

  He nods, “I don’t intend on giving up. I know that she’s my forever girl and I’m not losing her.”

  My cell rings and he glances down at the screen. A smirk forms on his face. “Speaking of forever girls, there’s yours.” He snatches my keys off the counter with a grin. “I’m taking the bike.”

  I shake my head, he’s more obsessed with my bike than I am. I fucking love my Ducati, it’s the bike that I’ve always wanted. My girl knows me well, only problem, fucking Cas and I are similar and the asshole’s been taking it out for spins to clear his head.

  “Hey, baby,” I say as I answer the phone.

  “Hey you.” I can hear the smile in her voice, “What are your plans for the day?”

  This is our morning ritual. We talk for a while before we go about our day, she tells me that she likes to start her day hearing my voice. Like I’m going to deny her that. Fuck, I doubt I could deny her anything.

  “Got training this morning, then I’m going to the children’s hospital.” I hear her sigh and I know that she’s worried about me and about the kids. I’ve told her a bit about the children and how hard it is when they lose their fight.

  I’ve learned a hell of a lot about her over the past few weeks. My girl is tender hearted, I knew it from the get go, I just didn’t know how tender hearted she could be. I told her about the kids that I see at the hospital and Payton loses her mind. She wanted to know about the parents and if they’re being looked after. What does she do? She pays their rent for the next few months, she has dinners brought to them each night. It’s done anonymously, no one is to know. Bianca, Jerald, me and Payton are the only ones that are privileged with that information. I’m pretty sure that Bianca’s in on her little plan too.

  No one from the hospital has any idea, nor do my teammates. I’m sure that the families believe that it’s the team that’s doing it and Payton wants me to ensure that it’s kept that way.

  “What about you, baby?” I ask quickly, changing the subject before she starts to cry. Hearing her tears claws at my gut, especially when I can’t be there to hold her.

  “I’m going to be lying on the beach in a bikini getting my photo taken.” She sighs dramatically, making it sound like it’s the hardest job in the world. It’s tough, she’s on set for over ten hours a day but I know that she loves her job and she’s not actually complaining.

  “That’s good, baby, did you talk to Ty?” Her brother was having problems but since Christmas he seems to have settled down.

  “Yes, he’s good. His grades are improving. We actually talk almost every day. I spoke to Dahlia and she told me that it’s like having the old Ty back.”

  I smile, “You got through to him.”

  “Yeah, I’m just mad that it took me so long to realize what was going on.”

  She’s so hard
on herself, she believes that she should be the one to fix everyone’s problems. She’ll run herself to the ground.

  “Baby, we’ve talked about this. You’re doing the best you can and you’ve shown all of them that you’re there for them whenever they need you.” Not to mention all the money she’s squirreled away from them all. She’s got some hefty trust funds set up for them. She told me that she wanted them set up before she thought about buying a house and setting up a home for herself.

  What she doesn’t know is wherever she sets up home, I’ll be right there with her. While I love playing for Seattle Football, my heart has and always will belong with Payton. Where she is, I’ll be.

  “I know, I know.” I can hear the smile back in her voice. “You had better get a move on, otherwise you’ll be late.”

  I glance at the clock on the wall and see she’s right, I’ve got thirty minutes to get ready before I have to leave. “Speak to you later.” I don’t ask it as a question, since that night in the club we talk every morning and every night.

  “Count on it. Love you, Si.”

  Fuck, they’re the best words to hear.

  “Love you too, baby.” I end the call and think thank fuck there’s only eight weeks left until I see her again. I can hold out that long.

  Chapter 19


  I’ve started browsing for baby stuff already. I know, I’m early, but I’m almost six weeks along. It’s scary to think that I have a baby growing inside me already, but I’m overjoyed at the thought and I can’t wait to meet my little bean.

  I still haven’t told Silas yet. I hate keeping it from him, especially as he knows that I’m different. I’m unable to contain my happiness and I’ve not stopped smiling since I found out the news. Well, once I got over the initial shock.

  I’ve gotten to see my bean already, I had a checkup with a private clinic and they assured me that everything was right on track and the baby was progressing well. I have honestly never been more relieved in my life.

  My hand moves to my stomach, something that it’s been doing a lot recently and I can’t help but imagine what bean is going to look like. I imagine her, yes, her, a mixture of Silas and I. My long brown hair, and his beautiful green eyes. She’s definitely going to be the apple of her father’s eye.

  The protective way Silas is with me, I can only imagine how he’s going to be with our baby. And I’m looking forward to seeing the man that I love become a father to my child.

  I’ve decided that I’ll move base, instead of living in New York, I’ll finally buy a house and settle in Seattle with Silas. It’s what I’ve always wanted, as much as Dahlia thinks that I didn’t have dreams back when I was sixteen, I did. My dream was to marry the man I love and have his children. I guess, I didn’t lose that dream.

  It’s going to be hard being away from Bianca, especially after we’ve been living together for so long, but it’ll be good to be close to my family again. They’ll only be a two hour drive from me. I think it’s the best decision for us all. Maybe, just maybe I can tempt Bianca to move with me.

  “Pay, we have to go, Jerald’s waiting,” she tells me, pulling me from my thoughts. I reach for my purse and follow her out of the apartment. She sees the way my hand is gently caressing my stomach and smiles. She’s the only one that knows about the baby, as my best friend, and roommate, there’s no way that I could have ever kept it from her. Besides I was bursting at the seams to tell someone and I want, no need to tell Silas face to face. He deserves that.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m walking into the lobby of one of New York’s most exclusive hotels.

  “Ah, Payton,” Jerald says with a smile as he kisses my cheek. “Come, follow me,” he instructs and I dutifully follow him as he walks toward the hotel’s restaurant. “No Bee?”

  I roll my eyes, he always says that we’re joined at the hip. We are, but we also do things alone too. “She’s shopping.” Bianca has an obsession with handbags and shoes; I’m pretty sure she has a full storage unit dedicated to them. When we finally settle down somewhere, she’s going to need to buy two houses, one of those just for her possessions.

  He shakes his head, “It’s a good thing that you don’t like to shop, I’d hate to see what your apartment would look like.” We take a seat, “Would you like something to eat?”

  I give him a grateful smile, whenever we have meetings or he sees us, he always makes sure that we’ve eaten. It’s one of the many reasons that Dahlia adores him. “No, thank you, but I wouldn't turn down a cup of tea.” I usually drink coffee but since I found out that I’m pregnant, I’ve turned to drinking tea.

  He orders a coffee for himself and tea for me, when the server brings them down to us, he gets down to business. “I had a very surprising call about you six weeks ago.”

  I raise my brows as I bring my cup to my lips, six weeks ago?

  “I’m your agent for Global Model Management. Saying that, you and Bianca are more like my family. You girls have treated me like a father and honestly, I see you as my daughters. So this call I got was a surprise and I had to do a little digging as well as trying to figure out what to do next if you decided this was something you’d want to do.”

  I’m so confused. “Jerald, what are you talking about?”

  He chuckles softly, “I’ve started a new company, McAndrews Management. I’m not just a modelling agent, I’m an agent to movie stars, sport stars, and anyone else who needs me.”

  I nod, “Okay, so you’re branching out. That’s good, you’re a great agent and manager.”

  He gives me a soft smile, the one he only reserves when we’re not talking about business. “Thank you.” He grins as he drinks his coffee, “The phone call I received was from Luke Williams.”

  My breath catches in my lungs and I’m thankful that I hadn’t had any drink in my mouth, I'd have spat it out. Luke Williams? As in the freaking movie star? The amazing director Luke Williams?

  “Uh huh, thought that may make you speechless. Luke wants you to star in his new movie.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah sure.” Why on earth would a talented director want me, someone who hasn’t ever had an acting class in my life nor have I done any acting. I’m a model for cripes sake, one that stumbled into this world purely by accident.

  “Payton, I’m being serious. He wants you to fly out and audition. What do you say?”


  Jerald nods, “Seriously, Pay. This is a career change, but one that could be life changing.”

  I’m stunned.

  “I’m not sure they’re going to want me,” I admit, I haven’t told Jerald about the baby and I hadn’t planned on, but this job opportunity is amazing and I doubt they’ll want a pregnant woman filming.

  He frowns, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m pregnant, Jerald.”

  His eyes light up and he smiles widely, “Congratulations,” He whispers, his hand coming across the table and squeezing my hand. “Now it all makes sense. You’ve been so tired lately, I had thought you were staying up late talking to your boyfriend.”

  I blush because that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. “I’m not sure they’ll want a pregnant woman in the movie,” I tell him and instantly feel crushed. I haven’t got the job, never thought about having it and yet I feel as though I’ve lost something.

  “I’ll talk to Luke, but I’d still go for the audition. How far along are you?”

  I shake my head, “Not even six weeks yet.”

  His eyes glint, “Then no one needs to know yet.”

  I sigh, God, he’s giving me hope when there really shouldn’t be any.

  “Pay, I suggest flying back to Seattle and auditioning. The movie is actually being shot in Seattle so you’ll be close to your family and Silas. There’s no harm in trying it, if you don’t like it, then no harm, no foul. But you may just surprise yourself.”

  He’s right. Jerald has never steered me wrong before and I trust him. “
When is the audition?”

  He smiles, “You have three days to prepare.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You don’t give me much time, do you?”

  He smiles, “No, but you’re extremely talented, Payton. You’re going to knock their socks off. Just try to have fun.”

  I nod, “Thank you.” I still can’t believe the confidence the man has in me, he’s always believed in me.

  “Now, go find Bee and make sure she’s not bankrupting herself. I’ll talk to you soon, and take it easy.”

  I laugh, “Easy, I’m flying to Seattle, then to France. How is that taking it easy?”

  He smiles wider, “You could be going somewhere new each week.”

  I get to my feet as I shake my head, I quickly bend and kiss his cheek. “See you soon, Jerald. Make sure you get some downtime, you’re always so busy.” I don’t think the man’s had a vacation in years.

  “Go,” he tells me as he waves his hand. I’m dismissed, but his voice is soft and I know that he’s happy for me.

  Luke Williams is even hotter in real life. The man is sexy as hell but also really sweet. He put me at ease instantly. I was star-struck when I arrived and shook his hand, but thankfully, I pulled out of that quickly and managed to have a normal conversation with him without looking like a simpering fool.

  “Payton, this is Darryl, he’s auditioning for the male lead,” Ethan tells me, he’s the assistant producer. “Don’t be nervous, you’re going to do fine.”

  I smile at him, he thinks this look is due to nerves. It’s not. I’ve thrown up three times since I’ve been here and it’s nothing to do with nerves. This baby is killing me right now. I’m just glad that I grabbed some ginger ale before coming here. It’s managed to finally settle my stomach.

  Darryl and I go through our lines, I try to get them down perfectly. I’ve got the same feeling I had when I first started modelling. The excitement, the nerves, the hopefulness. It’s funny that you never know what you want until you push yourself to it.


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